This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 68 Qualitative improvement (two in one)

The team walked neither fast nor slow in the dark forest. The warriors looked quite wary. Although the patriarchs Roy and Wit looked very relaxed, their protective force fields and the reconnaissance skills that were always on could not help them. Not showing their attitude.

The Dark Forest is dangerous, this is a common knowledge among adventurers in the Principality of Kas.

There are giant dragons, high-level monsters, huge monster clans, and elves who don’t like humans.

At least several hundred adventurers die in the dark forest every year.

"From the border to here, we have to walk more than two hundred kilometers, right? It was not easy for you to lead the team before."

The reconnaissance technique allowed Roy to notice in advance the presence of nearly a hundred auras hundreds of meters away in the jungle ahead.

Judging from the fact that the other party did not hide it deliberately, the owners of those auras should be the monster team that trades with their Siglinde family.

After hearing the sigh from Patriarch Roy, Witte continued, "If you count from Golden Flower City, the total distance must be more than 600 kilometers. One way and back, it is more than 1,000 kilometers. Indeed, Not easy."

Not only is it not easy, during the journey from Golden Flower City to the border of the Principality of Kas, you will encounter bandits from time to time, although they are all a group of uneducated minions (the mature bandits are somewhat discerning, and there are experts who can see things. Their team is not easy to mess with), but after walking for hundreds of kilometers, they are exhausted at the end. Sometimes if they are unlucky and careless, a soldier will be injured, which will affect the trip.

Crossing more than two hundred kilometers from the border of the Principality of Kas to the trading location, we also had to clash with some goblins, kobolds, trolls, jackals, ogres, etc., but this was okay, after all, monsters are very dangerous. His senses are much stronger than those of incompetent human bandits, and he generally won't encounter any danger.

The biggest danger is actually the poisonous insects, snakes, ants, poisonous weeds and vines in the dark forest. If you are accidentally bitten or cut, you can be poisoned. The general poison can be detoxified with an antidote, but the antidote is not omnipotent. There are always A rare poison that cannot be cured by an antidote.

In the past seven years of trade, warriors have been poisoned more than 350 times, and the number of people who have been unlucky enough to die from rare poisons has accumulated to a total of more than 20 people. However, most of them have happened in the past four years. After establishing a secret connection with the monster clan under the Queen of Darkness, the frequency of transactions has increased several times, and more people have been brought in, so the probability of poisoning has naturally increased.

Even though the number of poisoning deaths in the past seven years was only about twenty, the warriors who could be sent by the Siglinde family to participate in this trading activity were either trained since childhood or had family members and children in the territory. They are all loyal family warriors, and every death is a big loss.

"The greater the risk, the greater the reward. How many people want such an opportunity, but they can't get it." Roy said calmly.

"The patriarch is right. If it weren't for this, I wouldn't have been able to break through to level seven so quickly." Witte agreed with a smile.

He is thirty-eight years old this year, and his mage professional level has reached level seven. He may be promoted to a senior mage in the future.

While talking and laughing, the team approached the transaction location.

They walked out of the dense forest. Witt and the thirty soldiers who accompanied him were okay. After all, they had been here many times, but this was the first time for Roy to see the monster clan that traded with their family.

"What a strong aura. These monster warriors are at least level four, and there are probably a few who have reached the intermediate level." Roy's eyes fell on nearly a hundred monster warriors standing dozens of meters away.

There are two-meter-tall Goblin warriors, 1.89-meter-tall Kobold warriors, and four- to five-meter-tall Troll warriors. They all wear dark vine armor, and their weapons include wooden spears, iron knives, and maces.

Although the quality of the equipment was far inferior to the low-level enchanted equipment equipped by the warriors in their team, the auras of each of them were more powerful.

Although Roy got a lot of information from Witte's report, he never saw it with his own eyes, so he didn't really care much before.

They are just a group of monster warriors, how elite and powerful can they be?

So what if they are under the command of the Queen of Darkness? Is it possible that he can be stronger than the warriors of his family?

During the training process, the warriors of the Sieglinde family will undergo various tactical trainings. In actual combat, they will also engage in life-and-death battles with monsters and bandits. Among them, the elites are equipped with a full set of low-level enchanted equipment, even at the same level as humans. Among the soldiers, they are also among the first-class elite.

But this was Roy's idea before. Now after seeing the appearance of these monster warriors with his own eyes, he felt that he should not be too arrogant.

The trade process went smoothly. After all, the two parties hosting the trade were old acquaintances. The monster side was hosted by Shiki and Caradan, while the human side was hosted by Witte.

"The profit from the monster materials from this transaction should be doubled." Roy, who watched the entire transaction from the side, estimated in his mind.

This double profit is the additional net profit calculated after putting aside all costs such as team expenses, material acquisition, and time consumption.

"But this is just the basic profit. If all these materials are made into potions and equipment, and it takes some time to sell them, the profit can be increased several times."

After calculating this, Roy couldn't help but have a smile on his face.


"Although this kind of trade is profitable, if you want to take the family a big step forward, it is still not enough. If we can cooperate in mining the mineral veins and other cooperation," Roy thought greedily.

The Monster Forest is an unexplored virgin land, and there must be many unexploited mineral veins.

If it were just the Sieglinde family, even if a rare mineral vein was discovered, it would be impossible to mine and transport it in such a dangerous place.

But what if we add the indigenous people?

Roy looked at Shiji and the others, looked at their strong bodies, and immediately made a decision.

This time he came together to participate in the trading process, but in fact he had the intention of developing new money-making projects in his mind. Just trading monster materials is no longer enough for him as a senior mage.

Ore veins, slaves, and robbery, which one is less profitable than trading monster materials?

"The transaction is completed. Welcome to come again next time. By the way, remember to bring the transaction items we requested."

Over there, Carradine and Witt were laughing and having their final conversation after settling the transaction items.

"Of course, you are the biggest customers of our Siglinde family. Our family will do our best to purchase what you need." Witte said with a smile. Just as he was about to end the transaction, his expression suddenly changed slightly. The tone of the topic that ended changed and it was brought up again.

"By the way, Priest of Caladan, don't you know that the Queen of Darkness intends to earn more treasures?"

"What do you mean?" Carradine raised his eyebrows and motioned for Witt to speak clearly.

"Ore veins, slaves, robbery." Witt said six words in a low voice.

After hearing this, Carradine glanced at Witte, his expression half-smiling but not smiling. When he was about to say something, his expression moved slightly, and he received the master's instructions in his mind.

"Of course you can. Who would refuse something that can make money?" Carradine nodded. After seeing the joy on Witte's face, his tone suddenly changed and he questioned,

"But can you guys be strong enough to eat it?"


"Of course I can eat it!"

Just as Wit was about to say something, the confident voice of patriarch Roy came from behind him.

Carradine cast his gaze on Roy, who was walking over. Intuitively, Carradine felt that this human spellcaster was dangerous.

"I am Roy Sieglinde, the patriarch of Sieglinde. I am now a senior spellcaster." Roy briefly introduced himself, and at the same time deliberately released the pure and powerful magic breath in his body to prove that what he said was true. Virtual.

After Roy's identity was exposed, Carradine was a little surprised and stunned, and a strange look flashed deep in his eyes.

What a coincidence. What a coincidence. Now the task just given by the master can be completed immediately.

Then, after some conversation, Caladan invited Roy to meet his owner, the Dark Queen.

Roy was a little hesitant about this. After all, this was an adult black dragon, and it was too dangerous to talk face to face with an adult black dragon.

Carradine saw Roy's hesitation, sneered and said, "It seems you are not sincere at all, or do you think my master would care about a mere high-level spellcaster?"

After saying that, he was about to lead the team and turn around to leave. After Caladan, Shiji and others walked dozens of meters and were about to disappear into the jungle, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Wait a minute, I'll go."

After a long psychological struggle, Roy decided to take the risk.

The Siglinde family can earn a lot of wealth for the Queen of Darkness, and no evil dragon should kill such a beneficial partner.

Although the dragon is evil, untrustworthy, greedy, and cunning, it is not stupid.

Without the Siglinde family, the black dragon rooted in the dark forest will not know how long it will take to find a capable and courageous partner.

"Hmph, since you are coming, then follow. By the way, other soldiers should not follow. If they see the majestic figure of the master, they accidentally lose their composure and make the master angry."

Carradine turned his head and said calmly.

But without Caladan's reminder, Roy actually wouldn't take those soldiers with him. After all, in front of an adult black dragon, dozens of elite warriors would not be emboldened, and other troubles would easily arise.

"Witt, you lead the team and wait here for a while. I'll be back as soon as I can." Roy ordered to Witt.

Then, Roy rode the black scale beast and disappeared into the dense forest along with Caladan and others.

Behind him, a trace of worry flashed in Witte's eyes. He felt that the patriarch had taken some risks this time.

But when he thought about the benefits that would come if he really reached a direct cooperative relationship with the Queen of Darkness this time and the bright future, Witt's heart beat a little faster.

Deep in the Black Blood Valley, beside the Longtan.

A black-scaled muscular beast was lying on the ground, lazily basking in the sun.

"What good luck." After hearing the news reported by Caladan in his mind, the black-scaled beast, also known as Udi, grinned.

When Witt proposed a new bilateral trade project, he had an idea and thought of taking this opportunity to let the person with the real authority to speak to Siglind meet him, and then take this opportunity to completely control this human family.

The results of it?

As a result, the head of the family came directly, which caught Wu Di off guard.

"If I don't accept the things delivered to my door, I will be punished." Wu Di muttered. Before anyone came, he opened the panel and took a look at his information.

[Wudi: creature level 9; mage level 6] (body length 18.24m)

【Vitality: 28.32】

[Current number of feast levels: 67] (cooling time: twenty-eight days)

[Spell-like abilities: darkness, low-light vision, identification]

[Spell Runes: Fourth Ring·Any Door (Proficient 1%), Third Ring·Reducing Technique (Entry 3%), Second Ring·Water Element Enhancement Technique (Return to Nature), Second Ring·Hydrotherapy Technique (Proficient 5%), First Ring Ring·Weakness Technique (8% entry level), One Ring·Water Blade Art (entry level 15%), Zero Ring·Secret Mark (entry level 32%)]

After three years of accumulation, Wu Di's strength has made a qualitative leap.

Although the biological level has not broken through to level 10 and become an advanced creature, if he encounters the advanced bone-blood warrior who forced him to flee in panic, he is confident that he will win and kill the opponent!

This was still in the state where the bone-blood warrior was using that special secret technique. If he didn't use the special secret method that greatly enhances his strength, then Udi would probably be able to kill him in one face-to-face encounter.

People are different from each other, and similarly, dragons are also different from each other.

A ninth-level ordinary black dragon can probably fight against a tenth-level or eleventh-level bone-blood warrior. The specific victory or defeat will depend on the details.

But Wu Di, who is at level 9, can defeat the ordinary black dragon at level 9 until he can't find it.

This is true even if the wizard level and spell bonus strength are not taken into account. After all, Wu Di's dragon body is a bit exaggerated compared to a black dragon of his level.

A normal ninth-level black dragon is only about twelve meters long. And what about Udi? More than eighteen meters!

Moreover, Wu Di's dragon body is shorter than its neck, and its muscles are much larger. With a body length of over eighteen meters, it will not be visually smaller than a black dragon that is twenty meters long.

The talent of Feast, as time goes by, will further widen the gap between Udi and other ordinary dragons in terms of size.

"With my size, it might be useful to bluff the enemy at critical moments." Udi grinned.

Um? Wu Di's powerful biofield sensed a strange aura approaching, and he secretly thought in his heart that the person had finally arrived.

Roy rode the black scale beast to the depths of the Black Blood Valley. After passing through a small forest, he saw the black giant beast lying on the ground.

"Is this the Queen of Darkness?" Looking at the black dragon leisurely basking in the sun in the distance, Roy began to feel nervous.

But why is there something wrong with the appearance of this black dragon?

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