This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 4 Chapter 44: The worst happened

"This group of players are all slimes (!

It took a long time for the weak chicken man to sort out the cause and effect, and then stared at the pile of wine and asked: "Wait, why don't you do such a dangerous thing yourself!"

"Because your skills are the most useful. Your real eye can switch the line of sight in the live broadcast to the above. For the current situation, this skill is very important."

"...I see, I drink."

"Remember to open a live broadcast from every perspective, and give me administrator rights."

"I know, I know."

The weak chicken man immediately opened the live broadcast room, and the title was changed to "Will you be drunk if you drink in the game?", and then quickly issued a live broadcast notice.

After confirming that the popularity was almost the same, he didn't talk nonsense, opened a bottle of sulfur wine and swallowed tons of sulfur wine in it.

"How do you feel?" asked immediately after taking off his clothes.

"It feels nothing, I continue."

After the weak chicken man poured three bottles of sulphur wine in succession, there was finally a slight change.

He began to smirk on the table while drunkly shouting: "Take off your clothes and pour me wine! 3l, take off my boots!"

"I'm really drunk." He took off his clothes and nodded. "Usually he doesn't have the guts."

Jumping to the weak chicken man's live broadcast room, took off his clothes and found that the influence of the other party's live broadcast room had not changed.

After three more bottles of sulphur wine, the weak chicken man began to cry silently, and sobbed: "I am easy, I have worked so hard to gain popularity, and I earn tens of thousands of dollars a month. It's a secret poke, and I really want someone to serve him every day, like Master Lu."

"This guy likes Versailles even when he's drunk." He took off his clothes and knocked on the opponent's head. "Tens of thousands a month is too little?"

"I think it's very pitiful, just tens of thousands a month as an anchor, how miserable." 3l couldn't help but say.

"You are not light."

And after the weak chicken man finished drinking the fifth bottle, he had a new change.

He jumped from the table to the ground, then staggered to the side, and walked outside the door.

"What are you going to do?" asked after taking off his clothes.

"Go to the toilet, drink too much."

"Go and come back quickly."

Seeing the weak chicken man disappear at the door, he took off his clothes and immediately switched to the live broadcast room, and began to observe the surrounding situation through the weak chicken man's perspective.

Because of the existence of the real eye, you can see the weak chicken man from different angles when you take off your clothes.

In the live broadcast room that was opened at the same time, he took off his clothes and saw the weak chicken jump into a secluded corner, and then began to vomit.

A large amount of blue slime sprayed out from his cracked mouth and gathered in front of him, finally forming a brand new weak chicken man.

The fake weak chicken man is almost exactly the same as the real weak chicken man.

However, after he was born, he lost the spirituality of the weak chicken man before, just wandering around like an ordinary slime.

The real weak chicken man seemed to be out of control. He got into the sewer on the side of the road, then descended all the way, and finally came to the bottom of the sewer.

It is located in the underground of Sin City, and the surroundings are extremely dark, but the real eye of the weak chicken man has the effect of ignoring all darkness, so he can clearly see the surrounding things.

In this underground space like a city, there are demons everywhere.

They seemed to have lost their soul puppets, standing in place one by one.

There seems to be no whites in their eyes, and some only have darkness that leads to the abyss.

After a cursory glance, he took off his clothes and saw many acquaintances among them, including Lena, Three Goats, and Pan De.

At this moment, they all looked at the center of the underground space with a smile but a smile.

There, a group of blood-colored human figures were conceived in a huge circle, and countless **** texts were drawn on the circle, which made people tremble at the first glance, even if they knew nothing about drawing. People can immediately see the weirdness and evil in it.

Accompanied by a certain sound, all the demons present began to laugh wildly, began to scream, and began to make unexplained roars from their throats.

In the hysteria-like screams of the group, the blood-colored humanoid in the middle began to constrict, and countless bloodshots were released from the surrounding demons and poured into the blood-colored humanoid's body.

"The head hurts suddenly."

"This voice is poisonous. Brother Chicken, just call it. Are you dubbing this?"

"Strange, I feel nothing, and it sounds pretty good."

Seeing these barrage messages, he took off his clothes without hesitation, and directly used the administrator's authority to kick everyone out.

Relying on my understanding of lingua franca, I took off my clothes and quickly understood what the other party meant.

"Praise the first demon king, praise Lord Zelatan."

He didn't dare to listen for too long, so he immediately chose to mute, and then sent a message to the weak chicken: "Weak chicken, how do you feel now?"

"I have lost control of my body, and I feel uncomfortable now. This thing in front of me is very similar to the feeling of seeing the first generation before. Is this guy also a demigod?"

"No, if I'm not wrong, this guy should be the real culprit who caused the fall of the Blood Sea Demon God. Don't move there, we will come to rescue you right away."

"Okay, then I will go off the assembly line and do a meal first, you guys take your time."

Return to the game, take off his clothes and immediately lead everyone to the place where the weak chicken man vomits.

Here, the soulless slime was still wandering around, completely unaware of the coming of taking off his clothes.

Let 3l kill the slime and wipe out all the mucus that burst out, take off his clothes and look at 3l and say, "Good news or bad news, which one do you want to hear?"

"good news."

"Lenna is okay, and Pande is okay, just temporarily controlled."

A slight smile appeared on 3l's face, but he immediately controlled it.

"What about the bad news?"

He took off his clothes and sighed: "The worst has happened. Sin City has a permanent population of almost 300,000 and a floating population of 500,000. I just roughly calculated that there are at least 600,000 demons in it. . In other words, two-thirds of the demons have been replaced."

"Moreover, the wine I drank to the weak chicken man just now was also particular. I asked him to drink in chronological order. Finally, the wine that was brewed three days ago had a problem. The reason was that the wine was mixed with the same day's water. The cause of the accident should be in the drinking water. Fortunately, the lower water and the upper water are separated, that is to say, most of the demons replaced are the lower demons."

3l pondered for a while, and then said: "I don't understand something that is too complicated. Just say who we are going to cut."

"The thing we want to cut is below, UU read, but our goal is above. The development of the copy up to now cannot be solved by us alone. Only by uniting the upper demons can it be solved. ."

"That's it, let's go."

The group was about to leave here, and when they headed to the upper floor, they suddenly found that the road behind them had been blocked.

Hundreds of demons stood there, blocking the water surrounding the narrow lanes.

Their eyes flashed with blue light, and each demon held a weapon in his hand, looking at the pedestrian with a puppet-like look.

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