This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 4 Chapter 34: have a nice trip

"This group of players are all slimes (!

The black stone that leaped over aimed towards the doorway in the dark, and the surging power like a mountain directly smashed the heavy floor into dust.

The damaged ground recovered almost instantaneously, but Blackrock did not feel like focusing on the real thing.

Afterwards, a slime rushed to Blackstone's face under the cover of darkness. The knife in his mouth pierced into Blackstone's eyes, but only a spark was pierced.

"The head is very iron, old iron." The weak chicken man couldn't help but shouted.

"Quickly run away for me! Now is not the time for you to pull the show effect!" Undressed and couldn't help but say in You Q.

"But a local tyrant gave me a reward for a small TV, saying that there is a reward for killing this iron bump!"

"Did he ask you how much he rewarded if you died?"

"No. But how can a high-end player like me..."

Before the weak chicken man had finished speaking, he discovered that several holes had suddenly opened in Blackstone's head.

A large amount of white mist emerged from the hole, instantly increasing Blackstone's speed by three times.

He quickly grabbed the weak chicken man in the air, and then kicked it hard, and the weak chicken man flew upwards like a cannonball, piercing the ceiling above his head, not knowing where it flew.

The weak chicken man who flew out did not seem to be seriously injured, and he even had the strength to shout to the live broadcast room: "Old irons, this is the effect of the program, I flew, I pretended to be. The next second I just kicked that stubborn head, everyone remember to give a reward!"

"Pig teammate..." he couldn't help taking off his clothes and said.

He wanted to escape immediately, but an invisible arrow pierced the darkness, penetrated his body, and nailed him to the ground.

Not far away, the dark elf was holding a seven-stringed harp, his slender fingers dancing between the harp's strings.

With every dance, an invisible cyclone formed. When the cyclone jumped between the strings seven times, the invisible arrow flew out and flew at high speed to take off his clothes, pinning his other side to the ground.

When the darkness was completely gone, the dark elf ordered Blackstone to find the weak chicken man who flew up. He walked to take off his clothes and said with a smile: "Cui En."

"Take off your clothes."

"Funny name, why did you name it?"

"I am a doctor. Taking off my clothes indicates that I have switched from professional mode to casual mode. This is a suggestive name I gave to relax myself."

The dark elf shook his head gracefully: "I don't understand. You shouldn't be the running slime, so are you here to pick him up?"


"Even so, you should be something that has something to do with the other party. Then don't resist, I don't want to kill you by mistake."

"Since I am all your prisoner, how about saying more?"

Cui En looked at taking off his clothes, and finally smiled decently: "Interesting, even if you are shot by my arrow, you still have no despair. Do you have any other cards?"

"It does."

After that, he took off his clothes and ignited his own psionic energy.

His practice method is abstinence, restraining one of his own desires, so as to continuously improve his own psychic abilities.

At the moment when Cui En was stunned by the psionic energy, he directly cut off the part that was nailed to the ground, and then used his hole card, the psychic weapon.

When the psionic energy reaches a certain level, one can find the most suitable weapon or props from the depths of the soul and realize it with psychic energy.

However, taking off his clothes didn't reach that level. Instead, he used the special skill of another slime named "Meng Da Da" to obtain this ability for a short time.

[Spirit Calling Slime]: You can grant soul imprints to other people, and the other person must have psionic energy. After activating the brand, the user can use the psionic weapon forcibly within five minutes, but will not be able to use the psionic weapon again for 3 days, and there can only be three brands at the same time. After the four-dimensional attribute is improved, the number of marks that can exist at the same time will increase.

And when the opponent has a psionic weapon, stimulating the brand will force the power of the psionic weapon to increase by one layer.

And the psionic weapon that takes off the clothes is [All-Seeing Thinking].

After stimulating the all-seeing thinking, his brain will increase to several times its current state within the duration, and his observation and thinking abilities will be improved to an incredible level.

The rapid increase in thinking speed made his thinking ability at the time of throwing clothes rise a whole step, allowing him to clearly perceive the things around him.

Time seems to be still at this moment, and his body has become a shackle that restricts his movement.

In the almost completely static world, he had a panoramic view of everything around him, and he began to analyze the current situation quickly.

All-knowing is all-powerful.

Countless information flooded into his mind, making him feel almost omnipotent.

This feeling is as if one's consciousness has come to a higher level and begins to overlook the scenery below.

Everything below becomes a pawn, at its mercy.

He cast his eyes on the beer in the hands of a pirate on the sidelines.

In an instant, a series of plans surrounding the beer appeared, letting him know the way to get out of trouble in an instant.

"It's boring," said indifferently, taking off his clothes.

Subsequently, he separated a small part of his body, and then adjusted his body, exerting a weak kinetic energy on this small part.

The five minutes of consciousness time disappeared, and the [All-Seeing Thinking] also disappeared.

Although five minutes had passed in the consciousness time, it was only one second from the eyes of the surrounding demons.

When the part of taking off his clothes was flying out, Cui En had already reflected, his fingers were flying quickly on the lyre, and then more arrows would take off his clothes and nail them to the ground.

Cui En looked suspiciously and took off his clothes: "What's the matter? You can use psionic energy? And what did you just do?"

Facing Cui En’s question, he took off his clothes and said softly: "5."

The part that was shot out, accurately flew to the hand of the onlooker pirate, and accurately fell into the pirate's beer.


The pirate who was watching the excitement did not notice the foreign matter in the beer, and still took a big sip, and spit it out after finding the foreign matter.


Another pirate who was sprayed full of beer turned around angrily, then grabbed the hapless guy and threw it into the crowd, causing the pirates to riot instantly.


Among the crowd, the black flame from the waist of another pirate who was hit immediately fell to the ground and mixed with the extremely pure wine.


I don’t know who fired the The bullet was ejected in the air and eventually fell into a mixture of flames and wine.


After taking off his clothes and saying the last word, the explosion sounded instantly.

The location of the explosion happened to be behind Cui En, which made the opponent too late to react and was hit outside by the impact of the explosion.

In the room where the ghost cries and wolf howling, he took off his clothes and slowly freed himself from the invisible arrow, and then said to the door: "Happy trip, Mr. Cui En."

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