This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 154 Morgan and Potion No. 01

After the silver dragon girl Sandy stayed in the dragon pond for a while, she walked out of the dragon pond and teleported away.

Within the scope of the Black Castle, a large number of isolation spell matrices are engraved, and teleportation spells cannot be used without the 'permitted' spell aura. ——But if it is a very high-level teleportation spell, you can ignore the matrix. After all, the highest level of participants in Black Castle's isolation spell matrix is ​​only an advanced spellcaster.


Since the silver dragon girl Sandy left, Oudi has been thinking deeply.

Sandy wants to exchange products from her territory for potions from Black Wing Lair that can stimulate physical growth.

Such a magic potion obviously does not exist.

But Udi can also package it into existence. Mix the dragon's blood with some strange materials and put it into a potion bottle. Call it a magic potion, which is naturally feasible.

However, there are considerable risks in doing so.

Judging from Sandy's behavior and the various strange things in her territory, this silver dragon girl is probably still a research dragon.

After getting Oudi's 'Dragon Blood Potion', he will definitely conduct crazy research.

And in this process, something bad will obviously be exposed. For example, the 'Dragon Blood Potion' can make unintelligent creatures gain wisdom, and can also 'evolve' the body of dragon beasts, achieving a terrifying effect that surpasses that of giant dragons of the same race.

The former effect is not bad, although it is a bit exaggerated, but many legendary spellcasters can do it, and even some special professions can achieve similar effects at the master level. (For example, the soul that Lyanna studied using psychic energy.)

But the latter effect is very terrifying.

Are dragons perfect creatures?

The genes and blood of a perfect creature are stable and solidified. In theory, no mutations can occur.

However, almost all giant dragon species have a large number of examples of mutants and degenerates.

Therefore, the dragon is definitely not a perfect creature. At least this is the case for ordinary dragons. The three legendary dragon species in dragon legends may be an exception.

However, even if the ordinary giant dragon is not a perfect creature, it is still a powerful creature that has taken a big step in this direction. It was one of the strongest overlords that once dominated the ancient star world. Now, even if it has fallen a little, it is still the top powerful clan. .

It would be scary to think about such a powerful race if there was a "magic potion" that could be mass-produced and increase its potential and talent limit.

Various monsters in Black Wing Lair, such as goblins, kobolds, trolls, goatmen, dragon-born humans, etc., their mutations, they have exceeded the upper limit of their own race, the silver dragon girl Sandy and the emerald forest elf When the great elder saw it, he could only sigh in admiration.

Because the bloodlines of the above races are inherently inferior, there are too many ways to break through the upper limit of their own race, and it is 'too easy', so naturally they will not feel alarmed.

But the evolution of a dragon beast into a 'giant dragon' is different, and on the basis of the giant dragon, it is difficult to evolve it again and increase the upper limit.

This does not mean that other than Udi, other beings cannot do the above two points.

At the very least, the Five Color Dragon Mother and the Platinum Dragon God can do it. The former created the entire evil five-color dragon tribe, while the latter created the entire good metal dragon tribe.

With the power of the two, even the ancestral dragons can create. The ancestral dragon can be said to be the highest-level existence of ordinary dragon species in the star world. It is an ultimate creature whose bloodline is not inferior to that of the Titans. They only need to grow naturally to have strength comparable to the gods and become god-like greatness. exist.

Is it possible to even create a terrifying ultimate creature like the ancestral dragon (all creatures that touch the god-like level can be called ultimate creatures), restore the dragon beast to a giant dragon, and increase the upper limit of ordinary giant dragons?

The reason why he didn't do it, according to Wu Di's previous guess, was that the cost was too high.

The Dragon Gods will definitely not think about solving individual problems in small quantities, otherwise the problems will be endless. What they want to do is definitely solve this problem from the root.

Wu Di thought a lot, and after weighing the pros and cons, he felt that the transaction with Silver Dragon Sandy could be slowed down.

There is no need to rush for the time being. When the strength is improved enough, if you expose something, just expose it.

This world is, after all, a world of the weak and the strong.

So far, the power of the void has been widely spread. In the Tar plane, there are hundreds of thousands of organisms with the power of the void in their bodies, some of which are obtained directly, and some of which are reproduced through blood.

In the abyss, every time Oudi collects special products, he will spread the power of the void in the wild abyss. A few years have passed, and if you include the multiplication of abyssal creatures, the number of abyssal creatures with the power of the void in their bodies is estimated to exceed One hundred thousand.

Could Udi not know that there are hidden dangers in doing such a thing?

This is actually just the choice that is most suitable for you based on your own personality and the environment you are in.

If you don't spread the power of the void, you won't be able to obtain powerful dependent groups when you are weak. Without the powerful dependent groups, your strength will naturally increase slowly. You need to spend a lot of time hunting by yourself, and the strengthening effect of the feast also depends on the quality of the food eaten. , the gap between high and low is very large, and the growth rate will be limited. Your own life will naturally be subject to more threats.

Although Oudi's main feast food now is hunting in the abyss, this is after he has grown up. If he did not have the support and driving of the monster clans such as Shiji, Mundo, and Caladan in the early stage, Then it is impossible for him, who is only 21 or 22 years old, to have such great strength.

Even in deep sleep, if there was no powerful family member worthy of reassuring the dragon to protect him when he was still weak, Wu Di would not dare to sleep too hard, and would be always worried.

He is not a metal dragon, but he does not have a safe environment to grow up. How can he control so much when he is weak? If he can improve his survival rate by one point, he will not care about hidden dangers.

And when Wu Di quickly developed with the help of the power of the void and became the Black Dragon Lord, he also stood on the bright side and was watched by many forces. Naturally, he could only continue to expand his family's power, making others jealous, timid, and afraid. .

Dulong is completely different from a lord dragon with a powerful dependent territory. The former may have greedy professionals coming to hunt at any time, while the latter is not to mention greedy professionals. Even principalities and kingdoms have to weigh the pros and cons and feel that hunting is evil. How do the benefits and losses brought about by the dragon compare.

As for spreading the power of the void in the abyss, there are two reasons. One is that it has already spread in Taal, so spreading it in the abyss is not bad. On the contrary, the lava field abyss plane is much larger than the Taal plane. , let alone hundreds of thousands of void monsters, there are millions and millions of them. In the lava wasteland, they are just a larger spray of magma, which is quite small.

The other is that Udi wants to use this method to obtain the coordinates of the material plane that have not been exposed, which is equivalent to investment.

If successful, Udi will be able to obtain a private plane.

It doesn't matter if he fails, Oudi still has the option of seizing the abyss city and becoming the lord of the abyss.

Perhaps it was due to growth, or being a black dragon, which caused changes in his personality, or perhaps he was affected by the feast talent. Sometimes, Oudi would have some pretty crazy ideas.

For example - when you are strong enough, what improvement will it bring if you directly swallow the Taal plane?

Another example - if you eat the bead that seems to contain the power of the evil god.

For example - can the power of the feast swallow up the entire star realm?

outside world.

After Sandy teleported away from the Black Castle, she secretly came back, but instead of returning to the Black Castle, she came to the Monster City located under the Black Castle.

With a flash of magic, her appearance changed into a dragonborn maid over two meters tall.

Then he wandered around this monster city carelessly.

Sometimes I went into street shops to inquire, sometimes I went into pubs to listen to various information and secrets, and by the way, I learned about the city's rules and policies.

This is not special treatment for Monster City. Every time Sandy goes to a city, she will spend some time getting to know it.

If there is something useful or novel, she will experiment on her territory.

Sandy has been staying in the Monster City for half a month. During this period, she also went to the monster villages and towns in the dark forest to observe, and finally teleported away.

There is a huge island on the distant North Sea.

The island covers an area of ​​millions of square kilometers. From a high altitude, you can see all kinds of strange, magnificent and tall buildings.

In the sky, there were even aircraft that looked like spaceships flying by.

On the top floor of a pointed magic tower, in a laboratory that combines science fiction and magic.

Sandy suddenly appeared in the form of a silver-haired girl.

"What good stuff did you steal again?"

Behind an experimental bench, a sexy woman with silver dragon horns on her head glanced at the silver-haired girl and said.

Sandy rolled her eyes and said angrily, "Hey, hey, hey, I'm your master, be careful what you say. How can you say this is stealing? This is research. You should study this thing when you have time." "

A large number of glass bottles appeared out of thin air at Sandy's feet, all of which were filled with dark red, deep purple, or pale green blood of different colors.

"What is this? The blood of mutated creatures? What special effects does it have?" The silver dragon horn beauty complained, but the curiosity in her heart was still aroused.

Although Sandy is often very unreliable in what she does, she always shines with the things she brings back.

In the territory, more than 80% of the product research inspiration comes from the samples and knowledge brought back by Sandy.

"Well, I spent some money from a black dragon lord in the south of the Central Continent to collect the blood of various monsters in the opponent's territory. There are goblins, trolls, jackals, and humans. There are many, many, many effects. ,yes."

Sandy told the story of the cause and effect to Longjiao Beauty without any concealment.

The relationship between the two is not just an ordinary master-servant relationship, but also has an emotional bond of more than a thousand years, so there is no need to hide anything.

Even many times, after Sandy encountered distressing things, she still had to listen to the other party's opinions and analysis.

After patiently listening to what Sandy said, Longjiao Beauty frowned slightly and asked,

"Are you going to report the weird dragon thing to those old guys on Dragon Island?"

"Isn't it possible to have this plan?" Sandy asked cautiously, always observing the expression of the dragon-horned beauty.

As soon as she saw the dragon-horned beauty making the iconic gesture of holding her forehead and sighing, she knew the result——

"Of course not! It's not like you don't know the stubborn thoughts of those old guys on Dragon Island. Once they learn about it, regardless of whether the matter is true or false, they will definitely go to the Black Dragon Lord's territory to investigate. With their aloof character and handling of affairs, , what do you think things will eventually develop into? You."

The beauty with dragon horns blamed her so much that Sandy shrank her head and didn't dare to say anything.

"But what if there is any major secret hidden behind this?" Sandy said in a weak tone, a little confused.

The beauty with dragon horns sighed helplessly, "The star realm is so big and there are so many secrets. Who is a strong person who doesn't have some secrets? Are you saying that the secrets in you and me are still small? Sometimes, curiosity will kill the dragon. of.

We only need to evaluate the tendencies of the other party's camp. If it is not the evil camp, it will usually not do any big bad things. There is no need to make this matter a big deal. The Taal plane is already chaotic enough now. If it makes a big deal, If we go down, maybe we should consider moving. "

"Okay. Then it's up to you." Sandy thought about it carefully, and what the beauty with dragon horns said did make sense.

The dragon beast thing is big or small. The main issue is actually related to the face of Dragon Island, and it is not really how important the dragon beast is.

Whether it is a five-color dragon or a metal dragon, in their eyes, dragon beasts are stupid beasts. They are not of the same race at all. They are the kind that they do not approve of from the bottom of their hearts. This has nothing to do with their camp.

After all, even the Dragon God does not recognize dragon beasts.

Just like when a human gives birth to a monkey, will he recognize it as a member of his own race?

Obviously not.

"As long as you understand, then, leave the things behind and you can go. I want to study the blood carefully." Seeing that Sandy understood, the dragon-horned beauty immediately started chasing the dragon.

Her curiosity was now piqued by the effect Sandy described.

"He is really a research madman."

Sandy muttered something, and then left here with a groan.

But before she could go far, the voice of the dragon-horned beauty came from behind again,

"By the way, potion No. 01 is almost ready. Stop wandering around these days and stay in the territory."

"Finally going to make it? I love you so much!"

Sandy's figure flashed and hung directly on the dragon-horned beauty, squirming with excitement.

The dragon-horned beauty took it off her body in disgust, and said in a bad mood,

"It is very important for you to prepare well during this period. With this opportunity, you will undergo earth-shaking changes and improvements. Perhaps a powerful alien dragon will be born in the star realm in the near future."

"Morgan, you are so kind." Sandy's eyes flashed with touching emotions.

"I know I'm fine."

The dragon-horned beauty named 'Morgan' touched the silver-haired girl's head lovingly, and a trace of determination flashed in her silver eyes.

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