This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 203 Black Wing City vs. Duolun City

Blackwing City and Duolun City have a tacit understanding, and they have placed the battlefield in the middle of the two cities.

This is a volcanic area, with hundreds of thousands of volcanoes of different heights stretching endlessly.

Every moment, volcanoes erupt, lava fills the ground, and then condenses into black lava.

Most of the abyssal creatures living here belong to the lava and fire systems, such as magma pythons, fire dogs, balrogs, and explosive demons.

The one who ruled this volcanic area was originally a legendary giant lava elephant.

However, when Black Wing City and Duolun City jointly opened up the battlefield, the giant lava elephant at the peak of the first level of the legend was beheaded in his sleep, and his body was lying 100 meters away on an erupting mountain. In the volcano.

"Kill me."

The twelve-meter-tall black-winged angel with unique six arms gave the order coldly.

As Ochi's order was issued, two and a half million of the three million black-winged angels neatly arranged behind it moved.

The wide black wings that were originally gathered behind the back unfolded directly, and the power of the void deep in the body was drawn out, and the transformation of the void form was completed in an instant.

It turned from black to gray in an instant, and it was still more than two million. This scene was really shocking.

When the high-ranking night elf general from Duolun City saw this scene, his pupils shrank slightly and he was a little surprised, but he quickly gathered his thoughts and gave the order to attack.

Behind him, more than 10 million demons were like ferocious dogs and beasts released from a cage, rushing towards the Void Angel camp overwhelmingly.

One gray and white, one black and red, the two torrents suddenly collided together, temporarily starting a fight between flesh and blood.

"With a mere three million troops, how can I give you the courage to provoke Duolun City!"

The general who commanded the army of Duolun City, a night elf at the pinnacle of the legendary second level, sneered.

He could naturally see that the ability of these birdmen who could transform from black fur to gray and white hair was quite extraordinary. However, the two and a half million birdmen sent by the other party were all low-level. He would not be wrong about this. of.

Low-level people are just cannon fodder at the lowest level in the abyss, especially in large-scale wars.

Two and a half million low-level cannon fodders are facing off against their 10 million low-level cannon fodders. Even if the opponent looks good, it would be very impressive if they can exchange two for one.

"After all, he is a newly promoted abyss lord with insufficient background." The night elf general shook his head, full of confidence in this war.

Even if the other party left behind the half million birdmen who looked like elites at first sight, he still had sufficient self-confidence.

Black Wing City didn't send out elites, so did they? !

But soon, as the war progressed, the night elf general's expression changed subtly. Not only him, but also the expressions of the night elf executives who were present this time began to change.

I saw the center of the battlefield, where the two sides came into contact with each other in hand-to-hand combat.

One by one, the void angels waved their wings behind them, flashing gray phantoms, and chopped off the heads of the abyssal creatures, neatly and simply.

Some of them can even be seen with ease. While cutting the abyss creature approaching in two pieces with one sword, the gray feather behind them flashes like a sword, and then kills a dog demon, and then picks up the opponent's still struggling head. Put it in your mouth, crush it together with the skull, and swallow it.

Each Void Angel may have different heights, some are taller and some are shorter, some are more than two meters short, and some can reach an exaggerated dozens of meters tall. These are usually transformed from giant creatures, but in terms of appearance, they are very different. Uniform, all superior handsome and beautiful.

For example, the face of the void angel transformed from the snake demon tends to be feminine and handsome.

The transformation of Balrog tends to be rugged and handsome.

Therefore, when the appearance is on the line, the night elves suddenly do such a cruel and bloody act of producing phlegm, blood, flesh and brain, which is really eye-opening for the night elves.

The night elf camp is the neutral evil camp, that is, the orthodox ‘villain’.

They are capable of killing, burning, looting, and being ruthless, but they are usually used against enemies, and they rarely kill innocent people. Compared with the chaotic and evil demons of the abyss, they think they are too kind.

"What a cruel winged man." The night elves thought secretly in surprise.

However, after adapting to this style, the night elves quickly noticed the strength of the Void Angels.

It's obviously just a low-level rank, this is the information that can be obtained by using identification skills, but in fact, a considerable part of the combat power that explodes has the strength of the intermediate threshold.

If only a very small number of night elves could understand, after all, there is no shortage of geniuses and outliers in the abyss, especially low-level ones.

But among the more than two million Void Angels in front of us, more than one-third of them have reached the intermediate threshold in combat power. This is definitely an exaggeration.

"So far, the enemy has lost 300,000 winged men and nearly 2 million abyss creatures have died on our side. The battle loss ratio has reached .1 to 6.5!"

The legendary night elf caster who specializes in calculating the damage information of the entire war gave a somewhat exaggerated figure.

After hearing this data, the night elf general took a deep breath.

This obviously far exceeded his expectations.

"Where did these winged people come from?!" The general felt solemn in his heart.

Although the abyssal creatures gathered on their side are called cannon fodder by them, this is because this is an abyss!

If they were sent to many material planes, many professionals at the same level might not be able to defeat these abyssal creatures.

The power of the abyss controlled by abyssal creatures is a very evil negative energy. Many races will be helpless in fighting with it and cannot exert their full strength.

Just as the general was thinking about it, tens of thousands more died in the abyss army on their side.

Under the swords and bows of these Void Angels, these low-level abyssal creatures have almost no ability to fight back, and can only rely on their massive numbers and attacks to fight back.

Many void angels did not die in hand-to-hand combat, but were drowned by various energy attacks from abyssal creatures.

In this case, even high-level Void Angels can only be overwhelmed by hundreds of attacks.

Seeing this, the night elf general knew that he could not continue like this, and he immediately issued an order,

"Send the Horned Demon Legion, Fire Demon Legion, and Night Shadow Leopard troops to the end!"

The herald who accepted the order quickly conveyed the general's order to the three legions who were always on standby.

Soon, 300,000 Horned Demon Legion, 100,000 Balrog Legion, and 10,000 Night Shadow Leopard Elf troops were dispatched.

These three legions are all elite troops built directly under the night elves in Duolun City, and they are not just soldiers.

The weakest army of 300,000 horned demons are all intermediate-level.

One hundred thousand flame demon legions, more than 90,000 intermediate ranks, and several thousand high-level ranks.

The most powerful among them must belong to the Dark Night Shadow Leopard Elf Troop, numbering 10,000, all of whom are at a senior level or above. There is at least one master-level Shadow Leopard Knight for every ninety-nine senior Shadow Leopard Knights.

In other words, among the ten thousand shadow leopard knights, there are at least one hundred master-level shadow leopard elf knights.

On the Black Wing City side, Ao Qi, the leader, smiled sadly when he saw this.

"I finally couldn't bear it anymore."

After a few chuckles, Ochi also gave his order to the herald beside him,

"They sent 410,000 elite troops, so we will also send 410,000 this time."

The number of low-level cannon fodder is not as good as that of the other side. This is normal. After all, their Black Wing City has only been established for more than a year, and the number of abyssal creatures that have gathered and surrendered is limited. It is definitely not as good as Duolun City, which has been operating for hundreds or thousands of years.

The city area of ​​Black Wing City is only more than 8,000 square kilometers, and the territory radiated by its power is only a few hundred million square kilometers. It seems very large, but in fact it is only the area of ​​​​Blue Star in the previous life. For an abyss lord, even if it is only a small City lords are considered very, very small.

An old city like Duolun City is the best example. The city covers an area of ​​nearly 800,000 square kilometers, and the territory radiated by its power reaches tens of billions of square kilometers, which is more than a hundred times that of Black Wing City today.

However, the number of low-level cannon fodder is not as high as that of mid-level, high-level and above elites, so Black Wing City will not lose even half a point to Duolun City.

Soon, 400,000 intermediate-level Void Angels and 10,000 high-level Void Angels joined the battlefield, targeting the elite sent by Duolun City.

In addition, more than a hundred top-level Descendants of the Void were also teleported to the battlefield. Their target was to hunt the master-level experts of the Shadow Leopard Elf Troops.

However, this ‘hunting’ is not about killing, but secretly injecting void seeds into it.

Low-level cannon fodder and mid-level and high-level elites will die if they die. Today's Black Wing City doesn't care too much because there are too many abyssal creatures wandering in the lava wasteland. With the supply of abyssal creatures constantly born from the Abyssal Source Sea, , in a way, almost endless.

But the number of those who have reached master level and top level is still small.

Even in the abyss, those at the master level can be called strong.

Under the gazes of the top leaders of both sides, the elite troops sent by both sides finally came into contact and collided.

Both sides obviously have full confidence in their elite troops.

Needless to say, what Black Wing City's self-confidence comes from is that the energy of the Void Power has the characteristics of decomposition, devouring, etc., and is absolutely difficult and terrifying. Coupled with the powerful physical body given by the Void Power, one plus one is greater than two, making the Void When angels fight against creatures of the same level, as long as they are not aliens or geniuses with super strong combat power, then it is not a problem to fight beyond the level, or even kill them beyond the level.

Duolun City's self-confidence stems from repeated killings and wars.

Whether it is the Horned Demon Legion, the Fire Demon Legion, or the Dark Night Shadow Leopard Troop, they are all baptized in battles and wars. They are experienced in killing and master their various abilities. They are all of the same level. The elite among them.

Therefore, this time the collision between the two sides did not appear to be one-sided, but fell into a stalemate. However, the Void Angel side of Black Wing City could vaguely see that it had the upper hand, but the time was still short. This situation was placed in a stalemate. In the battle between hundreds of thousands of legions, it is not too obvious.

The more than a hundred dragon-shaped Descendants of the Void also hid their strength. They fought with the hundreds of master-level night elves in the Shadow Leopard Army. They suffered minor and serious injuries. However, in a short period of time, no one on either side died. .

The master-level elves of the Night Shadow Leopard who were fighting were unable to see this clearly because they were in the middle of the situation, but the legendary night elves on the outside gradually discovered the suspicion.

"These pseudo-dragon monsters seem to be a bit at ease."

The Void Descendants do not have dragon blood, but only have a dragon-like appearance, so the night elves can naturally recognize them.

Pseudodragon, Wurm, Dragonborn. Among them, the pseudo-dragon is a superficial creature like the descendant of the void, the sub-dragon is a dragon-like creature with the blood of a giant dragon, and the dragon-born is an intelligent creature given the blood of a dragon.

Although the level of this group of pseudo-dragons is a bit too high, after all, ordinary pseudo-dragons are only at high-level levels, and top-level ones are quite rare.

As the observation deepened, although the legendary powerhouses on the night elves were unwilling to admit it, they did see that those pseudo-dragons were letting things go.

At least part of it is releasing water.

"Send another hundred thousand horned demons to death!" The night elf general frowned deeply and issued the third order.

No matter what conspiracy the other party has, maintaining the stability of the overall battlefield situation is what he needs to achieve now.

The Night Lord's order to him was just one word - 'Consumption'!

By depleting Black Wing City's resources and leaving the opponent with no troops to fight, Black Wing City will only have high-level combat power left, and it will have no choice but to huddle within the city and have no ability to engage in expansion wars.

It has to be said that the Night Lord is also tolerant and stable enough.

In other words, among the abyss lords, they are either strong enough to not care too much about most conspiracies, or they have a stable enough character and can tolerate it, otherwise they would have been killed by other strong men who are jealous of the heart of the abyss and seize the treasure.

On the Black Wing City side, Oqi's expression did not change when he saw that the night elves in Duolun City had once again dispatched 100,000 intermediate-level horned demon warriors.

The Black Winged Angels were not dispatched again.


With a buzzing sound, the majestic and huge arbitrary door opened behind Ochi, and tall black-winged angels flew out from it.

In the blink of an eye, the Black Winged Angels who originally had less than 100,000 left behind Ochi were replenished to nearly 2 million.

This is already the entire number of Black Winged Angels in Black Wing City. Including those who just went on the battlefield, the total is 4.8 million.

But Ochi looked calm.


In Black Wing City, the spirit of the Black Dragon Lord is immersed in the gray space.

Looking at the void angels whose eyes changed from numb to lively, the Black Dragon Lord grinned.

In the battlefield, the corpses of the more than 600,000 black-winged angels who died were constantly turning into dust one after another.

A stream of power poured into the body of the Black Dragon Lord, strengthening its power and pushing its power towards the fourth level of the legend.

But the Black Dragon Lord did not linger on this power. Instead, he stripped off this part of the power and gave the black-winged angels who had just died in battle another new life.

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