This consciousness is extremely vast. Compared with that, taking off his clothes feels that his will is like a lone boat in the ocean, and he has been assimilated almost in an instant.

A large amount of information emerged in his mind, allowing him to accept the other party's existence almost instantly and completely assimilate into one of the other's most pious believers.

His body began to turn red, and a lot of blood leaked from his surface, making him like a leaking balloon.

Seeing this scene, a fanatical smile appeared on the translator's face.

He opened his arms and shouted loudly: "Praise the blood sea demon god, praise everything about you! Let go of the punishment, let the filth here be purified!"

While he fanatically praised the Blood Sea Demon God, the little mad devil policewoman jumped in and cut off her clothes neatly, and then stood aside with her axe in her mouth.

Not long after the undressed body disappeared, the rebirth came back after **** and returning: "I'm sorry, I'm so ugly."

The translator took off his clothes as he returned from the resurrection, and awkwardly retracted his hand.

"You... not dead?"

"It's a bit hard for us to die, but I still have a virtual personality killed."

"Virtual personality?"

"Just imagine a personality in your mind and let this personality take the lead. This principle is also true for fanatics who pretend to be the Blood Sea Demon God. Interesting, I already know what the creed of the Blood Sea Demon God is."

Approaching each other, he took off his clothes and smiled and said, "Your creed is very aggressive, and it should include'cannot refuse a fanatic to be a religious'. But the fanatic will be assimilated by the blood sea demon and become a part of itself. Or it's a clone."

The translator did not speak.

However, his right hand grasped the hem of his clothes stubbornly, and his nails broke with too much force, and the blood flowed down instantly.

Glancing at the other person’s state, he took off his clothes and continued, "But you are still a normal person, which means that your faith has not reached the level of a fanatic. In other words, you are consciously restraining yourself and not being assimilated by the other person. . Then the next torture against you is simple. Through some means, you can become a fanatic. You are constantly reduced to a fanatic in your fantasy. Do you like this arrangement?"

Seeing that the translator still did not speak, she took off her clothes and smiled, and said to the little crazy policewoman who was standing at the door ready to cut off her clothes at any time: "Call the editor in."

"Hold on!" The interpreter slammed and took off his clothes, "I can say everything."

"So you have something to be afraid of. Don't worry, we treat captives preferentially."

Half a day later, the translator who had been forced to take a shower was taken to Lu Fan's bedroom.

"He stole our boat?" Lu Fan asked, looking at the clean interpreter, "Have you beaten it?"

"No, but I was trained by the editor for a few days."

"Then give it a beat, otherwise I don't have enough thoughts."

A system announcement was issued, and soon a group of slimes swarmed in, pressed the interpreter to the ground and gave a violent beating, then took the honor and left happily.

Let the interpreter stand up, Lu Fan stared at him.

He looks pretty, with white fingers and no calluses, so he looks good from birth.

But his eyes were absent, he seemed to have suffered a severe blow, and he seemed a bit pitiful.

"Sit down, I'm actually good at talking."

"You are Master Lu?" The translator asked fiercely, "The demon king's capable man, who took the female lord of the Alsace leader into imprisonment, forcibly robbed the sacrifice of the **** of the earth, and harmed the leader of Lapassus, even Master Lu who has created a prestigious reputation in the human world?"

Lu Fan frowned and thought about it, then nodded: "It's me, but I feel that the slander against me outside is a bit serious."

"This is a compliment to you. It is rare to see a demon with such a prestigious reputation as you. You have a good group of subordinates, a group of slimes beyond imagination."

"They have a good foundation."

"Then, I have a suggestion. Join the Blood Sea Demon Sect. You don’t have to work for the Demon King. The Blood Sea Demon God is the most suitable place for you. With your current strength, join the Blood Sea Demon God and you will be more powerful. Ability, even the hand-blade devil is only in a thought."

Golding beside Lu Fan couldn't help but laughed.

"Partner, did you hear that, he asked you to slash the Demon King! Don't you hurry up and do it, don't let the other party's pains betrayed!"

"Shut up, you scumbag."

Looking at Golding who was laughing wildly, the interpreter thought for a while, and then suddenly realized: "Could it be that the devil is also your woman?"

"Hahahaha! I can't do it anymore, this devil's brain supplement ability is too strong! Partner, I will go out for a few minutes first, and then come back after I finish laughing."

Lu Fan silently opened the window and threw Golding out, throwing it into the sea of ​​blood.

Forget it, laugh to death.

After losing the Golding, who is the best at doing things, Lu Fan looked at the translator and asked, "Don’t do it in vain, I won’t betray the devil. Let’s start with the first question, how do you steal it? Going on our boat? Don't even think about lying, I have a lie detector on my side."

Lu Fan patted his hand and took off his clothes, in exchange for a helpless look in the other party's eyes.

"That's not your boat, it's the holy thing He gave us." The translator said solemnly.

"But we made it."

"Everything in the blood sea belongs to the blood sea demon god, and your ship is no exception."

"It's a familiar robber logic." Lu Fan nodded, "Okay, combined with the previous information, I probably understand. Probably you prayed to the blood sea demon god, and then the other party responded to your prayer and gave the ship to You guys. You dare to **** my things, you really don’t know whether you live or die. The second question, did you sink our second ship?"

"The second ship?" The translator looked at Lu Fan blankly, "What second ship?"

"Huh? A figure tens of meters high can move freely in a sea of ​​blood. Isn't that the incarnation of the demon **** of the blood sea?"

The translator continued to look at Lu Fan blankly: "I don't know what you are talking about. It hasn't been long since the birth of the Blood Sea Demon God, and the will is in a state of ignorance. It is impossible to give birth to such a huge thing."

Lu Fan glanced at the next to take off his clothes, and the other party nodded with certainty, indicating that the other party did not lie.

Lu Fan thought for a while, logically it seemed that he could make sense. UU reading

After all, the blood sea demon god, the poor quasi-god, even the response to the believers would need to steal the ship. If there is a ship, it will definitely be pulled home happily, and it won't be broken so easily.

In other words, in addition to the followers of the Blood Sea Demon God and his own slimes, there are also third-party forces that can move freely in the sea of ​​blood.

Who is the one?

Before Lu Fan sorted out his thoughts, the translator's pupils suddenly enlarged.

He stood up abruptly, rushed to the open window, looked in a direction in the distance, and shouted in disbelief: "How is it possible, how is it possible!"

"What's the matter?" Lu Fan asked suspiciously.

The translator looked into the distance, his eyes widened, and the eyes inside seemed to fall out at any time.

Accompanied by the blood and tears dripping from his eye sockets, he pointed in the distant direction: "It has fallen."


"Blood Sea Demon God, has fallen."

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