This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 157 Legendary Defective Products

"Hold it all! Don't retreat!! Our support will be here soon!"

Wearing a full set of top-notch magic armor and holding a legendary sword, Bradley VII-Ivan stood at the front of the city wall and roared.

Occasionally, he would swing his sword and chop the fishman warriors who rushed up the city wall into two pieces.

The heavy rain mixed with the fishman's blood flowed down from the armor, and Ivan felt extremely depressed at this time.

In the past few years, he still has not taken the final step.

In desperation, he finally reluctantly spent a lot of money to invite the leader of the famous freedom force "Winter Snow Adventure Group", a legendary barbarian, to take action.

However, the legendary barbarian strongman actually broke his promise. The war has been going on for such a long time, and the kingdom's army has suffered 70,000 or 80,000 casualties, but still no one has been seen.

This made Ivan a little angry and a little sad.

The ambition to revive the Albit Kingdom was ultimately met with failure by the sahuagin.

As for why not sign a contract with the legendary barbarian?

Does the Albit Kingdom, which is in straits, have the right to ask for a legendary strongman?

If people are willing to accept it, they are giving face to the kingdom.

But, I didn't expect it.

"Dongxue Mercenary Group" Ivan's eyes were blood red and his expression was ferocious.

In numbness and anger, Ivan frantically wielded the legendary sword and killed each fishman warrior.

I don’t know how long it took, but a figure appeared next to me.

"Your Majesty, it's time for us to leave." Darkman, wearing a mage's robe, sighed.

Ivan stopped swinging his sword and looked at the old man who was the second seat of the Kingdom's Palace Mage Group. He was silent for a moment and nodded.

Seeing His Majesty nodding, Darkman had a thought, and the Any Door instantly appeared in front of the two of them, and the two of them stepped into it and disappeared.

In the heavy rain, the few warriors who saw this scene were a little confused and dazed, but before they realized that their king had abandoned them and left, they were weaponized by senior four-armed fishman warriors who climbed up the city wall one by one. Die through.

The city wall front was officially defeated.

The Kingdom side never came out with a spell scroll to save the situation.

I don’t know if it’s gone, or I know that the situation is irreversible, so I won’t waste precious cards.

Babakar looked at the defeated city wall battle line and saw a large number of murloc warriors rushing forward to massacre the human warriors. There was no movement on the kingdom's side, and he suddenly grinned crazily.

"The trump card is gone, right? Hahahahaha." With wild laughter, Babakar transformed into a blue light and rushed into the royal city, preparing to start the massacre.

The entire royal city and millions of humans were used as sacrifices in the ceremony to get rid of the side effects of being promoted to legend. If that's not enough, then continue killing humans in other cities until it's enough. Without the royal city as a line of defense, the remaining territories and cities of the Albit Kingdom are like undefended cakes, completely open to invaders to devour at will.

Of course, this is just Babakar's own wishful thinking, but now he is almost crazy and can only rely on this method he guessed.

On the other side, a super-miniature little devil dragon shrunk to a size of more than ten centimeters also took advantage of the opportunity of the city wall to be broken and flew into the palace.

The master's first order is to take advantage of the battle between the two sides to seize the treasures of the kingdom's treasury.

The treasures here are not only gold, silver, elemental crystals, and magic ores, but also include the most important magic knowledge and professional knowledge.

This is what Blackwing Lair needs most.

Although there is a Chamber of Commerce of All Realms in the Abyss where you can buy almost anything, the items in the Chamber of Commerce of Ten Thousand Realms are very expensive. With the wealth accumulated in Black Wing Lair, you can't buy anything at all.

I spent two-thirds of the wealth accumulated over more than ten years to buy a small batch of mid-level and low-level spell knowledge, and then bought several blood-based professions suitable for monsters, which also cost a lot of wealth.

Now the remaining wealth of Blackwing Lair is pitifully small - indeed very little in Udi's eyes.

Besides, buying things is too expensive and slow, so where can I get them cheaply and quickly?

Therefore, when he knew that the sahuagin were going to launch a final decisive battle against the Kingdom of Albit, the Black Dragon Lord set his sights on the kingdom's thousands of years of wealth accumulation.

He is bound to get these wealth!

The little devil dragon went all the way deep into the palace, following his instinct for treasure hunting, and soon came to a secret vault.

There was a flash of black light, and the door to the secret library burst open.

The little magic dragon flew into it.

What came in was a mountain of silver coins, and a small amount of gold coins.

In a burst of black light, the little demon dragon disappeared, and a terrifying demon dragon more than 47 meters long appeared on the spot. The demon dragon opened its huge mouth, and the terrifying power of swallowing erupted, and the silver coins and gold coins directly turned into a line. Rivers of glittering gold and silver flew into its mouth.

Because the Abyss Demonic Dragon Clan cannot learn the profession of spellcaster, they are born with a special stomach structure in their bodies. This stomach is similar to a half space and can store a large number of items.

Half Space can also follow the strength of the Abyss Dragon to grow and become larger.

In just a few seconds, the dragon swallowed up all the treasures, then shrank in size and continued flying to another treasure hiding place in the palace.

"It's so embarrassing." Diaharut said irritably.

Time passed, and after breaking open several secret vaults one after another and devouring a large amount of treasures, Diaharut frowned, unable to sense the palace treasures or the aura of aura for a long time.

"Something's wrong. How can a kingdom have so little treasure accumulated for thousands of years? Didn't the royal family run away with the treasure?"

Diaharut belatedly thought of this possibility.

Suddenly, its face turned dark and it said in secret that it was over.

The owner has long told it to keep an eye on the movements of the other party's royal family members to prevent the other party from escaping with the treasure. It is best to shrink directly and quietly touch the king's side, kill the other party in a sneak attack, and take away the space treasure. .

After all, there are spellcasters in the kingdom, and if the spellcaster wants to run away, even if it is just a high-level spellcaster, if no teleportation spells are prohibited in advance, even the legendary warriors will be dumbfounded and unable to stop him.

But Diaharut obviously didn't take it seriously.

It felt that he was a king after all, and the strength gap between the kingdom and the sahuagin army was not so great that it could crush them. The high-end combat power should be able to fight a dozen, so how could they abandon the kingdom and run away with their treasures?

"Coward." Diaharut was a little irritable and depressed.

Not long ago, I vowed to my master that I would complete the task, but now I was slapped in the face.

At this moment, there was a loud bang in the palace, and large buildings collapsed, burying Diaharut inside.

In the palace, in mid-air, Babakar laughed maniacally. With a casual wave of the trident in his hand, a dark blue torrent emerged out of thin air, and then bombarded the palace below, plowing out large buildings and ground several kilometers long and hundreds of meters wide. traces of terror.

"This is power, this is power!!"

While laughing wildly, Babakar saw hundreds of maids and guards gathering in a corner of the palace. He grinned and flew directly over.

When the palace maids and guards saw the destructive maniac Babakar flying towards them, their faces suddenly turned pale and they fled in fear.

"Want to escape?" Babakar, who was more than five meters tall, revealed two rows of sharp teeth, and vast energy surged in his body. The next moment, his muscles squirmed and expanded like a spongy body. In almost a blink of an eye, he was in place. A giant fishman with a height of more than 20 meters appeared.

The giant fishman crossed hundreds of meters in one step and landed heavily in the center of the group of people. He trampled a dozen of them to death on the spot. He grabbed five or six of them with both hands and threw them directly into the sharp teeth of the abyss.

There was a harsh chewing sound, and in a burst of blood, these devoured humans, including their souls, all turned into streams of energy, strengthening and nourishing Babakar's body.

For convenience, it arranged the bloody ritual directly in its own body. As long as it eats, it can continuously gain strength through this ritual.

Feeling the growing strength of his body, the crazy emotions in his mind seemed to be suppressed. Babakar laughed with ecstasy on his face, and continued to claw at the humans on the ground who were as big as ants.

In the ruins, dozens of maids and guards looked at the incoming giant claws with despairing faces, as well as the ferocious smiles of the giant fish-men.

The next moment, the ruins burst open, and an abyss demon dragon burning with demonic flames rushed out, swallowing dozens of humans in advance before the giant murloc's claws attacked.

After finishing the dessert, the four huge dragon wings burning with the abyssal flames behind the Abyss Demonic Dragon flapped and rushed directly towards the stunned giant murloc.

"Let me see, I actually met a legendary fish-man." Diaharut's dragon face smiled ferociously.

Its aura at the moment is slightly stronger than Babakar.

This is also the reason why Diaharut dared to rush towards the opponent.

"If I take down this legendary fishman, the master will definitely forgive me, and maybe even reward me." Diaharut said excitedly.

This is the best chance to atone for your sins!

On the opposite side, Babakar quickly came to his senses. Not only was he not angry because he was robbed of food, but he said with joy, "Haha, dragon? After eating you, I will definitely be able to solve the side effects and become stronger!"

"Still want to eat me?" Diaharut's dragon face grinned ferociously, and a mouthful of abyssal breath more than ten meters thick hit Babakar directly.

Babakar's face changed slightly, and the huge trident appeared in his hand, and dark blue energy gathered in front of him.

As the energy was being consumed, Babakar was staggered backwards and staggered by the breath of the abyss, plowing out two huge traces on the earth.

Before Babakar could react, in his peripheral vision, a thick dragon tail with a tip like a giant hammer struck at him at a terrifying speed, squeezing the air until it twisted and exploded.

boom! !

One of Babakar's arms used to resist was turned into pieces of flesh under the thick dragon tail.

The legendary fishman who was in pain became angry, and his missing left arm squirmed crazily. Under the stimulation of a large amount of energy, it returned to its original state in an instant. Dark blue energy rippled, and with a stab of the trident, a hundred-meter-sized dark blue energy was gathered. The trident was formed, and it was aimed at the chest and abdomen of the abyss dragon and was thrust hard.

At the critical moment, a large amount of demonic energy surged out of Diaharut's body, and pieces of thick demonic armor on his chest condensed and formed.

Amidst the stabbing sound, the several meters thick magic armor on Diaharut's chest and abdomen cracked, and the dragon scales shattered.

Phew! The thick dragon claws directly grabbed the trident that was about to penetrate the dragon's body. A trace of violence flashed in the eyes of the abyss demon dragon. Under the terrifying power, it directly crushed the energy trident.

A massive amount of dark blue spiritual light spread out and spread, triggering a huge explosion.

When the explosion ended, the magnificent palace complex almost disappeared, and a large crater with a radius of several kilometers appeared on the spot.

In the huge pit, the Abyss Demonic Dragon, covered in blood and with broken dragon scales, was engaged in a crazy close combat fight with Babakar, who had transformed into a giant fish-man form. You were going back and forth, not giving in to each other.

"Is this a legend? Do you deserve to be called a legend?"

After fighting for a while, most of the dragon scales on his body were broken, and a section of his thick dragon tail disappeared. Diaharut laughed wildly, his dragon eyes flashed with purple light, and he rushed towards the giant fishman who was also seriously injured with a mental attack.

"Die to me!"

The abyss dragon's innate soul attack stunned Babakar, and then let out a painful scream.

Seeing this, Diaharut laughed wildly and said,

"Sure enough, you are not a legend at all. You don't even understand the true meaning of legend. You are just a defective product with no legendary power!"

Babakar, who was in pain, could not respond to the rampant laughter of the abyss dragon, rolling and moaning crazily on the ground.

Just when Diaharut was about to end the life of this defective legendary fish-man, the dragon's body paused and the abyssal energy above the dragon's claws dissipated.

The next moment, a hundred-meter-high white light giant door appeared on the battlefield.

Diaharut glanced at the giant murloc that was still rolling and groaning on the ground, and immediately cut off its legs with a dragon tail, and then pulled it into the giant white light door with another dragon tail.

Opposite the arbitrary gate is Longchi.

The crippled and seriously injured Babakar finally regained some of his sanity under the spiritual attack of the dragon, and looked around blankly.

Then he met the Black Dragon Lord's scrutinizing gaze.

"Come, slowly tell me, where did you get this legendary energy?"

Wu Di looked at the giant fish-man with some curiosity.

It is recorded in the Dragon Legacy that if you want to break through the legend, you must first understand the true meaning of the legend, and then you can slowly increase the level of energy, body and life to the legendary level.

But the giant fish-man in front of him turned around.

First, he has a body and energy of legendary level, but he obviously does not understand the true meaning of legend.

As for why you are so sure?

The so-called legendary truth, although what each legendary powerhouse understands is different, they are all unique and unique. For example, what a legendary powerhouse who practices fire may comprehend is 'explosion', 'burning', and 'high temperature'. These are the root characteristics of fire. However, no matter what kind of root power is comprehended, as long as he comprehends the true meaning of the legend, he can master it. If the source of power is characteristic, then its soul will undergo wonderful changes.

The most fundamental thing that distinguishes legendary strong men from ordinary lives is the uniqueness of their souls.

At this level, not only can the terrifying characteristics of energy be revealed, such as 'eternal flame' and 'frost that freezes everything', but also a legendary soul that is tenacious and not afraid of mental attacks below legend.

Babakar did not display either of the above.

The gap between the water attribute energy it masters and that of the master level is that it far exceeds it in strength and has reached the legendary level, but it does not have the unique core characteristics of legendary power.

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