After chatting with Li Pingfeng for a while, Xiao Zhi called his parents who lived in Xicheng.

The call was connected quickly.

"Hello?" This is the voice of mother Hu Lanzhi.

Xiao Zhi said: "Hey, Mom, let me tell you something, is there anything wrong with your mobile phone today?"

"No, there's nothing wrong with it."

"Where's Dad's cell phone?"

"I asked earlier, your dad's cell phone is fine, but many young people's cell phones seem to have problems. It is said that they are infected with a virus or something. A promotional picture of a game popped up. What is the name of the game?" .”

"The world of sentient beings." Xiao Zhi said.

"Yes, yes, with this name, this matter seems to be very serious. Now the whole street is talking about this matter. If you don't call, I'm going to call you. Son, your mobile phone should be okay Have you been recruited too?" Mother Hu Lanzhi said in a worried tone.

"No." Xiao Zhi said.

"It's fine if you don't have one." Hu Lanzhi on the other end of the phone breathed a sigh of relief, and then sighed: "I heard that your sister and your brother-in-law's mobile phones were also hacked. You said it was a big deal. These people spread the virus. Don't people with a conscience have any conscience?"

Xiao Zhi hesitated to speak.

He was wondering why the recruits were all young people like him, while the older people, such as his parents, had nothing unusual on their mobile phones, and did not receive the game promotional image of "The World of All Beings" .

A possible answer soon emerged in his mind.

Young people are full of energy and blood, suitable for martial arts training.

Once one gets older and the qi and blood in the body decay, it will probably be very difficult to practice martial arts.

Didn’t Wang Ji also say before that the time for a warrior to maintain his peak state is only 30 to 40 years, after which his qi and blood will quickly begin to decline, his strength will decline, and he will no longer be able to advance on the road of cultivation up.

This is probably the reason why the old people's mobile phones did not receive the game promotional image of "The World of All Beings".

Obviously, his parents have been judged by the game system as the type of people who are not suitable for entering the world of sentient beings.

That being the case... After hesitating for a while, Xiao Zhi decided not to tell his parents about the 'World of All Beings' for the time being. His parents are a bit old, and their ability to accept new things is far inferior to young people like them. It may be difficult to explain this clearly to parents.

He planned to wait for a few more days, take some time to go back and forth to Xicheng, and explain this matter to his parents in person.

After thinking about it, Xiao Zhi called his brother-in-law.

His brother-in-law is Fan Xun, who lives in Xicheng and does some small business in Xicheng.

"Hey, brother, it's rare to call me once." After the call was connected, brother-in-law Fan Xun said with a smile.

Facing his brother-in-law, Xiao Zhi didn't talk nonsense, and straight to the point: "Brother-in-law, did you receive the promotional image of the game 'World of All Beings' on your mobile phone today?"

"I received it. I turned on the phone when I got up in the morning. I couldn't press it. It disappeared after a long time. Everyone said that this is a new type of mobile phone virus. Brother, is your mobile phone also infected? Recruited?" There was a hint of worry in Fan Xun's voice.

In today’s society, the mobile phone is no longer a simple communication tool. There are WeChat and online banking on the mobile phone. If the mobile phone is accidentally infected with a virus, it is remotely controlled by someone, or the account password is stolen. Yes, that is very troublesome.

Xiao Zhi didn't answer Fan Xun's question, but said in a deep voice, "Brother-in-law, the next thing to say is very important. I'm not joking, so don't interrupt me, just listen to me carefully."

"What's up?"

"About the game 'The World of All Beings'..."

Xiao Zhi thought about it for a while, and finally decided to tell some of his family members, relatives and friends the truth about the "World of All Beings".

Instead of making his relatives and friends feel anxious about today's incident, it is better to tell them the truth clearly.

At the end of the phone call, Xiao Zhi will also explain clearly the possible dangers of playing the game 'World of All Beings'.

As for how they choose after knowing the truth, that is their own business.

However, Xiao Zhi instinctively felt that the danger of coming into contact with the game "The World of All Beings" should not be great.

At least he, Xiao Zhi, has been in contact with the game "The World of All Beings" for several months, and he has not encountered any danger.

And this is also one of the important reasons why Xiao Zhi made up his mind today to announce the truth of the game "The World of All Beings" to his relatives, friends, and readers in his book friend group.

After doing all this, Xiao Zhi let out a long breath while clicking the screen of the game-specific mobile phone from time to time to control the character to practice.

He didn't know whether it was right or wrong for him to do what he did today.

Everything, leave it to time.

Li Pingfeng hasn't said anything for a long time, he should be doing other things in the real world.

Yang Xi was still lying on the bed and fell asleep. She hadn't slept well in the past two days, and she slept very deeply this time.

Xiao Zhi picked up the old mobile phone again, opened the chat software, and wanted to read the information in the book friend group.

The next moment, he was stunned.

Tip: Because of..., this group has been disbanded.

At some point, all his book friend groups were disbanded.

Xiao Zhi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly felt a little flustered, the group had been disbanded, the next step, maybe someone knocked on his door and invited him to drink tea, right?

It's kind of scary.

Why is he so obsessed, it's nothing to do with him and he just hangs up, he has to find trouble for nothing.

I waited for a while in fear, but the door was quiet, and there was no movement at all.

Xiao Zhi gradually relaxed, and was no longer as nervous as before.

At this time, Li Pingfeng, who had been buried in his cultivation and kept silent, suddenly spoke: "The rough statistical report from the government has come out."

"Tell me." Xiao Zhi said.

Li Pingfeng said: "In the entire Xia Kingdom, almost everyone who has a mobile phone under the age of 40 and over 15 has been recruited. A small half of the group aged 40 to 45 and 10 to 15 has been recruited. As for the 45-year-old Those above and below the age of 10 will not be recruited."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he was a little surprised and said, "Is it so accurate?"

Li Pingfeng said: "Never underestimate the power of a country's government."

"I have never underestimated the power of the government." Xiao Zhi said, "What do you mean by 'almost' in your sentence just now? Could it be that there are people under the age of 40 and over the age of 15 who have not been selected?" Are you recruiting?"

Li Pingfeng said: "It is true that there are people who were not recruited. Do you want to know what kind of people are these people who were not recruited?"

"Let me guess." After Xiao Zhi frowned and thought for a while, he said, "Could it be some physically disabled, infirm, and...pregnant women?"

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