This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 220 Fengyu Town

Watching Xu Jin being captured and pulled by the super large plane, Wu Di struggled in his heart.

What you have been chasing for a year, the main material that can be used to create an artifact, just let it leave before your eyes?

But soon Wu Di calmed down and moved his gaze away from Xu Jin, looking towards the boundless plane barrier of chaos.

The value of an undeveloped super-large material plane that has not yet been revealed to the star world is much higher than the value of a piece of virtual gold.

No, the two are not on the same level at all.

Udi's heart was ready to move.

With such huge wealth and unknown opportunities right in front of it, it was impossible for it to give up.

However, the super large material plane is a high-energy plane that can accommodate demigods. If you enter rashly and attract the attention of the natives in the plane, what will happen.

"This projected dragon body is still too conspicuous. I have to keep a low profile so that no powerful person in this world can discover me." Wu Di thought to himself.

The material plane that has not yet been exposed to the star world is most likely an indigenous plane with its own system of cultivation. This kind of plane generally regards outsiders as extraterrestrial demons or invaders, and it is almost impossible to treat them friendly. .

The black dragon far away in the material plane of Taal opened its eyes, and with a thought, a drop of dragon essence and blood origin that exuded strong coercion was forced out by it.

At the same time, the dragon's reverse scale also fell off, and the drop of blood that exuded strong coercion touched the reverse scale and immediately blended into it, without any breath, and looked dark and simple.

The void spell runes trembled, and the dragon's reverse scales fused with essence and blood were transferred into the body of the projection dragon.

As soon as Wu Di, the projected dragon body, thought, a weak consciousness and mental power poured into the bathtub-sized dragon's reverse scale.

"Go." Wu Di, who was projecting the dragon body, burst out with a burst of strength and launched the simple black dragon's reverse scale towards the virtual gold position. He chased after him and finally broke through the crack space around the virtual gold and embedded it into the star world meteorite. The iron, together with the virtual gold, fell towards the boundless chaotic material barrier below.

Wu Di, the projection dragon body, took a deep look at the meteorite with longing and expectant eyes, then dissolved himself and disappeared into the void of the star realm.

The coordinates here have been recorded by it, so there is no need to waste strength and possibly attract the attention of strong men in the material plane to leave such a projected dragon body.

Time passed, and ten days later, the Tar material plane, the deep sea of ​​the South China Sea, and the Black Castle on the twilight island.

Wu Di's heart moved, and he sensed that the starry sky meteorite was about to enter the barrier of the material plane.

Although the barrier of the material plane was right in front of us when we were captured, in fact it was like running to death on the mountain. The distance between the two was extremely far. Even if we were captured at a terrifying speed like a meteor, it still took a long time. It took ten days to get close to the plane barrier.

The expectation and attraction of the unknown and unexplored super large plane for Udi was so great that without any hesitation, Udi focused a lot of attention on the inconspicuous dark irregular rocks attached to the starry sky iron. '.

Under Wu Di's conscious guidance, the starry sky meteorite iron naturally wrapped around the dragon scales, disguising the dragon's reverse scale as meteorite iron.

As a giant dragon, the dragon's reverse scale has many characteristics. Needless to say, it is hard. The reverse scale is one of the hardest parts of the dragon's body. The only thing comparable to it is the dragon's horn. At the same time, the reverse scale has its own characteristics. With the characteristic of concealing aura, with the reverse scales cast off by Oudi's dragon body which is comparable to that of a high-level legendary strongman, it is estimated that even a demigod strongman may not be able to discover its secrets if he is negligent.

When Udi put his consciousness into the reverse scale, it 'saw' the barrier of chaos right in front of it.

The terrifying pressure once suffocated Wu Di's consciousness, and even made him doubt. Will his consciousness and mental power hidden in the reverse scale be obliterated by this terrifying dimensional barrier?

This worry passed away in a flash, and soon, the starry sky iron wrapped in virtual gold and reverse scales broke through the plane barrier and entered this unknown world.

Wu Di, who was afraid that he would be discovered by the powerful people in this world, instantly gathered his consciousness in Ni Lian and did not dare to inquire about the outside world.

But faintly, after entering this plane, Wu Di's consciousness and spirit invested in Nilin felt an extremely powerful suppressive force.

No, maybe it shouldn't be called repressive force, but rather - inertia.

"In this world, the inertia of extraordinary power is so terrifying." In the reverse scale, such a thought flashed through Wu Di's consciousness, and he was secretly frightened.

Originally, in order not to attract the attention of the strong men in this plane, Oudi put not much consciousness and mental power into the reverse scale. Now, under the suppression of the rules of this plane, Oudi's mental power is almost unable to be mobilized.

The mental power that was once controlled at will is now more difficult than lifting a mountain.

This made Udi realize that this world may not show extraordinary power, and it may be completely different from the world he imagined where strong men were rampant.

"Interesting." Udi's consciousness emitted such a thought, and then fell into a deep sleep under the suppression of this plane.

Tar, South Sea, Twilight Island Black Keep.

The terrifying black dragon, which was as huge as a hundred meters, opened its brown vertical dragon pupils, with deep thoughts in them.

Since Ni Lin entered the plane barrier, its connection with the consciousness and spiritual power in Ni Lin has completely disappeared.

However, Wu Di knew that this was not because its consciousness and spiritual power were discovered and eliminated by the strong, but because the natural rules of the plane were suppressing it.

In Dragon's Legacy, the super large plane and the most powerful main material plane in the star world are called high energy level planes and are distinguished from small, medium and large planes.

There are two reasons why it is called a high-energy plane. First, both the super large plane and the main material plane can accommodate the true body of gods to walk.

The second reason is that this level of plane has given birth to a higher plane will similar to the will of the astral world and the will of the abyss. Of course, in terms of greatness and vastness, the latter is far inferior to the former two, and the latter can barely be regarded as at best. The larvae that have just evolved successfully, while the first two are the ultimate bodies that have evolved to the top.

Under the influence of the will of higher planes, super large planes and the main material plane often have rules that are different from ordinary planes.

Just like the star realm has its own rules of operation, the abyss also has its own rules of operation that are independent of the star realm. The super large plane and the main material plane that gave birth to the will of higher planes also have their own unique rules. rule.

Under the rules set by the will of higher planes, the will of the abyss and the will of the astral world will take the initiative to get out of the way.

Under this kind of logical thinking, one of the rules of this unknown world is actually very obvious, and that is the rule of extraordinary inertia.

"No, maybe it only targets the inertia of mental power. Other extraordinary powers may not be prohibited." Wu Di suddenly narrowed his eyes.

However, all this requires waiting patiently, waiting for the starry sky iron wrapped in Ni Lin to fall completely, and to be safe. After the consciousness in Ni Lin wakes up, the details of the rules of this world can be found out.

After thinking about all this, Wu Di was no longer anxious. He closed his dragon eyes and began to brush up on the spell proficiency and martial arts proficiency he had just learned, as well as the power of the Void Familiar who accepted death, and the power increased after the feast.

Although the speed of strength improvement is very slow, of course, this is for Wu Di. After all, it has only reached the level of high-level legend in more than thirty years. For the strong people in the star world, its current speed of improvement in strength is still fast. To the point of being outrageous.

Because most of his strength comes from the power of the Void Familiar, Udi feels that the improvement brought by the feast enhancement is too little.

Once a month, twelve times a year, the improvement brought by it is not as much as that of Wu Di devouring tens of thousands of mid- to high-level Void Familiar in one go.

But this is normal.

Now that Wu Di has reached the fifth level of legend, his strength has barely reached the threshold of high-level legend, but the number of feast levels is only over 400.

According to Oudi's own estimation, if it hadn't been for the increase in power brought about by devouring the Void Familiar, it would have had to at least add more than one or two thousand layers of feasts to have its current power.

"I heard that a big shot from the royal capital is coming to our town today!"

"Don't be ridiculous, Archie. How can we, in such a backward place as Fengyu Town, attract big figures from the royal capital to come to us?"

Two young men aged fifteen or sixteen muttered.

After hearing his partner's answer, the blue-haired Archie rolled his eyes and said, "Bart, are you stupid for grinding wheat? Don't you know, a meteorite fell outside our town in the middle of the night? .You didn’t hear such a big noise?”

The brown-haired boy named Bart scratched the back of his head, smiled innocently, and said, "It's midnight, I'm sleeping."

"The quality of your sleep is really good. Such a big noise can't wake you up." Archie said speechlessly.

"So, Archie, what's the connection between meteorites and the big guys in the kingdom?" Bart asked.

Archie’s answer to this is yet to come.

On the roadside, the sound of horse hooves could be heard. Two majestic brown-red horses pulled a relatively luxurious carriage from outside the town. Behind the luxurious carriage, there were several carriages pulling goods. A dozen servants hurried on in silence.

When passing by two teenagers, Bart and Archie, the latter two people quickly shut up, not daring to discuss it any more. At the same time, they moved away from this luxurious carriage that should not appear in Wind Whisper Town, with a look in their eyes. Awe and curiosity.

In the carriage, a sixteen-year-old black-haired boy and an eighteen-year-old black-haired girl were sitting opposite each other.

"Sid, Sid." Sister Claire called to her brother.

Sid, who was in a daze, reacted and said ah.

Claire looked at her brother's appearance and sighed secretly, feeling a little bitter.

Her father and mother were involved in an abnormal incident and died, and suddenly she and her brother were the only ones left in the entire Kageno family.

The nobles who were originally hostile to the Cageno family took the opportunity to encroach on the Cageno family's property. In order to protect themselves and to prevent the Cageno family from disappearing, Claire gritted her teeth and led part of the family property, willing to follow their siblings. The two guards and maids came to the remote Fengyu Town.

In Fengyu Town, there is a manor owned by the Kageno family. The manor mainly produces two specialties: wheat bread and wheat wine.

When the Cagueno family was at its peak, such a remote manor could only be said to be an insignificant property. But for the now disintegrated Cagueno family, this manor has become the home of their siblings. .

The prosperous royal capital cannot accommodate the two siblings now. If they stay there, sooner or later they will be greedily carved up and swallowed up by those fat-bellied and extremely shrewd nobles, and not a single golden dragon will be left.

"Sister, do you think we can return to the royal capital again?" Sid suddenly asked.

Claire was startled, opened her mouth, a little speechless, and her face became silent.

Seeing this, Sid couldn't help but shed tears and started to cry.

"Father, mother."

Sid is missing the days when his father and mother were around.

Seeing that her brother was still so weak, Claire sighed, stretched out her hand to hug him into her arms, patted her brother's fragile back, and comforted,

"We can definitely return to the royal capital. But now, Sid, you have to cheer up and make our Kageno family prosperous again."

Sid, who was sobbing in his sister's arms, nodded vigorously.

At this moment, a black shadow penetrated the carriage and shot Sid on the back.

Claire's reaction speed was very fast, but she still did not avoid this sudden attack.

Sid in his arms let out a painful groan and then passed out.

".Sid!" Claire was stunned for a moment. She looked at the wound on her brother's back where the arrow was buried, which was almost close to his heart.

Looking at her weak brother in her arms, Claire let out an angry growl. She carefully put her brother down, then picked up the pale golden sword beside her and rushed out.

Soon, the chaotic movement outside stopped and became quiet.

More than a dozen corpses in black robes were lying on the stone bricks on the road in Fengyu Town. Blood was flowing out, and the smell of blood was soaring to the sky.

Around them, the guards and maids of the Kageno family were still looking at all this in shock.

"Don't be stunned, go to the manor now! Sid is injured!" Claire said anxiously and angrily.

After hearing the eldest lady's words, the guards and the groom immediately came to their senses. The groom hurriedly raised his whip and drove the carriage quickly towards the manor.

Claire's figure flashed back to the carriage, and stabilized her unconscious brother's body to prevent the shaking carriage from affecting his injuries.

Soon, the luxurious carriage arrived at the Kageno Manor. The guards who rode here in advance had already notified the doctor in the manor.

"Hurry, Sid is in the carriage, hurry!" Claire opened the curtain and anxiously urged the doctor standing at the door of the manor.

The doctor quickly ran onto the carriage and used various tools to treat the unconscious Sid's injuries. But soon, the doctor's face turned pale and he said tremblingly,

"Master, master, master, he is poisoned."


Claire looked at Sid's shirt that had been taken off and the faint black color of the wound, and her heart trembled.

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