This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 218 Taking Duolun City (4k)

"Sophia, lead them here to rebuild the Black Castle."

The huge black dragon head lowered its head and said.

"As ordered." Sophia nodded respectfully, then turned around and instructed dozens of core maids, asking each of them to lead a group of kobold dragon warlocks who stayed here to start building the Black Castle.

Five thousand high-level Kobold Dragon Vein Warlocks work with terrifying efficiency.

Although most of the spells learned by these kobold warlocks are obtained from their blood and have almost nothing to do with construction, as one of the specialized logistics construction teams of Dragon Lair, each kobold warlock is proficient in one or two construction spells. .

With the shining of the magic light, the woods disappeared, the land was leveled, and the mountains were transformed.

During this period, the group of more than two hundred dragons also scattered around, spontaneously clearing out the monsters that jumped out of the forest for the kobold warlocks.

After taking one look, Oudi had an idea. He activated the teleportation technique, located the anchor point, and came to the abyss lava wasteland plane.

Blackwing City.

Different from the desolation when it was first established many years ago, Black Wing City is now extremely prosperous and lively. There are more than 100 million demons, abyss creatures, and dark creatures flowing in the city.

More than half of them are completely infiltrated Void Familiar, and the remaining half are almost all planted with Void seeds.

Here you can see groups of residents setting out to hunt wild abyssal creatures, just to satisfy their increasingly terrifying appetite.

Therefore, Black Wing City does not need to send troops to maintain the surrounding areas.

Oudi fell into the main hall on the island in the center of Black Wing City. There were only a few hundred scattered family members left guarding the main hall, and none of them had reached the master level. They were all high-level.

There is no way, the Dark Frost Giant Lord has put too much pressure on Oudi. In the three places of Black Wing City, Ghost Clan Plane, and Black Castle, except for some core relatives and dragons, all master-level and above master-level relatives have all their power. Become one with Udi.

There are only about 10,000 high-level dependents in Black Wing City today, and the rest are all middle- and low-level dependents. Its protective capabilities are so weak that it doesn't look like an abyss city at all.

While thinking, the huge black dragon walked into the central hall, and a layer of membrane was penetrated by the black dragon. This is a powerful barrier built by the Heart of the Abyss, which is enough to imprison the enemies of the first level of the legend, and prevent all kinds of transmission and communication. means.

A figure was reflected in the black dragon's eyes.

The figure has an innocent and charming oval face, thick black hair that reaches her waist, and two trembling half-exposed fruits above her slender waist.

It was Princess Gayin, the daughter of the Night Lord in Duolun City.

Princess Gayin has been detained here since the last time.

It's not because she has any huge role, but because Oudi forgot about her for a while.

As he became a dragon, Oudi's concept of time gradually faded away. A few years seemed to pass by just taking a nap and improving his proficiency in spells and martial arts.

Princess Gayin turned her head and looked over when she heard the noise. When she saw it was Wu Di, her face changed slightly and she said nervously,

".What are you going to do?"

Wu Di's dragon claw faced Princess Gayin, and a terrifying suction force erupted, sucking her directly into the dragon's claw. Then he lowered his huge dragon head and showed a cold and cruel smile.

"Of course it's Gan Qian."

With that said, Udi transformed into a dragon human form.

Three hours later.

Wu Di transformed into the form of a hundred-meter black dragon again, and the dragon's claws flew into any opened door with Princess Gayin, who was foaming at the mouth and flushed.

Opposite the Random Gate is the outside of Duolun City.

Wu Di fell into the wild and looked at the majestic and blurry city of Duolun in the distance. With an idea, he pulled out a great demon-level succubus from the gray space, and then resurrected it.

As his power was stripped away, Wu Di could hardly maintain his twenty-fourth biological level.

With a thought, it was hundreds of thousands of miles away, causing the millions of middle and low-level dependents in Black Wing City to self-destruct.

Millions of subtle forces suddenly poured into Wu Dilong's body, barely stabilizing its biological level at level 24.

At this time, Wu Di lowered his head to look at the eighteenth-level succubus resurrected by it, and issued an order.

"Take her and enter Duolun City. I want you to lure out the Night Lord."

She - naturally refers to Princess Gayin who was spoiled and still in a sluggish state.

"Yes, Master." The resurrected succubus showed excitement on her face. She realized that the task assigned to her by her master would be an excellent opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

The succubus naturally knows that her life or death will be unpredictable after entering Duolun City, but it doesn't matter. As long as she does her master's task well, she will definitely be resurrected after death.

Watching the succubus pulling Princess Gayin flying towards Duolun City, Wu Di's brown-yellow vertical dragon eyes remained indifferent. With a thought, the dragon's body suddenly transformed into a cold gray-white, void dragon form.

The huge void dragon escaped into the space and headed towards Duolun City, lurking and hiding, waiting for a perfect opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to the Night Lord.

As for why Princess Ganjiayin?

Originally, Wu Di had no such idea, but as his heart moved, he did it, which was also a good time to celebrate the victory after the war.

Forcing the Dark Frost Giant Lord back while keeping the Tal plane still under its hidden dangers and pressure, this is a huge victory for Udi.

The succubus flapped the dark bat wings behind it, and soon arrived at the gate of Duolun City. The hundred-foot-high city gate looked so majestic and tall, and the gatekeepers were also two giant spirits who were ten meters tall. The great demon level Balrog.

The two Balrogs saw the succubus approaching and couldn't help but be attracted to it.

Not only is the charm and temptation of the succubus, but also her tall figure is beyond the ordinary succubus. The average succubus of the great demon level is only three meters tall. The succubus is not a demon who is good at physical body.

The succubus, which has been immersed in the power of the void for many years, is more than five meters tall. Among all humanoid demon races, it is also of medium size. Moreover, it is a succubus with this size, so it is naturally very eye-catching.


One of the Balrog guards couldn't bear the desire and looked at the succubus with greedy eyes.

"What's in the bag you're carrying? I suspect it's a dangerous item. I want to search you!" The Balrog smiled lewdly. Without waiting for the Succubus to respond, he stretched out his rough and huge hands and tried to remove them. The succubus touched the pair of treasures.

A look of disdain flashed in the succubus's eyes, and traces of pink aura leaked from her body, quietly slipping into the body of the Balrog.

The Balrog guard on the other side noticed it, but was soon enchanted by the pink aura.

The two fire demons simply regarded the succubus as non-existent and continued their work of guarding the city gate.

"Humph, you two idiots, if I hadn't completed the master's mission, you would have died a long time ago!" The succubus licked the corners of her mouth, her pink tongue looking extremely tempting.

Without looking at the two succubi, she walked into the city of Duolun, holding a dark cloth bag in one hand.

The moment she walked into Duolun City, Night Lord Fatos, who lived in a certain manor in Duolun City and was practicing hard, suddenly opened his eyes, as if he saw the city through hundreds of miles away. The succubus at the door, and the black bag.

"Gayin's aura?" Fatos was surprised.

After all these years, shouldn’t Gayin be dead long ago?

"Is it possible that the black dragon relaxed its control over Gayin when he saw that I couldn't bear it, and Gayin took the opportunity to slip out?" Such a guess flashed in Fatos's mind.

But soon new doubts arose in his heart.

Why does Gayin stay in the bag?

Could it be that he was traumatized while escaping?

While thinking in confusion, Fatos' figure flashed and appeared at the city gate, only a few hundred meters away from the succubus.

Being so close, he really felt the breath in the bag, which was his daughter, Gayin.

However, Fatos' cautious character is still maintained even in his own city.

He frowned slightly and disappeared. When he reappeared, he had arrived at an unknown underground maze hall in Duolun City.

This labyrinth hall is covered with various magic protection matrices, and there are even traces of several legendary spells in it.

After arriving here, Fatos felt at ease. As soon as he had an idea, Linton of Duolun City received the order from his master and teleported the succubus walking in the city along with the black cloth bag to this hall.

The succubus only felt her vision flicker, and she appeared in another place, but not only did she not panic, but she showed a look of sincere joy on her face.

Fatos frowned slightly as he looked at the smile on the succubus's face, but ignored her for the time being. A flash of black light destroyed the bag, revealing the unconscious Gayin inside.

Seeing that it was indeed his daughter, Fatos was overjoyed and breathed a sigh of relief. When he was about to step forward to wake his daughter up——


The terrifying gray-white dragon claws probed the space beside Fatos and caught him in one fell swoop.

During this whole process, Fatos noticed the abnormality in an instant, but he couldn't react at all. Oudi was too fast!

Even if the biological level dropped to the level of twenty-four, Oudi still has the terrifying strength that barely reaches the high-level legend, and Fatos himself is just a night elf at the peak of the third level, even if he stays under his control In the abyss city, the level has been improved by one level, and at most it is the peak of the fourth level. It is one big level away from Wu Di, and one level of leap in life strength.

With this gap, even if Fatos relied on the abyss city to instantly know the arrival and approach of Udi, he would not be able to make any effective resistance.

"Is it unexpected? Are you happy?" The gray-white dragon lowered its head and showed a playful smile to the Night Lord Fatos in the dragon's claws.

hide? Let you hide!

Under normal circumstances, even a high-level legendary powerhouse such as the Lord of the Night, an abyss lord who has only managed to get a group, would have a hard time catching him, because in his city, Fatos can know the aura of all incoming creatures. A high-level legendary powerhouse has arrived. Although his strength is far inferior to that of a high-level legendary powerhouse, with a thought, he can teleport and hide in Duolun City.

If the high-level legendary powerhouses do not destroy the abyss city, they will not be able to catch this kind of 'rat'. The price of destroying the abyss city will be disgusted by the will of the abyss. This is a price that even the god-like abyss lords do not want to bear.

It is precisely because of this that among the various abyssal planes, except for some abyssal planes that have been transformed into gods by some extremely powerful abyss lords, there are many large and small abyssal cities in other abyssal planes.

Compared with the chaotic and disorderly worlds of the abyss, the abyssal city built on it is a touch of order in this chaotic and disorderly abyss, maintaining a certain balance.

Fatos was imprisoned in the dragon's claws by a massive amount of pure void power. His fourth-level peak strength exploded, but he couldn't even move. He knew it immediately.

Resistance is useless.

Sighing, Fatos looked at Udi with some reluctance, "I have been cautious for thousands of years, but I didn't expect that I fell into trouble in the end.

No, I shouldn’t have cared about Gayin if I had known it earlier. Damn it, I hate it.”

Facing the black dragon lord who was too terrifying to resist at all, Fatos could only direct all his anger, unwillingness and despair towards his beloved daughter Princess Gayin.

And 'coincidentally', Gayin woke up and heard his father Fatos' venting words full of regret and unwillingness.

Jiayin, who was still a little confused and still recalling how he hated the Black Dragon Lord for what he had done, suddenly turned pale and his eyes were dull.

She never thought that her father, who loved her most and respected her the most, would one day hate her so much.

"Interesting, so interesting." Udi looked at this scene and couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration.

It glanced at Gai Yin with pity, then turned the dragon's head, looked at Fatos in the dragon's claws, and injected pure void seeds into it with a thought.

Then he forcibly forced out the fused Heart of the Abyss from this guy's body, and then forcibly cut off the connection between him and Fatos.

After doing all this, Oudi ignored the night elf father and daughter, closed his eyes slightly, and entered the gray space with consciousness.

In the gray space, the majestic void dragon stood high in the sky. When the dragon's claws were explored, dense humanoid shells appeared in front of it.

Among these empty humanoid shells are tens of millions of night elves in Dulon City, as well as tens of millions of other abyss residents.

During the war with Duolun City many years ago, the Void Familiar quietly injected void seeds into the soldiers on the Duolun City side.

As the seeds sprouted, night elves and residents of Doron City were quietly transformed into Void Familiars loyal to Udi, and this group of elite Void Familiars continued to spread quietly in Doron City over the years. Void seeds.

Now, after seven or eight years, the entire city of Duolun has been almost completely infiltrated.

"Awaken, my children."

In the gray-white space, high in the sky, the giant dragon of the void issued a cry, and as the power of the void in the massive gray-white space was injected into these empty shells, in the real Duolun City, figures suddenly froze, and then under the power of the void Completely distorting everything within.

The originally blank eyes opened again, showing fanatical allegiance to the Black Dragon Lord.

"Praise to the great Dragon King!"

Tens of millions of creatures in Doron City, including almost all night elves, let out their own shouts. This is the awakening voice of the people of the void!

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