This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 2 Chapter 57: I think you know

Before the trip, Lu Fan found a prophet who pioneered the sword according to the usual practice.

But to his surprise, the first knife prophet launched his own skills and only got a simple sentence: "Everything about you is unknown."

Moreover, after the launch, the Prophet of the Blade did not explode and died, making it a little regrettable for the player who was hiding behind the stone waiting for the explosion.

"Strange, I'm not dead, I feel so used to it." The Xiandao prophet looked at his undamaged body in confusion, "There is a bug? Need the old rules, do you need to scold you for a plan?"

"It should be a matter of law." Lu Fan thought for a while, "All your abilities are operating based on the law of hell, but then I plan to go to the human world, then the law will naturally fail, and the predictions will naturally not be able to predict people. World affairs."

Holding his chin, Lu Fan felt a bit difficult this time.

Once you leave here, all the special abilities of the players will be invalidated and need to be re-trained in the human world.

However, the human world is not like hell. There are so many enemies to kill, and it will definitely be slower to cultivate.

Coupled with this severe cold weather, players can hardly get out of the dungeon.

"I can only find a few players with brains to act as think tanks. Sure enough, take off your clothes?"

At this time, Lu Fan noticed that a slime was sticking up next to him and crawled all the way to his shoulders.

"Brother Lu~" the cold, weak chicken man rubbed Lu Fan's face, "You promised people the priority to explore the new world before, have you forgotten it?"

"I didn't forget."

Lu Fan grabbed the weak chicken man, and then threw it out of the rule film.

The weak chicken man who was thrown out was frozen into an ice sculpture in mid-air, and fell into the snow, unable to move.

"Master Lu, you don't speak credit! Who can do me a favor, kill me, I can't come back. Why won't the slime die directly after being frozen!"

"It's no help, wait for death, and say goodbye."

In the end, Lu Fan chose the tool man to use this time.

Gaia has to be counted as one. This priest has shown good strength before, and is covered by the **** of the earth, so theoretically there is not much danger.

Take off your clothes, the military division can do it.

It's a pity that Ou Huang couldn't come, because his students increased their efforts to make up classes on the grounds that they had to take exams recently. He is really a good and diligent kid.

To Lu Fan's surprise, he took off his clothes and strongly demanded that he bring forward the prophet and the little policewoman.

"Why?" Lu Fan asked curiously when he was asked to take off his clothes.

"The first prophet needs to focus on training, her predictions are quite useful. The crazy little policewoman... Do you think no one cares about her, how many messes can she make?" Undressed and said helplessly.

"You ruined my reputation!" The little policewoman yelled in dissatisfaction, "You confess, do you like me, so you want to stick to me for a few seconds and miss me if you don't see me for twenty-four hours!"

"The last sentence is true. If I can't see you for a few seconds, I wonder if you are messing up again."

"I know you like me!"

The blood pressure after taking off his clothes soared instantly.

Lu Fan rubbed his temples helplessly, feeling that his adventure team was full of twists and turns at the beginning.

After finally forming a team, Lu Fan took tools, people, and some goods to exchange for money, and left the law film.

The goods they bring mainly refer to refined sugar in exchange for money necessary for action.

In addition, inanimate goods will not change when they pass through the film. After all, the laws of **** and the human world still have some things in common.

At the moment he left the film, Lu Fan felt that his body was changing rapidly, his previous power was disappearing, and he transformed into a human almost instantly.

Feeling the weak body now, he reopened his attribute panel and found that his template had changed to a brave man.

A brave man with the gift of immortality, the sacrifice of his companions, and the curse of the devil.

What made him even more unaccustomed was that his level 6 swordsmanship also disappeared, so that when he held Golding, he no longer had the feeling of water and milk.

"Golding, you are already a mature magic sword, and you need to learn to fight by yourself."

"Don't attribute your incompetence to the weapon, you scumbag!"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go. Gaia, what are you doing?"

Gaia stared at Lu Fan in a human form, then suddenly walked over and gently touched Lu Fan's hair.


"What's wrong with you, Gaia, I am calm now."

"I know, but I don't feel calm."

"Then touch your head."


Lu Fan shook his head, stepped on the snow, and walked towards the distant castle with three slimes.

On the way, Gaia kept touching his head, but the throbbing in his heart couldn't calm down.

"Strange, are you sick?" She asked herself puzzledly, "And is the human form of Master Lu actually so beautiful?"

An hour later, the group finally arrived at the castle with the prepared goods.

He thought he would suffer some interrogation at the gate of the city, but to his surprise, the guard at the gate just yawned and let Lu Fan and others enter the city smoothly.

"Strange, I thought it would be stricter?" Lu Fan said puzzled as he walked into the castle.

"I'm also a bit weird." Take off his clothes and nod in agreement. "It stands to reason that it is a state of war. Why is it so lax here?"

Not only the guards, but the residents of the entire castle felt a sense of listlessness.

The castle is called the City of the North Wind, and it is divided into two layers: inside and outside.

All civilians live in the outer city, while the inner city is the residence of nobles and knights.

Along the way, Lu Fan felt listless when he saw the civilians. Everyone seemed to be a sluggish sea turtle, slowly doing his own thing.

At the exchange in the city, the traders in charge of trading refined sugar also looked sluggish, making Lu Fan and others extremely anxious.

After finally finishing the settlement, Lu Fan looked at the sloth-like trader and said in confusion, "I feel there is a problem. Or is it that humans are like this? How can this be a blessing?"

"There should be a problem." Gaia shook his head. "Humans are not so lazy. It's getting late. Let's find a hotel to rest Let's continue our action tomorrow."

Hearing these words, Lu Fan yawned involuntarily, and discovered another weakness in the human state.

Durability is too poor.

You have to sleep for eight hours a day before you can work hard.

After finding an inn at random, Lu Fan opened two rooms, one for himself and the slimes, and one for Gaia.

Lighting the firewood in the room, he simply ate some dry food, wrapped it in a quilt, and fell asleep in a short while.

But in the middle of the night, an accident happened.

Lu Fan, who was asleep, felt something stuck, and a warm voice rang in his ears.

"Master Lu~Master Lu~"

"Can you stop making trouble and let me sleep for a while."

"Master Lu~"

"They said stop making trouble, do you want to be banned?"

Lu Fan reluctantly opened his eyes, and then he was surprised to find that Gaia was by his side.

She also wore a priest's robe, but tied an extra belt around her waist to fully show her slender waist.

Under the moonlight, Gaia's long hair was scattered, his eyes opened completely, and his bright red eyes gleamed with coquettish light.

Gaia, shrouded in moonlight, looks holy, but brings a strange and peculiar charm.

Her body exudes a faint fragrance, as if the air after a rainstorm, makes people comfortable.

"Gaia, what do you want to do?"

Gaia tilted his head for a moment, and an expression of distress appeared on his innocent face.

Afterwards, she licked the corner of her mouth, smiled and pressed it to Lu Fan's ear: "I don't know, but I think you know."

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