This Game is Unusual

Chapter 964: Conditions for Peace Talks

This time, the person who called him was the liaison player stationed in the courtyard.

Something has arrived.

There are a total of three jade boxes, all of which contain treasures of heaven and earth that can be used to strengthen the soul, this is only the first batch, some of the follow-up ones are on the way to be delivered, and some are still being collected.

After Xiao Zhi got the three jade boxes, he asked Li Kuo, the demon, to temporarily disperse the surrounding layer of restrictions, opened one of the jade boxes in front of several players, and began to 'test the medicine'.

This was a small request from the All Living Army. They wanted to collect data on these natural treasures, and Xiao Zhi did not refuse.

In the first jade box, what was in full bloom was a flower, a flower with blood-colored spots, exuding a pungent bloody smell, giving people a bad feeling.

When seeing it, let alone others, even Xiao Zhi couldn't help frowning slightly.

He began to stare at the flower, and soon, a line of text appeared in front of his eyes:

Blood Spirit Flower, a treasure of heaven and earth, contains highly poisonous and slightly cursed, monks will die if they eat it, and high-level monks eat it, which can strengthen their own soul to a certain extent.

This is an ominous flower that contains poison and curse, but it can be used to strengthen one's own soul.

The natural treasures and rare treasures that Xiao Zhi had come into contact with before had no side effects, but what he came into contact with this time was somewhat different.

Fortunately, Xiao Zhi had some understanding of this before, so after seeing this flower, his face looked quite calm, and he didn't show any overly surprised expression.

After staring at the blood spirit flower for a few seconds, Xiao Zhi didn't reach out to take it, the blood spirit flower floated up, and then was squeezed and rubbed by an invisible big hand, and was rubbed into A longan-sized thing similar to a blood pill.

It wasn't until this time that Xiao Zhi opened his mouth to inhale, sucked the blood pill into his mouth, and then swallowed it.

After swallowing this blood pill, only a second passed, a layer of blood mist appeared on Xiao Zhi's body visible to the naked eye, and a faint black shadow was cast on his face.

This vision lasted for several seconds before it gradually dissipated.

Xiao Zhi, who had recovered to normal, closed his eyes for a few more seconds before slowly opening them.

"How do you feel?" A few feet away, a player asked nervously.

Xiao Zhi said calmly, "The poison and curse contained in this blood spirit flower are nothing to Nascent Soul cultivators. The poison and curse can be forced out."

While speaking, Xiao Zhi gently raised his right index finger, and from his fingertips, a ball of black-red blood seeped out, forming a small ball, floating in mid-air.

Obviously, this was the toxin and curse he had forced out of his body.

Xiao Zhi paused, and continued: "If it is taken by a Golden Core cultivator, there will be a great risk, and it may cause some irreversible damage to the body. As for the Foundation Establishment cultivator, let alone, If you take it, you will die!"

Several players are listening carefully, this is first-hand information, and it is still very precious.

"Then... After you take Zhishen, does it have any effect?" A player asked cautiously.

Xiao Zhi said: "It works. I can clearly feel that my soul has become a little stronger than before."

"Okay, as long as it works." A smile appeared on the player's face.

A few seconds later, Xiao Zhi reached out and opened the second jade box.

In the second jade box, what was lying was no longer a flower, but a spider the size of a palm.

It was a pitch-black spider, but its body was covered with needle-like white spikes. It looked extremely terrifying, and it also exuded an ominous aura.

Xiao Zhi stared at the spider, and soon a line of text appeared:

Soul-devouring spider, a rare monster produced by the land of the deepest shadows. It specializes in eating raw souls. It contains a strong curse and a small amount of toxin. A monk will die if he eats it. High-level monks use it to strengthen their own souls to a certain extent.

This is also an ominous thing.

When Xiao Zhi faced it, his brows frowned even more.

He has grown up so big, he has never eaten bugs, let alone palm-sized spiders, he has never eaten bugs the size of fingernails, because he feels dirty and disgusting.

But now, what he needs to do is to eat the soul-eating spider in front of him...

Xiao Zhi is also a decisive person. He took a deep breath, and then used the [Whale Swallowing Technique], opening his mouth to an extremely exaggerated level, and then opened his mouth to inhale.

He sucked this pitch-black spider into his mouth in one gulp, and then chewed it.

This scene made the eyes of the liaison players widen.

In particular, one of the female players secretly said in her heart that she is worthy of holding on to God. She can eat such a terrible thing without blinking. With this perseverance...

If it were her, she wouldn't eat this stuff even if she was killed.

When Xiao Zhi chewed up the soul-eating spider and swallowed it, his face suddenly became as black as the bottom of a pot, and his exposed hands, neck and other skin also turned black and dark for a few seconds. Afterwards, the blackness receded like a tide, and Xiao Zhi's complexion gradually returned to normal.

A few seconds later, Xiao Zhi opened his eyes and said, "The curse contained in this soul-eating spider is very powerful, even more powerful than the blood spirit flower just now. It is not recommended for anyone below Yuan Ying to act like this." I take it directly in this way, as for the effect, it is stronger than the blood spirit flower just now..."

Xiao Zhi spoke calmly, while the players in front of him were listening carefully.

After Xiao Zhi finished speaking, he reached out and opened the third jade box.

Inside this jade box is a colorful mushroom, which exudes a strong fishy smell.

'Ghost-eating fungus, a treasure of heaven and earth...'

After 'eating', Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged and digested.

He casually asked: "It's been so long, is there any news about Xuanming Kingdom's Protecting Sword?"

"Not yet, once there is news, we will notify you as soon as possible." A liaison player said.

'Can't find it? Could it be that the name is wrong, the name was made up by Jun Huai? ’ Xiao Zhi couldn’t help frowning, and said in his heart.

Seeing that Xiao Zhi was silent, another liaison player said softly: "Zhishen, we have been working hard, but this matter may be a high-level secret of Xuanming Kingdom, and our penetration into Xuanming Kingdom is far less Changguo, with our current infiltration of Xuanmingguo, we still have no access to those core secrets of Xuanmingguo."

"It's okay, just try your best." Xiao Zhi said with a smile.

He asked casually, "How about the peace talks now?"

A liaison player said: "The peace talks are still going on. The news we have received is that the emperor of Xuanming Kingdom is very determined to the peace talks. He can be regarded as a staunch advocate of peace."

Another liaison player said: "It should be said that he is now a staunch advocate of peace. Before that, he was actually a leader of war. The reason why the national war between Dachang Kingdom and Xuanming Kingdom broke out is also due to His part of the credit is in it, but recently when they Xuanming Kingdom attacked Cangzhou Dao City, they suffered setbacks one after another. His Majesty the Emperor of Xuanming Kingdom has gradually changed from a main war faction to a main peace faction. , In the final analysis, this is a guy who bullies the weak and fears the tough."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but nodded when he heard the words, he actually thought so too.

He thought for a while, and then said: "Then what does the All Living Army think about this matter?"

Another liaison player said: "We players are naturally staunch main fighters, but regarding Xuan Mingguo's peace talks this time, in our real world, there are some different voices."

"What's the different voice?" Xiao Zhi raised his eyebrows and asked.

The liaison player said: "In the real world, some people think that we should support this peace negotiation. Once the peace negotiation is successful, the national war between Dachang Kingdom and Xuanming Kingdom will be suspended, and we can take advantage of this precious period of time. When we have enough strength, we can launch another national war and destroy the Xuanming country in one fell swoop."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help showing a thoughtful expression on his face.

This idea still sounds very good, at least Xiao Zhi personally thinks it is still very good.

It is actually very beneficial for the players to recuperate and recuperate after the strike. After all, the player's cultivation speed is dozens of times faster than that of the aborigines in the world of sentient beings!

If it can develop peacefully for a few years, even more than ten years, without being involved in the war, then with the player's strength, it may be a piece of cake to destroy the Xuanming Kingdom.

'It's just that the sentient beings system will allow our world to develop so easily...' Xiao Zhixin said.

After chatting for a while, Xiao Zhi had completely absorbed the medicinal properties of those three things.

He started practicing again.

In the illusion of the Buddha Kingdom, Xiao Zhi acted extremely bravely. He fought against the crowd with one opponent, and even chased and killed those flying monsters, killing them one by one high above the sky.

It may be because of eating the three treasures of heaven, material and earth, the strength of the soul has increased a little. At this time, Xiao Zhi's condition is abnormally good, which can be regarded as a super-level performance.

Even the angry face that he mainly visualizes and cultivates has made some progress. Just now, he relied on this angry face to stare and roar, causing a flying Rakshasa to lose his mind for a moment, and then he Seizing the opportunity, the sword and pestle came out, instantly killing the flying Rakshasa!

But with the passage of time, Xiao Zhi's mental state inevitably went downhill after each 'battle'.

A day later, Xiao Zhi was barely able to fight against more than twenty flying monsters with one enemy.

Two days later, even if Xiao Zhi was fighting ten flying monsters at the same time, he still felt a bit strenuous.

On the third day, his condition became even worse, even if it was only a few flying monsters, he could drive him around the field.

Then came the fourth day. On the fourth day, Xiao Zhi's condition was extremely bad. He felt as if his head was about to split open, and he felt dizzy and throbbing. pole.

At this time, let alone fighting, it is already very difficult to concentrate and try to keep yourself from being distracted.

Obviously, Xiao Zhi is almost reaching his limit.

Although mentally exhausted to the extreme, Xiao Zhi was in a good mood.

Last time, he persisted for three and a half days.

But this time, as of now, he has persisted for more than this number. As long as he gritted his teeth, he should be able to persist for a while longer.

Obviously, he has made progress, and his progress is visible.

As long as there is progress, Xiao Zhi will be happy.

In this way, time continued to pass by every minute and every second.

When Xiao Zhi persisted in this state for four and a half days, he could no longer enter the fantasy land of the Buddha through visualization.

It was already difficult for him to concentrate his mental strength. He tried a dozen times in a row but failed.

Obviously, at this moment, he has completely reached his limit, and there is no point in continuing to persevere.

"Forget it, let's rest, four and a half days is already good, and after a period of training, we should be able to reach the standard line of five days." Xiao Zhixin said.

Xiao Zhi lay sprawled on the cold ground of the courtyard again, closed his eyes, and was about to rest when he vaguely heard a voice.

It seems to be the voice of a liaison player.

Am I hallucinating?

With the spirit being squeezed to the limit, he now has some auditory hallucinations from time to time.

After a few seconds passed like this, Xiao Zhi suddenly opened his eyes and sat up!

This is not an auditory hallucination! There are indeed players calling themselves.

Xiao Zhi stretched out his hand, rubbed his temple, and said softly, "What are you calling me for?"

His voice passed through the restriction and rang in the ears of several liaison players at the same time.

A liaison player said: "Zhishen, the latest news, the emperor of Xuanming Kingdom has given the conditions for the peace talks."

"What condition?" Xiao Zhi said casually while rubbing his temples to relieve the dizziness coming from his head.

Now, he is no longer interested in this so-called peace talks.

For him now, the biggest temptation is to lie down and have a good night's sleep. As for other things, to him, they are just floating clouds!

Then the liaison player said: "Emperor Xuanming has promised to return all the lost lands of Beilan Road, Shanhan Road, and Yunhe Road to Dachang Kingdom. Emperor Xuanming has only one condition, and that is..."

When it came to this, the liaison player became a little hesitant.

"What is that?" Xiao Zhi asked, he just wanted to sleep now, and wanted to end the conversation with this player as soon as possible.

The liaison player took a deep breath, as if mustering up his courage, and said: "The condition proposed by Emperor Xuanming is that the Dachang Kingdom hand over you, as long as the Dachang Kingdom can hand you over, To pay homage to the spirit of his grandfather and great-grandfather in heaven, as long as Dachang Kingdom can do this, Xuanming Kingdom will immediately return these lost lands of Dachang Kingdom. Emperor Xuanming also promised that as long as he is in power, Xuanming Kingdom and Dachang Kingdom Once there is peace, Xuanming will never take the initiative to provoke war again."

"Okay, I see, let's just leave it at that, I'm going to sleep, if there is anything else, I'll talk about it after I wake up."

After holding on to finish these words, Xiao Zhifu lay down again, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

The liaison player who spoke was obviously taken aback.

He was a little confused, what he reported this time was a matter of great importance to Zhishen!

He thought that Zhishen would definitely attach great importance to this matter, but in the end, Zhishen just replied lightly: "Okay, I understand, let's just leave it at that, and then there will be no more."

Could it be that such an important matter is not as important as sleeping?

Just when the liaison player was feeling confused, a player sitting next to him said in an admiring tone: "What do you mean by Mount Tai collapsing in front and not changing color? Holding God is called Mount Tai." Collapsing before but not changing color! Zhishen is worthy of being my idol for the rest of my life, I can't match this calmness!"

The other liaison players also nodded in agreement when they heard the words.

One of the liaison players said: "I think... this kind of thing is actually not a big deal for Zhishen. After all, with Zhishen's current strength, as long as the god does not come out, Zhishen It is the existence of invincibility, no one in their Xuanming country can do anything to get the god, let alone those cowards in our Dachang country, if this is the case, what else do we need to worry about?"

"It makes sense." The other players breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

Xiao Zhi also slept very soundly this time.

It wasn't until the next morning that Xiao Zhi opened his eyes and got up from the ground.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi only felt refreshed and full of energy to the extreme!

"Brother Li, how long have I been asleep this time?" Xiao Zhi asked Li Kuo, the demon guarding him, through his thoughts.

"A little more than half a day." Li Kuo replied.

‘It’s a little more than half a day, that’s okay. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

He stretched his waist, and his eyes accidentally fell on the players who were sitting under the courtyard wall.

Immediately, the things that happened before going to bed emerged from his memory.

"The only condition for peace talks is to hand me over..." Xiao Zhi muttered, a sneer appeared on his face.

The emperor of Xuanming Kingdom really had a good plan...

It's a pity that no matter how loud this abacus is, it's useless.

Today, he is no longer the kind of weak person who can be squeezed at will.

‘Let Dachang Kingdom hand me over? Looking at the current Dachang Kingdom, is there anyone who can do this? ’ Xiao Zhi sneered again in his heart.

He said, "Okay, I've already woken up, is there any intelligence information from the All Living Army that you need to tell me?"

The players sitting under the courtyard wall were all stunned, and after a few seconds, a liaison player said: "Zhishen, the second batch of things you need is coming soon, and in half a day at most, it should be ready soon." I can arrive."

Xiao Zhi naturally knew what the player was talking about.

He nodded and said, "Okay, I see."

At this time, another liaison player plucked up his courage and said, "Zhishen, no matter what happens, I will stand by your side unswervingly!"

"Me too."

"me too."

The players chattered.

"Thank you." Xiao Zhi said with a smile.

After a pause, he smiled again and said, "Don't worry, as long as those high-level officials in our Dachang Kingdom hadn't lost their brains, it would be impossible for them to agree to Emperor Xuanming's condition and hand me over to me. It's broken, if you want to rush over to deal with me, that's even better, I'm relatively short of money now, and I urgently need such a rich boy."

All the players couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

Xiao Zhi started a new round of visualization practice.

After several hours passed like this, the second batch of treasures of heaven and earth that could be used to strengthen the soul was finally sent over by the army of sentient beings.

This time, the All Living Army sent a total of five jade boxes.

With a light wave of Xiao Zhi's hand, the five jade boxes were all opened.

Xiao Zhi glanced over and saw the things contained in the jade box, which were a dark brown animal bone, a thumb-thick snake with colorful patterns, another soul-eating spider, and a A jelly-like toad, and a fist-sized fruit exuding a strong bloody smell.

Before checking the names of these things, Xiao Zhi could feel that these things were not good things.

But there is no way, in order to become a god as soon as possible, even if these things don't look very delicious, he still has to eat them.

Fortunately, he has mastered the [Whale Swallowing Technique]. As long as he can pass the test in his heart, the things in front of him are not difficult to eat.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Xiao Zhi, who had finished 'eating', calmed down and sensed it. He could feel that the strength of his soul had improved significantly compared to before!

This feeling of watching myself become stronger little by little is still very good.

After 'digestion', Xiao Zhi began to visualize and practice [Dharma Aspect of the Great Powerful Heavenly King] again.

In this way, another day passed.

When Xiao Zhi was fighting fiercely with more than twenty flying monsters in the fantasy land of the Buddha Kingdom, he vaguely heard someone calling himself.

Xiao Zhi frowned and continued to fight those flying monsters.

It wasn't until the end of "this game" that Xiao Zhi, whose consciousness had returned to the world of sentient beings, opened his eyes and said with a tired voice, "What's the matter?"

Although his voice was not loud, it rang clearly in the ears of several liaison players.

A liaison player hurriedly stood up and said, "Zhishen, not long ago, Mr. Li Pingfeng has returned."

"Li Pingfeng is back?" Xiao Zhi couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this!

Li Pingfeng finally came back.

He disappeared for so long, and now he finally returned.

I don't know what he went through during this time.

Thank you for how the depravity was registered as a reward. Thank you for your concern, the old father went to the hospital to see, it was a wound infection, nothing serious, today's 6000 words are here~

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