This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 50: Bone-blooded Warriors Divert Trouble to the East (please read it!)

After clearing out about 90% of the food, the feast progress reached 100%.

The Thirtieth Feast Slumber begins.

Nervous response, thinking ability, magic resistance, physical resistance, volume density, speed, strength, endurance, vision, visceral function, adaptive resistance, biomagnetic field strength, bone density, muscle fiber, skin thickness, cuticle, memory, soul, etc. and other attributes are slowly but steadily improving towards the form of a perfect creature.

Far away from the Black Blood Valley, in a hidden canyon near the Rotting Swamp.

Kobolds and goblins established their own tribes on both sides of the river.

However, the two tribes, which were originally peaceful, peaceful, and prosperous, were now filled with shouts of death and miserable howls.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

More than thirty knights rode giant beast-like triceratops beasts, rumbling and killing among the monster clan warriors.

Behind these dragon knights who look like giant spearheads are wild dwarf warriors wearing leather armor, holding axes, hanging spare hand axes on their waists, and carrying short throwing spears on their backs.

In addition, there are some wild dwarves with extremely conspicuous appearances.

Their naked upper bodies were painted with more or less weird bloody totems, and the silver-white giant axes they held in their hands were even taller than their height. The silver-white giant ax in his hand was just slashing at will. No matter whether it was a first-level monster warrior or a fourth-level monster warrior, there was no resistance under their giant axe. They were all split into two halves. Their terrifying power and powerful The strength is undoubtedly demonstrated through this bloody method.

This is the racial profession that the wild dwarves have inherited for tens of thousands of years—the bone-blood warrior!

If the transfer of the sub-dragon knight requires the talent to communicate with the sub-dragon beasts, then the bone-blood warrior does not have any rigid talent requirements.

The job change of a bone-blood warrior only requires one thing, and that is extremely tenacious willpower!

The blood pattern totem painted on his body not only brings strength to the flesh and blood warriors, but also gives them a steady stream of pain.

Draw strength from pain and control this power with a willpower as strong as a stone. Therefore, in the long-term process of suppressing pain and absorbing pain, almost every flesh-and-blood warrior will transform into a person eager to fight and eager to fight. The murderous dwarf warrior!

There were only three blood warriors participating in this battle.

But these three people managed to cut their way through the monster army!

One for each person! unstoppable!

They may seem arrogant, but the root of all this comes from their own strong strength.

Behind the wild dwarf army, a black beast as big as an elephant was carrying a wild dwarf spellcaster. This wild dwarf spellcaster is covered in a gray robe made of some kind of precious magical plant fiber. In his right hand, he also holds a metal inlaid with a fist-sized jet-black gem that attracts the power of pure dark elements. Staff.

"Shaman, our battle situation is extremely strong and we have penetrated deep into the enemy's tribe."

A wild dwarf scout quickly came to the wild dwarf spellcaster and reported the news from the front line with a respectful expression.

"Well, you still haven't found Vickers and the others?" Slytherin asked calmly.

"Not found yet." The wild dwarf scout replied.

Slytherin frowned, a trace of worry flashing in his eyes. The reason why he is so worried is because the dragon knight Vickers is his grandson.

"My son Vickers, grandpa will definitely rescue you." Slytherin whispered.

The reason why Vickers is certain that he is not dead is because Slytherin possesses a special spell that can determine whether descendants are still alive in the world based on their bloodline.

Unfortunately, this spell cannot accurately locate the location of the offspring, and can only roughly perceive it within a range. And this range of perception is very large.

After the battle lasted for a quarter of an hour, the wild dwarf scout came to Slytherin again to report.

"Shaman, the kobold tribe has been wiped out, and the remaining warriors of the Goblin tribe have announced their surrender."

"Aglai, let's go there." Slytherin nodded slightly and said calmly.

Under him, the ferocious beast with four hooves and a head covered with bone spurs received the master's order and carried Slytherin forward for a hundred meters in a few leaps. The speed was so fast that the wild dwarf scouts on the side could only see it. A black afterimage.

Deep in the tribe, in the open space, dozens of Goblin warriors knelt on the ground, swearing surrender.

All around, there were wild dwarf warriors with terrifying momentum and blood all over their bodies, watching eagerly.

Soon, the wild dwarf warriors separated a road, and a black beast came here carrying Slytherin.

Slytherin glanced at the prisoners, suddenly frowned, waved his staff, and a black magic light fell on a Goblin warrior.

The goblin warrior was a little dazed, but soon began to wail and fall to the ground.

At the same time, fine black scales were vaguely visible under the Goblin warrior's exposed skin.

The moment he saw the black scales, Slytherin's face darkened.

Slytherin, who was not sure at first, is finally sure. These strong goblins and kobolds are dragonborn!

The dependents of the black dragon!

"I remember the only black dragon around here is Lyanna, Queen of Darkness." Slytherin looked a little uncertain.

The Queen of Darkness is an adult black dragon. Although Slytherin is a master spellcaster, he is not sure of dealing with it.

The lower limit for spell casters is not low, but the upper limit is very high. The upper limit is reflected in the fact that an outstanding genius spellcaster can slay a dragon of the same level, or even defeat a powerful being of a higher level. The fact that the lower limit is not low is reflected in the fact that ordinary spellcasters can basically have the advantage and upper hand against ordinary professionals.

Although Slytherin is known as the most talented spellcaster in the Brownwood clan for hundreds of years, he is still far from being a truly outstanding genius spellcaster.

He was very confident that he could defeat master-level ordinary professionals of the same level as humans. But asking him to defeat an adult black dragon would be a bit overwhelming.

"Retreat, take these prisoners back first and then formulate a plan."

Slytherin gave this order in a very bad tone.

The wild dwarf army immediately began to retreat in an orderly manner.

After the wild dwarf army disappeared, Shi Ji, who had been hiding here on the top of the mountain high in the canyon, stood up silently and looked towards the direction where the wild dwarf army left with a bloodthirsty and ferocious smile.

These surrendered Goblin warriors are all powerful warriors of level three or four. As for whether they will betray their master?

Shiki wasn't too worried that they would betray their master and reveal his existence.

Deeply soaked in dragon blood and brainwashed by Shiji, they have long been no different from fanatic believers. They will do what Shiji tells them in the future.

And what Shiji ordered them to do was to kill the dragon master Lyanna, the Queen of Darkness.

The master said that as long as it does not involve the Black Blood Valley and affect him, then he can use any method!

Shiji's plan was to divert the attention of the wild dwarves to the Queen of Darkness.

"But you have to be careful about the spell casters in the wild dwarf clan." Shiji muttered to himself.

Spellcasters have many methods, including searching soul memories, hypnotizing and revealing true voices, etc. There are many types of spells.

However, this kind of spell usually involves the soul and memory. Those who are good at using this kind of spell are basically the necromancer, magic control, illusion and other mage factions.

A clan of wild dwarves that has been hiding in the dark forest for countless years is unlikely to have a rich storage of spells.

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