This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 117 Victory; Situation; Bat Demon Bloodline

In the center of the battlefield.

Deep pit.

With a huge explosion, the entire battlefield fell silent for a moment.

The soldiers' eyes subconsciously focused on the direction from which the sound came - the deep pit with a diameter of more than 150 meters.

In the sight, a tall figure jumped up from the pit with a blood wolf body that was no longer moving on its back.

The tall figure's body was stained with blood and gray hair was fluttering in the wind. His body was covered in blood and flesh, with shriveled and withered muscles, and one of his arms was broken. He looked as if the fire of life was about to be extinguished.

Brian looked around and saw the victory horn that the war had come to an end. He breathed a sigh of relief, although the victory of this war was so natural.

When his will could no longer hold on, Blaine's consciousness blurred for a moment and he fell to the ground.

Not long after he fell, three healing spells fell on the two broken bodies of Blaine and Blood Wolf.

Roy, Witt, and the family elder 'Butch' drove the monster mount closer. Seeing the miserable state of Brian and his mount, their brows jumped.

"Dalton is dead."

The dragon-blooded warrior who went to the pit to check the results came back to report the news. His eyes under the metal mask could not stop being shocked. He looked at the skinny jackal lying on the ground, and felt a shudder and admiration in his heart.

He has not yet reached the master level, but he can defeat a long-established master level warrior. This ferocity and madness are simply unimaginable.

A group of enchanting figures flew from the sky, and one of them fell to the ground.

Ava Black Feather walked straight over, and the surrounding dragon-blooded warriors subconsciously stepped aside. While they were guarding the clan leader and others while they were casting spells, they saw how terrifying this woman was. No one knows how many warriors and spellcasters were slaughtered and harvested by the harpies she led.

"How is Brian? Is he dead?" Ava's lazy and charming voice came before anyone arrived.

"Commander Blaine's condition is not very good, but his life can be saved." Two intermediate mages, Witte and Butch, continued to release healing spells. Roy stepped forward and used magic and mental power to carefully check Blaine's disability. Body, the tone is a bit heavy.

"But what? Say what you have to say, it doesn't matter even if you die." Ava came closer, took a look at Blaine's miserable condition, and spoke casually.

As the master's bodyguard and maid, Ava didn't take too seriously to these brutal monster warriors, even the fourteenth-level Blaine. Because Ava believed that with her master's strength and bloodline, even a master-level creature could be easily conquered, and she didn't need to care about the death of a high-level monster at all.

Roy glanced at Ava. Although Ava was a gift from their family, today is different from the past, and her situation and status have changed dramatically. He lowered his head slightly and said in a polite tone,

"The injury suffered by Commander Brain is on the other hand. Even if his hand is broken, it can be restored by high-level magic. However, the blood in his body has been almost completely burned, the foundation is damaged, and his body has become an empty shell. Even if he survives, it is estimated that .The strength will also be reduced a lot."

"In other words, will you become a waste in the future?" Ava stopped what Roy wanted to say and said directly, with a cold expression.

Roy hesitated for a moment and nodded slightly, "Unless it is a super-level spell or even a forbidden spell, there is a high probability that it will not be restored."

Super-level spells are the name of nine-level spells. Many of the highest-level spells used by archmages who have reached the legendary level are of this level. Needless to say, the forbidden spells start at ten levels, and there are also eleven and twelve levels. At least a legendary mage can learn and release them. Some extremely terrifying forbidden spells can even overturn a material plane. It can also create a new material plane.

"Super position? Forbidden spell?" Ava smiled, and the wide black feather wings behind her flapped and flew into the sky.

Looking at Ava leaving quickly with the harpy, Roy didn't say anything, but Witte on the side couldn't help it.

"These monsters are really ruthless, and they are all on the same camp after all."

"Haha, in this world, even relatives and children can be sacrificed, just to become stronger, let alone the so-called same camp? Wit, you are still so naive." Roy smiled slightly, turned to look at Wit and asked say something,

"Okay, let's treat Commander Brian well. Maybe he will have a chance to get back up again."

"Clan leader, what does this mean?" Witte frowned slightly, confused.

Didn’t you just say that some kind of super position or forbidden spell is needed to cure it? Now you say there is a chance?

Are you going to ask the Archmage to cast a spell?

However, Roy did not answer Witt's question because he himself was not sure.

"The master's dragon vein power is very special, maybe" Roy pondered in his heart.

With the death of Dalton, the commander of the army of the Principality of Cass, this sudden war came to an end quickly.

There were approximately 35,000 human troops participating in this battle.

Among them, there were about 10,000 corpses left behind, about 18,000 people were captured by the monster army, and about 7,000 people fled in all directions.

As for the monster army, the number participating in the battle was 10,000, as well as hundreds of elite support from the Siglind family.

Among them, about 330 monster warriors died, and the total number of minor and serious injuries was less than 2,000 (mainly minor injuries that were not serious).

Most of the dead monster warriors were intermediate monsters that had just entered level five, and were unlucky enough to be shot in the head by the enchanted arrows of the human army, penetrated to death, or killed by concentrated fire. Of course, a considerable number of them were fighting with Died during a fierce battle with the Redthorn Knights. However, the latter is even worse. The weaving that took five or six years to put together again is now crippled again, with greater losses than the last time it was besieged by the Queen of Darkness and the Centaur Hurricane Knights.

"This is a great victory." Roy couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the army of monsters collecting corpses and driving away prisoners to retreat.

Such a powerful monster army is simply not something that a human principality can resist.

Even in the tightly knit Albit Kingdom, if the Legends and Masters are not eliminated, the outcome of the competition is still uncertain based on the combat effectiveness of the professional army.

This is assuming that they can be twisted into a rope. In fact, the Albit Kingdom cannot be twisted into a rope at all.

Intermediate professionals are not just fish. They have already met the minimum requirements to receive the development order from the great nobles. Once the development is successful, they will be automatically promoted to the nobility, although they are usually only the lowest knights or lords.


The metal wine glass was flattened by the palm of my hand.

The owner of the palm had a gloomy look in his eyes. He was sitting on the throne, and the noble ministers below him were silent.

"Dalton is dead? There are only more than 300 people left in the 1,000-strong Redbud Knights?" Grand Duke Redbud said to himself.

After a long time, he took a deep breath, and his energy and energy seemed to be ten years old in one fell swoop.

"Give up the northern border and withdraw all remaining troops."

As soon as this order was issued, some of the nobles below became anxious. "Grand Duke, how can this be allowed? The Siglinde family is just a viscount family. Why?"

Grand Duke Bauhinia glanced at them lightly, and the terrifying aura made the nobles slowly shut their mouths.

"Stop talking nonsense like this. If you, the northern nobles, are unwilling to part with your territory and interests, and are unwilling to retreat, then go and join the Sieglinde family.

From the news I got from the southern part of the wasteland, you should also know that the nobles who took refuge with the Siglinde family are still alive and well. "

As he spoke, Grand Duke Bauhinia glanced at the nobles in the hall with a calm expression.

What he said was very clear.

The northern nobles who originally wanted to make a fuss had nothing to say and shut up one after another.

After all the noble ministers had retreated, Grand Duke Bauhinia narrowed his eyes and wondered what he was thinking.

"There are an army of tens of thousands of intermediate-level monsters, and judging from the characteristics and auras of those monsters, they are all black dragon-veined creatures. Which black dragon has the Sieglinde family taken refuge in?"

First rule out the Queen of Darkness.

The smell is wrong. Moreover, the growth trajectory of the Queen of Darkness is relatively clear, and it is impossible to suddenly create such a powerful army.

However, there is also an army of monsters with the same aura over there in the Dark Nest, serving under the Queen of Darkness.

"The consort of the Dark Queen?" Grand Duke Bauhinia could only guess in this direction.

This is why, after the defeat of the army, Duke Bauhinia did not personally lead the army to take revenge, but chose to endure it and even planned to voluntarily give up part of the country.

In the current chaotic situation - the southern part of the wasteland is occupied by a powerful black dragon force suspected to be the consort of the Queen of Darkness, the middle part of the wasteland is occupied by the Dark Nest led by the Queen of Darkness, and the northern part of the wasteland is occupied by the centaur army led by the King of Centaur. , and there is a faint hint of cooperation between the three parties to attack and carve up.

Under this situation, if the Principality of Kas chooses to continue to intervene, actively fall into the quagmire of war, and be consumed by the monster army, the country's power will only decline more and more, and eventually it will be destroyed.

On the contrary, at this time, ceding the northern territory of the principality to the Sieglinde family for management and rule will increase the other party's sphere of influence, but it will also drag down the other party's strength.

The nobles in the northern territory of the principality were far away from the capital all year round, so they had long been not so loyal to the Duke of Bauhinia. Especially under the current situation of the principality's successive defeats, they must have had dissatisfaction.

The Duke of Bauhinia this time is equivalent to 'giving up' a group of disloyal nobles and their territories, allowing these conspiracy-minded nobles and the Sieglinde family to torment each other and consume both sides.

After Grand Duke Bauhinia issued this order, a delegation of envoys rushed to the northern frontline overnight and met with Roy, the leader of the Sieglinde family.

"Give up the city of Visalia, as well as a dozen surrounding towns and hundreds of villages?" Roy smiled slightly and said with emotion, "As expected of the Duke of Bauhinia, I really have the courage to agree."

The messenger breathed a sigh of relief, performed a noble etiquette and left in a hurry with the news.

After the envoy from the principality left, Roy rubbed the smooth armrest of the seat and fell into deep thought.

"Grand Duke Bauhinia is really tolerant. But this is just what I want."

If Grand Duke Bauhinia chooses to fight to the death, Roy will have an even greater headache, because he is not sure whether the master will also take action after Grand Duke Bauhinia takes action. If he does not take action, then the Siglinde family will be in misery.

But there is no need to worry now, Grand Duke Bauhinia has taken the initiative to give in.

This result cannot be said to be the best, but it is definitely the safest for the Siglinde family.

"Now let's deal with this group of nobles from the northern part of the principality first. We can't let them cause trouble, otherwise the territory they take over will only turn into a huge mess." Roy made a decision.

He recruited some of his relatively outstanding heirs.

"You guys take my souvenir and go to Visalia to meet you."

"Master, the battle situation on the wasteland frontline"

Black Castle.

Shiji reported the outcome of the war to Udi.

"Okay, I get it."

The black dragon lay on the throne and said lazily.

Now that Duke Bauhinia bowed his head and chose to retreat, that's good.

It has been able to grow steadily for a while again.

Udi doesn't want to take action now. Once he takes action, no matter whether he wins or loses, he will put himself on the bright side. Before he has absolute strength, doing so is obviously very dangerous.

As for when is the right time to take action?

Wu Di thought about it and felt that he must at least have a barely legendary strength and learn the magic to travel to other planes. With these two prerequisites, your own safety and retreat can be basically guaranteed.

He deeply understands that as long as he develops steadily, he will be able to sweep away everything at hand sooner or later, so why bother to find so many hidden dangers and dangers for himself?

"By the way, Master, Brian is seriously injured." Shiji also mentioned something about Brian.

"Is this guy disabled?" Oudi felt a little pity. He felt that Brian had good potential. He had led the clan in the wasteland and was able to survive for decades under the oppression of centaurs. Moreover, there were not many With limited resources, he also possesses a level 13 strength.

Blaine is definitely a genius, a genius among the jackals.

This has also been reflected in this war.

With the strength of level 14, he killed a master-level professional. Although the opponent was only a very ordinary warrior with a professional level of only level 15, and he had the help of Roy and others. But this cannot be concealed. Blaine's combat power is powerful.

"Equip Blaine with a few Dragon Vein Warlocks with good healing skills, and some mid-to-high-level monster flesh and blood resources to see if he can recover."

Udi thought for a moment and said.

If such a brave monster subordinate can recover, he will probably advance to the master level soon.

As for the Dragon Nest forces, although they have master-level combat power, they really don't have any real master-level monsters (top-level monsters).

Without top-level combat power, you will often be a little helpless.

"Yes, I will follow your orders." Shi Ji nodded respectfully.

The next day.

A group of harpies flew outside Black Castle, led by Ava Blackfeather.

"What a beautiful lair."

A group of harpies jumped up and down looking at the majestic castle glowing with black and gold under the scorching sun.

Ava couldn't help but smile on her face.

"Let's go see the master."

The leader gave the order, and a group of chattering banshees also shut up and followed Ava to fly to the Black Castle.

However, what they didn't expect was that the dragonborn warrior guarding the Black Castle stopped them.

Ava waved her hand to silence the angry banshees behind her. She looked coldly at the dragonborn warrior blocking the road in front of her.

Different from ordinary human dragon warriors, the two dragon warriors who came to stop Ava and the others had a pair of dark flesh wings of bats on their backs, and they had the same appearance, they were twins.

"Do you know who I am?" Ava looked away from their black flesh wings and spoke indifferently.

The twin dragonborn warriors flapped their jet-black wings on their backs and frowned slightly. One of them sneered, "This is the Black Castle. No one can enter unless they are summoned."

Ava's face remained unchanged and she said calmly, "We are maids serving the master."

The twin dragonborn warriors looked at each other with strange eyes, but still shook their heads firmly.

"There are indeed harpies and dragonborn maids in the Black Castle, but we have never seen your group."

"Haha, that's it." Ava nodded with understanding, her expression suddenly enlightened.

She waved her hand gently.

The harpies behind them, who had long since lost their patience, rushed over and surrounded the two dragonborn warriors.

"How dare you provoke the great Black Dragon King?!" The twin dragonborn warriors were a little frightened and angry, obviously not expecting this situation.

The harpies stepped forward with a sneer, and their sharp eagle claws scratched their two pairs of bat wings to pieces. Without the bat wings, the two dragon warriors lost their ability to fly and fell from the sky. It hit the ground hard.

The human dragon warriors on the ground, who had long sensed something was wrong, quickly stepped forward and helped up the two bat-winged dragon warriors who were vomiting blood.

"Why don't you hurry up and capture them!" the bat-winged dragon-born warrior said viciously while vomiting blood.

"Two adults, this..." This group of human dragon warriors was a little embarrassed.

Some of the human dragon warriors recognized Ava and the others and said hesitantly,

"That's Commander Ava, the master's personal maid."

Besides, even if they weren't, they wouldn't be able to fly and couldn't be stopped.

"You." The bat-winged dragon-born warrior's face turned a little blue. The two of them gritted their teeth as they looked at the human dragon-born warriors who looked innocent and even had a hint of schadenfreude in their eyes.

After saying a harsh word, the two bat-winged dragon-born warriors staggered away.

Behind them, the mocking looks on the faces of the group of human dragon warriors could no longer stop.

"Bah, they're just two bastards. If they didn't rely on Lord Yixia, how could they dare to be so arrogant."

A brown-haired human dragon warrior sneered, his tone very unhappy, but there was still a hint of envy in his eyes.

As for what to envy? Naturally, he envied the two bat-winged dragon warriors.

The two bat-winged dragon warriors were originally humans like them, and they were younger than many of them. They were newcomers to the Black Castle in the past year.

But their luck was really good. After the two of them accepted the transformation of their master's bloodline, a pair of bat wings gradually grew out of their backs.

After Lord Isha (the leader of a group of wild harpies who took the initiative to seek refuge in Black Castle) found out about this, he took the two newcomers as servants on the spot.

And they also learned from Mr. Isha's mouth that the two humans with bat wings showed up because they had the blood of some kind of bat monster in their bodies, which was activated and mutated under the stimulation of the master's blood. feature.

Among humans, this would definitely be a heresy and would be discriminated against or even eradicated.

But in Black Castle.

Having a strong bloodline means stronger talent and faster growth in the future.

That's why these human dragon warriors feel envious and jealous.

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