This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 111 The fight for heirs; great ambition

The town of Plos, Witte Castle.

The territory here was originally a baron fief given to Master Wit by the Duke of Bauhinia.

Now, after the Sieglinde family rebelled against the Principality of Cass, this town has become their family's home base.

From a geographical point of view, Prolos Town is very close to the southern part of the Dark Forest. It is separated from the border city of the Principality of Kas, Visalia, by a large buffer area. There are also Darknest and Centaurs to the north to protect Prolos Town. Trouble from the kingdom. This geographical location can be said to be the safest place in the wilderness plains.

From the perspective of population and economy, the Sieglinde family consciously moved more people to Prolos Town within a few years. Prolos Town now has a population of nearly 50,000. If the population of scattered villages around the town is included, So almost 60,000. A town of this size can actually be called a city.

And as the town of Prolos, known as the town of wilderness adventurers, the number and quality of adventurers here is also the largest. Coupled with the invasion of the Centaurs and the Dark Nest, some adventurers who originally made a living in the northern and central parts of the wasteland now gather here, further promoting the prosperity of Pros Town.

"Don't worry about the Principality of Cass for the time being. According to the current situation, it will not be of any benefit to them if the Redbud Archduke destroys our Siglinde family. On the contrary, we will have to face the pressure from the Nest of Darkness and the Centaur Clan at the same time. When we return, Come to the construction of the territory."

In the castle hall, Roy, as the patriarch of the family, looked around and said calmly.

In the hall, dozens of core family members gathered together. They nodded in agreement after hearing the words, and then turned the topic to the construction and development of the territory.

"Now the population size of Prolos Town has reached the basic requirements of the city, but the city walls, towers and some infrastructure cannot keep up. I suggest that we recruit a group of mage apprentices in the territory to speed up the construction of Prolos Town. In addition, , the combined population of all the territories under our control in the southern part of the wasteland is only half a million people. Population is the foundation, so in the future we must not only preach more children and more fertility, but it is best to fight with those of the slave-catching team. People deepen their connections to get more young people."

"Nowadays, the number of adventurers in our territory has increased sharply. We must pay attention to safety management and control, and the number of tasks issued must also increase reasonably. Otherwise, these adventurers will not make money here, and these adventurers will eventually run away. , but it accounts for at least half of our income source."

"I also have a suggestion. Now that the situation has stabilized, the wilderness cannot make major changes in a short period of time. We must seek to develop new territories. I think we can carve out a city in the dark forest."

This last suggestion was made by Wilson. As Roy's youngest son, he is also the most gifted junior in the family, and the second senior professional in the family besides Patriarch Roy. His speech attracted the attention of everyone present.

Roy touched his beard, looked at Wilson, and said with some surprise, "Wilson, why do you have such an idea?"

How difficult is it to build a city in a dark forest? Just trying to solve environmental factors requires a lot of energy and resources. Wilson's idea is somewhat fanciful.

This is also the subconscious thought of everyone here. No, except for Master Wit, who often goes in and out of the dark forest. After hearing Wilson's words, his heart suddenly moved, his eyes lit up, and he felt that Wilson's proposal seemed to be really possible.

And Wilson didn't show off, looked around and said bluntly,

"This is not a purely human city. I think we can build a multi-racial mixed city. Over the past few days, you have also seen the quality of the Dragon Nest monster warriors. In addition to being a little more barbaric in their actions, compared with humans in other aspects, they are... It's more pure, and there's not much pressure when talking.

Moreover, I often go in and out of the Dark Forest, have been to the Black Blood Valley, and have also been to the Mountain Stream Territory. They are still in a backward tribal model. If our Siglinde family can change the backward model of Dragon Nest, we will be able to do so in the next ten years. The power of Dragon Nest will be expanded five times or even ten times within the year, and our family will also be able to gain huge benefits from it. The construction of Dragon Nest City involves all aspects. As newcomers to the game, this is a huge piece of land that no one else is competing with us. cake"

Wilson said everything he was thinking, and then looked at the others with some anxiety. Mainly looking at his father.

Some people opened their mouths to say something, but saw that the patriarch Roy was still deep in thought, so they chose to remain silent.

After a while, a voice came from the main seat,

"It's a good idea." Roy's eyes revealed his admiration for his son Wilson without any concealment. Seeing the smile on Wilson's face, he suddenly changed his tone and said,

"This idea is quite good. If this thing is done well, our Siglinde family will prosper for at least hundreds of thousands of years. However, Wilson, this thing seems simple, but it may be more difficult to actually do it. It’s harder than building a giant human city from scratch.”

"Father, no matter how difficult it is, I want to try it." Wilson was silent for a moment and said firmly.

His eyes burned with burning ambition. He became a senior professional at the age of twenty-seven, and with his rich experiences over the years, he gradually began to feel that the Sieglinde family was too small, the Wilderness Plain was too small, and the Principality of Kaas was too small!

All in all, Wilson felt that as a young, capable and talented person, he must make an earth-shattering career.

"The bloodline of Lord Black Dragon King is the best catalyst. If we make good use of this, our Dragon Nest force will become one of the overlords of the continent in as fast as decades or as slowly as a hundred years." Wilson thought to himself.

Wilson saw further and saw more clearly.

Instead of caring about the immediate interests of the family, it is better to work hard to promote the "big tree" behind the family, so that the "big tree" can thrive and flourish, thereby giving feedback to the family.

"Well, you will be responsible for carrying out this matter. All the resources and manpower in the family can be mobilized." Roy looked deeply at his youngest son and said slowly.

This decision was made, and everyone present was secretly surprised.

"Father, I think this matter is too risky and needs to be carefully considered." A middle-aged man stood up beside him. His eyes were as sharp as an eagle, his body was strong and strong, and he was two meters tall, like a little giant.

Harry, a ninth-level peak warrior, 48 years old, Roy's eighth son.

Wilson, who was originally looking excited, heard someone objecting and looked in the direction of the sound. When he saw it was his brother Harry, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

For a family that can prosper, develop and progress, most of the people in the family must be exerting their efforts in one place.

But after all, it’s only the majority.

Three people may have bad intentions, let alone a family with hundreds of people. It is impossible for everyone to live in harmony.

"Brother, you have to be clear. Now our Siglinde family has been standing on the cliff for a long time. It is ridiculous to talk about risks and seek stability at this time." Wilson said coldly.

Harry looked at Wilson with his eagle eyes, expressionless, "It is precisely because the family is already on the cliff that I want to make the cliff more stable and safer, instead of actively knocking on it with a pickaxe, talking about the cliff. There are precious ores below. If there are no ores, the cliff will become shaky."

The two brothers faced each other tit for tat and never retreated.

The rest of the people were silent when they saw this, not intending to get involved in this struggle for interests.

In other words, the factions present have long been clear.

The radical faction headed by Wilson, the traditional faction headed by Harry, and the neutral faction. Now the neutral faction is not involved, while the other two factions are fighting openly and covertly.

Roy, who was sitting in the main seat, looked at this scene with his expression unchanged.

Families inherently need competition, as long as the purpose of this competition is to make the family better.

"Okay, I think what Harry said makes sense, so let's do it. You two each control half of the family's resources and do things boldly according to your own ideas. I want to see what you two can do. Can you satisfy me with the results?" Roy said calmly.


Everyone was shocked. Patriarch Roy obviously meant that he wanted to abdicate. And who will be the leader of the family after abdicating the throne?

It is obvious that whoever makes greater achievements will inherit it.

At this moment, some thoughts flashed in the eyes of Roy's other children, especially the heirs who also had some powerful hands, and their hearts began to stir. Roy has dozens of children. Excluding those who died in infancy and those who were too young, there are as many as ten heirs among the remaining ones who have a certain amount of power in their hands.

"As long as you are my children, you can let go and do something great. Compared to a lifeless family, I prefer a vibrant and competitive family." Roy said with a smile, and suddenly changed his words. ,

"Of course, I hope that all legitimate means are used, if there is any conspiracy."

Although Roy didn't say it completely, the coldness in his eyes made everyone present feel a chill in their hearts.

No one would doubt that if someone really dared to go against Patriarch Roy's wishes, Patriarch Roy would show mercy.

The answer is definitely not.

Even his biological son is like this.

Otherwise, how could the Siglinde family have developed rapidly and steadily in these years? There were traitors during this period, but they were all dealt with ruthlessly by Roy.

There were even one of Roy's sons and a grandson among them.

The family meeting ended and everyone dispersed.

Outside the door, Wilson and Harry looked at each other and said nothing.

But both of them must have a lot of energy in their hearts.

"Stupid brother, he only focuses on the immediate profits." Wilson sneered in his heart.

"A kid who doesn't even have hair yet, thinks that having strong cultivation talent means everything? He actually encouraged his father to do such a risky thing!" Harry's heart was dark and cold.

Then the two parted ways, and after each received half of the family's resources and manpower support, they immediately started working on their chosen careers.

Wilson's career is naturally to build a great city in the dark forest that can accommodate multiple intelligent races.

Harry's career continues the family's old tradition. The territory's weapons shop, style shop, enchantment shop and other operations, as well as slaves, population, ore, etc.

However, Harry was not static. After careful consideration, he decided to let his reliable manpower form a caravan, and then directed the caravan to quietly go to the middle of the continent.

The middle of the continent is the center of the Tar plane. It is a vast area with many races. There are orcs, humans, dwarves, elves, as well as various evil, good, neutral forces, and rare races. Unlike here in the south, there are more opportunities there. Much more, and resources are much richer.

Both sides exerted themselves with all their strength.

Thousands of kilometers deep into the dark forest, there is a small plain of fertile black earth between two thousand-foot peaks.

This is where the Mountain Stream Dragon Nest is located.

On this day, Wilson came here with a team of hundreds of people.

As the territory's general manager, Shi Ji personally came to meet Wilson. Ordinary people are naturally not worthy of being interviewed by Shiji, but Wilson can, not because he is Roy's son, but because he is a high-level professional.

Dragon Nest, on the other hand, only values ​​strength. Here, only the strong have a higher status.

"What's in these carriages?" Shiji stood next to Wilson and asked in a familiar and natural tone.

The first person who contacted Dragon Nest was Master Witte. Later, Wilson also studied with Witte. Gradually, Wilson and Dragon Nest became familiar with each other. Especially with Shi Ji, who is the general manager, the relationship between the two has been pretty good for five or six years.

"It's some wine, ordinary clothes, and some bottles and cans." Wilson said with a smile.

Hearing this, Shi Ji was slightly startled and said strangely, "Dragon Nest has no need for these things. The wine is worse than a piece of bacon. As for clothes, the animal skins in the tribe are completely enough. Whether it is for warmth or defense, they are better than you humans." Among them, ordinary clothes are more practical."

"You are wrong. As long as they are intelligent creatures, in addition to meeting the most basic survival conditions, they will definitely pursue richer material enjoyment. Sometimes, the role of a product cannot be measured by whether it is more practical." Wei. Erson smiled slightly.

"Maybe." Shi Ji was noncommittal. As a monster that has always lived in the wild, its requirements for itself and the tribe are to pursue higher efficiency.

For example, in terms of food, the monsters in Dragon's Lair have to learn to eat grinded ores, vegetation, and soil since childhood, and have developed this habit since childhood. The purpose is nothing more than to save the tribe's food expenses.

The price required to achieve this goal is only abdominal pain and slow digestion. Once you get used to it, it will be just that.

Another example is something like wine.

In Shi Ji's eyes, this kind of liquid that consumes a lot of grain to brew is simply a waste, so the entire Dragon Nest force prohibits consuming fruits or grain to brew wine. Violation of this is a felony.

"Haha, Chief Shiji, you and the soldiers will know whether what I said is right or wrong after using it for a while." Wilson showed a mysterious smile.

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