This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 28 Mage’s job change

From the dragon inheritance, Wu Di gained a lot of knowledge.

But there are no various spells and professional inheritance.

Is it because the dragon looks down on spells and professional inheritance?

Obviously not, after all, many gods are using spells, and many have changed their professions into various powerful or rare professions.

The various and constantly improving professional systems are the brightest points of light hanging above the star world.

Powerful and aloof gods are chasing the end of their career paths and constantly opening up new paths, while ordinary beings in the astral world are trying to climb the paths traveled by their predecessors, hoping to reach the end of their careers one day.

However, the potential of the career path is so huge, but it is not without conditions.

The most basic prerequisite is to obtain the cultivation knowledge of the corresponding profession. After all, you have to know how to practice.

If you want to embark on the path of a mage, you can obtain the knowledge to become a mage from your own teacher and practice through teachings.

If you want to embark on career paths such as warrior, thief, druid, etc., the same principle applies.

And if there is no teacher's guidance, then there must be a [Professional Book], a magical prop that carries mysterious knowledge.

The more powerful and advanced the mysterious knowledge is, the more demanding the materials of the magic props required to carry it are.

Individual powerful and terrifying special occupations cannot even be recorded.

It is precisely because of this that the more powerful a professional inheritance is, the more likely it is to be buried in the long river of history as time goes by, and then gradually disappear.

There is no corresponding professional training in Dragon's inheritance, that's why.

Of course, although there is no professional inheritance, the dragon can obtain various powerful and practical spell-like abilities from the depths of its bloodline at each stage of growth. It can also be called dragon language magic, which is an extraordinary ability that only the dragon can display. , these abilities can be mastered naturally without learning, the same principle as the Warlock profession.

Mysterious knowledge is the core of the star world, and Dragon inheritance cannot directly grasp the core power of the star world. It can only be solidified through blood inheritance.

Wu Di looked at the white animal skin with bright eyes that recorded the knowledge of the mage's professional training.

A little bit excited.

This thing is not particularly precious to the dragon. Basically, the dragon has enough ability to obtain the career book through various means after reaching adulthood.

Only those special professions that are powerful and rare can be said to be valuable and difficult to obtain.

But this is only not difficult for adult dragons. For the current Oudi, it is obviously a good treasure.

For many intelligent tribes and even human families, this animal skin that carries the knowledge of the mage's professional training can even be regarded as a family heirloom that has been passed down for hundreds of years.

"Okay, Caladan, please step back." Udi began to chase people away.

Caladan bowed respectfully and left here.

It still has unfinished tasks assigned by its owner.

This task is naturally to return to the Green Forest Tribe to persuade his people to surrender.

Although the stubborn resistance of the Green Forest Tribe has been shattered, and Shiji is also in the process of recruiting, it will definitely be several times easier with the addition of Caladan, the high priest of the Green Forest Tribe.

There will be no surprises.

After Caladan left, Udi used the space bag donated to him by Caladan to put away the copper box, then dived into the pool and returned to his humble dragon's nest.

Taking out the animal skin that recorded the mage's professional knowledge, he began to read it carefully.

When he came into contact with magic spells for the first time, he was very unfamiliar just reading them.

However, as time went by, with the dragon's talent and serious study, Oudi became more and more familiar with magic spells.

"The cultivation of magic power, the cultivation and guidance of spiritual power. The imprinting of spells. The principle of releasing spells."

The mysterious knowledge recorded in the [Mage·Professional Book] is not very advanced, it is just some of the most basic caster knowledge and basic cultivation knowledge.

But what Udi needs is the most basic knowledge. He can't understand anything that is too advanced.

A few hours later, when he felt that his reading comprehension was almost complete, Wu Di began to try to practice magic.

Slowly close your eyes and calmly sense the elements around you.

Relying on the elemental vision that came with his magic awakening, Udi clearly perceived the power of the elements around him.

Affected by environmental factors, the most numerous elements around Udi are blue and yellow, which correspond to the power of the water element and the power of the earth element respectively.

Oudi tried to use the mysterious knowledge of absorbing magic power recorded in the professional book.

Suddenly, a large number of blue glittering light spots poured into Oudi's huge dragon body, and under Oudi's concentrated operation, washed away his body, and finally gathered into a blue light ball in the body.


Wu Di, who was in the process of guiding and absorbing elements, noticed something strange about his dragon body.

In the elemental vision, a large amount of water-attribute magic power hidden in Oudi's body was guided out, and then gathered in the body together with the water-attribute magic power pouring in from the outside world.

In a short period of time, a special bright blue magic organ appeared in Wu Di's body below his heart, which was completely composed of magic power.

This magic organ is the size of a baby's fist.

After a spellcaster crosses the professional threshold, and with years of practice, the accumulation of magic power in the body will give birth to special magic organs.

However, for a new spell caster who has just entered the mage profession, a magic organ the size of a baby's fist is somewhat exaggerated.

"As expected of a giant dragon." Wu Di stopped practicing and slowly opened his eyes.

The ability to generate such a huge magical organ in a short period of time is inseparable from the fact that the dragon is a top-level magical creature.

During the natural growth process of the giant dragon, even if it does not actively practice and guide magic power, it will naturally store a large amount of magic power in its body.

Perhaps it was because of Oudi's strong physical body. Although he was born only a short time ago, his physical body had accumulated quite a lot of magic power.

However, although the magic organ is condensed, Oudi is not yet a spellcaster.

Only when the first spell is imprinted in the spiritual sea can one be called a spell caster.

"Generally speaking, you start with zero-level magic, but I don't have any magic in my hand. The lowest one is also a one-level magic." Wu Di pondered.

Among the four spells contributed by Caladan, the lowest level is one and the highest level is three.

There are two in the first level, namely the weakness technique and the group madness technique.

"Learn the weakness technique first." Wu Di pondered for a moment before making a decision.

The weakness technique tends to assist individual combat, while the group madness technique is more inclined to group combat.

Picking up the animal skin that carried the magic spell of weakness, Oudi began to study it carefully.

The difficulty of learning a spell depends on the number of nodes.

A first-level spell requires at least five nodes, while a weakness spell requires seven nodes, which is a medium-difficulty first-level spell.


*Information is currently available to the public.

zero ring as a trick

The first and second levels are lower level spells

The third and fourth rings are mid-level spells.

The fifth and sixth rings are high-level spells.

The seventh and eighth rings are the highest level spells

Nine rings are super level spells

Level 10 and above are forbidden spells.

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