This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 60 I’m Guilty (please read more!)

When Slytherin, Lutz, and many senior wild dwarf professionals and elite warriors who came back from the trip learned about what happened in the clan's lair, they were all extremely angry, and their heads and eyeballs were bloodshot.

"So, are we being tricked by a teenage black dragon?" 'Nelson', the senior dragon knight of the Brown Forest clan, looked at everyone in confusion.

He is one of the three most dazzling young senior professionals in the Brown Forest clan along with the two brothers Luo Sha and Luo Qi.

As for the dead Rosa, when they chose careers and entered the path of cultivation more than a hundred years ago, they began to dislike each other because they were the best. They often faced each other coldly, competing and chasing each other.

The clan has issued a mission to hunt and eliminate monsters. If you, Rosa, hunt ten monsters, I will hunt eleven!

Anyway, there is always a battle for victory and victory.

But now that Rosa is dead, Nelson, who has always disliked this guy, cannot be happy. Instead, he feels very empty and unreal.

As the leader of the tribe, Lutz patted Nelson on the shoulder. He had watched both Rosa and Nelson grow up. At this moment, he subconsciously wanted to comfort Nelson and opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

Eventually, all the emotions dissolved into a sigh.

"Shaman, clan leader, I think we should chase that alien black dragon now! Although the other party flew in the air without leaving any traces, there are traces of the escape of its dependents. If you follow those monster dependents, you will definitely find them. Where is the dragon's nest!" A senior elder with a long brown beard spoke out his thoughts and plans with a cold expression.

His words made the eyes of more than a dozen tribal leaders present brighten up, and they all agreed. They felt that this plan was very promising, and they would definitely be able to find the lair of the alien black dragon, and then capture it alive.

Yes, captured alive. At this time, no wild dwarf thought about killing Oudi directly, which would be too kind to him.

Capture it alive, then bleed it and cut its flesh every day to grow it into an irrational dragon beast to support the growth of the clan.

"Okay, Godwin, you lead twenty intermediate warriors to follow the evacuation traces of the monster's relatives and find the nest of the alien black dragon as quickly as possible."

Slytherin made his decision.

"Teacher, I want to go too."

Luo Qi, who had been silent for a long time, raised his head and said calmly. But his terrifying eyes full of hatred betrayed him, indicating that he was not at peace in his heart at the moment.

Slytherin looked at his apprentice, shook his head, and rejected his request.

"Why?" Roach asked puzzled. His brother Rosa died. As a younger brother, it was only natural for him to avenge his brother. Why did the teacher stop him?

Why? !

Luo Qi was dissatisfied and angry. He didn't even know that he was already somewhat alienated from his teacher.

If the teacher hadn't had to rescue the captured grandson Vickers and take a large number of elites and high-level combat forces from the clan away from the tribe, this kind of thing would never have happened!

As long as there is one more senior combatant left in the clan, his brother Luosha will not die at all!

Slytherin actually regretted it at the moment, and he also thought of this. If I had brought one less senior combatant, this wouldn't have happened.

But he also didn't expect that with two senior professionals and more than two thousand wild dwarf warriors staying behind, a strange black dragon would invade with its dependents.

His original intention was to gather most of the elite combat forces of the clan to attack. If he finally encountered the Queen of Darkness, then with united efforts, he and Lutz, two master-level professionals, would cooperate with more than a dozen senior professionals and more than 400 people. The elite warrior can also make Lyanna, the Queen of Darkness, fearful and have the strength to talk to her.

Although mid-level and high-level professional warriors pose little threat to Lyanna, who is an adult black dragon, and can kill several people with one breath of dragon breath, under the control of two master-level professionals, mid-level and high-level professional warriors can completely consume Lyanna's energy. Strength, magic, and their fighting spirit attacks will also cause Lyanna to feel pain and even be injured and bleed.

And if only Slytherin and Lutz go, then once they meet Lyanna, there is a high probability that they will be dragged by Lyanna, and then surrounded by a large number of monster relatives of the opponent. In the worst case, both of them will eventually be exhausted. Magic and fighting spirit were then killed by Lyanna.

In a good situation, even if Slytherin uses a short-distance teleportation spell to successfully escape from the opponent's territory, the patriarch Lutz, who is a warrior, will still be killed.

Slytherin sighed. Everything had already happened at this time. No matter how much he was distressed and regretful, he could not change the result that Rosa and the clan members were dead. He looked at the expressionless Roach, and then looked around at the top brass of the Brown Forest clan. Fighting power, said in a low voice,

"Roach, I know you want to avenge your brother, but the clan is likely to encounter a greater crisis next. The clan needs this senior mage to stay and deal with it together. You are very important!"

"What do you mean?" Roach asked with a frown. Could it be that the bigger crisis is... Luo Qi's face changed slightly as he thought of something.

Slytherin's next words confirmed Roach's inner guess, and his face became heavy.

"We went to annihilate the Black Fang tribe and captured the opponent's high-level dragon vein caster leader alive. However, this matter may not be hidden from the Queen of Darkness for too long. Although I cast a spell to cover up the aura, the dragon has an extraordinary sense of smell, so it may not be impossible to find it. A trace of clues to lock in our Brown Forest clan."

Slytherin said calmly.

"Perhaps, the Queen of Darkness will soon find the place where our clan is. Alas."

At this time, Slytherin felt extremely regretful.

The decision to invade the Dark Queen's territory in order to save her grandson Vickers was really stupid when I think about it calmly now!

For selfish reasons, the entire clan has been implicated! !

"This is all my fault. As a clan shaman and a wise man, I shouldn't be swayed by personal emotions. I am guilty."

Slytherin stood up slowly, lowered his head that had been accustomed to being held high for nearly three hundred years, felt guilty from the bottom of his heart, and bowed down to apologize to everyone.

More than a dozen senior members of the Palm Grove clan jumped up from their seats, hurriedly stepped forward to help Slytherin up, and said,

"Shaman, no, no. You can't be blamed for this matter at all. Our clan members were captured and they must be rescued. This has nothing to do with your grandson Vickers."

"Yes, yes, even if Vickers is not there and other clan warriors are captured, we will make the same choice as you!"

Everyone tried to persuade him.

Luo Qi looked at this scene with melancholy and confusion.

What everyone said makes sense. Even without Vickers, his teacher would definitely choose to save his people.

It's just that if you don't have any emotions, you won't be able to easily step into the trap created by the alien black dragon.

For a moment, Luo Qi felt extremely complicated, but he was also relieved.

"Black Dragon, I will personally twist off your head with the hands of darkness." Luo Qi said solemnly in his heart.

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