This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 209 Frost Floating Island (4k)

Eight years have passed since the Crimson Mother and the Dark Frost Giant Lord came to Taal for a battle.

In eight years, with the medium-sized Abyss Gate operating at full capacity, the total number of demons coming to Taal has approached 10 billion.

To be precise, the area where the demons invaded should be the main continent of Tar and some shallow sea areas.

The deep sea and the numerous islands dotting the deep sea are still as peaceful as ever.

The only change is that Deep Sea's movements have become a little more frequent than before the demon invaded, and the target has also changed.

Originally, the three overlord empires of the deep sea often fought wars, with the intention of consuming more and more creatures in the deep sea. However, with the invasion of demons and the aura of the abyss beginning to pollute Taal, the three overlord empires of the deep sea became unable to sit still.

How can I bear it when my beautiful home is about to be polluted and turned into a garbage dump bit by bit?

I simply can't bear it!

Therefore, the three deep-sea emperors, the Mermaid Queen, the Sea Emperor, and the Naga Queen, met and finally united their front and made a decision:

The three sea empires will no longer have internal strife and fights before the demons are expelled. At the same time, each empire is responsible for an area and clears out the demons in it.

In fact, the best way to eradicate the demonic invasion is to destroy the Gate of the Abyss.

But in this regard, the three deep-sea emperors automatically ignored this point.

Because the Dark Frost Giant Lord has been sitting at the Gate of the Abyss.

With their fierce fighting power chasing the Crimson Mother, the three sea clans have only one way to destroy the Gate of the Abyss:

Contact the gods you believe in (gods, gods), or send down the incarnation of divine power, or send down a divine envoy.

However, God is not a being that believers can call here and there, let alone a being that you can summon if you encounter difficulties.

Or to be more precise, God needs you to suffer.

Only in this way will the power of pious faith be born.

Messy pan-beliefs are basically garbage and poison to God, and are difficult to use. Only the power of pious faith can play some wonderful effects on God.

This is why the Taal plane is a territory ruled by the gods of the deep sea, but there are still other races existing, instead of letting the deep sea submerge the continent and making Taal a deep sea world.

This is the tacit understanding between the gods of the star world.

When there is no external pressure, when believers are singing and dancing, and are carefree, how can the gods harvest faith?

Billions of pan-believers are not as effective to gods as a hundred thousand fanatic believers!

Just like the kobold racial god, ‘Kultumak’, this great being who has reached moderate divine power.

The god Kurtumak is famous in the astral world.

Because He likes to descend and incarnate into the material plane very much, granting knowledge to the kobold tribes in the wild, so that they can rise from suffering and oppression.

It is not the existence of gods. For Kurtumak's behavior, he just thinks that he has great feelings for his own race.

But other great beings who are gods naturally know that behind Kurtumak's behavior is to bring benefits to himself.

When the suffering and oppressed kobolds receive guidance from the incarnation of the god of their race in despair, what will be the result?

Fanaticism, incomparable fanaticism.

Kurtumak's ability to reach the intermediate level of divine power depends not only on the kobolds all over the material plane of the star world, but more importantly, on the fact that he has a huge number of fanatical believers and not a few who have extremely devout beliefs. The soul is sublimated, the saint who never fades!

If the potential and strength of these kobold believers were not generally too weak, Kurtumak would be able to reach the level of powerful divine power.

Of course, having said that, if the kobolds were as powerful as giants and dragons, they would not have suffered so much, and naturally not so many fanatical believers and saints would be born.

Being weak will lead to more suffering, and it will also be easier to give birth to pious beliefs.

It is powerful and can provide more power of faith to the gods, but it is not easy to give birth to pious faith.

This can be seen from the divine power levels of the gods of various races.

The two most famous gods of the Dragon Clan, Tiamat and Bahamut, both have weak divine powers.

Among the gods of the elves, there are a lot of gods with weak divine power and medium divine power.

There are a bunch of human gods with weak, weak, medium, and strong powers.

There are also a lot of middle-level gods among the dwarf gods, and the main god is even more powerful.

Main continent of Tar, southern region.

Compared with the completely occupied northern and eastern regions, there are also the western and central regions that have been severely invaded. The south is now the area least affected by demons on the main continent.

As for the reason?

Because the Black Nest is here.

In the early years, that is, in the first year or two of the demonic invasion, the Black Nest was not conspicuous in the south, let alone the entire continent.

But as time went by, as Black Nest continued to dispatch troops to eliminate demons with the Dark Forest as the center, the territory occupied by Black Nest began to become larger and larger.

It was not until three years ago, when the territory occupied by Black Nest exceeded 50 million square kilometers, that the demons of the Eternal Night Winter Plane and the major forces still lingering on the continent turned their attention to Black Nest.

The area of ​​50 million square kilometers is actually not that big. After all, the total area of ​​the continent exceeds 100 billion square kilometers. The problem is that the territory of 50 million square kilometers occupied by Black Nest has been developed and is suitable for most living creatures to live in. soil of.

Just like the northern region of the continent, which is shrouded in extremely cold storms all day long. The further north you go, the more terrifying the storms become. In some areas in the far north, only top-level creatures can survive, so the number of creatures there is pitifully small.

In the entire vast Northern Territory, there are a slightly larger number of intelligent groups gathered, including barbarians, frost elves, frost giants, white dragons, high-level ice monster groups, ice elements, etc. In addition, they are basically all A very small and rare population.

The eastern region of the continent is also covered by large tracts of poisonous ancient forest. Except for green dragons, black dragons and highly poisonous things, other normal creatures cannot survive in that environment.

In the southern part of the continent, more than 90% of the area is also covered by the poisonous ancient forest, and the environment is extremely harsh.

Only in the central part of the continent, after a long period of development and the development of major races, many areas have become livable places.

Various elves, dwarves, humans, monsters, goblins and other races have lived and multiplied here for generations.

Because most races thrived and developed in the central part, more than 70% of the intelligent beings on the continent gathered here.

In the south, at the edge of the dark forest, extending for more than two thousand kilometers to the northwest, fortresses stood like large and small bumps of earth raised on the earth.

When I zoomed in, I saw that the smallest of these large and small fortresses was more than ten meters high and covered an area of ​​hundreds of square meters. The slightly larger fortress was tens of meters high and covered an area of ​​over 10,000 square meters.

The land outside the fortress is dark red, and it is obviously a bright noon under the scorching sun, but the dark red land is full of traces of frost.

Occasionally, you can see patches of evil black gas, scorched by flames, rotten mud, etc.

Around the fortress, tall Black Nest warriors were busy.

Further out, in the sky, void angels flapped their wings and patrolled everywhere.

On the ground, three-meter-high Void Jackals were also patrolling in groups.

A hundred kilometers away from here, corresponding to these large and small fortresses, bunkers built with the power of ice are also scattered across the land. At a glance, there are tens of thousands of ice bunkers.

Each ice bunker has a large number of ice-attributed demons from the eternal night winter plane of the abyss.

Most of these demons are asleep, as if waiting for an opportunity to wake up.

Suddenly, a gust of frosty wind blew from a distance. The demon commander stationed here opened his blue eyes, and his figure flashed and appeared above the Ice Bunker camp.

As a legendary powerhouse, the eyesight allowed the ice demon commander to see at a glance the vast army of demons in the distance, like a tidal wave.

The sky and the earth are all filled with demons.

At a glance, a rough calculation shows that it is more than tens of millions?

I'm afraid there are hundreds of millions of them!

"I wonder which master is here this time." The Ice Demon thought secretly in his heart.

It has been guarding this place for nearly three years, and with the deaths of several previous commanders, their Frost City has been at war with Black Nest for seven years.

Previously, in the first few years, limited by the number of daily transmissions from the Gate of the Abyss, the number of demons that descended was not large. They could only occupy the eastern region of the continent first, and then continuously send troops to spread to all parts of the continent.

Later, as more and more demons descended, the demon invasion sweeping the entire continent officially began.

At that time, most of the attention of the main army of Frost City was attracted by the forces in the central continent. The number of demons sent to other places was not only small, but also not many strong ones.

Therefore, the demon army that invaded the southern region was blocked and resisted by the Black Nest. The main force and high-level officials of the demon army did not care. They just sent several legendary demons and several elite demon legions to assist.

But it didn't take long for the legendary demons and elite demon legions sent there to be defeated. They either died or escaped.

The ice demon escaped. From then on, it no longer dared to lead the demons to invade the dark forest. Instead, it retreated here and waited for orders and support from the major commanders of the Frost City.

And today, support has arrived.

The overwhelming demon army was reflected in the ice demon's pupils. Above the center of the demon army, a floating island like an iceberg flew towards here surrounded by countless demons.

The Ice Demon's pupils shrank slightly, in disbelief.

"Frost Island is here too?!"

Frost Island is a floating island built by the Dark Frost Giant Lord, that is, the Frost Lord spent a lot of resources to invite a high-level legendary caster to spend hundreds of years to build it.

As an advanced version of the mage tower, the floating island has many and terrifying functions.

Although this is only a small floating island with a diameter of less than a hundred kilometers, if it is controlled by a strong person of the fifth level of the legend, the power of the explosion is enough to suppress even a high-level legendary powerhouse.

If the person controlling the floating island is a high-level legendary powerhouse, he can easily suppress and kill high-level legendary powerhouses of the same level.

In Taal, the person who controls this frost island is the Dark Frost Giant Lord.

On the floating island, in a hall that looks only a few hundred meters high on the outside but is thousands of meters high on the inside, a towering dark frost giant lord with a body size of 100 meters is sitting on the throne. Behind it is something like The medium-sized abyss gate looks like a nebula, and the abyss gate is continuously swallowing the demon army.

As soon as these demons teleported from the abyss appear, they will be teleported around the island by the power of the floating island.

Every moment, the number of demons surrounding the floating island increases.

To describe it in terms of data points, it is probably:

+100 demon minions

+121 demon minions

+104 demons.

Almost every few seconds, hundreds of demon soldiers will be 'refreshed'.

In one minute, nearly two thousand demon soldiers were 'refreshed', which was enough to form a small demon army.

This is only the teleportation ability of the medium-sized abyss gate. If it were a large, super-large, or giant abyss gate, the troops transmitted in an instant would be enough to flood a city.

The dark frost giant lord ‘Thorne’ seemed to see through the main hall and see the black castle standing among the mountains in a distant place.

"Black Dragon Lord?" Thorne showed a mocking smile.

Its appearance here at this time has already represented one thing - the central area where more than 70% of the mainland's living creatures have been conquered by the demon army.

This is not an accident. Even if Thorne had not been waiting for the main continent to be infiltrated by the abyss to a certain extent, if it had taken action personally, the Pan-continental Alliance Army would have been completely defeated in less than a month.

The Crimson Mother and the ancient golden dragon that just broke through the high-level legend have not appeared in these years, and the Sea Tribe is also weighing the interests, so the entire Taal is just a playground for the dark frost giant lord Thorne.

Unstoppable and invincible.

These two words are very suitable for today's dark frost giant lord.

The frost floating island flew all the way, and the demon troops originally stationed in the bunker also joined the torrent of demons following the floating island, advancing in a mighty way without any cover up.

Naturally, this arrogant behavior was quickly discovered by the soldiers and spell casters of Black Nest who were responsible for patrolling and investigating.

Then report it up layer by layer.

The news reached the ears of the powerful men in Black Nest. They knew how terrifying the floating island was and what it represented, so they passed the news directly to the Black Dragon Lord without hesitation.

At this time, Udi was still 'creating' the fifth void race - 'Archer'.

"A shooter created from night elf materials doesn't seem to be very good."

In front of him, a meat monster with holes all over its body collapsed and died, and then turned into ashes.

Wu Di frowned at this scene and sighed.

"Forget it, the night elves themselves have good archer talents, and they are still very good even without modification. Let's try using other creatures as materials to modify them."

Thanks to: ‘Liu Manman’ for the reward of 100

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