This Game is Unusual

Chapter 879: The Dust Settles

"Old ghost Kui!" Venerable Kulian yelled at this moment, "Old ghost Kui! Even if I am a ghost, I will not let you go!"

He looked at Venerable Kui with hatred in his eyes.

Venerable Kui said in a cold voice, "You won't let me go even if you're a ghost? Kulian old ghost, when you really become a ghost, you'll know how powerful I am!"

In Venerable Kui's death domain, Yang Bin and other players almost laughed out loud when they heard this!

Even ghosts will not let Venerable Kui go?

Venerable Kui is the Nascent Soul of Ghost Cultivator! He still has the status of ghost emperor. Once the Venerable Kulian dies and falls into the endless hell, what will happen to him?

Many players have even made up this wonderful picture in their minds.

In the next second, Master Kulian also followed in the footsteps of Master Danyang and others, and died under the sword and pestle of Dawei Heavenly King Dharma Xiang.

Next is Master Gui Yuan.

When the black alms bowl turned into black smoke and dissipated, Master Guiyuan, who emerged from it, did not run away, but knelt down in mid-air trembling, and said in a miserable voice, "Forgive me! Senior Xiao, please forgive me!" One life, spare me!"

The dignified Yuanying Daxiu, at this moment, is extremely humble in order to survive!

Xiao Zhi, who was standing on the shoulder of Dawei Heavenly King Faxiang, looked down at Master Guiyuan who was kneeling and begging for mercy. His face showed no trace of sympathy, and his expression was extremely indifferent.

"I gave you a chance just now, not just once, but several times!" Xiao Zhi said coldly, "And what about you? Just ignored my words! What I hate the most in my life is your kind The man at both ends of the snake!"

His words were not only addressed to Master Guiyuan in front of him, but also to the other Nascent Soul cultivators present.

This can be regarded as killing chickens and scaring monkeys.

At the same time, he was also explaining to these people the real reason for his killing this time.

He Xiao Zhi is not a lunatic, nor is he a person who kills indiscriminately. The people he killed today deserved their crimes, and they all deserve to die!

In the next second, Venerable Guiyuan also died, under the sword and pestle of Dawei Tianwang Faxiang.

The surroundings suddenly fell into dead silence.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi raised his eyes and looked around, only Venerable Kui was floating not far from him, as for the other Nascent Soul monks, they were all far away from him.

Under Xiao Zhi's repeated killings, no Nascent Soul is willing to approach him anymore.

These Nascent Soul cultivators were all looking at him with terrified eyes.

Xiao Zhi stretched out his skinny fingers and touched his nose.

There is not much flesh left in the fingers and nose, which made Xiao Zhi feel a little uncomfortable when touching his nose with his hands.

At this time, he had completely suppressed his killing intent, and after looking around, he said, "Fellow daoists, don't panic, I, Xiaozhi, am not the kind of bloodthirsty person..."

As soon as Xiao Zhi said this, all the Nascent Soul cultivators, including Venerable Kui not far away beside him, looked at him in silence.

What the hell, killing more than 20 Nascent Soul cultivators in one go, killing blood into rivers, killing the world to change color, isn't this called bloodthirsty?

So what counts as bloodthirsty?

Not only the Nascent Soul cultivator present, but also Jindan players such as Yang Bin and Tang Lan who existed in the death domain of Venerable Kui, as well as his younger brother Yang Xu, all had this expression.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn't help smiling wryly.

Forget it, bloodthirsty is bloodthirsty...

It may not be a bad thing for these people to think that I am bloodthirsty, but a good thing.

At least in the future, no matter who comes out of his mouth, he must weigh it carefully, and no one will take it as nothing.

Soon, in a secluded courtyard in Cangzhou Taoist Mansion, Xiao Zhi was sitting cross-legged, sorting out the spoils from this battle.

A piece of light blue light like an egg shell enveloped the courtyard. This is a courtyard restriction, which has a good ability to prevent prying eyes. It can give the monks living in the courtyard a relatively secluded space and a relatively quiet environment. Has a certain defensive power and can resist warrior-level attacks.

In this battle, including Master Danyang's four weeds, there were a total of 25 Nascent Soul cultivators who died in his hands!

If you add Jun Wuming, Master Juechen, and Luo Yuan, it will be 28!

In other words, today, in the territory of Cangzhou Dao, there are a total of 28 Nascent Soul Daxiu, who died because of him!

These are all Nascent Soul Overhauls! Looking at the entire world of sentient beings, Yuanying Daxiu belongs to high-level combat power, and is an existence that can stand on its own and be called the ancestor!

Not to mention the 28 Nascent Soul cultivators, even if 28 Golden Core cultivators were killed in a single battle, it would be considered a major event in this world of two kingdoms.

His battle today will definitely shake the entire world of the two countries!

Until now, Xiao Zhi still felt a little dazed in his heart, and he still couldn't believe that so many Nascent Soul cultivators were killed by him alone!

It gave him a dreamy, unreal feeling.

The fighting power of Dawei Tianwang Faxiang is really too strong.

To be precise, it should be a 5-star immortal technique, which is really too powerful.

With the blessing of the five-star magic of [Dawei Tianwang Dharma], he is simply sweeping against ordinary Nascent Soul monks, just like opening Wushuang in the game!

Xiao Zhi was quite satisfied with the overall results of this battle.

He turned the tide and saved Cangzhou Daocheng from danger!

He killed more than twenty Yuanying monks of Xuanming Kingdom, and even the emperor and prince of Xuanming Kingdom died in his hands!

Killed until the remaining enemies were terrified and fled in haste!

He also cleaned up the door and successfully cleaned up Master Danyang and several other black sheep!

The only fly in the ointment was that he did not catch all the Nascent Soul cultivators who attacked from Xuanming Kingdom, and six of them escaped.

And there is...

Xiao Zhi raised his hand, put it in front of his eyes, and looked at it carefully.

This is a pair of skinny hands with only skin and bones left, like chicken feet, which look a bit permeable.

Not only his arms, but his whole body looked so skinny, as if a gust of wind could blow him down.

This is the sequelae left by Fa Xiang's 'Speaking Fasui' ability when he killed Junshen before. It is not so easy to recover from such sequelae.

Although he was severely tormented by this sequelae, Xiao Zhi did not regret it.

At that time, if he hadn't used the ability of 'Speaking out the law' to kill Jun Shen, the most powerful Xuanming country, it would be hard to say what the battle would turn out to be.

And after killing Jun Shen, he also got an innate spirit treasure level armor!

This is an innate spirit treasure!

Xiantian Lingbao is extremely rare and precious in this world, and most of the Nascent Soul Daxiu in this world do not have this thing on their bodies.

With a thought in Xiao Zhi's mind, this precious and unusually innate Lingbao-level armor appeared in front of him out of thin air.

This is a black and yellow embroidered gold dragon robe, but it no longer has the previous brilliance and looks dim.

There is a weapon spirit in the spirit treasure.

The Xiantian Lingbao is one level higher than the Lingbao, and it also contains the spirit of the weapon. The spirit of the Xiantian Lingbao is stronger and more difficult to tame than the spirit of the Lingbao.

If you don't tame the spirit, and forcefully put on this innate spirit treasure level armor, not only will it not have a defensive effect, but it will also be backlashed.

Therefore, during the previous battle, when Xiao Zhi was besieged by a group of Nascent Soul cultivators from Xuanming Kingdom, he did not take out this innate spiritual treasure-level armor to wear on his body. This is the reason.

Now it is different, now that the battle is over, Xiao Zhi can also spare some time to try to tame the innate spirit treasure armor in front of him.

Once this innate spiritual treasure-level armor successfully recognizes him as the master, his defensive power will undoubtedly increase greatly. At that time, his chances of winning against the ice glutton will undoubtedly increase a lot...

Even though the innate spirit treasure-level armor had exhausted its energy to defend against Fa Xiang's sword before, after Xiao Zhi took it out of the storage ring, it was still struggling and trying to escape. But how can it escape now?

Xiao Zhi just radiated a sliver of true energy, and it was frozen in front of his eyes, making it difficult to move.

Xiao Zhi stared at the black and yellow embroidered gold dragon robe in front of him.

Soon, a line of golden text appeared in front of his eyes like flowing water:

Xuan Cang Armor, an innate spiritual treasure-level armor, has unparalleled defense.

It turned out that the real name of this black and yellow embroidered gold dragon robe was Xuan Cangjia.

Soon, the Xuan Cangjia was pulled by a trace of true energy, and floated towards Xiao Zhi.

Holding the Xuancang Armor in his hands, Xiao began to try to refine and tame the Xuancang Armor.

A phantom floated out of Xiao Zhi's body, and quickly transformed into a human form. It was Li Kuo, the demon.

When Li Kuo appeared, his face was as pale as paper, and his body seemed a little illusory, especially his arm and waist and abdomen, which were so illusory that they were almost transparent!

"Brother Li, why don't you take good care of your injuries, what are you doing out here?" Xiao Zhi glanced at Li Kuo and asked.

Li Kuo shook his head and said: "It's okay, it's okay, you're going to fight that ice glutton in two days, you hurry up and sacrifice this innate spirit treasure, and leave the rest to me Let's tidy up."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help feeling warm in his heart. He nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll trouble Brother Li."

In this battle, what he gained was not only this piece of Xuan Cang Armor.

In this battle, not to mention other things, he gained a lot from the storage ring alone!

This is because some storage rings were accidentally damaged during the battle, or were forcibly destroyed by their owners before they died.

For example, the Emperor Jun Shen of Xuanming Kingdom, the storage ring on his body was completely destroyed by Faxiang's ten times powerful sword.

Jun Yanghao performed that forbidden technique, knowing that he would die, and before he died, he forcibly destroyed all the storage rings on his body.

Even so, the number of storage rings obtained by Xiao Zhi still exceeded 50, a total of 53!

With so many storage rings, just breaking the restrictions on them one by one is a big project and it will take a lot of time.

After the restriction is broken, it is necessary to clean out the contents of these storage rings, sort them into categories, and pick out the valuable items, or sell them to make money, or keep them for their own use, which also takes a lot of time .

Since Li Kuo took the initiative to undertake these tasks, Xiao Zhi was naturally so happy.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Outside the quiet courtyard where Xiao Zhi lived, things like appeasing the people, rearranging the defenses, and repairing the large formations for the city were in full swing.

Venerable Kui and the remaining Yuanying monks of Dachang Kingdom are the leaders of these matters.

After a secret game among high-level officials, Venerable Wu Lie became the new Taoist master of Cangzhou Road, responsible for ruling the ten thousand li territory.

Venerable Kui, Venerable Shenmu and other six Nascent Soul monks are still stationed in Cangzhou Dao City, responsible for assisting Venerable Wu Lie in defending the city.

Things were going on a lot, Yang Bin, Tang Lan and other players also quickly got busy.

However, these things have nothing to do with Xiao Zhi.

Now that Xiao Zhi is temporarily sitting in Dao City of Cangzhou, it's like a sea-fixing needle, which makes people feel at ease.

Unless the Nascent Soul monks from Xuanming Kingdom came again on a large scale, otherwise, no one would bother him.

In this way, another half an hour passed.

The restriction in the courtyard where Xiao Zhi lived fluctuated slightly like water. It was someone 'knocking' outside the courtyard.

Xiao Zhi raised his head slightly, a faint golden light flashed in his eyes.

A smile soon appeared on his face, and he said with a smile: "Xiao Xu, come in."

The light blue restriction that isolated the inside and outside was pulled away by an invisible force like a water curtain, and a slightly thin figure of a young man walked in from outside the courtyard, it was Yang Xu!

Yang Xu was wearing a black and silver embroidered military uniform, his face was a little pale, and there was a gloomy and dead air flowing through his body.

It's just that after entering this quiet courtyard, the death energy permeating Yang Xu's body faded and disappeared visibly with the naked eye.

Yang Xu, who had subdued his body's dead energy, looked no different from ordinary people except for a little paleness. He looked like a young man with a slightly thin body.

Xiao Zhi stood up, walked up quickly, and gave Yang Xu a hug with a smile.

Yang Xu was a little overwhelmed, his body stiffened obviously, but soon, he stretched out his hand and hugged Xiao Zhi lightly, a smile gradually appeared on his somewhat pale face.

Soon, Xiao Zhi and Yang Xu sat opposite each other in this secluded courtyard.

Before Xiao Zhi could speak, Yang Xu waved his hand, a plant with flowers like stars, a delicate jade bottle, and a crystal fruit like a snowball emerged out of thin air.

Yang Xu said: "Master asked me to bring this here, saying it is good for your recovery."

"Thank you Venerable Kui for me." Xiao Zhi smiled and accepted all these things.

"You can eat it now, eat it earlier, and you can recover sooner." Yang Xu said again.

"Okay, I'll eat it now." Xiao Zhi said with a smile, first he picked up the snowball-like crystal fruit.

It's cold in the hands, like touching a snowball.

Following Xiao Zhi's gaze, a line of text quickly emerged: Bing Ningguo, a treasure of heaven and earth, a holy fruit for healing, can be used to nourish the body and quickly recover from injuries...

It wasn't until this line of system text surfaced that Xiao Zhi stuffed the frozen fruit into his mouth and began to chew.

Well, it's a bit like plums, sweet and sour, very tasty.

While eating Bing Ningguo, Xiao Zhi chatted with Yang Xu: "How is the situation outside?"

"It's almost stabilized, but there are still a lot of people, with their families and families, ready to leave the city."

Xiao Zhi nodded noncommittally, and said, "Where are Master Ling Yun? Are you back?"

At that time, as soon as the protective formation of Cangzhou Dao City was breached, Master Ling Yun and the three Nascent Soul cultivators from Dachang Kingdom fled directly from Cangzhou Dao City and disappeared without a trace. I don’t know if these guys have returned now .

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