This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 200 Surrender (4k)

After briefly understanding the information about the demon army from Ogula, Udi headed towards the Green Ghost clan.

The movement of the five major ghost clans gathering together was not covered up, or in other words, they knew that covering it up was useless.

A verdant forest filled with towering ancient trees hundreds or thousands of meters tall.

A large number of green ghosts are moving around, using their plant control abilities to build wooden houses one after another.

At a glance, white ghosts, red ghosts, frost ghosts, and purple demon ghosts can see that this territory is filled with the figures of the five major ghost clans, and their general strength is at the intermediate level and above.

The five ghost kings stood in the palace built on the crown of the green ghost clan's sacred tree, overlooking the territory, with different expressions.

The atmosphere was depressing.

Ever since the Black Smoke City demon was defeated by the black dragon, the five ghost kings have not been separated and have been gathering on the holy tree.

The tribesmen below are also trying their best to gather the elites of the five major ethnic groups and come to the sanctuary of the holy tree.

"Why hasn't the Black Dragon come yet?" The Red Ghost King was a little irritated.

The disappearance of the black dragon made the five of them tense up at all times, fearing that the black dragon would make a surprise attack and break through the protection of the sacred tree.

"Wouldn't it be better if we never come? In this way, the demons will be driven away, and this world will still be ruled by our ghost clan." The White Ghost King, who was 100 meters tall, asked with some confusion.

"It's not that simple." The Purple Demon Ghost King shook his head slightly and said, "Ever since the coordinates of our world were learned by the demon lord of Black Smoke City, the direction of the world we live in has been destined."

"Perish or surrender."

After hearing the words of the Purple Demon Ghost King, the White Ghost King was a little unhappy, "You are too pessimistic. Our ghost race has such a strong reproductive ability, with tens of billions of people, and now we have obtained brand-new training from the devil. system, our five major ghost clans will only get stronger and stronger in the future.”

"Tens of billions of ghosts?" The Purple Demon Ghost King shook his head and smiled, and said in a complicated tone, "Do you know how many creatures are ruled by the demon lord of Black Smoke City?"

"I know, we have discussed before that Black Smoke City, an abyssal city, is a medium-sized city according to the classification in the abyss. It can accommodate about one billion creatures." White Ghost King replied.

This number was obtained from the brains of the invading demons by the Purple Demon Ghost King using his spiritual powers.

"That's right, but you have to know that these billion are just for people living in the city. For an abyss lord, the abyss city is only its core territory. The vast and boundless abyss land radiated by the power of the abyss city is the vast territory. The devil’s cradle.”

"Judging from the strength of the abyssal creatures that have descended and their memories, this is undoubtedly confirmed. More than 90% of the abyssal creatures that have descended over the years are demons from the wilderness outside Black Smoke City, and they are nothing more than cannon fodder. "Purple Demon Ghost King's tone was a little heavy.

The other party just sent some cannon fodder, which put great pressure on the five ghost clans.

The Purple Demon Ghost King had to suspect that the Black Smoke City lord just regarded their world as a 'fun game' and did not use his full strength at all.

The White Ghost King also frowned.

It's brain is a little slow, but it's not stupid.

"Then" Just when the White Ghost King was about to say something else, a towering light door appeared on the horizon.

A huge black dragon flew out from it, its brown dragon eyes showing coldness and indifference.

Now, the White Ghost King was no longer in the mood to chat, and all four Ghost Kings looked at the Green Ghost King.

Green Ghost King Medici did not hesitate and directly activated the defensive barrier of the holy tree.

The defensive barrier of the Holy Tree has been in a semi-activated state since the demon was defeated that day. In this state, no living being can enter the area covered by the Holy Tree without permission.

But now, seeing the black dragon appear, the originally half-activated defensive barrier was activated at full power.

The green light flashed, and the towering holy tree, which was more than 10,000 meters high, fired a thick green beam of light into the sky. In just an instant, a layer of light green protective barrier enveloped a thousand miles in radius.

"Let's go and communicate with that black dragon."

The Purple Demon Ghost King took the lead, and the five ghost kings ducked and flew towards the place where the black dragon descended.

They want to try negotiating to see if they can find a better outcome.

As soon as Wu Di arrived in the territory of the green ghost clan, he sensed the towering giant tree in the distance bursting out with powerful and terrifying energy, and then formed a huge light green cover.

"Are you trying to be a coward?" Wu Di grinned.

It didn't look at the restless ghosts below, but instead turned its attention to the majestic giant tree in the distance.

"The giant tree related to the ancient tree of life of the elves is interesting. Let me try to see how good it is."

Last time, Wu Di had some doubts when he saw this giant tree. Later, he searched for information and completely confirmed that this giant tree was indeed related to the ancient tree of life. It was most likely grown from the branches of the ancient tree of life.

"If you swallow this giant tree, you might gain something special." Such a thought flashed through Wu Di's mind.

The next moment, the dragon's mouth opened, and a thick gray breath blasted towards the light green protective barrier below.

Not far away, the five ghost kings who had just arrived happened to see this scene. Although they were very confident in the defensive barrier of the holy tree, they couldn't help but feel a little nervous when they thought of the terrifying power that the black dragon had exploded before.

"The four of us are ready to use the sacred objects at all times." The Purple Demon Ghost King had an ominous premonition in his heart and quickly reminded the Red Ghost King and the others.

The green ghost clan owns the Holy Tree Town clan, and the four major ghost clans naturally have their own trump card.

The thick gray breath came into contact with the light green defensive barrier under the gaze of a large number of ghost clans and five ghost kings.

Under the eyes of the five ghost kings, whose pupils shrank slightly and showed horror, the light green barrier only resisted the gray breath for a moment before being dissolved into a big hole.

"Activate the sacred object!" Before the Purple Demon Ghost King finished speaking, it, the Frost Ghost King, the Red Ghost King, and the White Ghost King used the sacred objects of their own clan to suppress the clan.

The Purple Demon Ghost King took out a transparent stone, the Frost Ghost King took out an ice crystal, the Red Ghost King took out a large piece of red muscle that was still beating and contracting, and the White Ghost King took out a statue.

The four ghost kings infused the energy in their bodies into the sacred objects of their respective groups almost at the same time. Then, four thick energy beams with different attributes rushed towards the holy tree.

After the holy tree received the blessing of the four energies, it trembled for a while, and a wave of waves that was several times more terrifying than before was emitted. The large hole melted by the breath of the void also quickly recovered, and then blocked the gray-white breath of the void from the outside.

Wu Di was a little surprised when he saw this.

It glanced at the four strange objects held by the four ghost kings, and its dragon eyes narrowed.

Legendary item?

No, not really.

More like a curiosity.

Strange objects refer to special objects that have powerful power, but have no spirituality or legendary properties.

"It seems that this world was discovered by the beings from the star world a long time ago." Wu Di thought to himself.

There are four more strange objects, and they are also sacred trees related to the ancient tree of life. This is enough to explain the problem.

Just as Wu Di was thinking, below, the five ghost kings saw that it finally stopped breathing, their faces relaxed slightly, and they felt a little confident in their hearts. Their figures flashed and came to the former.

Now, the only thing between the five of them and the Black Dragon Lord is the seemingly thin layer of green film.

"Dear black dragon master, we hope to communicate with you." The Purple Demon Ghost King spoke. It did not want to have too many conflicts with this terrifying black dragon.

After all, it knew that the best choice for the five ghost clans now was to surrender to the Black Dragon Lord.

The reason why holy trees and holy objects are used to defend against the black dragon is that one does not know whether the black dragon's intentions are good or bad, so it is necessary to create a 'platform' to communicate and dialogue with it. This ‘platform’ is this layer of enchantment.

The second is to also reveal the background of the five major ghost clans. After all, even if they surrender, one is unable to resist the surrender, and the other surrenders on condition, the treatment will definitely be different.

"Communication?" Wu Di smiled and said jokingly,

"You five don't think you can stop me with this green film, do you?"

Feeling the contempt and indifference in the Black Dragon Lord's tone, the other four ghost kings were a little annoyed and angry. Only the purple demon ghost king was shocked.

Its spiritual power vaguely reminded it that the Black Dragon Lord was not lying.

Outside the barrier, Wu Di looked at the different expressions of the five ghost kings, shook his head slightly in his heart, and stopped playing with them.

Void Form-

In an instant, the huge black dragon turned into a gray and cold void dragon.

Seeing the change in the black dragon's appearance, the purple demon ghost king's feeling became more and more unpleasant.

Void shuttle-

Wu Di transformed into the form of a void dragon, and his huge dragon body disappeared outside.

The next moment, in the terrifying crisis of the five ghost kings, the gray void dragon appeared behind them.

But the Void Dragon did not take the opportunity to kill all five of them, but laughed and said,

"This kind of barrier is of no use to me."

The barrier created by the Holy Tree can not only defend against external attacks, but also has the ability to block space. Therefore, any door or teleportation spell cannot ignore the barrier and directly enter the territory of the Holy Tree.

But traveling through the void is different.

The essence of void travel is to become one with space.

Any door, teleportation, etc. use magical magic principles to move space.

Comparing the two, it is equivalent to a home that requires a key to open the door to enter, and a home that completely ignores the function of the door and can enter the home directly through the wall. Whether it is a 'wall' or a 'door', they are like air.

"I'll give you five a chance to surrender to me, three." Seeing the five ghost kings being subdued by it, Wu Di went straight to the topic and started counting down.

It was now very thirsty for its subordinates, so even though it wanted to swallow them directly to increase the level of its alienation talent, it finally endured it.

Even if you raise the level of some alienation talents, your strength cannot be improved too much. Why not plant them all with the power of the void, and then transform them into an army of voids? In the end, it can do whatever it wants?

"We agree to surrender!"

Before the countdown reached two, the Purple Demon Ghost King quickly answered.

This made the other four ghost kings, who were still a little hesitant, stunned.

But they reacted quickly, and quickly bent down and lowered their heads, expressing their submission together with the Purple Demon Ghost King.

Wu Di looked at them in surprise, not expecting to be so aware of current affairs.

But this saves trouble.

Next, Udi planted void seeds for each of the five ghost kings, and then asked them to summon all legendary ghosts and master-level ghosts in the group. Udi also planted void seeds for the latter.

Since then, the five major ghost clans have completely surrendered, and the ghost clan plane has been brought under the rule of Wu Di.

"Five legendary second-level ghosts, forty-six legendary first-level ghosts, and eleven thousand three hundred and fifty-two master-level ghosts."

In the palace among the holy trees, the Black Dragon Lord was counting the information about the ghosts who had just planted the seeds of the void, and couldn't help but be a little stunned.

The number of legendary ghosts was not bad, it had expected this before.

After all, there are dozens of legendary demons sent by Black Smoke City.

But Wu Di did not expect that the five major ghost clans combined would have more than 10,000 master-level ghosts.

You know, in the main continent of Tar, the number of master-level experts in a human principality will basically not exceed double digits.

For example, in the Principality of Kas, including the Grand Duke of Thorns, there are only six master-level experts in total. Even if the Grand Duke of Thorns secretly has hidden power, there will definitely not be more than ten. And the Principality of Kas, in Tal, It is already a relatively strong principality among human principalities.

As for the human kingdom, taking the Kingdom of Albit as an example, the combined power of the people, nobles, and royal family can only have a hundred or so master-level experts at most.

There are more than 11,000 master-level ghosts in the five major ghost clans. In terms of high-end power at the master level, they are almost comparable to a hundred Albit Kingdoms and more than a thousand Kas Principalities.

Of course, the Albit Kingdom is a weak and decadent kingdom, and does not even have legendary strong men. If it were a powerful human kingdom with a population of more than 100 million and a mature professional system, it would be no problem to give birth to hundreds of master-level strong men.

"Master, this is after several years of bloody wars and the loss of nearly a thousand master-level ghosts. Otherwise, in our heyday, the number of master-level ghosts from our five major ghost clans would have exceeded 12,000." The Purple Demon Ghost King replied respectfully. Tao, but obviously it is still a little uncomfortable with being in a high position all year round when it suddenly calls other beings respectfully its master.

"Yes, I understand." Wu Di nodded, feeling quite good.

Although master level strength is nothing to it.

However, if they are all transformed into Void Familiar, they will not only be a group of terrifying undead legions, but at critical moments, Udi can also incorporate their power into himself and enhance his own power.

There are more than 10,000 masters, even if most of them are at level 15 or 6, it can definitely raise Wu Di's strength to the fourth level of legend.

Coupled with the large number of other low-level Void Familiars and legendary Void Familiars that are about to be transformed. If all the power is unified, Oudi's power may reach the fifth level of the Legend.

"Next, I only need to develop for a period of time before I can reach the top power that Tal can contain." Oudi murmured to himself, his dragon eyes flashing.

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