This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 18 The Black Blood Tribe (please follow up)

Udi followed Shiji with curiosity.

A moment later, one person and one dragon arrived at the so-called Black Blood Tribe.

Dozens of thin kobolds less than one meter tall were walking around more than a hundred meters away from the entrance of the passage.

Those carrying wood, carrying stones in baskets, and cutting up prey with stone knives.

There are currently only five wooden houses in the entire Black Blood Tribe, and all the wooden houses are surrounded by fences more than two meters high to form a simple gathering place. Among them, the wooden house in the middle is the largest, four meters high and covering an area of ​​more than 200 square meters. The other four wooden houses are very short, only two meters high and only cover an area of ​​100 square meters.

Obviously, the former is where Shi Ji, the leader of the Black Blood Tribe, lives, while the latter, those short wooden houses, are inhabited by ordinary kobolds less than one meter tall.

A group of kobolds patrolling around the tribe with wooden spears to drive away wild beasts noticed this.

When he saw the huge and strong black dragon behind Shi Ji, his expression suddenly changed.

Not fear, but excitement!

A puppy barked, and soon the entire Black Blood tribe became lively.

Seeing this, Shi Ji immediately took two steps forward and angrily said, "Everyone, shut up and come over to meet the great true dragon master!"

Shiji's prestige was so high that the barking of puppies in the entire tribe disappeared almost instantly. All the kobolds put down their work and quickly gathered in the open space in front of the tribe.

Soon, the members of the Black Blood Tribe gathered together.

Shiji turned his head and said respectfully to Udi, "Master, these are all the people of the Black Blood Tribe. There are ninety-three people in total, fifty young and strong kobolds, and forty-three female kobolds."

Wu Di looked at these kobolds whose expressions concealed fanaticism. The dragon wings that had been folded instantly unfolded and flew into the air with a slight shock.

The shadow cast by the dragon's body covered many kobolds.

It was just a simple action, and without Udi even speaking a word, nearly a hundred kobolds knelt down and kowtowed to him.

He muttered: Great True Dragon Master, your dragon wings are enough to cover the sky. Your strong dragon body is gorgeous and powerful.

Basically, they are simple words that praise and praise Udi's strength.

"Okay, shut up." Wu Di said calmly.

All the kobolds below suddenly fell silent, their bodies trembling and kneeling.

"You are weak and have no wisdom. Originally, you could only exist at the bottom of the dark forest, and then wait for misfortune to befall you." After saying this, Udi paused.

But the kobolds who were scolded by the real dragon did not show any intention to refute. Instead, they nodded and bowed and wagged their tails.

Even the pores all over my body seemed to be saying, ‘Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. ’.

Udi grinned, feeling like he was talking to a pile of stinky shit.

Some of the words I originally wanted to say were aborted and turned into crude and direct language.

"Okay, you reptiles, if you want to gain the same power as Shiji, then work hard for me!

This dragon doesn’t want to accept a bunch of useless trash as servants! "

Wu Di fell heavily from mid-air to the ground. The dragon body weighing more than ten tons shook the ground. The kobolds who were very close to him felt their legs weaken and looked frightened and excited. After this time, With this movement, they felt more clearly and profoundly the powerful physical power of the real dragon master they were loyal to.

Admiration value increases! Obedience rises!

After giving a group of weak chickens a simple lesson and feeding them pie, Wu Di lowered his head and looked at Shi Ji and said slowly,

"From now on, my lair will be in the pool inside the valley. If you have any emergency, you can come and find me."

"Yes." Shi Ji responded respectfully.

After leaving these words, Wu Di fluttered his wings and left the Black Blood Tribe.

Behind him, below, Shi Ji looked at Wu Di's departing dragon shadow with a firm expression.

At this point, Oudi settled down at the border of the western region of the Dark Forest, a place named "Black Blood Valley" by Shiji.

"Finally finished."

Wu Di looked at the curved hole he dug under the pool and couldn't help grinning, quite satisfied.

The simple underwater dragon nest, which is seven meters high and covers an area of ​​more than 500 square meters, was successfully developed.

It took Udi five days in total.

If the dragon's nest is on the ground, it can be dug and built by the kobolds of the Black Blood Tribe, but the weak kobolds do not have this ability when it is tens of meters deep underwater.

Therefore, Wu Di, as the master, could only dig and build the dragon's nest himself.

When the Dragon's Nest was first built, it could be said that it had nothing.

Shiji did contribute more than a dozen ancient silver coins. These ancient silver coins were found in the lairs of some beasts and monsters during his hunting for more than half a year. They were probably left by some mercenaries or hunters who came to the dark forest to make a living. Last traces.

Because there were too few silver coins, and because Wu Di wanted to try something new, he just got bored.

After trying it, I found that the taste was okay, but the quantity was too small, and it had almost no benefit to Wu Di's dragon body. The improvement was extremely weak and could basically be ignored.

According to Wu Di's speculation, if there are tens of thousands of silver coins as ingredients for the feast, it might bring him a big improvement.

Unfortunately, tens of thousands of silver coins can only be obtained quickly by robbing human cities.

"Forget it, simple is simple, only the strength of one's own strength is the most fundamental." Wu Di didn't care much about the luxury of his dragon nest.

At the very least, he is still weak and doesn't really care.

Whether it is his current identity as a dragon or his former identity as a human, Oudi likes wealth very much.

But he will not be like those evil dragons who are influenced by nature, hoarding treasures in large quantities instead of using them to improve their own strength.

This seemed silly to Udi.

Of course, this is just Wu Dilong's concept.

There is actually another reason why the dragon hoards treasures. That is, being in the 'treasure' can speed up the growth of the dragon's body.

The 'treasure' here refers to magic metals, magic crystals, magic gems, magic equipment and other treasures with magic elements.

The gathering of a large number of pure, magical treasures will attract the elemental power within a certain range around them, and the enriched elemental power will accelerate the growth of the dragon's body.

Therefore, for dragons, treasures are not just for viewing and collecting.

Udi also understands this, but looking at it from his own perspective, it is more in line with his concept of growth to sacrifice treasures when he is weak to gain strength, so that he can get away from danger more quickly.

When you are extremely powerful, won't it be easy to accumulate wealth?

Do you need to make careful calculations and care about the little benefit of accelerating the growth of the dragon's body after accumulating a large amount of treasure?

After settling down for half a month, Udi adapted to the new environment around him.

He began to prepare enough ingredients for the next feast that was about to begin.

This time, without the support of the three tribes including the troll leader Gray, Oudi could only rely on his own dragon to accumulate food.

As for the Black Blood Tribe?

The strength is too weak. Without Shiji, many kobolds will have to die when hunting some powerful beasts.

Therefore, Udi has no plans to let them participate in hunting for the time being, but to let them dig mineral veins.

Although the kobolds are weak in combat, they are good at prospecting and mining.

The kobolds of the Black Blood Tribe discovered an iron mine in the valley a month ago.

It's just that it's inconvenient to mine, and since the tribe was first established, there was not enough manpower, so it has been put aside.

However, after Wu Di came to settle here, the mining of iron ore was put on the agenda.

For the next feast, the iron ore may be used as feast ingredients.


*Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, these three days are the most important for reading. They affect the fate of the book. I hope everyone will support it. After all, Longwen is a niche. If there is no recommendation, the author will not have the motivation to put in a lot of energy. Isn’t it a code word?

Anyway, thank you all~ I will try my best to write good articles and give you feedback.

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