This Game is Unusual

Chapter 970: Player Liaison Officer

Xiao Zhi began to sharpen his willpower again.

His way of honing his willpower is very simple, that is to dive headlong into the illusion of the Buddha Kingdom condensed by the [Dharma Aspect of Dawei Tianwang], and continue to fight high-intensity battles in it.

Game after game, without giving yourself a chance to rest.

I didn't stop until I couldn't hold it anymore, my spirit was exhausted to the extreme, and I couldn't even visualize entering the Buddhist world.

Then calculate the time again to see if you have improved compared to the previous round, and how much you have improved.

It sounds simple, but in practice, it is extremely painful.

Especially in the later stage, almost every minute and every second is a kind of torment, a kind of torture, which requires great perseverance to survive.

No matter what kind of practice it is, it is very taboo to be disturbed by others, and the same is true for Xiao Zhi's related practice of sharpening his willpower.

Xiao Zhi had already communicated with the liaison players in his academy in advance, telling them not to come and disturb him unless something urgent happened.

Not only did he communicate with these liaison players about this matter, Xiao Zhi also sent his newly-accepted 'little brother' Venerable Wu Lie a special voice transmission instruction on this matter through the identity jade card, so that he If you have nothing to do, don't contact him.

He also assigned a player liaison officer to Venerable Wu Lie. This player liaison officer is equivalent to his emissary, representing Xiao Zhi, so that Venerable Wu Lie can directly communicate with this liaison officer if there is anything to do. .

This is naturally the meaning of the army of all living beings.

Since Venerable Wu Lie chose to take refuge in Xiao Zhi, it is naturally impossible for the All Living Army to let this Venerable Wu Lie go, and must find a way to extract the value of Venerable Wu Lie.

The liaison officer must be smart enough to establish a good relationship with the Lord Wu Lie, the master of Cangzhou Taoism. Only when they get along well with each other can they start the follow-up cooperation.

In addition, the liaison officer must have sufficient strength to succeed.

After all, the world of sentient beings is a world where strength is the most important thing. Here, the concept of equality is very serious.

Let a Jindan monk represent Xiao Zhi to communicate with Venerable Wu Lie, even if Venerable Wu Lie is unhappy, he can barely bear it.

If a little cultivator in the foundation-building period, or even a martial artist, was allowed to point fingers in front of Venerable Wu Lie, Venerable Wu Lie would only feel that his dignity had been insulted, even if he quit, it was possible of.

Under Xiao Zhi's suggestion, the All Living Army finally selected Hu Yang as the liaison officer of Venerable Wu Lie.

Hu Yang is more spirited, and has the cultivation level of the Jindan stage, so it is more suitable.

In order for Hu Yang, as a liaison officer, to have a little weight in front of Venerable Wu Lie, the Army of All Living Beings spared no effort to shed blood once, using all kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures to forcibly pile up Hu Yang's cultivation realm. Jindan Peak Realm!

Not only that, the army of sentient beings also packaged him as a young genius with extraordinary aptitude!

In addition, in the identity background set by the Army of All Living Beings for Hu Yang, Hu Yang is just like Yang Xu, and he is also Xiao Zhi's adopted brother. The relationship with Xiao Zhi is extremely close, like brothers!

In addition to these, Xiao Zhi even ordered his Yuanlong avatar to obey Hu Yang's orders and escort Hu Yang under the advice of the All Living Army.

This series of operations is all to increase the weight of Hu Yang, the liaison officer, in the eyes of Venerable Wu Lie, and to reduce the resistance when communicating with Venerable Wu Lie.

And after going through this series of "packaging", Hu Yang did not disappoint Xiao Zhi and Zhong Shengjun. After a few days, the communication between him and Venerable Wu Lie went smoothly and happily, and nothing happened. question.

As a result, Xiao Zhi was able to continue to sharpen his willpower in the fantasy land of the Buddha Kingdom without distraction.

Time passed, and a few more days passed in a flash.

Long hours of non-stop practice and visualization of the [Dawei Tianwang Faxiang] made Xiao Zhi's spirit and will almost collapse again.

At this time, he was exhausted to the extreme, his head was buzzing, and there were bursts of tingling pain in his head, which can be said to be extremely uncomfortable.

In order to avoid his embarrassing appearance, being watched by the liaison players in the yard and by the people outside the yard, Xiao Zhi deliberately asked the demon Li Kuo to condense a layer of ice and snow restraint with his demon power, This acts as a curtain, isolating the inside and outside.

By doing so, outsiders will not be able to see it, but Li Kuo, who is always with Xiao Zhi, can see it.

Seeing Xiao Zhi working so hard during his cultivation, Li Kuo finally couldn't help but persuade him at this moment: "Master, you don't have to be so cruel to yourself. A monk has a long lifespan, and you are only thirty years old." You are only 10 years old, with your strength, you still have more than a thousand years to live, and you still have a lot of time for cultivation, so there is no need to rush at this moment."

Faced with Li Kuo's reassurance, Xiao Zhi just smiled and shook his head.

Li Kuo, as a demon parasitic on him, although he gets along with him day and night, is still an aborigine in the world of sentient beings.

Li Kuo didn't understand many things.

Li Kuo didn't know that the national war between Dachang Kingdom and Xuanming Kingdom would end soon.

Once this national war is over, what Xiao Zhi will face will be a much more dangerous world than it is now!

As the strongest player in the world, Xiao Zhi not only needs to survive, but also shoulders the important mission of protecting the entire world.

It can be said that Xiao Zhi is under a lot of pressure now, very high!

He must cross the catastrophe and become a god before this national war is over!

Xiao Zhi would not say these things to Li Kuo, the demon, because it is useless to say them. Under the influence of the system of sentient beings, Li Kuo would listen to whatever he said about the real world and the system of sentient beings. less than.

Thinking about this in his heart, Xiao Zhi gently rubbed his head with his hands, avoided the topic, and said, "Brother Li, as I said, you can call me Xiao Zhi, you don't need to call me master."

Before, at Xiao Zhi's request, when Li Kuo communicated with Xiao Zhi, he always called him by his first name.

But since Venerable Wu Lie also took refuge in Xiao Zhi and called Xiao Zhi his master, Li Kuo seemed to be stimulated by something, and began to call Xiao Zhi his master again.

This made Xiao Zhi feel helpless.

After a few days, Xiao Zhi had already talked about this matter several times, but Li Kuo was unmoved, and still insisted on calling Xiao Zhi the master.

Now, Xiao Zhi brought up this matter again.

Li Kuo was still very stubborn this time, he just shook his head and said: "Master, etiquette cannot be broken, I am attached to you, you are my master."

If he is in good condition, Xiao Zhi will definitely have a few words with him.

But now, Xiao Zhi's condition is very bad, and he has no energy to argue with Li Kuo anymore.

Well, if you like to call me master, then you can call me, I don't care, as long as you like it.

After a few simple exchanges with Li Kuo, Xiao Zhi tried not to distract himself, tried to concentrate his attention, and began to visualize his [Dawei Tianwang Faxiang] again.

After failing once, Xiao Zhi did not give up and continued to try to visualize.

The second visualization, Xiao Zhi succeeded.

He just felt in a trance for a while, and when he became able to see things, he was already a scene in the fantasy land of the Buddha Kingdom.

A big golden Buddha sits cross-legged on the sky, the golden body is shining with light, and the Buddha's light shines everywhere.

Countless monks are chanting scriptures, appearing extremely devout, countless people are kneeling and worshiping, there are stupas everywhere, and people are everywhere.

As soon as his consciousness entered this dreamland of the Buddhist kingdom, Xiao Zhi just waved his hand, pointing like a knife, and swung out a sword-like energy tens of feet long!

Immediately, a nearby Buddhist pagoda was cut into two sections by the saber energy, and several monks and dozens of ordinary people were separated.

These people were killed by the saber energy, but no blood flowed out, but exploded into black mist.

And with Xiao Zhi's move, the originally peaceful and harmonious Buddhist kingdom, which was like heaven, suddenly changed its color!

The golden Buddha turned into an evil Buddha, and the sky illuminated by the Buddha's light suddenly became covered with leaden clouds, and the dark wind howled. Those monks and ordinary people also tore off their disguise, and turned into Xingdi level monsters and black mist monsters. The ghost screamed and rushed towards Xiao Zhi!

But Xiao Zhi didn't bother to pay attention to these little guys, he just flew into the air.

While soaring into the air, he was transforming, and in the blink of an eye, Xiao Zhi turned into a Dharma image of Dawei Tianwang with three heads and eight arms!

This dharma king and heavenly king dharma appearance is terrifying, and it is almost exactly the same as the evil Buddha above the sky, except that there is a slight difference in size and shape.

A new battle begins again!

In this way, about two minutes later, under the siege of five flying monsters, Xiao Zhi was torn to pieces after only being in a trance.

His body ached and his eyes darkened. When Xiao Zhi opened his eyes, he was already in the world of sentient beings.


Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth, rubbed his head with his hands, and forcibly suppressed the dizziness and tingling sensation, and continued to practice and visualize his [Dharma Aspect of the Great Powerful Heavenly King].

Failed once, failed twice, finally got in the third time, and the battle began!

By this time, Xiao Zhi's mental state had become extremely bad, and he was relying on his willpower to hold on.

In this state, he was already powerless to fight anymore, so he could only run for his life in order to delay the time as much as possible.

And in this dreamland of the Buddha Kingdom, time is not so easy to delay, and I saw the evil Buddha flying past him like a bat, aiming at him with an angry face, and let out a deafening roar !

Under the roar of the evil Buddha, Xiao Zhi only felt a buzzing in his head, and an uncontrollable anger emerged, rushing straight to his heavenly cap!

'calm! calm! Be sure to calm down! ’ Xiao Zhi yelled in his heart!

This time, he miraculously relied on his own willpower to suppress the nameless anger in his chest and maintained the most basic rationality!

And this is already the limit of what he can do.

In the next second, he was torn to pieces by two Flying Asura who bullied him.

At the end of the battle, Xiao Zhi only felt his eyes go dark, and his consciousness returned to the world of sentient beings.

Xiao Zhi opened his eyes with some difficulty, but there was a rare smile on his tired face.

Before, when his mental state reached such a bad level, as long as the evil Buddha floated over and yelled at him, he would immediately burst into anger, completely lose his mind, and then GG ended the battle.

Even though he was GG this time, at least he still maintained the most basic sane, knowing how he died.

For him, this is undoubtedly a kind of progress.

Still do not take any rest, continue to visualize and practice [Dharma Aspect of the Great Powerful Heavenly King]!

continue! continue! Go on!

Time passed by every minute and every second, until Xiao Zhi's spirit became difficult to concentrate, and he visualized [Dawei Tianwang Dharma] more than ten times in a row, all of which failed, Xiao Zhi finally gave up.

He rubbed his head with his hands, and under the attack of waves of dizziness, he couldn't even transmit sound with consciousness.

After more than ten seconds passed like this, Xiao Zhi forced himself to speak: "Brother Li, how long did I last this time?"

In this state, Xiao Zhi naturally couldn't calculate the time. Fortunately, Li Kuo was by his side.

Facing Xiao Zhi's question, Li Kuo hurriedly said, "Master, you lasted for five days and ten hours this time."

Five days and ten hours, in conversion, that is 5 days and 20 hours, which is 4 hours away from 6 days.

Xiao Zhi struggled to think about how long he lasted for the last time. After thinking for a few seconds, he finally realized that the last time he lasted was 4 and a half days!

It seems that there is progress! The progress is not small!

Xiao Zhi resisted the dizziness that came out of his head, and thought again with some difficulty.

‘Zhenlan Cannian once said that if he can persist like this for five days, he is considered a passer, but this time, I persisted for nearly six days! '

I finally passed, but this is not enough, I have to make persistent efforts!

At this moment, Xiao Zhi twitched the corners of his mouth, and a smile appeared on his face.

He said with some difficulty: "I'll sleep first."

Then he lay directly on the cold ground, and fell into a drowsy sleep.

This time, Xiao Zhi still slept extraordinarily soundly.

Not knowing how long he slept, Xiao Zhi slowly opened his eyes.

As far as the eye can see, it is still a scene of the rising sun.

Xiao Zhi, who had a good night's sleep, only felt full of energy, refreshed, and once again reached the peak state of energy!

He rubbed his eyes with his hands, slowly got up, and said, "Brother Li, how long did I sleep this time?"

Li Kuo replied: "Master, this time is the same as the previous two times, you slept for most of the day."

Xiao Zhi nodded, indicating that he understood.

‘It seems that my recovery ability is still very good. No matter how hard and tired I am, and my energy is squeezed to the limit, it will only take half a day at most before I can recover. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

After waking up this time, Xiao Zhi did not start practicing immediately, but lightly waved his hand, waved away the layer of restriction in front of him, and said to the liaison players stationed in the yard: "These few days have passed. , what happened outside?"

Thanks to Zhang Ruoxing for the rewards for children's shoes, and thanks to Han Runyang for the reward.

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