This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 2 Chapter 54: Settlement

Saying goodbye to Lu Fan, Ferdinand III quickly returned to the dungeon and found his subordinates.

After listening to the news brought back by Ferdinand III, the eldest knight said in confusion: "My lord, I suspect there is a problem."

"I think so too." Ferdinand III nodded, "Their purpose should be our castle, so I can understand us to capture us, but why should we be allowed to move freely, and let us be responsible for an area and be self-sufficient. ?"

"This is a devil's trick!" said the youngest knight. "They must have various ways to seduce us. But as long as we stick to our heart, then there is no problem."

"That's right." Ferdinand III laughed. "Stick to your heart and move forward."

After they were led to their own area, they found that the assigned area was not bad.

This includes a large area of ​​farmland and a vacant lot.

The farmland is surrounded by a piece of sacred oak. These oaks have the characteristics of resisting the laws of hell, so they can not be activated here. They are good fuel and construction materials.

Qunxing Mengxin, who was responsible for bringing them here, pointed to the farmland and explained: "I have discussed with the farmer, and they promised not to let the plants come to this area, and send you some that are not very dangerous and grow. Quick seeds. But if you feel that your strength is okay, you can also hunt plants from other places."

"Hunting plants?" a knight asked suspiciously, "are plants so dangerous?"

"Wheat and rice are okay. If you encounter it, you can run away. It's okay to encounter durian and watermelon. It will be less painful when you die. Oleander is more terrible, and suicide will come easier."

The knight wanted to laugh twice, but he suddenly realized that he couldn't laugh.

Because what the other party said seems to be true.

He saw with his own eyes the mountainous cactus striding past from a distance, and crashing to the ground under the attack of a group of slimes.

"Cactus juice is in hand, go to please Master Lu!" A slime's excited voice rang.

"I want to please Gaia! I want to accept a head-touching ceremony."

"I want to please Ai Li!"

"Master Martin, here I am!"

"Your taste is weird."

The knight swallowed hard, feeling that these slimes were stronger than imagined.

Afterwards, the stars Mengxin pointed to the area not far away, and there was only a road away from it, and said: "It is the area of ​​the fallen, and they also settle here. Because the other areas of Demon King City are slightly dangerous, they are in Demonization is accepted here, and it is estimated that it will take a while to complete."

Looking in the direction of the stars of Mengxin, the knights found that it had developed into a small village. Hundreds of fallen men of different ages gathered there and looked at the knights indifferently.

Most of them still retain the appearance of human beings, but some of them have already appeared the characteristics of demons.

Spiral horns have grown on the heads of some fallen ones, and freely stretchable bone spurs have appeared on the hands of some fallen ones.

The knights looked at the group of fallen people with cold eyes, and screamed, "This group of rubbish."

Ferdinand III did not speak, but looked at these fallen people with complex expressions.

He recognizes some of them, but the other person probably doesn't recognize him.

With the last time they met, they have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Except for the physical changes, they are like Leanna, with obvious growth on the spiritual level, and even dared to face the once high knights.

"The devil's enchantment," he said less confidently.

Qunxing Mengxin gave a detailed introduction to the surrounding terrain, including where the stones are mined and where the well water is.

After the introduction, he bounced away and went on to study coolie's commanding skills.

A group of knights looked at each other, then cast their sights on their leader, Ferdinand III.

Facing the confused knights, Ferdinand III rolled up his sleeves and smiled confidently: "Go and cut the tree first."

Exciting psychic energy and covering it on the hand can give the hand a blade-like effect.

In this way, they can easily chop off the oaks and pile them together, and start to build huts that can shelter from the wind and snow.

But when they actually started to build, they found that building a hut was not easy.

Some ground looks very strong, but it will thaw after being roasted with fire for a while, turning into a paralyzed ooze, unable to bear weight at all.

Without nails, the wood must be joined by grooves to join them together like building blocks, which in turn places certain requirements on woodworking skills.

After night fell, a group of knights looked at the scattered wood with despair in their hearts.

At this time, they discovered that they, with their empty abilities, were inferior to a carpenter in some cases.

Looking at the dejected knights, Ferdinand III clapped his hands: "Don't be too frustrated, we can learn a little bit from scratch, sir, let's cook something, everyone takes turns to watch the night, and then work when you wake up.

The knights nodded feebly, and then suddenly realized that none of them would make a fire.

Psionic does not have this function.

A group of knights can only gather together in the cold wind, rely on the body temperature of their comrades to keep warm, endure hunger and cold, but also stimulate psychic energy to resist the erosion of the laws of hell.

At this moment, they heard singing.

Looking over the place where the singing came, they found that not far away, there was a bonfire in the village of the fallen. The fallen who had worked for a day sang and danced around the bonfire. At the same time, there were cooks who distributed the baked bread to everyone. personal.

The freshly baked white bread is soft and soft, and the aroma can be smelled even across the road.

In a large pot set on a campfire, the fat chunks of meat rolled up and down, and the broth exuded a seductive fragrance.

As long as someone wants, he can go straight forward, scoop a bowl full of meat into his bowl, soak the white bread in the broth, and then eat a big bite Seeing this scene, the already hungry knights couldn't help taking a sip of water.


Seeing those fallen people who laughed and sang incomparably, they felt that their surroundings seemed to become colder, and their stomachs became more hungry.

In the conference room, Qun Xing Mengxin observes the actions of the knights through the ghost mushrooms, while recording the performance and thoughts of the opponents through his special skill console.

After finishing writing a part, he satisfactorily said to Lu Fan on the side: "Master Lu, your idea is really good. Let the two groups live together, and compare them to let these knights discover that they are useless except for power. Their self-esteem makes their beliefs flawed."

"I didn't expect this idea to work so well." Lu Fan was also satisfied with the idea that flashed through his inspiration. "In fact, I just wanted to **** off that old knight at first, but I like the content of your brain supplement. ."

"You are too humble."

"I also like your honesty. But how long will you have to wait to take down the castle and repair my dungeon? I kind of miss my eighty-square-meter bed."


"I don't like your hesitation very much."

Thanks to the old driver’s 2000-point reward, Fenghua’s 1500-point reward, the 500-point reward for book friends 160714193427460, where is the 500-point reward for dry throat, and the 233-point reward for the tiger's roar and dragon scales. The 100-point reward for leaping, Magic's sudden 100-point reward.

It's on the shelves, thank you for your support, thank you.

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