This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 241 Fierce battle between the top four

"Don't worry, Master."

In a burst of dim light, Iori Na disappeared.

Tar plane barrier, void.

The figure of the ancient golden dragon Ignis appeared here.

Following the induction from somewhere, Ignis teleported instantly and came to a void not far from Dragon Island.

Then he saw a sky-covering blue energy giant hand holding the entire Dragon Island in its palm.

Sensing the power emanating from the blue energy giant hand, Ignis Dragon's face was a little ugly.

This level has exceeded its response range.

"Alexrilla, obey my call and come here!"

With almost no hesitation, Ignis Dragon muttered something in his mouth and cast the summoning spell.

Generally, if there is a good relationship between powerful beings, they will leave items that can contact them.

The relationship between the ancient golden dragon Ignis and the Crimson Mother Alexis was actually not very good. After all, the two had considerable conflicts about the Taal plane a thousand years ago.

However, under the pursuit and oppression of the Dark Frost Giant Lord, the Crimson Mother Alexrilla was saved by the ancient golden dragon Ignis while she was still alive. The proud Alexrilla naturally did not want to owe the dragon love, so she A piece of reverse scale was left behind, allowing Ignis to summon it for help at any time, in order to repay the dragon's love.

Accompanied by a burst of dragon roar, a huge ancient red dragon with a size of more than ninety meters emerged from the huge whirlpool. The ancient red dragon's dragon scales were like burning golden flames, and like a dragon-shaped sun in the sky. Generally, hot and dazzling.

"Ignis, you summoned me so soon?" Alexrilla was a little confused and planned to ask, but following the sense of crisis, she suddenly looked at the giant blue energy hand in the distance, Longmu. There was a dignified look in it.

"You summoned me here because you want me to deal with this guy?" Alex Rila's face was solemn and his tone was somewhat dissatisfied.

"Although you did me a big favor before, it's impossible for me to give my life to help you."

Its crimson mother, Alexrilla, is a red dragon!

A real evil dragon!

Save its life, but don't let it sacrifice its own life to help in return.

"Alexrilla, you don't need to fight him head-on. I just need you to assist me and help me restrict this guy's movements. I have my own way to deal with it." Ignis said solemnly.

Alexrilla narrowed her eyes when she heard this, but did not say anything. She nodded slightly and said, "If there is a threat to my life, then I will leave here immediately."

This is its reminder.

And Ignis naturally knew Alexrilla's character, so he nodded seriously, "Of course."

The two high-level legendary ancient dragons exchanged only a few thoughts with each other, and soon they roared and rushed towards the Dragon Island.

Golden dragon breath flames and terrifying spells instantly descended over Dragon Island.

Alexrilla used her strongest strength as soon as she came up. After all, the huge blue energy hand put a lot of pressure on it.

"The strong man behind this must have reached level 27, and he is definitely not weak even at level 27." Alexrilla thought to herself.

It has just been promoted to level 26. Even though it is not afraid of some ordinary level 27 experts with its rank as an ancient dragon and the method of mutating Jin Yan, the strong man releasing the blue energy giant hand in front of it is not ordinary. Level 27 strong man.

But even so, Alexrilla was still confident of escaping, so it agreed to accept Ignis's request.

On the other side, the ancient golden dragon Ignis also used his own methods.

Relying on its power, it is naturally impossible to shake the giant blue energy hand. After all, it is only level 25, and it has been promoted for more than ten years. If it were not for the racial strength of Gu Jinlong's life level, it would even be placed among high-level legends. Even if it can be beaten, it must be the lowest level of high-level legendary life.

"This Dragon Island is a floating island that our Metal Dragon Clan has managed for thousands of years. It is not something that outsiders can easily refine!" Ignis roared, chanted a spell, and began to stir up the power of the Dragon Island. Various concealment spell matrices on the screen.

One after another, forbidden spells appeared on the surface of Dragon Island, forcing the giant hand of energy that bound it open.

In addition, there was a powerful twenty-sixth level mutant ancient red dragon attacking the energy giant hand from the outside. For a while, the energy giant hand began to become a little unstable, as if it was about to collapse.

But inside Dragon Island, the messenger of the end, Tai, who was refining the core of Dragon Island in the elemental pool, sensed the harassing attacks from the two ancient dragons. His eyes slowly opened, and a trace of cold murderous intent flashed in his pupils.

"One is level 25, the other is level 26, two low-level ancient dragons dare to face me, I don't know what to say!"

As soon as the thought came to mind, Chu's spirit and consciousness were divided into two. One half was used to continue refining the core of Dragon Island, and the other half began to control the terrifying energy inside the body to fight back against the two ancient dragons outside.

outside world.

The blue energy giant hand that had a faint tendency to collapse instantly solidified with the injection of massive amounts of pure energy. At the same time, tentacles were generated inside the blue giant hand, attacking the two ancient dragons overwhelmingly.

Alexrilla, the Crimson Mother, was very powerful. Although these tentacles were extremely numerous and extremely fast, they were still avoided by her, who was well prepared.

But the much weaker Ancient Golden Dragon Ignis was different. It was extremely embarrassed to avoid it, and even so, there were still a small number of tentacles that it did not avoid.

The tentacles wrapped around the golden dragon's body, faintly printing a reddish light. At the same time, a large amount of chaotic thoughts suddenly poured into the ancient golden dragon's head, making it miserable.

The Crimson Mother Alexrilla on the side saw that something was not going well, and spit out a mouthful of golden dragon flames, burning off the tentacles wrapped around the ancient golden dragon Ignis.

The ancient golden dragon Ignis, who got a breather, was instantly teleported dozens of kilometers away. Panting, he looked at the giant energy hand growing and emitting tentacles in front of him, with a look of fear in his eyes.

What a terrible attack.

Moreover, this form of attack inevitably reminded Ignis of a familiar creature.

The messenger of the end who lives in the abyss world!

Thinking back to the Black Wing Lair's previous destruction of the Sea Empire, Ignis suddenly had a bad guess in his mind.

Could it be

"Is it possible that the Black Dragon Lord has the terrifying ability to plunder the talents of other creatures?" Ignis guessed in his mind.

The Black Dragon Lord himself has a variety of special abilities, which is a bit strange. After all, even if he mutates, it is impossible to mutate all types of abilities.

Unless the Black Dragon Lord's mutation ability is the mutation ability that plunders the talents of other creatures.

Thinking of this, Ignis suddenly realized why the legendary family members of Black Wing Lair also possess strange, special and powerful talents.

"This kind of ability can not only be plundered and used by oneself, but can also be given to subordinates for use. It is really terrifying." Ignis was secretly shocked.

These thoughts are no more than a thought.

The next moment, the ancient golden dragon Ignis activated all the magic matrices on Dragon Island. The terrifying repulsion ability forced the terrifying and despairing energy giant hand open, revealing a huge passage.

Seeing the passage appear, Ignis almost didn't hesitate and flew through it.

As long as he goes to the Dragon Island, Ignis, as the master of the Dragon Island, can jump to a higher level of combat power, and at the same time, he can completely activate the terrifying power of the floating island.

With the strength of the ancient golden dragon at level 25, it is completely capable of causing Dragon Island to completely explode with its ultimate power, which is level 27.

Although it may still be weaker than the owner of this energy giant hand, it is enough to compete for a short time.

However, just when Ignis was about to land on the island, a colorful light flew from a distance. Just when it was about to hit Ignis, the latter barely dodged it.

Ignis, who missed the great opportunity, gritted his teeth when he saw the opened passage restored again, and rage flashed in his eyes.

It turned the dragon's head, looked at the colorful mermaid Iorina who came here, and asked in a low voice,

"Colorful Mermaid, with the dignity of your bloodline, why do you want to surrender to a mere black dragon?!"

Iori Na narrowed her eyes and smiled lightly, "Gu Jinlong, you don't understand the greatness of the master at all."

There was murderous intent and pity in Iori Na's eyes.

The murderous intention comes from Ignis' insulting words to his master, and the compassion comes from knowing Ignis' fate.

Its fate has already been determined.

Because just when the tentacles attacked Ignis's dragon body, the void seeds were quietly injected by the messenger of the end.

Creatures at the legendary level can sense the fusion of external energy. Normally, Ignis can know the moment the void seeds invade, and then abandon or destroy that part of flesh and blood, which will most likely prevent the injection of void seeds.

But Ignis, entangled by the tentacles, fell into chaos, unable to realize that in this short moment, he had become a reserve for the Void Familiar.

"Your best choice now is to leave here honestly and wait for the master's call." Iori Na looked at Gu Jinlong with contempt, as if giving alms, and as if saying that this is your honor.

The ancient golden dragon Ignis, who was insulted by Iori Na's attitude, couldn't bear it anymore.

Since there is no way to break into Dragon Island, let's teach this colorful mermaid a lesson.

As for whether he can survive the fight?

Ignis didn't care about that much at this time.

"Alexrilla, you and I will catch this guy together!" During the transfer of mental power, Ignis reached a tacit understanding with Alexrilla, the Crimson Mother.

Since it is no longer possible to prevent Dragon Island from being refined by the unknown strong man, he will capture this colorful mermaid and then use this to threaten the Black Dragon Lord to hand over Dragon Island.

Although this possibility is low.

It's not that the possibility of catching a colorful mermaid is very low, but with the strength of the two ancient dragons, especially the strength of the crimson mother Alex Rila, there is a complete chance of catching a 25th level high-level colorful mermaid.

The low possibility is that the colorful mermaid will threaten the black dragon lord to hand over the dragon island.

The value of Dragon Island is much higher than that of a level 25 colorful mermaid.

As the absolute king of the mermaid clan, Colorful Mermaid has extremely strong potential. There is no threshold for being promoted to Legend. Even the probability of being promoted to a high-level Legend is not small.

However, after being promoted to a high-level legend, most of the potential of the colorful mermaid has reached its limit, and it is difficult to make progress.

After all, every step forward for a high-level legend is a step towards the gods and immortality, and every step of improvement is as difficult as reaching the sky.

This can be seen from Alexrilla, the Crimson Mother who is more than 3,000 years old.

Red dragons are a relatively powerful race in the star realm, let alone ancient red dragons?

However, the potential of ordinary ancient red dragons is still not as good as that of colorful mermaids.

But is the Crimson Mother Alexrela an ordinary ancient red dragon?

It is a special variant of the ancient red dragon!

In terms of potential, it is far beyond the ordinary colorful mermaid.

However, even such a mutant ancient red dragon with extraordinary potential, more than 3,000 years old, can only reach level 26.

He even advanced to high-level legend, which is level 25, when he was more than 2,000 years old.

After advancing to the twenty-fifth level, it took nearly a thousand years to advance to the next level.

This is still a mutant ancient red dragon with great potential. If it were other life forms and races, let alone a thousand years, even ten thousand years, they might not be able to break through to the next level again.

Many high-level legendary beings, after their breakthrough, are unable to make further progress until their lifespans of tens of thousands of years are exhausted.

This is no exaggeration.

Faced with the siege of two ancient dragons, the colorful mermaid Iori did not give up at all. She used various water-based abilities to skillfully target the two ancient dragons and blast them.

The three fought fiercely for half an hour, but in the end, Iori, who was only level 25, was defeated.

He was captured alive by the twenty-sixth-level low-level Crimson Mother Alexrilla.

However, capturing Iori Na alive also cost Alexrilla, the Crimson Mother, a heavy price. More than one-third of the flaming dragon scales on her body were shattered, and her breath became slightly weakened.

The ancient golden dragon Ignis was even worse, with one dragon wing and one dragon horn disappearing.

Iori, who was dying and with low breath, was restrained in the dragon claws of the Crimson Mother Alexrilla. The originally graceful and beautiful body was like porcelain, faintly collapsed, and the breath in her body was even more depressed to the extreme. After reaching the fifth level, his strength has been reduced by more than dozens of times.

The two ancient dragons looked at each other with some solemnity and palpitations.

This colorful mermaid was almost desperate to fight. All kinds of methods that consumed their potential and overdrafted their strength were used crazily, making them exhausted from dealing with it.

If it weren't for the fact that the Crimson Mother Alexis Rila was indeed extremely powerful, almost standing at the top among the same level, and one level ahead, I'm afraid she would have been taught a profound lesson by this colorful mermaid.

"Go back first." Alexrilla, the Crimson Mother, glanced at the Dragon Island wrapped in a giant hand of energy in the distance. She sensed the Dragon Island's increasingly weak struggle and knew that it wouldn't take long for the core of the Dragon Island to be destroyed. The unknown twenty-seventh level powerhouse was refined.

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