This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 3 Chapter 4: I don’t want this kind of upgrade

"So, you really are Princess Elizabeth?"

After hearing the news, Lu Fan said, looking at Elizabeth who was still buried in the soil.

"It's true. But before questioning, can you dig me out of here? Being watched by acquaintances, I really want to die!"

The girl dug out of the soil looks only twelve years old.

The other party has red lips and white teeth, delicate and three-dimensional features, and the white skin seems to be able to see the blood vessels below. She is indeed a very beautiful girl.

But she is only twelve years old.

Lu Fan really wanted to find the people who had promoted Elizabeth as the Pearl of the North, and then asked what the psychology of this group of lo*ic*n really was.

Neil, who was eating bread, looked at Elizabeth, and suddenly realized: "Elizabeth, how come you haven't grown in a few years? It seems to have grown back."

"You just found out! This is a pot of elven blood! A few years ago, I was still normal. Who knew that when I grew up, it triggered the elven blood. The longer and smaller it has been in recent years."

"But it doesn't matter. I got a 100% accurate prediction. As long as I travel alone, I will definitely find the Demon King's dungeon, and there will be absolutely nothing in the process. And by staying in the Demon King's dungeon for a while, I can lift the reversion. Do you know where the devil is?"

"I don't know." Lu Fan replied immediately, "The kids will go home and they will grow back in a few decades."

Elizabeth smiled and waved her index finger: "Uncle, you don't understand..."

"Dig the pit deeper."

"I was wrong, handsome big brother. There is a reason why I am in such a hurry. I really want to marry the brave man!"

"I don't want to!" Lu Fan said categorically.

"Big...Brother, your idea is very problematic. The brave guys basically like the stronger ones in front, but look at my current figure, do you have the least attractive element!"

"Yes!" A player nodded immediately, and was dragged into the lava by other players to rebirth.

Elizabeth looked at these demons in confusion, feeling how strange this dungeon was.

But Lu Fan thought about it.

Through Elizabeth's description, he 100% confirmed that the two slimes were the Mad Demon Little Policewoman and the Pioneer Prophet, and they must have reached level ten and regained their special abilities.

Xiandao Prophet’s ability is prophecy, but the problem is that she will die once after prophesying, so why haven’t we seen her come back until now?

But thinking of the special abilities of the Mad Demon Policewoman, he felt that he had figured it out.

The special ability of the mad little policewoman is summoning, so the other party must have adopted a special method to bind the object she summoned as a prophet.

As long as the prophet first dies, the mad little policewoman will immediately use the summoning to summon it to her side again.

Very good, the summoning perpetual motion machine is complete.

After understanding their approach, Lu Fan had a new question: What does the little policewoman want to do?

Just as Lu Fan was thinking, Elizabeth put on a pitiful expression: "Big brother, I heard that you are a powerful subordinate of Lord Demon Lord, can you send me to **** and find Demon Lord's dungeon?"

"Don't even think about it, the kid obediently went home for me, and ended my bounty by the way."

"I'll give you money. This is two hundred magic stones, so it's considered accommodation."

"...Welcome to your visit, Your Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth. The best guest room, let's arrange it."

Elizabeth was sent away happily, and Lu Fan returned to his secret room.

As for the crazy little policewoman, what does she want to do?

Regardless of her, let me take off my clothes and think about the headaches.

Opening the magic stones given by Elizabeth, Lu Fan admired the white magic stones with fascination, and then watched them melt one by one and sink into his body.

Lu Fan: "?"

At the same time, he heard the voice of the experience value being accounted for. The huge experience value accumulated before finally made up the last point, allowing him to finally reach level 5.

Lu Fan: "???"

"Partner." Golding on his waist said, "You don't know, the devil can directly absorb magic stones and convert them into experience points, right?"

"Even if I know, I won't do such a wasteful thing! Where is my wife, where is my limited edition wife?"

"It is automatically absorbed. The magic stone in the human world is less stable, so it is absorbed directly after contact. Congratulations, you can finally be level 5, and you can be regarded as a mature demon king."

At this moment, Lu Fan's heart was ashamed.

White wedding dress with magic stone, so you missed it?

Weeping and opening his panel, Lu Fan directly clicked to upgrade.

The air around him began to scroll frantically, and the surging power poured into his body, further enhancing his four-dimensional attributes.

On his panel, there is no change in the previous Demon King skills, but a new skill has been added.


Unlike other skills, when Lu Fan himself or his subordinates make other humans fear and despair, this skill will absorb the negative emotions of the opponent and accumulate them.

After accumulating to a certain level, [Disaster] allows the devil to add, delete or modify a certain law.

The more important the rule is, the more points are needed for accumulation, and it is an increase of hundreds or thousands of times.

The unique attribute panel, experience value and level settings of the **** demon are all created by the demon kings of the past through the [disaster] and integrated into the law.

After watching this skill, Lu Fan ignited a glimmer of hope.

As long as the rule is revised, the white wedding dress with magic stones should not be automatically integrated, then there will be no problem.

I still have a chance!

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "Golding, what is the easiest way to spread disaster?"

"The Holocaust, kill city by city, but are you willing to do it?"

"It's said that we should pay attention to sustainable development. You cut the leeks and uproot them! Wait, I seem to have a good idea."

Looking at Lu Fan, who started to plan his own spooky ideas with excitement on his said helplessly: "If you have a snack on decent work, I guess the whole world would have been conquered by you."

"Stop talking nonsense, what do you think of this?"

After listening to Lu Fan's plan, Golding could only say that you are really a bitch.

The next day, the Association of Adventurers received an urgent and anonymous letter.

The whereabouts of Princess Elizabeth has been found.

Just in the new dungeon that appeared near the Kingdom of the North Wind.

The other party also attached Princess Elizabeth's autograph letter, which was also mixed with some blood, and the story contained in it was imaginative.

After confirming the authenticity of the personal letter, the Association of Adventurers immediately issued a notice to all organizations, telling all the adventurers about this matter.

A rescue plan for Princess Elizabeth was launched vigorously.

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