This Game is Unusual

Chapter 939 The Time and Space Gate to the Outside World

"Of course there is a price to be paid." Xiao Zhi said: "The price is the true energy. If the true energy is not enough, I will have to be sucked into it."

Xiao Zhi said it very frankly, because there is no need to deliberately conceal this thing.

Because, in the previous battle in Cangzhou Daocheng, Xiao Zhi was sucked into a job in order to kill Jun Shen. That battle attracted worldwide attention, and many people saw it. There must be various speculations about it. .

It's no secret.

While speaking, Xiao Zhi took out the spirit stone from the storage ring, held it in his hand and absorbed it.

Ji Yuanrong nodded when he heard the words, and said no more.

In this world of sentient beings, all strong men have their own secrets and trump cards. It is very taboo to inquire about these. The ability to speak the words "following the law" is even more curious to the extreme, Ji Yuanrong still just clicks and doesn't ask more.

Xiao Zhi is recovering the true energy in his body through the spirit stone in his hand. Not far away, the Yuanlong avatar lying on the hard rock wall, its severely injured body, is also using a kind of naked eye. Visible speed is recovering.

The essence of the Yuanlong avatar is an energy body, and the injuries on it can be recovered very easily, as long as Xiao Zhi transfers enough energy to it.

The reason why Xiao Zhi chose to repair it was because repairing it required much less real energy than re-condensing a Yuanlong avatar.

Xiao Zhi naturally chose to repair it, so that he could save some spirit stones for himself.

The energy of the two spirit stones in his hand was quickly exhausted. Xiao Zhi replaced two brand new spirit stones and absorbed them in his hands. Gu You and Cheng Changying were also beheaded, and you should be able to leave this Nine Nether Absolute Domain smoothly now, do you intend to continue to stay in this Nine Nether Absolute Domain to take risks, or do you plan to leave here and return to the outside world?"

Ji Yuanrong said without hesitation: "Of course I left here. I am the Lord of Beilan, and I am responsible for guarding the land. How can I watch Beilan Dao continue to fall? After Xiao Daoyou recovers your true energy, we will leave here."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he smiled and said, "Ji Daoist, you only need to tell me how to leave here, and then leave on your own. I still have something to do, and I have to stay here for a while."

Hearing this, Ji Yuanrong hurriedly said, "I don't know what's going on? I'm fairly familiar with Jiuyou, so maybe I can help you."

Xiao Zhi shook his head with a smile, and said, "I stayed in Jiuyou to comprehend the law of water movement."

"Learning the law of water flow here?" Ji Yuanrong showed a puzzled expression on his face.

Xiao Zhidao: "Master Ji, you know that in the deepest part of the Nine Nether Absolute Territory, there is a lake of primordial origin. This is an excellent place to practice and understand the law of water movement."

Ji Yuanrong showed a surprised expression on his face, and said: "The deepest part of Jiuyou is actually a lake? I really don't know that."

After a pause, he said: "I have tried it before, and I want to explore the place in the depths of Jiuyou, but the further you go, the more dangerous it is. Those powerful water monsters and the black lightning condensed out of thin air are all It was difficult for me to deal with, if I tried to explore it forcefully, my life might be in danger, so I gave up this idea and didn't dare to continue exploring, it turns out that there is a lake at the bottom."

"It's right to give up." Xiao Zhi said: "Before I came to find you, Daoist Ji, I tried to get my Yuanlong avatar to help me explore this lake of origin. Exceptionally, all my Yuanlong avatars have been killed. That Primordial Lake is indeed very dangerous. There are a lot of monsters in it, and they are extremely exclusive. No matter who enters the scope of this Primordial Lake, They will all be mobbed and attacked."

"Since this lake of primordial origin is so dangerous, why do you want to go, Fellow Daoist Xiao?" Ji Yuanrong said.

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi calmly said: "I think with my strength, it should be no problem to enter this primordial lake to practice. Although there are many demon masters there, they can pose a fatal threat to me. There is none, even if they attack me in groups, I have no fear."

Although Xiao Zhi spoke calmly, there was absolute confidence in his tone!

Hearing this, Ji Yuanrong couldn't help but look terrified. He stared at Xiao Zhi for a while, then shook his head and smiled wryly, "That's right, you, Daoist Xiao, are extremely powerful, and I'm far behind. That place is extremely dangerous to me, but For you, Fellow Daoist Xiao, there is not much danger, and you can go there, since that is the case, I will not talk too much, so I wish you, Fellow Daoist Xiao, to cultivate the law of water movement as soon as possible and become a god!"

After finishing speaking, Ji Yuanrong bowed deeply to Xiao Zhi again.

Xiao Zhi returned the salute and said with a smile, "Thank you."

After the two exchanged a salute, Ji Yuanrong said: "It's actually not difficult to leave this Nine Nether Absolute Territory, you just need to find the right place, and I know there is a place where you can leave this Nine Nether Absolute Territory, fellow daoist , do you want to go and see?"

"Okay." Xiao Zhi nodded: "However, before that, there are still some miscellaneous fish that need to be dealt with."

The miscellaneous fish he was talking about referred to the monsters left behind after the death of the Chiyu Blood Eagle.

The Red Feather Blood Eagles are dead, and they can't survive, this is to kill the demon.

"Xiao Zhi, let me do this kind of trivial matter." The figure of Li Kuo, the demon, emerged from the air and said.

"Okay." Xiao Zhi nodded slightly.

Soon, Li Kuo wiped out all the remaining monsters under the Red Feather Blood Eagle's command.

Immediately, Xiao Zhi followed Ji Yuanrong and left here. As for the Dao Yuanlong avatar, Xiao Zhi stayed here to continue healing.

In this way, Xiao Zhi followed Ji Yuanrong and walked in Jiuyou.

While on the way, Ji Yuanrong told Xiao Zhi what he saw and heard when he first ventured in the Nine Nethers, and Xiao Zhi listened carefully, in order to increase his knowledge reserve of the Nine Nethers. .

Ji Yuanrong even made a topographical map of the Nine Nether Absolute Territory that he had explored a little bit when he was walking in the Nine Nether Absolute Territory, and showed it to Xiao Zhi by simulating it with real energy.

As far as the eye can see, it looks a bit like an upside-down round platform, with cracks and gaps in the ground everywhere, and the situation inside the cracks can be roughly seen, and some dangerous areas are also marked in red...

While showing it, Ji Yuanrong said: "This is what I have ventured in the Nine Nether Absolute Territory for more than ten years, and I have drawn it bit by bit. The places below are very dangerous, I have marked them all, I hope this thing can help you."

Xiao Zhi watched and listened carefully with a serious expression.

It is almost impossible to obtain such things in the outside world, but Ji Yuanrong took the initiative to tell Xiao Zhi about these things.

This is definitely a great gift!

In a sense, the preciousness of these information materials definitely exceeds the value of high-level supernatural powers and spiritual treasures, and even compares with some of the more precious treasures of heaven and earth.

If it weren't for Xiao Zhi's life-saving grace to him, Ji Yuanrong would never have shared this information.

"In the depths of this crack, there is a terrifying monster like a black turtle. It is rumored to be the peak monster. Because of its existence, I didn't dare to go deep." Ji Yuanrong pointed to Jiuyou somewhere on the map.

"Somewhere in this crack in the ground, there is an exit of the Jiuyou Absolute Territory." Ji Yuanrong pointed to another place on the Jiuyou map, and said: "This is also where we are going, and we Where you are right"

After about an hour passed, Xiao Zhi followed Ji Yuanrong to the exit where Ji Yuanrong said that he could leave the Nine Nether Absolute Territory.

This exit exists in the middle of an underground passage.

As far as the eye can see, it is an ordinary black rock wall, which is no different from the surrounding rock walls. Even if you touch it with your hands, what you touch is a hard texture.

But when Xiao Zhi used the supernatural power [Diamond Eye], what he saw before his eyes became different.

This piece of black rock wall gradually turned into nothingness, a faint blue vortex floated in this piece of nothingness, rotating slowly.

'Is this the gate of time and space that can lead to the outside world...' Xiao Zhi's eyes glowed with golden light, staring at the blue vortex, he muttered to himself.

"Fellow Daoist Xiao, let's leave now." At this moment, Ji Yuanrong bowed to Xiao Zhi and said.

"Leave it alone." Xiao Zhi also bowed to Ji Yuanrong.

After making a bow, Ji Yuanrong turned around, leaned forward, and directly hit the black rock wall in front of him.

Suddenly, there were space ripples like water, and Ji Yuanrong didn't enter it, and was swallowed by the blue vortex.

Not long after, Xiao Zhi also flickered and crashed into this blue vortex.

After a slight trance, Xiao Zhi regained his sobriety in an instant, and what he saw, his appearance had completely changed.

Here the sky is high and the ground is wide, and below is a large black lake. Above the large lake, black mist is steaming. This is the entrance to the Nine Nether Absolute Territory.

'That blue vortex is indeed a door of time and space that can lead to the outside world. ’ Xiao Zhi floated in the steaming black mist, scanned the surroundings with his eyes, and said in his heart.

It's not that he doesn't trust Ji Yuanrong, but that it's better to test this kind of thing by himself.

Xiao Zhi only stayed in this steaming black mist for less than a second, then his figure flickered, turned into an afterimage, and fell into the big black lake below!

Immediately, on the surface of the Great Black Lake, the black water splashed hundreds of feet high in silence!

Another slight trance came over, and when Xiao Zhi regained consciousness again, he was once again placed in the Nine Nether Absolute Territory, and what he saw in his eyes was a dark world like an underwater world.

Xiao Zhi's eyes were shining with golden light, overlooking the endless darkness below.

Ji Yuanrong has been successfully rescued, and the portal leading to the outside world has been found. The next thing he needs to do is to go to the lake of origin to understand his law of water movement.

Soon, Xiao Zhi transformed himself into a primordial dragon, flicked his tail lightly, and went straight downstream.

While going downstream, the light and shadow on Xiao Zhi's body distorted, and soon, his snake-like figure disappeared into the air like a bubble.

After performing the supernatural power of [God's Hidden Art] and entered the state of God's Hidden, Xiao Zhi continued to go downstream obliquely.

Not long after, Xiao Zhi saw a vertical rock wall in his eyes. After seeing this rock wall, he felt a lot more at ease in his heart.

He followed this vertical rock wall and continued downstream.

Soon, a gap-like crack appeared on the vertically downward rock wall.

Each of these gap-shaped cracks represents a relatively large underground world.

At this time, a caterpillar-like gray-yellow insect with a length of more than ten feet, surrounded by gray mist, creaked and rushed out of this gap-shaped crack!

However, as soon as it rushed out, a big black bird chased it out and swallowed it into its mouth.

This is a monster bird in the early stage of the demon king. It obviously didn't perceive Xiao Zhi who was close to it. Into this gap-shaped crack.

Xiao Zhi didn't go out to hunt this big black bird in the early stage of Yaozun. He turned into a Yuanlong, head down, tail up, gently wagging his tail, and continued to swim downstream.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the world in front of Xiao Zhi's eyes has become darker, and his visibility has also dropped a little because of this.

Suddenly, a black lightning appeared out of thin air and struck Xiao Zhi with precision.

With a slight flick of his tail, Xiao Zhi avoided the attack of the black lightning, appearing very relaxed.

This level of black lightning, even the Yuanlong avatar he condensed can be avoided relatively easily, let alone him.

Xiao Zhi continued to sink.

A few minutes later, a water demon like an octopus appeared in Xiao Zhi's eyes, and he recognized it at a glance. It was a powerful water demon in the early stage of Yaozun.

The octopus did not float towards Xiao Zhi, but floated where it was.

'It seems that my invisibility technique is still effective. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

He thought for a while, then flicked his tail lightly, and slowly floated towards the octopus.

When Xiao Zhi was thousands of feet away from it, the octopus didn't respond.

When Xiao Zhi was hundreds of meters away from it, the octopus still didn't respond.

When Xiao Zhi was less than ten feet away from it, the octopus finally sensed Xiao Zhi as an outsider.

It let out a scream, and its eight thick and long tentacles pierced towards Xiao Zhi like eight sharp swords!

Xiao Zhi flicked his tail lightly, and easily avoided the thunderous attack of the octopus.

While avoiding the attack, Xiao Zhi also counterattacked. His tail raised like a whip, and he lashed at the octopus, almost splitting it in two!

At the same time, the demon Li Kuo also appeared from the air holding the Cold Mist Sword.

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