This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 3 Chapter 16: Neil's 1 day (below)

Vivienne immediately jumped over, sat in front of Neil, and said excitedly: "What a coincidence, I actually saw you in this place."

Faced with Vivienne's enthusiasm, Neil just nodded coldly.

Looking at Vivienne with excitement, Neil felt that he was still unqualified.

As a Wu Shengjia assassin, what she is good at is to conceal her own sense of existence and let others weaken the impression of herself, so that she can better execute the assassination plan.

But maybe it was because of the same attributes of the food. Every time she came to search for food in the demigod space, she would be found by Vivian, which made her feel whether she was bound to the fate of the other party.

What made her even more dissatisfied was that the other party seemed to treat herself as a friend unilaterally and was very enthusiastic every time she met.

Those who go to bed are not necessarily husbands and wives, and those who have eaten seven, eight, ninety, hundreds of meals together are not necessarily friends.

At this time, the oysters on the iron plate are almost ready, and the juice of the oysters is mixed with garlic to exude an attractive fragrance.

Vivienne stared at the garlic that was about to be roasted, and slobbered: "Can I have one first?"

"I will kill you if I dare to move."

"Thank you!"

Vivian directly picked up a roasted oyster, swallowed the meat in one bite, and then smiled with satisfaction.

Neil began to draw his dagger silently.

Afterwards, Vivienne got up and took off a few oysters, then began to mix the sauce, and divided the sauce in half to Neil.

"This is my newly discovered seasoning method, how do you taste it?"

Neil hesitated, then inserted the dagger into the oyster, took out the oyster meat, and tasted the other party's seasoning.

The smooth taste and the slightly sweet sauce showed all the unique taste of oysters, and Neil couldn't help but stunned.

"How? Tell you secretly, I have always wanted to be a chef, but the old stubborn group has to drive me in another direction.'You have talent in military command','Look at your brother in the exercise. I was beaten by you and cried. "It's a pity to be a cook." Cut, what's wrong with being a cook!"

After hesitating, Neil whispered, "I also think it's good to be a cook."

"Yeah! I know you can understand me. I think you can understand me the first time I see you. I have a few new recipes. Would you like to try it?"


At this moment, Neil suddenly felt that it seemed good to keep the other side alive.

Neil, the next leader of the Demon Sect, quietly ate a meal with the trainee paladin knight Vivian.

After eating, Vivian continued to challenge Altria, and Neil felt a little thirsty when he was full, and wanted to have a drink.

She immediately left the half-length space, came to the ground through a special passage, and dived into the farmland.

The slimes also make wine, but she always feels that the taste of those wines is too soft, or the wine made by the fallen group is more suitable for her, and it is easier to remind her of her childhood.

At that time, she couldn't afford to eat very much, and when she was hungry, she relied on bad wine to relieve her hunger, which made her develop the habit of drinking two sips when she was fine.

In the village of the fallen, she saw an old acquaintance, Ferdinand III.

This old knight who lacked an arm and a leg has basically lost his combat effectiveness.

But Neil has a feeling that instead of weakening the psionic energy of the opponent, it has become stronger.

By his side, his nephew Dylan, Leanna, the representative of the Fallen, were also present, besides several slimes.

They talked together, sometimes they talked about the "world view", sometimes they talked about the "productivity and production relations", and sometimes they talked about the influence of the gods on mankind, etc. Almost every sentence is a rebellious word. After the Roland church listened, it was going to be on the torture stand every minute.

The few slimes claimed to be "graduate students in the Philosophy Department and the Political Department." Neil didn't understand what a graduate student was, but thought they were all amazing.

As expected to be Lord Lu, a few of his men were so good at random.

Although it was a chat, it looked more like a few slimes were teaching Ferdinand III.

Each of their words will make Ferdinand III show a thoughtful look, and use a quill to jot down his thoughts in his notebook.

Neil digs out the wine from the village of the Fallen, then eliminates his sense of existence, lying on his side, supporting his head with one hand, drinking while listening to the other party's communication.

Although she didn't understand most of them, she felt that even if she understood a small part, it would be extremely beneficial to her future growth.

This benefit is not embodied in strength, but a deeper content related to the outlook on life, which has important significance for her to take over the Demon King sect in the future.

About half an hour later, Dylan, who was dizzy at hearing, noticed the sudden appearance of Neil.

His sleepiness suddenly disappeared, and he immediately walked up, took out a handful of roses from his arms, and handed them to Neil: "Miss Neil, we meet again. This is for you. I also wrote a poem for you. poetry."

"Oh, thank you, it just happens to go with the wine."

Neil took the roses, and then took a mouthful of them, muttering, "This kind of spirit goes well with roses, and it tastes just right. Poems are unnecessary, your poems are quite boring."

Dylan looked pale suddenly.

He was at a loss, unable to say a word for a long time, and finally could only return to his original position, and then whispered to Lianna on the side: "Miss Lianna, this trick seems to be useless."

Leanna looked at Dylan with a complicated expression, and resisted her sadness and said, "Miss Neal likes food. How about inviting her to eat some food next time?"

Dylan immediately lit up: "It's a good idea, I will try it next time. Thank you, Miss Lianna, for helping me for so long."

"...You're welcome."

Lianna looked at Dylan's excited profile, and at this time she was happy and desperate.

When she was still in the City of the North Wind, she knew who she had survived.

The other party is a kind, sincere and even some naive nobleman.

Unlike other nobles who regard the fallen as domestic animals, Dylan treats the fallen from the bottom of his heart equally, and is doing his best to help the fallen to survive.

If it hadn't been for Dylan's private order to give food and clothing to the fallen, then Lianna was sure that she could not live so much.

At the beginning, I just thanked, but after I came here and officially started contact with the other party, my gratitude changed unconsciously.

She didn't expect the other party to like herself.

As long as the other person can see themselves as a friend, then that's enough.


Why is my nose sour, so I want to cry?

Under the interweaving of various emotions, the discussion took six hours to end.

After the discussion, Neal ate the bonfire barbecue here. When he went back, he watched the dispute between the sheep and the elders for a while. He gave a lesson to the eight grand princes who wanted to escape, slapped a small Kate, and listened. The cross talk of two slimes who were hung up for a while because of an incorrect answer.

After relaxing, she felt that the nightmare material she had accumulated before had been digested almost ~ The things that could not kill her had made her a little stronger.

When she returned to her room, she saw her niece nervously calculating today’s earnings, muttering to herself from time to time, “If you have inside information, it’s good” and “I’ll give Master Lu some magic stones tomorrow. Look Can you set out the activities afterwards" and so on.

Without disturbing his niece, Neil finished dressing quietly, and then jumped onto the beam.

Taking out his diary, Neil thought for a while, and then wrote down today's diary.

"As usual."

Closing the diary, Neal lay on the beam of the room, and soon fell asleep.

In her dream, she dreamed that she was having dinner with her mother and father who had never met before.

"It's great~" Neil couldn't help but mutter.

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