This Game is Unusual

Chapter 900 The calculation between each other

"To die together?" The black-robed man with black flames on his body said with a sinister smile: "It is true that we will die together. It is worthwhile for us old bones to fight you, the pride of the Chang Kingdom."

The young man who didn't distinguish between men and women also said in his vicissitudes of life voice: "That's right, if we exchange a few of us old ghosts for the life of a prosperous country, we will make a sure profit."

Standing on the top of the big tree, Venerable Xiao Xing said nothing, but looked up and squinted at Xiao Zhi, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Xiao Zhi said calmly: "It seems that you really want to die with me, so you can't say it, you can only see the real chapter under your hands!"

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Zhi, who was floating high in the sky, turned into an afterimage and swooped down on the black-robed man with black flames on his body!

"Little baby, you are courting death!" the man in black said in a dark voice.

With a bang, the whole man in black ignited into a mass of black flames, distorting the surrounding space.

Just when Xiao Zhi's figure was about to approach him, he retreated violently, avoiding the burned and distorted space at the very moment.

This distorted space became even more distorted in the blink of an eye, and black cracks appeared like spider webs. The black cracks expanded rapidly and spread in all directions, as if a huge gap had been drawn in the space, and the flaming black flame blinked. It was swallowed by this huge space crack and disappeared without a trace.

This huge space crack, rippling space fluctuations, lasted for about a second, and then gradually healed and disappeared.

This space has regained its stability.

Xiao Zhi's figure was still flying backwards, and he said angrily: "You want to cheat me!?"

A hundred feet away, another tall tree ignited a strange black flame.

In the blink of an eye, this tall tree with luxuriant branches and leaves was burned to the point where only the trunk remained, and there was a person sitting on the trunk, which was the black-robed man with black flames on his body.

The black-robed man said in a dark voice: "Little baby is quite vigilant, I failed to kill you with this move."

Xiao Zhi floated in mid-air, glared at the man in black and said, "Didn't you promise to die with me? You lied to me!"

The black-robed man smiled sadly and said: "It's only a last resort to kill you together. It's a last resort. It would be better if you can get rid of you in other ways. It's a pity that your vigilance is not bad. This black flame clone of mine failed to kill you."

Xiao Zhi said coldly: "I have a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, and you are all mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivators. It's not that easy to kill me."

"Really?" On the Taoist uniform worn by Master Xiao Xing, the embroidered star pattern suddenly lit up with bright starlight, which made him look extraordinary and refined, like a fairy descending from the world.

"Guys, everyone is human, and there is no life or death enmity, so why fight here?" A female voice as soft as the sound of heaven suddenly sounded in the sky.

This gentle female voice seems to contain a kind of soothing power, cleansing this space full of gunpowder.

The cold expression on Xiao Zhi's face softened unconsciously.

The murderous intent in Master Xiao Xing's eyes disappeared without a trace.

Then I heard the gentle female voice continue: "Why don't you listen to the little girl playing a song here, let us stop here, how about turning enemies into friends?"

Before Xiao Zhi and the others could answer, there was a voice as clear as a guzheng, and the voice was as gentle as a trickling stream. After listening to it, people wanted to immerse themselves in it unconsciously and couldn't extricate themselves.

On Xiao Zhi's face, an intoxicated expression appeared unconsciously.

In fact, at this time, he was unusually sober in his heart, unmoved in the slightest.

This is an illusion, a mysterious illusion that uses sound as a means of transmission.

If Xiao Zhi was in a normal state, even if he had a high level of cultivation, it would be difficult to resist the silent attack of this illusion.

Now, he resisted.

Because, on his wrist, he was wearing a bracelet, an inconspicuous black bracelet.

At this time, the black wristband was emitting bursts of coldness, which made Xiao Zhi feel extremely sober.

This bracelet is exactly the black bracelet in Dawei Tianwang Faxiang's hand. It can be used not only to attack the enemy, but also to defend itself. It has a strong defense against mental illusion attacks.

"This witch hides very deeply, and I haven't been able to find any trace of this witch." The voice belonging to Li Kuo, the demon, directly rang in Xiao Zhi's mind through consciousness.

Xiao Zhi also used his consciousness to transmit sound: "I have found her. This Lingyin fairy is hiding under a short tree 300 feet away from us. Her invisibility is not bad, but she can't escape my attack." These eyes."

He possesses the consummation-level probing high-level supernatural power [Vajra Dazzling Eyes], and also has the blessing of the late Nascent Soul cultivator. An ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator wants to hide under his nose and hide it from his eyes. Almost an impossible thing.

These Nascent Soul cultivators of Xuanming Kingdom would hardly have imagined that Xiao Zhi, a newly promoted Nascent Soul cultivator, would actually possess a consummation-level high-level probing power.

After a pause, Xiao Zhi continued to use his consciousness to transmit voice: "I also saw a person from Liuhai. He is hiding in the lake below, looking for something."

The voice belonging to Li Kuo, the evil spirit, continued to ring in Xiao Zhi's mind: "He should be checking to see if you have left anything behind in the water of this lake. After all, you were in this lake before. You have been here for too long, and it is inevitable that people will suspect that your image of the Great Mighty Heavenly King will not be found by this person from Liuhai, right?"

"He can't find it." Xiao Zhi consciously said through voice transmission: "My Dharma Aspect of Dawei Tianwang is now holding a black umbrella. Even if I don't rely on the connection between each other, it will be difficult to find him, let alone Don't mention this man from Liuhai, this man from Liuhai is just a middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, and his cultivation level is a bit weaker than mine."

"That's good." The voice belonging to Li Kuo, the demon, continued to ring in Xiao Zhi's mind: "Then, including Fairy Lingyin and this man from Liuhai, there are a total of five Nascent Soul cultivators in Xuanming Kingdom , gathered here, according to what Yu Zun said just now, there are currently six Nascent Soul cultivators on the side of Xuanming Kingdom, existing in this chaotic place, and now there are five people in total, and there is still one person short."

Xiao Zhi consciously transmitted voice: "I have just tested it. Although these Nascent Soul cultivators from Xuanming Kingdom keep saying that they want to die with me, in fact, they have no such plan at all. It is true that they want to kill me. Not in this way, they have already gathered five people here, and they still haven't done anything to me. From this point of view, the key to their killing me should be the last person, and the last person should be theirs core."

"I think so too." Li Kuo said.

One person and one demon communicate through consciousness, the speed is as fast as lightning, and it seems that they have communicated with each other for a long time, but in fact, it only passed for a short moment.

At this time, the clear and crisp sound like a guzheng was still ringing, but the sound became more and more low and slow, followed by a faint sense of drowsiness, as if there was a soft A female voice, whispering in your ear: "Go to sleep, go to sleep..."

As soon as the drowsiness hit, the cold feeling emanating from the black wristband dispelled it instantly.

However, Xiao Zhi pretended to be a little sleepy, opened his mouth and yawned, and his eyes, which were originally wide open, slowly narrowed.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a group of black flames the size of a human head, burning quietly, floating towards him quietly.

He also saw that, hundreds of feet away, more than a dozen big trees rose from the ground, collapsed inward with a crackling sound, and soon collapsed into sharp spears, the spear points turned, With a pale green light, Qi Qi aimed at him.

In the hands of Master Xiao Xing, a bright star appeared. Master Xiao Xing stretched out his hand and pointed at Xiao. The star that had just been condensed was like a firefly, twinkling and flickering. , drifting towards Xiao Zhi.

At the same time, Li Kuo also saw that the surface of the lake below was suddenly rippling, and a long, pointed head like a dolphin emerged from under the water surface, staring at the lake with a pair of faint blue eyes. Looking at Xiao Zhi.

This is obviously the contemplation condensed by the floating man hiding in the lake.

Li Kuo immediately informed Xiao Zhi of the scene he saw through sound transmission through consciousness.

"The five of them joined forces to target me alone. It's really a big battle." Xiao Zhi chuckled in his heart.

Even if he was targeted by five Nascent Soul Daxiu at the same time, he didn't feel nervous at all, because he was a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, because he was wearing an innate spiritual armor, and because his Dawei Heavenly King Dharma was hiding In the void, ready to wait for the opportunity to move, these are his confidence.

Li Kuo's voice sounded in Xiao Zhi's mind: "They probably want to detonate these attacks around you while you are being hypnotized by the voice of the spirit voice demon girl. In this chaotic place, they did so, It will inevitably make this space unstable and cause space turbulence, and they want to rely on the space turbulence to kill you."

"I know." Xiao Zhi consciously said through voice transmission: "In this chaotic place, the more intense the energy fluctuations, the more intense and terrifying the spatial turbulence caused. If so many attacks, All of them bombarded me solidly, and then they were all detonated. The space turbulence generated, even if I was wearing Xuancang armor, I guess it would be uncomfortable. These Nascent Soul monks from Xuanming Kingdom are really So scheming, so scheming!"

"What are you going to do?" Li Kuo's voice sounded in Xiao Zhi's mind.

Xiao Zhi consciously transmitted voice: "Naturally, I avoided it. I don't want to be blown up to other places by this bombing. After all these people are almost gathered together, I don't want to waste time looking for them again. Cultivator Guo Yuanying's attack came so slowly. In my opinion, they should be waiting for something. The five of them are probably waiting for the last and most important person. They want to wait for that person to come over. I'll do it, if I guess right, that person should be coming soon."


At this moment, Xiao Zhi saw out of the corner of his eye, a thin-looking young man wearing a dark yellow python robe, who was striding across the air, coming towards this side!

It was also at this moment that the softer and more soothing voice suddenly changed its tone completely, making a 'clank' sound, as if the strings of the guzheng were suddenly broken.

The sound stopped abruptly! The heart of the listener seemed to stop beating at this moment!

This 'clank' sounded like an attack horn.

The group of black flames the size of a human head suddenly ignited, and the speed soared, like a burning black meteorite, it rushed towards Xiao Zhi!

At this moment, the dozens of sharp spears suspended in mid-air tore through the air, made a sharp piercing sound, and caused ripples in the space visible to the naked eye, and shot at Xiao Zhi!

The star, which twinkled like a firefly, also soared at this moment, dragged into a bright light in the air, and stretched straight to Xiao Zhi!

In the lake below, the imaginary object with a dolphin-like pointed head also burst out of the water at this moment.

It was a strange looking fish. Its pointed mouth was facing Xiao Zhi straight, like a long spear, and it contained terrifying energy fluctuations, which distorted the surrounding air.

The distance between them was not too far, these attacks approached Xiao Zhi in the blink of an eye!

The approach of these attacks caused a large number of ripples visible to the naked eye to appear in the space around Xiao Zhi!

And at this moment, Xiao Zhi's figure flickered.

In the next moment, all these attacks bombarded Xiao Zhi's body!

Hearing a bang, at this moment, the attacks of black flames, tree spears, tiny stars, and strange fish contemplations were all detonated, and the space instantly boiled violently like boiling water!

A hole like a black hole was born out of thin air, and the space ripples visible to the naked eye spread in all directions like water waves!

After this 'black hole' was born, it expanded in a large circle, and expanded into a terrifying black hole with a radius of more than a hundred feet!

There is infinite suction power, emanating from this terrifying black hole!

Pulled by this horrible suction, in an instant, countless plants and trees on the ground were pulled out of the ground together with the soil, and flew into the air. Sand and gravel are finer powders.

The water in that lake was also flying into the air, and together with the sandstone and silt at the bottom of the lake, it was sucked into the air.

Affected by this black hole, there are also clouds above.

The clouds in this area were torn to pieces in an instant, and rolled towards the black hole.

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