This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 175 Bullying my horse?

"Master, the centaur king of the wasteland wants to see you."

A smooth black rock covering an area of ​​nearly one kilometer is suspended on the water vapor in the center of the vast Dragon Pond.

On top of the black rock, the huge black dragon stopped practicing, opened its brown vertical pupils and looked at the dragon maid Sophia who was reporting the news.

"King of Centaur?" Oudi was a little surprised. Why is this guy looking for him?

After thinking about it, Wu Di still agreed to meet this guy.

After all, he is a legend.

"Yes." Sophia retreated.

After a while, there was a slight clatter of horse hooves.

Udi looked over.

The body shape is similar to that of an ordinary centaur warrior, with a height of 2.78 meters, but the temperament of this centaur king is very impressive. He has deep blue pupils, long black hair that spreads out half-curly, a hooked nose, a tough face, and scars all over his body.

Powerful power surged within his body without any cover-up.

Oudi was stunned for a moment and then smiled. The Centaur King's unabashed behavior was obviously very sincere.

No one in the outside world knew that the Centaur King had become a legend. Under such circumstances, the Centaur King's behavior undoubtedly revealed his biggest trump card.

"I know you, King of Centaur, so why do you come to see me?" Udi said in a calm tone.

Mohandsen raised his head. Half of the majestic dragon's body in his sight was hidden in the mist, and only part of the body was exposed. The looming appearance was even more visual impact.

After seeing the appearance of the Black Dragon Lord, Mohandsen knew that he had found the right dragon. He lowered his head slightly and said with a hint of respect in his tone,

"I have met the Black Dragon King Mian. The purpose of my coming here is to seek refuge with Mian, hoping that Mian can take in the Gale Clan."

Although there was speculation about this possibility, Wu Di was still a little surprised.

With the strength of the Centaur King and the small size of the Gale Clan, as long as the ambition is not too big, you can live a good life anywhere on the mainland. Why should you join him?

Has his reputation become so big outside?

"I am naturally happy to be joined by a legendary centaur strongman, but what is the reason?" Udi asked curiously.

Facing Udi's inquiry, Mohandsen did not hesitate and said directly, "I have offended the Barbarian Court."

Immediately, Mohandsen briefly described the conflict with the barbarians from beginning to end.

After hearing this, Wu Di nodded clearly.

Because he offended the barbarian royal court, he felt that he was no match for the barbarian king, and he did not want to lead his clan into exile in today's chaotic situation.

This is a king who is responsible for his people.

Once in exile or migration, the women and children of the clan will definitely suffer a large number of casualties. Not every centaur is a powerful warrior, but more are ordinary centaurs with mediocre strength.

After Mohandsen finished speaking, he felt a little uneasy.

He was sure that the Black Dragon Lord had the strength to resist the Barbarian King, but he was not sure whether the other party was willing to fight against the Barbarian King for the Gale Clan.

According to rumors from the outside world, this black dragon lord is from the neutral camp. Although the forces in the neutral and good camp do not trust the black dragon lord because of the evil dragon craze caused by the Crimson Nest, Mohandsen is willing to trust him.

This is not without reason.

Many years ago, the Black Wing Nest suddenly emerged and drove the centaur women and children out of the dark forest without killing them. This is enough to prove that the Black Nest's behavior has a certain bottom line.

If it were a real evil dragon, Mohandsen had no doubt that the group of centaur women and children would be slaughtered.

"For the sake of fate, you will follow me from now on." After thinking for a while, Wu Di responded in a lazy tone.

After hearing this, Mohandsen was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand what the fate of the Black Dragon Lord was. However, he understood what the Black Dragon Lord meant by agreeing to take in the Gale Clan, and the Centaur King felt relieved. He took a breath, and then knelt down without any hesitation, swearing allegiance.

Oudi also took advantage of the situation and granted the Centaur King a family contract, completely binding it to the Black Wing Lair.

After the family contract ended, Wu Di gave instructions,

"As for the location of the Gale Clan's residence and other matters, please contact Shi Ji and you two can discuss it."

"Yes." Mohandsen nodded and then stepped back.

Wu Di looked at this guy's leaving figure and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

More than ten or twenty years ago, the Centaur King was undoubtedly a towering mountain to him.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, this guy became his subordinate.

As for Wu Di, he did not hesitate to offend the barbarian royal court and accept the Gale Clan. Is it really because of the fate he said?

Not entirely, but generally.

When Oudi was still weak, still hiding in the dark forest and struggling to develop, the Centaur King and the Black Dragon Lady, Horse and Dragon, resisted the threats of the Kingdom of Albit and the Principality of Cass. Although it was not specifically for Oudi, but Unintentionally, Udi also enjoyed the benefits.

Without the Centaur King in the wilderness to defend against adventurers and the dangers of kingdoms and principalities, and without the Black Dragon Lady taking the blame for everything for Oudi (although Oudi took the initiative to throw the blame), he would not have been able to develop so smoothly.

This is what Wu Di meant by fate. He had unintentionally inherited the benefits of the Centaur clan.

The Centaur King obviously didn't know about this, because he never thought that looking at such a terrifying black dragon lord, the dragon was only in his twenties.

Two thousand is about the same.

"Barbarian Royal Court?" Udi grinned.

If the barbarians really came to attack, then Oudi would be quite happy.

The main body of the sea expansion war is the sahuagin and the dragon army. The ghost plane only dispatches thousands of elite black wing warriors. So in fact, the black wing nest army has not fought a large-scale war for a long time. Many black wings Warriors have long been unable to bear the desire to fight.

War and plunder are still one of the fastest ways to grow.

"Furthermore, conquering the Ghost Plane and ruling the Taal Plane in the future will also require a large number of grassroots dependents, so it is time to find an opportunity to expand a little."

Occupy more territory, breed more monsters, and then select the most talented among them as bearers of the power of the void to create a group of elite legions.

This elite army does not necessarily have to be used in battles, because with Wu Di's current management in the abyss, it is not difficult for a few demon subordinates to quickly raise a mid-to-high-level demon army in the tens of thousands. If the low-level cannon fodder demons , you can easily raise hundreds of thousands of them, and it is much more time-consuming and labor-saving than cultivating them yourself.

This is no exaggeration at all. The demon lord of Black Smoke City who invaded the ghost plane brought up tens of millions of demons, although most of them were low-level cannon fodder demons, reaching high-level and big demon levels. are still relatively rare.

However, although it is more time-consuming and labor-intensive to raise a demon army from the abyss than to cultivate it yourself, the purpose of such a casual demon army is basically to serve as cannon fodder, elite cannon fodder, and high-level thugs, because the nature of demons is almost irreversible and chaotic. , killing, violence, greed, betrayal, disbelief. Demons have almost all negative natures.

A force that develops with demons as its cornerstone is bound to be disordered and depraved. The abyss lords who use demon armies to rule and manage cities, and then are disliked and shunned by the astral races are vivid examples.

These abyss lords can only maintain their rule by relying on their own strong strength. Once they show their weak side, traitors will appear in droves. The so-called wall is pushed down by everyone, and the first person to unscrew the abyss lord's head is most likely himself. 's subordinates.

Even if the soul and life of this subordinate are controlled by the abyss lord.

After all, a demon who cannot control his own nature will sometimes get confused and even chop himself. Who cares whether you control my life or not? Owner? The one who betrays is the master!

Udi has contracted and enslaved several powerful demons, Ochi, Nurlav, and Barrow. But he has never trusted them. He has always used them as high-level thugs and consumables, such as Ochi. The legendary six-armed snake demon is the best bait that Oudi uses to hunt legendary creatures. If it dies, it will die.

Spell slavery is nothing more than putting a yoke on the necks of these demons. It is a yoke based on their fear of death. Once these demons suddenly become unafraid of death one day, the yoke will not serve the purpose of enslaving them. The function can only be a highly efficient means of killing - betrayal, detection, and then one thought can destroy his soul through the enslavement spell.

Therefore, if you really want to develop the Black Wing Lair and build a solid foundation, you must have those fanatical followers who can control their own nature and develop worship and belief in the Black Dragon Lord. They are not only monster followers, but also humans and dwarves. , even elves.

Because Mohandsen handled the tail of the barbarian legion very well and bought enough time to retreat, it was not until all members of the Gale Centaur clan retreated that the Barbarian Royal Court realized something was wrong.

When the royal court sent people to investigate clearly, the faces of the barbarian rulers were extremely pale.

Royal Court.

The atmosphere was somewhat depressing.

The death of ten thousand intermediate barbarian berserkers was nothing to the barbarians, but the deaths of three peak level 19 barbarian generals really hit the foundation of the barbarian royal court.

Because every barbarian general has some small chance to break through and become a legend.

"Mohandsen." A cold glint flashed in the eyes of the barbarian king 'Victor'.

He really didn't expect that this guy could hide so deeply.

If he had known that Mohandsen would break through and become a legend, he would not have driven them away without saying a word, and at least he would have given the centaurs some face.

Although there is a big difference in strength between the second level and the first level of legend, in terms of speed, if they are not flying creatures or understand the true meaning of legend in terms of speed, then there is not much difference.

Moreover, Victor knew that Mohandsen practiced a wind attribute profession. After the wind attribute profession broke through the legend, he basically understood the true meaning of the legend and was related to speed. He was confident that he could defeat or even kill the opponent, but this was only when the opponent chose to fight with him. In combat situations.

If Mohandsen wanted to escape, Victor felt that he would not be able to catch up.

"Now that the centaur has taken refuge with the black dragon lord who is rumored to be a neutral camp in the dark forest, what should we do now?" A strong barbarian frowned.

In today's mainland, five-color dragons have become a taboo.

Although the neutral and good camps jointly formed the Pan-Continental Race Alliance to fight against the Crimson Nest, anyone with a discerning eye can now see that if this momentum continues, the so-called alliance army will inevitably collapse.

Secretly, some forces from the neutral camp have quietly contacted the Crimson Nest, and their attitude is quite ambiguous.

After all, most of the neutral camp are people who care about interests, and they are fundamentally different from the virgins in the good camp.

Just like the Barbarian Royal Court, if the Crimson Mother threatens the mainland and they have no choice, then as long as the Crimson Mother is not so coercive and the surrender treatment is decent, it is not impossible to surrender.

In this case, offending a powerful black dragon lord is undoubtedly blocking certain possibilities in his future.

The barbarians have no doubt that once the Crimson Nest wins, the Black Dragon Lord will definitely attach themselves to it. After all, they are the same race.

At that time, if these barbarians offend the Black Dragon Lord, and the Black Dragon Lord takes some eye drops, you can imagine the fate of their barbarians.

After careful consideration, Victor sighed and said a little tiredly,

“In this way, send a magic envelope to Black Wing Lair, explain the situation, and then ask the Centaur King to publicly apologize to our Barbarian Court and hand over a sufficient number of Centaurs to us, and this matter will be over.

Blackwing Lair would never reject our request just because of this trivial matter. "

Victor does not want to fight a war with Black Wing Lair. One reason is that he is not sure, and the other reason is that the Barbarian Royal Court has just moved to the south and needs to recuperate as soon as possible and cannot withstand a large-scale war.

However, although they did not want to start a war, the face of their royal court was severely slapped by the Centaur, and this incident has spread to the surrounding forces over the past few days.

If the Barbarian Royal Court doesn't respond to this, how can they gain a foothold in the south?

It is impossible to kill the Centaur King now, and even if it can be killed, it will be a slap in the face of the Black Dragon Lord, but it will make the Centaur King come forward to apologize and sacrifice some less important centaurs. Warrior, at this point, the Barbarian King Victor still believes that the Centaur King is willing to pay, not to mention the Black Dragon Lord.

To the Black Dragon Lord, they are just some lowly servants. No matter how neutral it is, it is still a black dragon. And this will not bring down the Black Dragon Lord's face. After all, this time it is their barbarian king who bows his head, and the surrounding forces see The Barbarian Royal Court will bow to the Black Wing Nest, and will only be more in awe of the Black Dragon Lord.

The above are Victor's own thoughts and the thoughts of many strong barbarians.

The magic envelope from the Barbarian Royal Court was quickly delivered to the Black Wing Lair, in the hands of Shi Ji, the chief steward of the Dragon Lair.

After Shi Ji finished reading, he laughed inexplicably.

"The Barbarian Court is ridiculous and self-righteous."

After scoffing a few times, Shi Ji summoned his personal guards and said calmly,

"Go ahead and get all the legions ready for war."

The confidant was a little stunned, but what followed was a visibly rising excitement, and he respectfully replied, "Yes! I will go and convey your order."

After the order was sent out, Shiji slowly submitted a request to Sophia, the head maid of the Black Castle, to meet the Black Dragon Lord, preparing to report the news.


The terrifying black dragon, which was approaching seventy meters in size, opened its brown vertical pupils and looked at the tall kobold who came towards it and lowered its head to see it.

The kobold is over five meters tall, with black dragon scales all over his body, two sharp dragon horns on his forehead that reach into the sky, and a dragon tail on his back. Apart from the lack of dragon wings, this image looks more like a dragon than a dragon.

Ordinary dragons are only about three meters tall. Only some dragons with strong bloodlines may undergo some changes in their bodies, reaching four or five meters, or even stronger and taller.

This five-meter-tall kobold is Shiji.

Shiki handed the magic envelope from the Barbarian Court to its owner.

Wu Di's spirit flashed past, and with a cold snort, the magic envelope was turned into ashes out of thin air.

"The horse that I have just accepted will be bullied. Shiji, give a reply to those barbarians. Within three days, I will see the king of barbarians sincerely apologize, otherwise the black-winged army will directly attack the barbarians. Human King’s Court!”

A barbarian who ran from the north to the south and took root in the south. Before, Udi thought that the Taal water was too deep and he didn't want to get involved too early. In addition, there were also matters in the ghost plane, so he had no time to deal with them.

As a result, he is now jumping up and down.

This is unbearable!

Moreover, Udi originally planned to find an opportunity to expand the power of the Black Wing Lair, breed a large number of monsters, and then cultivate a group of elite void black wing warriors.

Soon, the Barbarian Royal Court received a reply from the Black Dragon Lord.

Needless to say, the barbarians were naturally extremely angry and clamored for war to teach Blackwing Lair a lesson.

On the throne, the barbarian king Victor looked gloomy.

He didn't expect that the black dragon lord would be so disrespectful.

This time it was hard for him to get off the horse.

Fighting, as mentioned before, has a lot of disadvantages.

If he doesn't fight, he and the barbarian Wang Ting will lose all face.

His mind was spinning rapidly, and finally Victor took a deep breath, his eyes firm and cold.

"Then fight! The South only needs one overlord!"

Seeing that His Majesty had made up his mind, the powerful barbarians below who had long been frustrated all let out excited roars.

After the meeting, Victor rubbed a bone ring in his hand.

An illusory light and shadow appeared in the air and solidified.

Guangying wears a dark blue crown on his head, and has a natural kingly demeanor in his movements.

It is the Frost Elf Queen.

"Victor, what do you want from me?" Frost Elf Queen Denise frowned.

Victor nodded slightly, "I'm looking for you."

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