This Game is Unusual

Chapter 859: Two Experiments on

"Okay, I will pass on your words to the higher-ups." The voice of the exclusive correspondent Liu Ji.

Xiao Zhidao: "Let the army of sentient beings choose a few suitable targets for me to hunt. The best is Nascent Soul cultivator. Nascent Soul cultivator gives more points, so killing one should be enough."

Nascent Soul cultivator, at least in this world of two kingdoms, is the existence at the pinnacle.

Once upon a time, Xiao Zhi needed to look up to these Nascent Soul cultivators, but now, he can already target these Nascent Soul cultivators.

"Okay, okay." The voice of the exclusive correspondent Liu Ji.

A few seconds later, Liu Ji's voice said, "Mr. Xiao Zhi, what realm are you sure you can deal with?"

Xiao Zhi thought for a while and said, "It's all fine."

"All okay?" Liu Jidao was stunned for a moment, and said, "Peak Yuanying cultivator is also okay?"

Xiao Zhi thought for a while, and said, "If it's a sneak attack, there should be no problem, as long as it's not too strong, I should be able to kill it."

Liu Ji on the other side of the phone couldn't help but lose his mind when he heard this.

Can a monk at the peak of Nascent Soul kill him? Is Xiao Zhi now so powerful?

Then Xiao Zhi continued: "If there is a peak Nascent Soul cultivator in Xuanming State who is more suitable for hunting, you can give me his relevant information. If you can successfully kill a peak Nascent Soul cultivator in Xuanming State, it will relieve us to some extent. The pressure in this national war."

"Okay, okay, I will truthfully convey your request to the higher-ups." Liu Ji's voice.

Xiao Zhi said: "Let's do this first, once you have news, just send me a message."

"Okay, okay..."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Zhi lay back on the bed, closed his eyes, and re-entered the world of sentient beings.

In the world of sentient beings, Xiao Zhi took out the sound transmission jade charm from his arms, and tried to contact Venerable Ji Shi.

When I was in the Absolute Mountain Cold Region before, this sound transmission jade talisman was affected by the special environment in the Absolute Cold Mountain Region. There was no signal at all, and no one could be contacted at all.

Now that he has stepped out of the Absolute Cold Mountain, the situation is different.

However, after the jade talisman was taken out, it floated in front of Xiao Zhi's eyes, but the light was dim, and there was still no signal, and it was impossible to contact Venerable Ji Shi.

After some attempts to no avail, Xiao Zhi took the sound transmission jade talisman and said in his heart: "It should be the defensive formation belonging to the Dachang Kingdom nearby, which has been completely destroyed, so my sound transmission jade talisman No signal at all."

The mountain cold road where he is now has been completely occupied as early as a few months ago. It is also reasonable that there is no signal from the sound transmission jade talisman here.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi felt relieved.

‘It’s rare to come out once, let’s take a stroll around here first. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

Xiao Zhi, who was in a hidden state, quickly soared into the sky, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared into the distant sky.

Xiao Zhi's current flying speed is so fast that he appeared above a city in a short time.

This is a small city that exists between two huge icebergs. The length and width are less than five miles. The city gates are tightly closed, and the walls made of bluestone are covered with thick frost.

The doors of the shops and houses in the city are also tightly closed. It is already early morning, and in this world where there is not much nightlife, people have already gone to sleep at this point.

Xiao Zhi is currently in the realm of the late Nascent Soul, and he is using the consummation-level high-level supernatural power [Shenyinshu]. Logically speaking, no one should be able to find him in this small city. .

As a result, as soon as he landed here, there was movement in this small city, and a light blue light appeared out of thin air, like an egg shell, covering the sky above the city.

A figure in fiery red armor soared into the sky from a courtyard, his eyes were shining brightly, he scanned the surroundings vigilantly, and said sharply, "Who is coming? Why hide your head and show your tail, come out!"

Xiao Zhi looked down at him.

This is just a martial artist in the middle stage of foundation establishment, in the eyes of Xiao Zhi now, he is really pitifully weak.

He is currently in a state of divine concealment. It is absolutely impossible for a mere martial artist in the middle stage of foundation establishment to see through his whereabouts. The only one who can see through his whereabouts is this Qingyun-level moat formation in front of him!

The protective formation that exists in this world of two countries has a special magic, that is, it can sense the approach of Jindan and above monks from a long distance.

Because of its miraculous nature, when a war breaks out between the two countries, the powerful monks above Jindan can only advance step by step, attacking the city and plundering the land. Few monks will rely on their powerful mobility to go deep alone.

Because if a monk goes deep into the hinterland of the enemy country with his own strength, he is likely to be besieged by monks from the enemy country several times his own. Unless he has invincible combat power, otherwise, there is a high probability that he will be besieged and killed.

Therefore, few senior monks would do this.

"Who is here, get out!" Seeing that there was no one answering around, the leader of Xuanming Kingdom, who was wearing the fiery red general's armor, sternly said again.

"Hehehe, you dare to yell in front of this old man in mere foundation building, you really want to die!" The air fluctuated, and a gloomy old man in a black robe, with a pair of triangular eyes and a hooked nose emerged from the air, The voice was cold.

As soon as the words fell, the black-robed old man dodged, approached the city, and then stretched out his bony hand to pat it forward!

Then there was a bang, and the light blue mask covering the city shattered, turning into spots of light all over the sky.

"Dare!?" The Xuanming Kingdom's foundation-building commander, who was wearing a fiery red general's armor, was terrified by this scene, but he still pretended to be calm and said sharply: "This is the border of Xuanming Kingdom. Is Xuan Mingguo an enemy? You..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a cold ice blade appeared out of thin air and pierced his head in an instant!

The foundation-building leader of Xuanming Kingdom died instantly. His body was covered with a thick layer of frost at a speed visible to the naked eye, and fell powerlessly from the midair.

The whole city was shocked!

In the city, those innate warriors who were awakened were all looking up at the sky in horror, no one dared to speak!

Some people even had their legs go limp, and were so frightened that they knelt on the ground, trembling.

In the next second, a severe cold fell, and in an instant, it swept the entire city.

In this small city, almost all the innate soldiers of Xuanming Kingdom turned into ice sculptures in just a few seconds.

"It's all done." Li Kuo, the demon, sent a sound transmission to Xiao Zhizhi.

"Well, let's go." Xiao Zhi overlooked the scene, and through his thoughts, he replied to Li Kuo.

The old man of prey that just appeared was condensed by Xiao Zhi's water movement law, and he looked so lifelike that even a monk named Nascent Soul would not be able to tell if he was real or not unless he observed it closely.

As for the murderer, it was the demon Li Kuo.

After flying away from the city, Xiao Zhi was thinking about something while flying as a bird.

He was thinking, could he have the ability to evade the induction of these defensive formations through Fa Xiang's ability to "speak out the law"? If he can do it, then he will be invincible, he can go wherever he wants, and kill whoever he wants, just thinking about it makes him feel happy!

Also, many of his martial arts and supernatural powers are upgraded using the national war merit points, all of them are stuck at the perfection level, and can no longer break through to Dzogchen. Ability, can you lift this restriction and help him upgrade all these exercises and supernatural powers to Dzogchen.

If he can do this, then he will become stronger, and his strength will definitely be greatly improved!

This is not an absolute territory, Xiao Zhi does not need to suppress his own speed, he can fly forward at full speed without restraint.

The icebergs below were quickly left behind by Xiao Zhi.

Not long after, another city appeared in Xiao Zhi's field of vision.

Xiao Zhi paused in mid-air, and called out his Dharma image.

Nascent Soul Xiao Zhisuo turned into a Dharma form, stretched out his red arm with gnarled muscles, pointed at Xiao Zhi, and shouted in a loud voice: "Give him the ability to evade the detection of the large defensive formation!"

As soon as Fa Xiang said this, Xiao Zhi felt a strange force acting on him!

Then, the true energy in his body was lost as quickly as the Yellow River burst its embankment!

At this moment, the speed of the loss of true energy in his body was several times faster than the speed of the loss of true energy when he had eight times the vision before!

In an instant, the true energy in Xiao Zhi's body had bottomed out, which made Xiao Zhi's heart tremble wildly, and his heart palpitations reached the extreme!

"Quick! Stop!" Xiao Zhi yelled in his heart.

Nascent Soul Xiao Zhisuo's Dharma form also said in a muffled voice: "Stop!"

The strange force that enveloped him disappeared in an instant.

At this time, the true energy in Xiao Zhi's body had been completely drained, and the side effects began to appear.

Xiao Zhi's whole body was visibly thinner compared to before, his face was pale, and his whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

After the true energy is drained, all kinds of supernatural powers can no longer be maintained.

Nascent Soul Xiao Zhi could no longer maintain the presence of the Dawei Heavenly King Dharma Aspect, the tall and ferocious Dharma Aspect suddenly collapsed and turned into bubbles, leaving only a very dim ball of light, which escaped into Xiao Zhi's body.

Xiao Zhi also retreated from the hidden state, and then retreated from the bird form. At the same time, his body lost the ability to float and fell from a high altitude.

Fortunately, Li Kuo, the evil spirit, was by his side. Li Kuo, the evil spirit, had quick eyes and quick hands, and grabbed Xiao Zhi.

Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing for him to fall from a high altitude, Xiao Zhitang Nascent Soul cultivator.

Xiao Zhi slowed down for more than ten seconds this time, and then he slowly recovered. With some difficulty, he took out a spirit stone from the storage ring, held it in his hand and absorbed it.

Even at this time, his hand holding Lingshi was still trembling slightly.

After absorbing more than a dozen spirit stones in one breath, Xiao Zhi finally regained his strength.

With a lingering fear on his face, he said: "It's so dangerous, it's almost..."

Just a little bit, he might be sucked and fucked.

The demon Li Kuo also said with a look of fear on his face: "Xiao Zhi, if you can use this ability, you should try not to use it."

"I know……"

At the foot of an iceberg, Xiao Zhi absorbed the spirit stone here, regained his energy, and took a short rest.

While absorbing the spirit stone, Xiao Zhi was thinking about something in his heart.

'Just now, I can clearly feel that there is a strange force acting on must be a success, right? ’ Xiao Zhi thought silently in his heart.

'It's just that after success, the speed at which the true energy is consumed is really terrifying. In just a split second, all the true energy in my body was sucked out. If I hadn't stopped in time, I would probably have been sucked Adults do it, who can bear it...'

He is a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, and he has also practiced [Condensation Art], the true energy in his body is as deep as the sea, but in such a moment, it was exhausted...

Obviously, his success is only of experimental value, and has no practical significance at all.

It seems that it is unrealistic for him to sneak into Xuanming Kingdom silently, wreak havoc and hunt those high-ranking monks.

So... is it feasible to use the power of "Speaking out of the law" to break through the confinement of those martial arts and supernatural powers?

As time passed, Xiao Zhi finally replenished his true energy by relying on the spirit stone in the storage ring, so that the true energy in his body returned to a full state again.

It's just that the thinness of the body can't be recovered as quickly as the real energy. It will take time to recover slowly.

Xiao Zhi collected the remaining spirit stones, gritted his teeth after a battle between heaven and man in his heart, and finally decided to go all out and test his magical powers again.

Soon, Dawei Heavenly King Dharma Xiang was 'summoned' by him again.

Xiao Zhi was very cautious, and first used his name [Whale Swallowing Skill] as an experiment.

[Whale Swallowing Kung Fu] is the lowest level of kung fu he has mastered. He feels that if he upgrades this kung fu with the ability of "speaking the law", even if it fails, the backlash should be the least. .

"Let his [Whale Swallowing Technique] break through the shackles and regain the ability to upgrade to the Dzogchen level!" Yuanying Xiao Zhisuo said in a voice.

What Fa Xiang said was what Xiao Zhi came up with after careful consideration. He felt that even if Fa Xiang said this, he failed, it should be able to minimize the backlash effect of "Speaking Fa Sui". .

As a result, as soon as Fa Xiang said this, Xiao Zhi felt a very strong palpitation in his heart!

Then, the true energy in his body was exhausted almost instantly!

"Stop!" Xiao Zhi yelled in his heart with a face full of horror.

"Stop!" Fa Xiang also said in a voice at this moment.

Soon, Xiao Zhi, who was significantly thinner than before, was absorbing the spirit stone in his hand, with lingering fear on his face!

His experiment this time was regarded as a failure, and it was a complete failure. The backlash he received was much stronger than the last time!

If he hadn't been prepared and called a stop in time, he would have been sucked dry by the side effect of 'speaking and following'.

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