This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 16 Chapter 18 19 20 Troll Gray Half a Year Sleeping and Awakening (6k big chapter)

The fifth-level monster has already entered the level of intermediate monster.

After two months of winter in Udi, the number of feast layers increased from the original seven to nine.

However, on his panel, his biological level is still level four.

There is a large level between level 4 and level 5. Wu Di roughly estimated that he would need at least five more layers of feasts, and at most six or seven layers of feasts before he could cross this large level.

However, with his powerful dragon body, he can try to fight across levels.

However, this is also a one-on-one situation.

Wu Di silently counted the number of snow elk groups.

"There are seventeen in total, four are juveniles and thirteen are adults."

With this number, if Udi enters the scene and fights with it, the end will be miserable.

The almost instantaneous spell-like ability of the thirteen level five monster Snow Elk is enough to freeze a juvenile red dragon into ice slag in an instant, making it impossible to die.

Wu Di doesn't think that his current strength can match the strength of the red dragon in his youth.

The teenage Bailong might give it a try.

"Looks like I still have to call the dragon."

Udi folded his wings, fell to the ground, and followed the tracks left by the snowy elk group.

A moment later, after seeing a group of snowy elk stopping by a frozen river and starting to hunt river fish for recuperation, Udi quietly returned along the same route.

Rotten Swamp, inside the dragon's lair.

Wu Di and Black Dragon Lady had a conversation.

"You mean, you saw traces of the Snow Elk group in the territory?" Lyanna slowly used her paws to prop up her huge dragon body, staring at her eldest son with dark yellow eyes.

The powerful pressure of the adult black dragon surged toward Wu Di like a wave.

Wu Di's mind was stunned by the powerful dragon's power, but fortunately the Black Dragon Lady did not deliberately target him, otherwise he might even be knocked unconscious by the dragon's power.

Wu Di, who regained his consciousness, looked at his dragon lady with deep fear in his eyes.


Is this the strength of an adult dragon? Just revealing the tip of the iceberg made Udi feel powerless.

According to the information of Dragon Heritage, even a newly adult black dragon has a biological level of fifteen.

Level 15. If you just simply stack the feast layers, judging from today's feast eating conditions, I'm afraid you will need hundreds of layers, right?

That is just a few decades.

However, if the conditions for feasting can be changed from the flesh and blood of beasts and low-level monsters to high-end ingredients such as rare metals, magic gems, magic metals, and high-level monster flesh and blood, then maybe in less than ten years Oudi can be like riding a rocket. Suddenly the creature's level was raised to level fifteen.

"Yes, mother, I saw this with my own eyes. There are seventeen snow elk in that group, including fourteen adult snow elk." Udi calmed down and replied respectfully.

Lyanna's dark yellow eyes suddenly lit up after receiving a positive answer, and she said excitedly, "Oudi, lead the way!"

Wu Di could understand the Black Dragon Lady's excitement and eagerness.

Delicious prey such as snow elk are quite rare in the dark forest. Now a group of people has suddenly migrated here, how can we let them escape?

With Udi leading the way at full speed, two black dragons, one large and one small, soon approached the resting place of the Snow Elk group.

In order to avoid disturbing this group of delicious prey, the Black Dragon Lady did not descend directly on top of the deer.

She is greedy, she wants to keep all the snow elk here!

In Wu Di's eyes widening, the Black Dragon Lady's large dragon body, which was over 18 meters tall, disappeared in a burst of black light.

On the spot, a domineering figure wearing jet-black dragon armor and with waist-length black hair blowing wildly in the wind. Except for key parts, his belly button, thighs, back and other white areas were exposed to the air. He stood on the snow. above.

Why do you say domineering?

With a figure of two meters tall, an E-ball size, coupled with a superior attitude and aura, I ask you whether you are domineering or not!

Wu Di looked at the human form of his Black Dragon Lady with a stunned look on his face, and was amazed.

The dragon's transformation technique is amazing. It can transform such a huge dragon body into a body as petite as a human being.

However, transfiguration is not without its shortcomings.

The first disadvantage is that it will limit the strength of the dragon, but it is mainly physical strength. Dragons like the Silver Dragon who are good at magic have relatively small strength limitations.

The second disadvantage is that the transformation technique cannot pinch people at will. After using this technique, it depends entirely on the dragon what it will look like. However, the transformed human forms of giant dragons are generally handsome men and beautiful women, with few ugly ones, and their overall appearance is not far behind that of the elves.

This can be seen from Lyanna. In addition to her relatively tall figure, Lyanna's appearance can definitely be called a beauty.

Even with the various makeup, PS, plastic surgery and other skills of Blue Star in her previous life, from the perspective of Wu Di, who has a very high vision, she is still a first-class beauty.

"You stay here, I'll come as soon as I go." After Lyanna left a word, her figure turned into an afterimage and disappeared at a terrifying speed.

Less than three seconds later, a herd of snow elk resting and moving on the frozen river in the distance let out a shrill scream. Along with the scream, there was a shocking roar of a dragon.

Obviously, after the Black Dragon Lady made a surprise attack to get closer, she showed her prototype and caught the Snowy Elk group by surprise.

Soon, the screams of the snowy elk suddenly stopped.

A moment later, a large dragon shadow flew past the glacier and flew straight towards the Dragon Nest in the Rotten Swamp.

"Return to the nest."

This is the message sent by Black Dragon Lady to Wu Di.

You can hear the Black Dragon Lady's excitement and eagerness to taste the delicious food from her tone of voice.

Wu Di unfolded his dragon wings and flew to Binghe to take a look.

The glacier is tens of meters wide and was originally covered with thick ice. However, now, the ice within a radius of 100 meters is almost broken.

Strangely, clusters of ice crystals several meters high are growing on the broken ground.

There are still a lot of ice elemental auras left in these ice crystals that look like coral bushes.

These ice crystals remaining on the ground are the snowy elk's counterattack before they die.

If you guessed it correctly, these are the effects caused by the attack of the spell-like ability ‘Ice Aura’ awakened by the Snow Elk monster.

Wu Di looked at the tragic scene of destruction below and was speechless for a long time.

On this broken ice land, except for the ice elemental aura left by the heavy snow elk, there are no other elemental auras left, and there are no traces of the black dragon's acid breath.

In other words, the Black Dragon Lady completely relied on her physical strength to massacre this group of snow elk. I don’t use spells and breath, probably because I don’t want to ruin the deliciousness.

The completely broken ice is also a display of the Black Dragon Lady's outstanding physical strength.

"What's the difference between this and missile bombing?" This thought came to Udi's mind.

He suddenly felt that if possible, he still had to hug the Black Dragon Lady's thigh tightly.

After a while, Udi returned to the lair.

As soon as he came back, he saw Heloise and Brooke each holding a snow-white deer leg and chewing on it.

The alluring scent of flesh and blood emanates from the snow-white deer legs.

Beside it, four snow-white elk carcasses between three and five meters long were lying on the ground. One of the elk carcasses was missing two legs.

When Heloise and Brooke saw Oudi coming back, they quickly put down the delicious food in their paws and shouted respectfully,

"Brother Udi."×2

After saying the daily courtesy and honorifics, the two little dragons continued to eat.

Wu Di nodded to them, and instead of following them to eat immediately, he took a few steps deeper into the nest.

After turning a small corner, I saw a giant black-scaled beast lying on the gold coin and gem magic equipment, biting an adult snow elk with a body length of more than eight meters.

In just a few mouthfuls, one-fifth of the beast, which weighed at least ten tons, was eaten.

The eating speed is terrifying.

Judging from the mutilated carcass on the side, this is already the second adult snow elk that Black Dragon Lady has eaten.

Lyanna noticed Udi, she stopped eating, and looked at her eldest son with quite satisfied and appreciative eyes.

"Udi, you did a good job. You can enjoy two of the four immature snow elk outside."

Wu Di was silent for a moment, and finally responded respectfully,

"Thank you, Mother, for the reward."

"This is the reward you deserve. Now, don't disturb me while I'm eating." Lyanna gave the order to drive away the dragon.

Just as Oudi turned around to leave, Lyanna's calm voice suddenly came from behind,

"Oudi, I will fall into a deep sleep after eating this time. During my sleep, Heloise and Brooke will be taken care of by you. I will instruct the troll leader Gray to send prey to the Rotting Swamp every month."

This is the longest sentence that Black Dragon Lady has said to Udi since he was born.

Wu Di was slightly stunned, a little surprised, but also happy in his heart.

A dragon's general sleep would not be called a deep sleep. Only when it sleeps for a long time would it be called a deep sleep.

This period can range from at least half a year to several years or even ten years. This is also related to the age of the dragon.

Udi realized that this was an excellent opportunity for his development and growth.

Oudi's eyes flashed with a certain light, and he responded to the Black Dragon Lady, "Don't worry, mother, I will definitely take good care of Heloise and Brooke."

"That's good." Lyanna's eyes had an inexplicable meaning.

Wu Di's heart trembled. Under the gaze of Black Dragon Lady, he felt as if all his thoughts were exposed to her gaze.

At this moment, Wu Di had a strong premonition.

Perhaps, when the Black Dragon Lady wakes up from her slumber, it will be the time when he is expelled from the dragon's nest.

After Wu Di left the depths of the dragon's nest, hidden magical auras shone on the surrounding walls and ground.

Lyanna carefully checked the protective spell of her dragon's nest, and after finding that there was no problem, she continued to eat the delicious venison that contained a lot of magic power in her mouth with satisfaction.

"Eating these thirteen adult snow elk will accumulate enough energy for me to undergo a deep sleep and grow." Lyanna was in a very good mood at the moment.

She is already one hundred and thirty-five years old, and her biological level has been stuck at level fifteen for more than thirty years.

This time, with the help of more than one hundred tons of magic flesh and blood from thirteen level five monsters, it should be possible to raise the creature's level to level sixteen.

The age stages for adult dragons start at one hundred and end at seven hundred.

The Black Dragon Lady, who is only one hundred and thirty-five years old, is actually just over thirty years old. Among the adult dragons, she is extremely young.

At the normal growth rate of a black dragon, it would usually take around 150 years for its biological level to break through to level 16. Later, the longer it takes for the creature's level to increase, the longer it will take.

Levels 15 to 19 are called masters among professionals, and those at level 20 are legendary creatures.

For the black dragon, there is no bottleneck between level 15 and level 19. As long as he eats and sleeps, he can naturally break through as he grows older.

However, for the ambitious dragon, it is natural to hope to speed up this growth rate.

The Black Dragon Lady fell into a deep sleep.

On the twentieth day after the Black Dragon Queen fell into a deep sleep, a powerful troll team came to the Rotting Swamp.

After sensing the unfamiliar yet familiar atmosphere outside the dragon's nest, Wu Di slowly opened his eyes.

The familiar aura mixed with the strangeness was the aura of the Black Dragon Lady.

In other words, the visitor is the descendant of the Black Dragon Lady.

By the side of the rotting swamp, a group of more than thirty troll warriors threw the prey on their shoulders to the ground. The huge tonnage of the prey touched the ground, making dull sounds.

At the head, a powerful troll who was five meters tall, with thick black dragon scales all over his body, and terrifying muscles suddenly moved his gaze to the left.

Under the gaze of this terrifying troll, a bubble emerged from a rotten swamp about a hundred meters away from them.

A young black dragon with a strong physique and a muscle ratio that was not inferior to that of the leader of the trolls soared into the sky from the rotten swamp.

The black dragon's pair of wings with a wingspan of eleven meters looks quite intimidating.

"Are you the troll leader that Mother made the contract with, Gray?"

Wu Di did not fall down or get close to the troll, because his dragon senses strongly warned him that the leader of the troll was extremely dangerous! !

Even if there is no sense of danger, just by relying on the opponent's five-meter-tall majestic body, you can know that the opponent's strength is definitely good.

The trolls under the Black Dragon Lady are classified according to type as a branch of the troll race - the 'Forest Troll'.

An adult forest troll is between three and a half to four meters tall, with a biological level of level three, and some outstanding individuals can reach level four. In addition to possessing extremely abnormal recovery abilities (referring to the ability to recover even if the head explodes), it also has Controls an extremely powerful spell-like ability - 'Plant Control'.

The thirty troll warriors in front of them were wearing heavy black plant and vine armor that was produced using the spell-like ability of plant control. Its hardness was comparable to steel of the same thickness, and it was also extremely light and flexible.

And the huge, heavy dark wooden sticks with spikes they held in their hands were also very intimidating.

Just looking at this appearance, Udi estimated that even a tank could be smashed violently by these guys.

"I am Gray." The troll leader said in a deep voice. He waved his hand to signal the troll warriors behind him to disperse, revealing the dozens of prey piled among them.

"According to the master's instructions, we brought the prey to the rotten swamp." Gray stared at the copper bell and looked at the master's heir curiously.

It was also the first time it saw its owner's offspring.

It doesn't look weak, but it's much worse than it is.

"Master gave birth less than a year ago, how did the young master grow so big?"

Trolls are generally lacking in brains, but as someone who accepted the contract as an adult black dragon and was transformed by the dragon's veins, Gray is obviously an anomaly.

Or to be more precise, Gray, who was not originally accepted as a servant by the Black Dragon Lady, is an outlier among the trolls. His bloodline has returned to his ancestors, and his biological level broke through to level five not long after he reached adulthood, stepping into the threshold of an intermediate monster.

The bloodline of the forest trolls is so powerful that they can reach the level four monsters. If they do not practice their profession, it is almost impossible for them to reach the level of intermediate monsters in their lifetime.

Not only did Gray reach the level of a fifth-level monster just by relying on the power of his bloodline, but after accepting the power of the Black Dragon Queen's dragon veins and following the Black Dragon Queen for decades, he has now become a high-level monster - the leader of the Dragon Veins and Trolls.

This is why Udi felt a strong death threat from him.

High-level monsters are divided into levels, but there are powerful creatures with level ten and above.

"Just leave the prey here, you can go." Wu Di stood in the air, looking down at them.

Wu Di still remained vigilant towards the existence that could threaten his life, even if the other party was a descendant of the Black Dragon Lady.

It's not that the dragon's relatives will never betray, but the probability of betrayal is too small, especially for creatures that are deeply infiltrated by the power of the dragon master's bloodline.

But no matter how small the probability is, isn’t there still a lucky person who can win the jackpot when buying lottery tickets?

Udi saw nothing wrong with being vigilant.

Gray frowned, seeing that the young master did not trust them.

After thinking for a while, Gray nodded, then greeted his people and left here in a mighty manner.

Oudi fluttered his wings and reached high in the sky. After seeing Gray and a group of troll heavy-armored warriors disappearing from his sight from a distance, he relaxed his vigilance slightly.

He let out a dragon roar.

Suddenly, Heloise and Brooke, who had been hiding in the rotting swamp behind them, flew out with their little dragon wings.

Without Wu Di's orders, the two little dragons took the initiative to fall into the group of prey, and then carried the prey bodies swiftly.

Wu Di did not move the carcasses of these prey, but hung in the air, silently watching the surroundings.

During this period, he also glanced at the prey carcasses carried by Brother Long and Sister Long out of the corner of his eye.

"There is a level six monster." Oudi's eyes narrowed and he saw Heloise struggling to carry a mane and scorpion tail monster that was several times her size.

Manticore is a powerful monster that combines the characteristics of bat, lion and scorpion. It is a level six monster that survives in a family group.

Udi looked at the huge manticore that was comparable to an elephant, with the bat wings on its back that were torn apart, and its head that was twisted off by a huge force, and his eyes shrank slightly.

So violent! So barbaric!

Udi wouldn't be so shocked if he was injured by a weapon, but this injury was obviously caused by brute force of the body.

It is the masterpiece of the troll leader Gray.

"But the stronger the troll, the better, so the prey I can hunt will be of higher quality." Wu Di thought to himself.

Of course, he also knew that it was impossible to hunt a powerful monster like the Manticore every month.

The intelligence of intermediate monsters is generally no lower than that of humans. They know how to tolerate, hide, eliminate traces, and avoid places where powerful creatures live.

Although the trolls led by Gray were powerful, it probably took a lot of effort to hunt down this manticore.

Look for traces of manticores, determine their activity range, determine the number of manticore families, and finally decide whether to take action.

Before taking action, you need to find an opportunity to lure the other party into a trap.

Otherwise, in order to scare the snake, people can fly and fly hundreds of meters in the air in an instant. What if you, Gray, are powerful enough to kill a manticore with a stick?

Oudi's guess was right. It took a lot of effort for Gray to hunt this manticore.

The manticore stayed away from the group for two and a half days without eating or drinking.

The entire hunting process took seven days, of which it only took less than three minutes to deal with the manticore.

The days gradually calmed down.

With the help of the hunting team headed by Gray, the time Udy needs to spend on hunting has been reduced a lot.

In the past, I had to go out for at least ten days a month, sometimes as long as half a month.


He only needs to go out three or five times a month. This is not to say that the amount of prey brought by Gray is not enough. In fact, it is enough for three little dragons. Even if Oudi needs to start a feast every month, it is still enough.

No matter how much gluttony the feast requires, it cannot compare to the food required by an adult black dragon.

The prey Gray brings to the Rotten Swamp every month is strictly based on the amount of food required by an adult black dragon. Low-level monsters account for the majority, and occasionally an intermediate monster can be seen.

The reason why Udi still needs to go out to hunt is just because he wants to eat some freshly hunted flesh and blood to satisfy his own appetite, nothing more.

However, Udi learned from his contact with Gray that the prey provided by the other party were not entirely hunted by their troll tribe.

The other two dependent tribes under the Black Dragon Lady: the Black Fang Tribe (Kobold Tribe) and the Bodan Tribe (Goblin Tribe) all contribute their own strength.

However, because the strength of the two dependent tribes is quite different from the troll tribe led by the troll leader Gray, the prey provided are only some powerful beasts or low-level monsters. Only the troll tribe has the strength to hunt down intermediate monsters stably.

Time passes slowly, one month, two months

In the blink of an eye, it has been half a year since the Black Dragon Lady fell asleep.

Deep in the rotten swamp, the dragon's lair.

A majestic black-scaled beast slowly opened its eyes.

Having just finished a feast, Wu Di, whose body had been strengthened, stretched his increasingly powerful dragon body wantonly.

Open the panel.

[Wudi: Biological level 5, professional level no. 】(body length 7.06m)

【Vitality: 10.5】

[Current number of feast levels: 15 levels]

[Feast cooling time: thirty days]



Just by breathing normally, the large amount of muddy water in Dragon's Nest Mire would create small waves of water.

A terrifying lung capacity.


Suddenly, Wu Di seemed to sense something and cast his gaze deep into the dragon's nest.

I saw that the magical aura that was originally densely covered in the depths of the lair slowly dissipated and sank into the stone walls and the ground.

Black Dragon Lady.


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