This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 3 Chapter 43: Parting moment

After returning to the dungeon, Lu Fan stretched vigorously, feeling that he was back.

Under the service of Martin who came to greet him, Lu Fan distributed the gifts he brought back to the employees in the Demon King City, handed over some things to be handled to Martin, and then hid in his secret hut.

Spreading out the newly obtained readings, drinking goat's milk, and holding the giant white magic stone he finally got, he felt that he had no regrets in his life.

Recalling this journey in the human world, he knew many people and said goodbye to many people.

Awakened psychic energy, participated in the ritual of the gods, and personally beat a mediator.

Acquired the skill [Disaster] and experimented with its usage.

Very good, very fulfilling.

But there are more puzzles that follow.

For example, the mediator actually has the form of an angel, so what does she have to do with the royal family?

What is the old fox thinking about the French King Roland?

After patted Golding, Lu Fan was about to ask something from the other party.

But when he found the other party's melancholy, he stopped wisely.

"How does it feel to be called a father by a daughter after being misunderstood as a father?"

"……Very complicated."

"But also very happy, isn't it?"

"What do you know... That's right, so happy! My daughter will be called Dad!"

"Stupid father."

Lu Fan shook his head and continued to get up.

As long as I salt the fish fast enough, the karma will not catch up with me!

I'll talk about the next thing later, now it's salted fish time.

And Martin followed Lu Fan's instructions and found Leanna, who was giving medical enlightenment to other fallen people.

He quietly waited for Leanna to finish the class, and then said to Leanna: "Miss Leanna, the dungeon is about to return to hell, what is your choice?"

The sudden news made Lianna stunned.

She looked back at her companion, then at the castle in the distance, not knowing what to do for a while.

She likes it here, likes her teacher, and her companion.

But she also liked the man in the castle in the distance.

Aware of Lianna's hesitation, Martin smiled and said, "Don't worry too much. There will be signs before the dungeon returns. You can make a decision before that time."

"Thank you, I will make a decision as soon as possible."

After Martin notified others of the news, most of the fallen decided to stay.

There are also some fallen people who decide to stay in the human world and use their own way to rescue other compatriots.

Leanna watched the compatriots who had decided to leave and began to pack things, and some of the fallen who were married to the knights were also preparing to leave.

She sat quietly on the grass, sometimes looking at the castle in the distance, and sometimes at the village of the fallen.

After nightfall, she finally made a decision.

Standing up, she was about to tell Martin of her decision, when she suddenly saw a man running in panting.

Leanna looked at the weeds left by Dylan when she was running, and carefully helped the other party to clean them, and then asked: "Your injury is not healed. It is already a violation of the rules to let you go back. Don't exercise so vigorously. What's the matter? Huh?"

"I heard Lord Roland say that you are going to hell, right?"

"...Yes. I am ready to live in hell."

"Then, I wish you all the best."

"Thank you, so are you. Then I'm going to prepare to send someone else. Huh?"

Just as Lianna was about to leave, she felt her hand being held by the other party.

His hands are hot, and the scorching temperature is like a hot heart sticking to her, beating constantly.

Turning her head, Lianna saw Dylan looking at herself blushing, her beautiful eyes seemed to carry the entire starry sky.

There was a stalemate for a moment, Dylan wanted to throw a coin, but he stopped.

He knew what he was thinking without using coins.

Looking at Lianna, he solemnly said: "Don't go!"


Dylan knelt on one knee, took Lianna's hand, and put a ring on the opponent's ring finger.

The sudden change left Lianna at a loss for a while, she could only hurriedly said: "What does this mean? Is it a joke?"

"It's not a joke, I'm serious. Leanna!"


"Will you marry me?"

Lianna covered her mouth, almost crying.

However, she still withdrew her hand, turned her back and said, "No, I won't marry you. I'm a fallen one..."

"I do not mind."

"I am a civilian..."

"I do not mind."


Before she could finish speaking, Dylan had already stood up and hugged Lianna in his arms.

"marry me!"

"...Okay." Lianna buried her head in Dylan's arms, and tears burst out instantly.

In the moonlight, the two hugged each other quietly.

Not far away, a group of peeping doctor slimes burned.

"Why, what's going on? I'm still a single dog, why do I feel like my daughter is being arched by a pig!"

"me too!"

"It's a coincidence, me too!"

"Don't go offline tonight, let's find the right opportunity to give him retribution."

"Don't worry, we are ready." A doctor slime pushed the angry bird next to him, "Brother Bird, get ready to go to heaven."

"You are addicted, right?"

Before long, fireworks began to be released from the top of the dungeon.

The angry bird was shot into the sky by the Fire Dragon II, then exploded and turned into bright fireworks.

He kept repeating this process, and below were the doctor slimes with dim eyes.

Looking at the fireworks that were launched into the sky, they cried and said: "Why is the range not enough!"

"Brother Bird, can you have more tricks, can you blow up the words'Dylan, you crap'? I have asked classmate Wang Lang for an interpreter."

"Don't ask too much, you bastards! Eh, it seems to be really good. Are you sure?"

"...Forget it, let's change another."

Before long, the fireworks in the sky bloomed again, and they spelled it into a few big characters: "Leanna, be happy."

Leanna, who was saying goodbye to the others, looked at the fireworks, and tears welled up again.

"thanks, thanks……"

The next day, the underground city suddenly disappeared.

Where it once existed now there is only a piece of grass left, nothing else is left.

Lianna, who had made a special trip to say goodbye, stood outside the scope of the dungeon. Looking at the green grass, she felt like she had had a long dream.

"Thank you, lovely slimes."

Quietly placing a bunch of flowers in the place where the dungeon once existed, she held the hand of the person next to her, and together with the other fallen who decided to stay, she was ready to go back and continue to rebuild the castle.

In the future, she will encounter countless tests, and the relationship between her and Dylan will also encounter secular questions.

But the players who left have planted courage in her heart, making him fearless.

When the dungeon left, in the sky church of Roland Church, King Roland smiled quietly.

He looked at the "God's joke" in front of him and muttered to himself: "It's almost time to come out."

As soon as his voice fell, a few slimes rolled out of it.

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