This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 4 Chapter 21: happy Birthday to you

Captain Duran had been busy for half the night before he was let go by the contented sub-engineering lion.

Although I only made three sets of clothes, I couldn't see the effect of the clothes on each other.

However, the sub-engineering lion with two rows of liquid still gave him a very high evaluation, and promised to allocate some free work to him in the future.

What exactly do these slimes want to do?

As he walked to his room, he became increasingly confused about what the group of slimes wanted to do.

There is a corresponding room number and bed number on the back of each yellow card.

The rooms here are made temporarily, and the beds are relatively simple. It seems that there are not enough people here, and I have done my best just to make clothes.

As soon as he walked into his room, he found that the half shark had returned to the corresponding bed, his head sank in a special fish tank, and the smell of bread on his body.

The other party looked at the ceiling in silence, and then mumbled and asked for a long time: "How about your assessment?"

Captain Duran was silent.

He really didn't want to tell the other party that he made a night's clothes by himself, and he was quite happy in the end.

It wasn't until this time that he realized that he seemed to prefer being a tailor to being a pirate.

Sorry, dad, I only discovered my true heart now.

However, he is one of the pirates in the entire blood sea. It is discovered that his hobby is to make clothes, then 100% will become a joke in the pirate world.

Therefore, after hesitating for a moment, he sat on his bed and became serious: "It's very serious. I had to use a sharp weapon, used my outstanding vision, changed three sets of plans, and finally succeeded in repelling the pair of combinations. Afterwards, the slime with a nosebleed fell to my strength and left a free job under my threat. How about you?"

"Um... almost. I poisoned them. I mixed the white powder with water in front of them, baked the poison with the flames of hell, and stuffed the swollen poison into their mouths. . They were stunned by my strength and did not resist at all, letting me stuff poison into their stomachs."

"Well, you worked hard."

"So are you. I'm too tired today. Why don't we discuss it next time?"

"Well, definitely next time."

The two people began to be silent with a tacit understanding, and then fell asleep until the next day.

The next day, after Captain Duran woke up, he had breakfast and then began to receive another slime training.

This slime named Qunxing Mengxin is very good at managing people.

He can understand the mood of the other party at the first glance, speaks very intimately, and the content he speaks is extremely credible.

After just talking about two sentences, Captain Duran found that he had a certain affection for the other party. After all, it is rare to see a slime so understanding, and every sentence can speak to the heart of others.

"Here we use a nine-to-five system. You need to check in at a fixed place at nine o'clock every day, but it doesn't matter if you are late, as long as the share of the day is completed. Leave work at five o'clock in the evening, if there is no work done It can be put on the next day, but this week’s work must be done in good quantity."

"Breakfast, lunch, and dinner can be enjoyed in the cafeteria, and there is no limit. There is no problem with how much. However, we currently have many types of food, but not too many dishes. But we have already found yellow talents who are proficient in cooking. It will become richer after a while."

"Working five days a week, there will be two days of paid leave each month, and it can be accumulated until the next month, up to one year, and then it must be used."

"There will be a salary every month. The salary is paid in the form of paper money. The paper money can be used to purchase land use rights and various commodities. Incidentally, the land belongs to our Lord Lu and will be recovered in 70 years, but Certain subsidies will be given according to the actual situation."

"Besides that……"

After listening to the introduction of Qun Xing Mengxin, Captain Duran became more confused.

Interrupting Qun Xing Mengxin’s welfare introduction, Captain Dulan asked doubtfully: "Are you here for charity? Or are you all believers of some stupid and sweet gods, and it’s uncomfortable not to do something good every day?" "

"That's bad." Qunxing Mengxin pushed the non-existent glasses, "We are here for exploitation."

"The first time I saw such kind exploitation."

"You can also understand it as a certain kind of social practice, experimenting with an extraordinary worldview, how much subjective initiative people can provide in addition to material satisfaction."

"I don't understand." Captain Duran shook his head.

"In short, which kind of exploitation is more suitable for the residents here. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, as long as you know that you are important to us. That’s all for the introduction. Do you have any other questions or things you want? ?"

After thinking for a while, Captain Duran asked tentatively: "Can I get my doom matchlock back?"

"Not for the time being." Qun Xing Mengxin said embarrassedly, "Your artifact is very popular now, and my companion uses it to play with chicken."

"Eating chicken?"

"It means that one person shoots themselves and then starts chasing each other to see who can live for two hours. The winner is the one who survives two hours. If they die for two hours, then it is a tie. Because the result of the shooting is unknown. , And anything can happen with bad luck, so it's quite interesting to play."

"...You really know how to play." Captain Duran shook his head and said.

This group of slimes don't even care about their own lives, and they are not wronged if they lose.

In this way, Captain Duran's tailor shop opened.

At the beginning, his business was still a bit bleak, but as time passed, his business got better and better.

Every morning, he would receive a dozen small papers in the crack of his shop door, with detailed drawings of the clothes styles and various attributes he wanted.

Make these clothes and put them in the mailbox at the door. The clothes will disappear that night and will be replaced by sheets of thin banknotes.

These clothes are not exposed, but the styles are complex and there are many varieties. The dresses alone include strapless, backless, lace-edged, red, white, and colorful black.

And don't know why, this group of players have a particularly obvious preference for maid outfits. There are hundreds of different styles of maid outfits.

In the process of making these clothes, he felt an unprecedented tranquility.

Although only a short period of more than ten days, he felt that this period was the happiest period he had spent.

There is no wind and sun on the sea, and there is no need to worry about the day when your subordinates will rebel, and there is no need to fight other pirates.

The past was like a dream, making him feel like a world away.

In addition, he can see the changes of this small island every day.

Every day, he can see new buildings rise from the ground, new shops appear, new pirates put down their weapons, walk into the shop, and become a new store manager.

He could see a large number of black people with only strength walking into the mining area during the day, and returning with muddy bodies in the evening, but the smile on his face was still shining.

He saw white talents assisting players in managing this island, actively handling various disputes, and assisting players in adjusting the city.

He saw the power of order and the tremendous changes that the chaotic pirates had made on this small island.

The number of pirates here is increasing every day, but instead of being confused, they are growing more rapidly.

The whole city is like a newborn baby, constantly demanding more manpower, growing and expanding.

Looking at the ever-changing city, Captain Duran felt a sense of pride inexplicably.

Especially when he saw some people put on the clothes he made, the pride became stronger.

"What a terrifying mighty force." He said with emotion from the bottom of his heart.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, he counted the banknotes he earned today, feeling unprecedented satisfaction.

The money you earn from your hobbies is really great!

And today is his birthday, so in the morning he put the banknotes, address, and strawberry cake demand into the newly opened cake shop. Now it is almost time for the cake to come.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Dogdan in UU Reading Your strawberry cake with goat's milk has arrived, remember to give it a good comment."

Hearing the sound at the door, Captain Duran rushed out of the door excitedly, and then saw an unexpected figure.

I saw the half shark standing at the door, holding a very cute cake decorated with cream in his hand, dressed in the costume of the pastry chef that Duran made some time ago, looking at himself dumbfounded.

The two looked at each other in silence, and finally Captain Duran said, "Thank you. Thank you. Just let it go there."

"No, you're welcome. Well, today is your birthday, and we also have birthday song service."

"No, no more."

"Well, this must be present, otherwise there may be bad reviews. But you can cover your ears."


In the embarrassing atmosphere, the half shark lit the candle, and then the zombie clapped his hands and sang:

"Happy birthday to you~"

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