This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 185 Underground Altar (please ask for monthly tickets at the beginning of the month)

"Stop it? No, no, no, how could it be possible?" Brons shook his head, rolled his eyes, and said,

"Do you want revenge or something? It has nothing to do with me. Let's be honest. Now I just want to give you a good beating."

Brons looked extremely unhappy when he thought of the previous scene of being chased by Dion Baier and the bronze dragon Aiden.

Now that Dionbaie is dead, the debt naturally needs to be repaid by the bronze dragon Aiden.

As soon as these words came out, the bronze dragon's face suddenly turned ugly.

Immediately, under Brons' sinister smile, the bronze dragon began to be beaten.

Screams, groans, and angry dragon roars resounded here.

You must know that the dragon's ability to endure pain is extremely strong. It can scream so miserably and loudly, so you can imagine how miserable it was when it was beaten.

the other side.

Black Castle Dragon Pond.

Wu Di collected and packaged the minced meat of Dionbaea in the dragon's claws, and then threw it to Naik who was guarding the entrance of the dragon pond.

Naik is the first Descendant of the Void created by Udi, and he is also the weakest Descendant of the Void. He is a ninth-level creature and has not even entered the advanced level.

Naike gently sniffed the puddle of minced meat thrown by the master, sensing the astonishing high-level energy contained in it. A look of surprise appeared on the ferocious dragon's face, and he lowered his head fanatically and said respectfully,

"Humble servant Naik, I sincerely thank my master for the reward."

The Black Dragon Lord didn't even respond. He walked to the center of the dragon pond and opened the tightly held dragon claw.

One dark blue, one deep red, two powerful spiritual lights soared into the sky, trying to escape.

However, Wu Di was already prepared. He snorted coldly. One of the sharp dragon fingers of the dragon claw flashed a black light, the legendary black knife flashed past, and then a black energy shield emerged, trapping the two legendary pieces of equipment.

After "suffering" for a while, the two pieces of legendary equipment ran out of energy and finally fell into the dragon's claws, no longer struggling.

As legendary equipment, they all have spirituality. Some extremely high-quality legendary equipment possess spirituality and wisdom that are even stronger than ordinary humans. They are already considered a new and alternative life.

With a thought, Wu Di poured his spiritual power and magic power into these two legendary pieces of equipment and began to forcibly refine them.

In this process, the dragon spear and armor, which had no longer struggled, struggled again, but were easily suppressed by Wu Di.

"The resistance is quite strong." Wu Di grinned.

Slowly, the dragon spear and armor no longer resisted.

In this way, the initial refining is considered a success.

The legendary characteristics of the dragon spear and armor also appeared in Wu Di's mind.

Dark Blue Dragon Spear - [Penetrating Characteristics]: Anything weaker than the Dark Blue Dragon Spear will have its defense broken by the Dragon Spear.

Crimson Armor - [Vitality Amplification]: Increases the wearer's blood energy intensity and burst.

After learning about the legendary characteristics of the two pieces of equipment, Udi was slightly disappointed.

These two pieces of legendary equipment are of very ordinary quality.

According to the quality level of legendary items, from low to high they are:

Lower level legendary items: have one or two legendary properties

Intermediate legendary items: have three to four legendary properties

Advanced legendary items: have five or more legendary properties

The black sword that Wu Di obtained before, as well as the blue dragon gun and crimson armor that he obtained now, all have only one legendary attribute and are considered the lowest quality legendary equipment.

Of course, no matter how low-level it is, it is still legendary equipment, and ordinary legendary equipment cannot even have one piece, let alone three pieces.

"These three pieces of legendary equipment are worth more than all the wealth I have accumulated over the years."

Udi couldn't help but sigh.

If these three pieces of legendary equipment are sold, for example to the Chamber of Commerce of All Realms, the wealth gained can even build a mage tower.

A mage tower is actually a luxurious and adaptable special architectural legendary equipment for legendary casters. At the same quality level, the value of a mage tower is basically equivalent to three regular pieces of legendary equipment.

In other words, Wu Di's three dragon fingers are equivalent to carrying a wealth comparable to a mage tower.

"Sure enough, you still have to rely on robbing to get wealth quickly." Wu Di grinned.

After briefly experiencing the effects of the new equipment, Wu Di continued to refine the two legendary pieces of equipment, and on the other hand, he channeled some of his spirit and searched for the power of the void to possess the Black Wing Familiars on the epic battlefield in the middle of the continent. Watch the progress of this war.

It was just a preliminary refinement. If you want to use it like an arm, you need to refine it thoroughly.

With Wu Di's current mental strength and magical quality, it will take a long time to completely refine it.

In this aspect, there is still a big gap between him and the real legendary powerhouse.

Central Territory, Emerald Plains.

The originally endless and beautiful emerald plains, after experiencing the devastation of the war between the Crimson Nest and the Pancontinental Race Alliance Army, huge ugly 'scars' are distributed in various parts of the great plains, blood and fire are burning, and the people are fighting hard. The warriors among them shouted and roared with anger, passion or despair.

The so-called order has long been gone.

The huge emerald plain cannot be described in three words: chaos.

Under the Great Plains, there is an altar in a dark cave. A large amount of blood, water, and souls gather from the surface above. After being purified by the altar, all the essence energy is transferred to a black-robed caster figure, giving him the aura Growing slowly but steadily.

The caster shrouded in black robe looked a bit enjoying himself, Jie Jie smiled strangely and said,

"It's coming soon. You will be able to return to your previous strength soon."

This figure was the Necromancer who had previously attempted to steal the soul of the giant fishman.

He also has another identity, that is the fish-man Em.

Of course, the identity of the fish-man Em is just a flesh and blood puppet that he controls. His true identity is actually a legendary necromancer who has lived for more than two thousand years.

However, due to a battle with a strong man a long time ago, he was defeated in the end and his soul was severely damaged. As a result, his foundation was damaged and his strength was greatly reduced. He could not even reach the first level of legendary strength.

After these years of waging small-scale wars and absorbing flesh, blood, and souls, the Necromancer's strength slowly returned to the first level of the legend.

But now, with the massive supply of blood and souls, the Necromancer's aura has begun to recover towards the second level of the Legend.

"It's a pity that many good-quality souls are believers of the gods. Otherwise, I might be able to directly return to the third level with the help of this war." The Necromancer's tone was full of malice towards the gods.

For almost all necromancers, gods are the beings they hate most.

Because what Necromancers are best at is playing with souls, souls are the best materials in their hands. They can make equipment, improve their strength, fight enemies, and can be used in almost every aspect.

The gods, on the other hand, have an endless desire for souls, no, for believers. The more souls of believers, the better.

Naturally, the gods are inherently opposed to the necromancer. Therefore, most of the believers of the gods will hunt down the necromancer once they find traces of the necromancer.

This has also led to the small number of necromancers in many planes.

After all, even the inheritance will be destroyed by the believers of the gods, and it is really difficult for the Necromancer group to develop.

Wu Di, who was distractedly observing the progress of the war, was suddenly startled.

Just now, a Black Winged Family member was killed on the battlefield. This is also the first time that a Black Winged Family member has been killed in the war so far. The Black Winged Family members sent by Oudi to this war are at least high-level. There is no weak person.

However, the strange thing is that the black-winged family member died in battle. When the flesh, energy, soul, etc. were to be integrated with Udi through the void channel, an interference acted on the flesh and soul, fighting with Udi. .

Of course, the interference force was far less than the speed and intensity of the void channel. In the end, the Black Winged Familiar completely merged with Udi.

"There seems to be something underground." Wu Di narrowed his eyes, and all kinds of thoughts and conspiracies flashed through his mind.

In such a large-scale war, more than 80 million lives were lost, and the quality was still very high. If some evil rituals were used, it would be easy to give birth to several legendary powerhouses.

Of course, if you don't understand the true meaning of legend, it will just be a defective legend, similar to the giant fishman before.

"Send one of your family members to go underground and take a look."

Udi was a little curious.

Anyway, the legendary war in the sky is still in a fierce state now, and it is estimated that it will take some time to decide the winner. If the legendary powerhouses did not explode with all kinds of crazy pressure on their bodies, then it would not be a problem to fight for days and nights.

As for the war on the surface, if it really continues, it will not be a problem for several months or even years. After all, it is so large-scale.

But the weak have no right to speak. When the legendary strong men in the sky decide the winner, the war between the creatures on the earth will be meaningless.

"It's up to you." Udi looked at the senior goatman warrior possessed by him, connected the void channel with the goatman, and then transmitted a large amount of void power into the goatman's body.

The four-meter-tall majestic goatman warrior suddenly began to look painful, and finally, amidst drastic changes, he quickly transformed into a descendant of the void who was more than ten meters long.

Udi pushed the soul of the descendant of the void aside and began to take over the control of its body.

All around, some monsters and alliance warriors who witnessed the goatman's transformation into a descendant of the void, their eyes widened.

A human alliance warrior raised a spear and threw it at the Descendant of the Void, trying to penetrate the monster that resembled a black dragon.

With a clang, the fine iron spear with enough power to break the boulder hit the scales, making a sound of gold and iron clashing, and not a trace of injury was left on the descendant of the void.

Wu Di, who was getting familiar with his new body, raised his head and glanced at the human alliance warrior. He snorted coldly. The ninth-level alliance elite warrior a hundred meters away was hit by a purple thunderbolt and turned into charcoal. A weird meaty aroma.

"Have you inherited the first-level Purple Thunder talent?" The Descendant of the Void (Wudi) said to himself.

Looking around, even the monsters were a little afraid of the sight of the Descendants of the Void.

Purple thunder condensed around the Void Descendant Dragon's body, and then turned into a thunder ring in the blink of an eye, turning all living creatures within a radius of several hundred meters into charcoal.

Immediately, the Descendant of the Void (Udi) no longer cared about the enemies coming from a distance, and began to quickly dig up the ground with his claws.

Under the terrifyingly sharp giant claws of the Descendants of the Void, the soil and rocks were more fragile than paper. In the blink of an eye, a cave more than ten meters deep was dug out.

Following the feeling of being disturbed just now, Udi controlled the Descendants of the Void to quickly dig forward and deepen.

A moment later.

The Descendants of the Void (Udi) came several kilometers underground.

"Probably in this area." Descendant of the Void (Udi) pondered.

With a thought, Wu Di gave up control of his body and let the Descendants of the Void take over the body.

"Hollow out this area for me." Udi gave the order in the mind of the Descendants of the Void.

The Descendants of the Void, who was a little fanatical and excited because of the transformation into such a powerful body, did not hesitate and directly expressed his excitement in actual actions.

Time passed, and with the appearance of an underground cave, Oudi's spirit was shaken.

Just when Wu Di was about to urge the Descendant of the Void to go take a look at the cave, a giant dark hand stretched out directly from the cave and grabbed the Descendant of the Void.

In a daze, the Descendants of the Void came to the center of the cave, in front of an altar.

In the center of the altar, a black-robed figure was being infused with a massive amount of blood and soul energy. The aura on his body was extremely powerful, but the aura was isolated by the surrounding barrier and could not be detected by the outside world.

Wu Di, who was possessed by the Descendant of the Void, looked at the black-robed figure and vaguely felt that the other person's aura was somewhat familiar.

By the way, that's the thief.

In the dragon pond, the Black Dragon Lord slowly opened his majestic brown and yellow vertical dragon pupils and grinned.

"It turns out to be a necromancer, no wonder."

I wanted to steal its murloc soul loot before, and now I want to steal its power.

I really can't bear it.

In the cave.

The Archmage of the Dead looked at the 'black dragon' that was tightly restrained by the giant hand of darkness, and smiled strangely.

"You can sneak in from such a hidden place, you little guy is really unlucky. But you are just a little weak, otherwise you can become a bone dragon."

The Descendant of the Void stared at the Archmage of the Dead. There was no trace of panic in his dragon eyes, only coldness.

Seeing this, the Archmage of the Necromancer was a little displeased and snorted coldly. He was about to control the giant hand of darkness to directly crush the Descendant of the Void to death and absorb its soul and flesh and blood energy. Suddenly his face changed slightly, and a figure rose up around the altar almost instantly. Defensive cover.

The moment the defensive cover was raised, a huge black dragon claw passed through any door and grabbed it hard, making a huge concussion sound.

The defensive cover was full of cracks, but not broken.

The Black Dragon Lord walked out of any door and looked at the defensive shield with a slightly surprised expression.

"It turns out to be a nine-ring great barrier technique."

And the large barrier technique that can withstand his attack must have reached the Guizhen level. This level of Great Barrier Technique can be resisted for a short period of time by the legendary first-level experts.

The reason why this Great Barrier Technique can withstand Wu Di's attack is because this Great Barrier Technique is integrated with the altar. The altar absorbs massive amounts of energy all the time, greatly strengthening the defensive power of the Great Barrier Technique.

"It's you?!" The Necromancer obviously recognized the Black Dragon Lord from his breath, and his expression was quite shocked.

If I remember correctly, a few years ago, the Black Dragon Lord's strength was only at the first level, and it was not very strong among the first level. It would take several moves to kill an inferior legendary fishman.

How come your strength has improved so much in such a short period of time? !

I had diarrhea all night and managed to write more than 8,000.

Sorry sorry.

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