This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 22 Gefa and the traces of the wild dwarves (please read it!)

Black blood tribe.

A shadow in the sky quickly approached.

When you get closer, you can see that it is a black dragon flying towards this side while grabbing a giant bear monster.

The shadows approach and become clearer.

With a bang, the huge earth bear's body fell heavily to the ground.

At this time, Mundo had already eaten all the meat stored by the Black Blood Tribe, and his expression of hunger was mixed with the pain of his body being continuously transformed by the power of the dragon vein.

Wu Di fell slowly, stirring up bursts of dust.

He stretched out his dragon claw and pulled it casually, tearing off one of the Earth Bear's arms alive.

With a bang, he threw it in front of Mondo.

Immediately, Wu Dilong grabbed the earth bear that was missing a bear arm in its claws and flew towards the water pool dragon nest.

Behind him, Mondo endured hunger and pain, and respectfully kowtowed to his master's departing back.

After kowtowing, Mundo immediately transformed into a bloodthirsty beast and devoured the flesh and blood of the earth bear's arms.

This bear arm is extremely thick and looks like a broken trunk of a century-old tree.

As a level six monster, one arm is more effective than the flesh and blood of more than a dozen tons of low-level monsters and beasts.

As he ate more and more earth bear flesh and blood, the changes in Mundo's body became more and more obvious, and his aura quickly recovered and became stronger.

On the other side, Wu Di has fallen to the dragon's nest in the water pool.

"The three months since the magical awakening allowed me to accumulate two less feast levels." Oudi breathed out, feeling a little pity in his heart.

But this regret was quickly forgotten by Wu Di.

The benefits brought by the magic awakening will accompany the dragon throughout his life. The sooner he awakens, the better. Compared with this, it is nothing to accumulate two layers of feast. After all, the feast talent can accumulate one layer in a month. How long can he live? How many levels can be accumulated in a few months?

And with the lifespan of a giant dragon, tens of thousands of layers can be stacked easily.

Wu Di took a deep breath, and with a thought, he started the feast.

Before, when he fell into a deep sleep, Oudi had just finished the feast, so today after three months of slumber, the feast had already cooled down a long time ago. This is why Oudi said it was a pity not to accumulate two levels of feasts.

They were all wasted silently in their slumber.

After the feast started, Oudi ate the entire earth bear, which was much larger than him, into his belly at a terrifying speed.

However, this still did not meet the progress of the feast.

Udi set his sights on the nearby warehouse, where a large amount of iron ore mined by the kobolds over several months was stored.

The dragon's head was buried in the iron ore pile, and the clicking sound continued to sound.

After a while, after eating a lot of iron ore, the feast progress finally reached 100%.

Wu Di took advantage of the short time it took for him to wake up after completing the progress of the feast, quickly jumped into the pool and sneaked into the dragon's nest.

The day's intensifying hours of slumber passed by.

It was another scorching day in the daytime. In the pool under Yinchuan Waterfall, a strong and muscular giant beast with black scales and two wings suddenly broke out of the water.

The torrent of Yinchuan bombarded the dragon's body, but the latter remained motionless.

[Wudi: Biological level 5, professional level no. 】(Body length 7.68m)

【Vitality: 12.2】

[Current number of feast levels: 17] (cooling time: thirty days)

[Spell-like abilities: darkness, low-light vision, identification]

After Oudi's magic awakened, slight changes occurred in the panel records.

"It won't be long before my biological level can be raised to level six." Wu Di thought to himself.

At level 5, he could kill a level 6 earth bear. After reaching level 6, he simply didn't dare to think about it.

It is estimated that the black dragon who has just entered his teenage years may not be his opponent by then.

Black dragons in the hatchling stage have biological levels between level one and four.

The young dragon stage is between the fourth and fifth levels. Level 4 to Level 5 is the big threshold from low level to intermediate level. The difficulty and improvement in strength are not lower than those from Level 0 to Level 4, and may even exceed it.

The juvenile dragon stage is between level 5 and level 7, the adolescent stage is between level 7 and level 10, the youth stage is between level 10 and level 15, the adult stage is between level 15 and up, and is finally intercepted at level 20. Level (Legendary) before.

What I mentioned above is a regular black dragon, the kind that eats, sleeps and just lies down to improve its strength.

Individual black dragons with outstanding talents or black dragons who work hard to improve their strength without failing are not included in this list.

Just like Oudi, a dragon with outstanding talent and less than two years old, in terms of strength and size, it has reached the template of a young black dragon that is close to adolescence.

After Wu Di felt quite complacent, he heard the sound of footsteps.

He turned around and looked over, and saw two figures, one tall and one short, walking out of the woods.

The tall figure is four meters tall, like a little giant, with a thick layer of heavy vine armor attached to its powerful muscles. The short figure is also two meters tall, wearing a leather coat of some kind of fourth-level monster. Among the leather coats The lower body is also a body of powerful muscles comparable to steel.

The visitors are none other than the leader of the Blackblood Tribe - the kobold Shiki Blackblood and the leader of the wandering forest trolls - Mundo Thorns. Wu Di now has two generals under his command.

As soon as Wu Di woke up from his deep sleep, he used the contract to order the two of them to put down their matters and rush to the Dragon Nest in the water pool.

Yesterday, he woke up and went hunting in a hurry before falling asleep again at the feast. Oudi didn't have time to carefully understand the development of the Black Blood Tribe and the specific situation around the Black Blood Valley.

This is his tentative initial development place, so naturally he cannot take it lightly.

After Shiji and Mundo called out master respectfully, Shiji didn't waste any time and said directly,

"Master, the number of kobolds gathered in the Black Blood Tribe now exceeds three hundred, and they are basically all young and female kobolds.

The actual territory that the tribe can control now is within 30 square kilometers around the Black Blood Valley, with a radiation range of more than 100 square kilometers. As for the further areas, it cannot continue to explore in depth due to its strength. "

Shiji paused for a moment before adding, "On the edge of the radiation territory, a medium-sized Goblin camp was discovered. According to the investigation by the tribe's spies, there was a spell caster in the Goblin camp. The traces of the person.”

Spell caster?

Udi, who had been listening calmly to Shi Ji's words, suddenly changed his expression.

Goblin spellcasters are rare.

Yes, Wu Di is interested in taking a family again.

Now as Wu Di's strength increases, he is no longer very fond of ordinary monsters.

After all, if he doesn't have powerful enough followers, and he doesn't even have the ability to hunt enough food for him, what's the use?

Although Oudi's family contract will give the creature a weakened version of the Feast talent, and it can also get some improvements from his growth, Oudi is not in the mood to upgrade a low-level monster into a powerful high-level monster.

The lucky kobold Shiki is just a special case, and it is estimated that there will never be another one in the future.

"The number of goblins in the medium-sized camp is less than 500. Even if there is a goblin spellcaster, an intermediate spellcaster cannot be born at this scale.

The Black Blood Tribe now has more than 300 kobolds. The leader Shiji, together with two level 4 'strong men' from Mondo and two other level 3 forest trolls, should be enough to take down the opponent. "

The individual strength of the goblin is about the same as that of the kobold. It can be said that the existence of a crouching dragon and a phoenix.

Just as Udi was thinking, a clue provided by Mundo shocked his spirit.

"You mean, have you seen wild dwarves?" Udi asked again in a low voice with certainty.

Mondo nodded and said decisively, "Master, Mondo will not be mistaken."

Udi's eyes flashed with excitement after receiving a definite answer.

Wild dwarves, if they can gain the allegiance of a wild dwarf tribe, then Udi will not have to go hunting by himself for a long time.

Unlike dwarves such as gray dwarves and volcano dwarves, wild dwarves do not have the unique forging talent of dwarves. According to the records in Dragon Heritage, this is because the regression of wild dwarf civilization and the long life history of the jungle have slowly degraded their forging talents.

But at the same time, in order to adapt to the cruel jungle, they have evolved poison resistance, extremely strong immunity to disease, and their skin is as tough as cowhide. In order to deal with the endless emergence of monsters, they have also evolved more powerful magic than other dwarf subspecies. Resistance.

At the same time, their fighting talents have been honed over a long period of time and become stronger, and are passed down from generation to generation, becoming almost an instinctive talent engraved on the flesh of every wild dwarf.

Wild dwarves are good at using blow darts and throwing hand axes. They are also proficient in laying jungle traps, pits, snares, etc., and they also have the inheritance and secret methods to cultivate fighting beasts.

Because wild dwarves all live in deep mountains and jungles, there is also a strange rumor among green dragons who like to live in forests. That is, only a green dragon who can take a tribe of wild dwarves as his vassal can be a powerful one. Green Dragon Lord.

It can make true dragons feel that conquering the wild dwarf tribe is an achievement. Although this rumor is not sure whether it is true or not, it can also be seen that the wild dwarfs are quite popular among the true dragons.

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