Chapter 110 Master Du, you won the prize!

The money to sell the plague rune is already in hand.

After deducting 10% of the handling fee, Du Heng made another nine hundred gold. With the original money, there was already one thousand gold in his wallet.

This gave Du Heng a little bit of confidence. So… Du Heng got up and went out, ready to wander around in Jixia Academy to get familiar with the environment.

The eighth layer of psychic beast defense skills are very useful. Using the technique of guarding the beasts, Du Heng’s spirit can be connected with the horse riding the wind horse, using his consciousness to control the horse riding the wind horse.

Because of the blood of the Canglong, Tafengju completely surrendered to Du Heng, did not resist Du Heng’s manipulation at all, and controlled it as he pleased.

Turning on his horse and galloping along the road on the island, Du Heng rushed towards the Toad Island Pier.

Halfway through, Du Heng saw that on the largest mountain in Toad Island, the largest and most gorgeous mansion known as the “Jade Ding Palace”, with an annual rent of 100,000 gold, had gathered a large group of people at this moment.

Has anyone stayed in a mansion with such a shameless price? Where is this being taken advantage of?

Du Heng stopped the horse’s rein and looked up. The mirror rune was activated, and his vision kept getting closer, Du Heng could see the situation of Yuding Palace clearly.

A group of craftsmen are coming and going, busy, in the originally very luxurious Yuding Palace, undergoing a brand-new renovation and decoration, all kinds of precious treasures that shine with aura, don’t need money.

Grass! Is that Yutong? The top-quality materials for refining Yukong Feizhou were actually used as tiles to build a house?

Damn it! Brush the paint on the pillars… Is that the blood of the Scarlet Fire Jiao?

Oh my god! Where is this local tyrant? It’s so rich! What a luxury!

Poor family, goodbye!

Du Heng curled his mouth, flicked the rein, turned and left.

can not watch anymore! Can’t stand this blow!

Ma Maipi! The money on daddy can’t afford to buy a tile over there!

Let’s go to the campus and calm down!


When Du Heng was walking around the campus in a calm mood, the old man Ge, who was in charge of the Tiangongtang of the Jixia Academy, was also furious with anger.

“Who is it? Who is changing the design of daddy?”

Old Man Ge yelled, “The Toad Island Jade Ding Palace designed and manufactured by daddy is perfect and extremely luxurious. Does it need to be changed? It’s really unreasonable!”

“His Royal Highness King Kang ordered a craftsman from Shaofu to come and rebuild it.”

A Tiangongtang master shook his head helplessly, and reported his cupped hands to Old Man Ge.


Old man Ge’s cursing stopped abruptly, “Since it is King Kang’s order… then it’s okay!”

No matter how well built Daddy’s house is, it can’t compare to the palace!

It’s just…Why did King Kang send someone to rebuild the Yuding Palace? Princess Yuqin, the daughter of King Kang, is only 16 years old this year, and it will take two years before she leaves the house to enter school.

The other imperial children, except Sun Zheng, who was killed and never entered the imperial register, had no need to go to school.

Is it built for Sun Zheng? Why did King Kang come forward instead of King Ning, the eldest prince?

Forget it, I don’t bother to take care of the royal affairs.


In the next few days, Du Heng wandered around in the Jixia Academy, familiarizing himself with the environment.

Jixia Academy is very large. Counting from Toad Island to the main entrance, the straight-line distance exceeds one hundred miles.

There are nine branches in the entire Jixia Academy.

Tiangongtang (main cultivation device and construction), Yujutang (majoring in imperial beast and spirit beast cultivation), Fulutang (majoring in Fuluo), Dandingtang (majoring in pill refining), Weaving Tang (majoring in fairy clothes) Weaving and jewelry), Yujiantang (majoring in swordsmanship), Hongfatang (majoring in spells), Jinshentang (main cultivation body), and medical hall (majoring in medicine).

In addition, there is a special “Tianjiaotang”.

Tianjiaotang is not a branch, it is just an honorary institution. The enchanting pervert who was selected for the Tianjiaotang is actually still studying in the original branch.

After seven days, Du Heng finally got acquainted with the environment of Jixia Academy, so he wouldn’t get lost in the huge campus.

After a few days, the most luxurious Yuding Palace on Toad Island seemed to have been renovated.

The busy craftsmen have already withdrawn, and only some people like maids and servants are still carrying various utensils coming and going.

After Du Heng glanced at it, he didn’t want to look again. What a special thing, even the curtains are woven from a silk thread! This is the ultimate spiritual material for refining Xianyi!

As soon as the courtyard gate was closed, the talisman array opened, and Daddy didn’t look at it, so as not to be greedy.

People are more angry than people. Let’s continue drawing symbols! Life can only be maintained like this by drawing symbols.

Walking into the study, Du Heng took out a set of talisman-making tools given by Feng Lin, and prepared to draw talismans and sell them for money.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the courtyard.

The sound transmitted by the Fu Zhen rang directly in the study.

Du Heng frowned slightly, and with a wave of his hand, a Spirit Power fell into the “Altar Talisman” in the study, revealing the scene outside the courtyard gate.

Standing at the gate of the yard and knocking, it was the “property management” who charged Du Heng’s 1,200 gold for water and electricity.

This guy… is it here to collect money again?

Du Heng frowned, got up and walked out of the study. Life is so hard!

Walking to the gate of the courtyard, Du Heng opened the gate.

“In the next Zhang Fugui, I will meet Mr. Du.”

“Property Management” smiled and bowed to Du Heng.

Seeing this smile, Du Heng instinctively felt that his purse was a little unstable, and he quickly asked: “Guanshi Zhang is here this time, I don’t know any advice?”

“Don’t dare! Don’t dare!”

Zhang Fugui hurriedly bowed and said to Du Heng with a smile on his face: “Master Du, congratulations.”

“Where does the joy come from?” Du Heng’s heart became more vigilant.

“That’s it, Master Du.”

Zhang Fugui hurriedly said: “Our owner has set up a grand prize. Because you are the fourth guest of our Toad Guiyuan, you just turned 18 this year, and there is a Heng in your name, so you won the prize. . This grand prize is…”

Zhang Fugui pointed to the Yuding Palace in the distance, “The Yuding Palace is free for you to use. You can stay for as long as you want, and whatever you need, it’s all free.”

Win a lottery? free? There are still people playing this set now?

It’s been a long time! Even the grandmother in the ditch can’t deceive it!

Du Heng looked at Zhang Fugui with a smile, “Have you won the prize?”

“Yeah! I won the jackpot! I won the jackpot!”

Zhang Fugui nodded repeatedly.

“Ha ha!”

Du Heng laughed and pointed at himself, “Do you think… I look like a fool?”

“Master Du is so smart, how could he be a fool? You laughed!”

“Since I’m not stupid…”

Du Heng pointed to the direction of Yuding Palace, “Do you think…this so-called winning, so-called free, I will believe it? In order to pit money, even the winning and free methods have been played out? Shameless!”

“Uh…no! No! Du Gongzi, listen to me…”

“Say your sister! Get out!”

Du Heng choked and drew out his long sword. “Anyway, you treat daddy as a stupid? Let’s just say a little bit, daddy smashed you to death!”

“Don’t! Don’t! Don’t! The villain knows what is wrong! The villain knows what is wrong!”

Zhang Fugui’s face turned pale, his forehead was sweating, he repeatedly pleaded for mercy, and then… fled in embarrassment.

Du Heng grunted heavily.

Is Jixia Academy actually shamelessly down to this point?

Mai Mapi! This college, daddy stops reading, go to the Imperial College!

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