This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 4 Chapter 50: Half-minute error

"This group of players are all slimes (!

"It turned out to be my offline permission, which scared me to death."

After listening to the **** plan, 3l happily handed over his offline permissions, and shared his existing plug-ins in detail with Undress.

And when he took off his clothes, he opened his ghost system through the disappearing hairline through QQ, and prepared to use the body of 3l to complete his plan.

According to 3l's description, from where they are now to where the blood shadow is, it is about a kilometer away.

As long as he can get close to the blood shadow, there may be a way to kill the King of Slime who is conceiving the blood shadow, so as to achieve the goal of completely destroying Zelatan's resurrection.

But the distance of this kilometer is not easy.

In the video seen by 3l, in addition to the large number of replacements present, there were four suspicious individuals wearing black cloaks presiding over the resurrection ceremony, and those guys were the real enemies.

After fully debugging 3l's ghost system, he took off his clothes and took over 3l's offline permissions, and then used the last brand to activate his own psychic weapons and omnipotent thinking.

In this mode, all his emotions are deprived, his own thinking will become extremely rational, his whole consciousness will be like a rock, and nothing can shake his thoughts anymore.

Even the information shock peculiar to Quasi-God was nothing but a breeze to him, and could not drive him mad.

Although he was not using his own body, his omnipotent thinking still allowed him to master this special control method in an instant, and fully utilized 3l's potential.

"Is this 3l's body? I'm afraid it's almost half the monarch level."

Manipulating 3l is far better than his own body, taking off his clothes and rushing towards the target.

His speed is very fast, but the reactions of the four believers in front of him are not inferior.

After discovering "3l", an alternative slime that can move freely, the first wave of attacks has arrived.

Colorful rainbow lights shot out from the hands of a believer.

This believer seems to have been blessed by a quasi-god, which allows him to ignore his own magic power and directly summon thousands of colorful lights out without singing.

In addition, the colorful lights that should only be able to attack in a straight line can change directions freely in the air, turn automatically, and fly like a living thing chasing the "3l".

The speed of colorful light is amazing, but compared with the speed of thinking, it is still a bit slower.

The almighty mind was turned on and took off his clothes, and at the moment he saw the colorful light, he understood the opponent's attack intention and attack direction.

He controlled 3l's body, sprinted forward quickly, and opened the Jian Qi program.

The misty sword aura wrapped around the rust sword, becoming his most powerful weapon at this time.

Ignoring most of the colorful lights that came after him, he took off his clothes and directly calculated the most appropriate route in his mind, and then rushed forward.

A large number of colorful lights follow "3l" and converge into a long seven-color dragon in space. The "3l" located in the front ignores these torrents behind it, but after offsetting a few colorful lights with sword energy, it continues to rush forward. .

The second believer got up.

With a wave of his hand, a large number of substitutes were born from the slime king's body and integrated into his body.

Pointing to the "3l" that came flying fast, he shouted in Ms. Terra's voice: "I order you, get back."

Under the force of Yan Ling, "3l" couldn't help backing up a bit, but he took off his clothes and immediately controlled his body with a terrifying mind. After backing half a millimeter, he immediately moved forward and continued forward.

It was discovered that "3l" had broken Yan Ling, and his second order came: "I order you..."

Before the second order came, "3l" quickly told a joke.

The believer who heard the joke was slightly taken aback, and finally couldn't help but let out a slight laugh.

At the moment he laughed, "3l" had already crossed the last distance quickly and came to them.

When the first sword light flashed by, the heads of the believers who released the colorful light flew into the sky, and blood rose into the sky.

The second sword light flashed, and the believer who could not finish laughing was cut in half from the middle, still with a strange smile on his face.

When he was about to punish the third believer, the sharp sword light fell on the opponent, making the sound of gold and stone intersecting.

When "3l" wiped out the other two believers, the third believer had melted a large number of substitutes.

At this time, he looked like a complex of demons who were good at melee combat such as Black Stone. His whole body was like a giant made of stone, and he hit "3l" with a punch.

This punch looks simple and simple, but it also seems to contain countless skills, directly hitting the "3l" out, and rolling on the ground for a few laps before stopping.

The believer who succeeded in the blow jumped off the high platform, strode towards the "3l", then grabbed the "3l" on the ground and beat it **** the ground.

A deep blow sounded from the ground, and every hit was exhausted, causing "3l"'s body to become more and more broken.

After the thousand and one, this believer wanted to continue beating, but he suddenly found that he could no longer move.

Looking at his body in surprise, he found that his joints were covered with dusty sword lights, which hindered his actions.

"Finally found it?"

The tattered "3l" got up from the ground, and then rushed towards the high platform with difficulty.

Behind him, the believer who had just been invincible just now burst out with a deafening scream.

The dusty sword light fell into his joints, starting from the weakness of the joints, spreading towards the inside of his body little by little, and began to destroy in his body.

This feeling is as if hundreds of millions of ants bite through the skin, crawled into the muscles, deep into the bone marrow, and bit by bit his body.

The unspeakable sourness suddenly appeared in his body, making him unable to help but touch the fusion state, and then began to scratch his body vigorously, and even the flesh and blood of his body did not stop.

He couldn't relieve the pain until he buckled himself to death.

Back on the high platform, "3l" is the last believer in front of him.

The upper body of this believer was naked, and nails of the thickness of hair were nailed to every position of the body, which made him look like a hedgehog.

His eyelids were cut open, and even his eyes were filled with nails, which put him in a state of extreme pain every minute and every second.

Facing the skipped "3l", the believer uttered a compassionate voice: "Stupid lamb, you don't know what great cause we are doing. Join us, for freedom, for..."

His words only said here.

Afterwards, his body was torn apart and disappeared in front of "3l".

Re-hold the Rust Sword, "3l" faced the King of Slime in front of him, ready to launch the final attack.

When he was about to attack the opponent, he took off his clothes and suddenly realized that his almighty thinking time was over.

"How is it possible, UU reading should have half a minute left, why did it suddenly disappear?"

Later, he found that 3l's body was not right at this time.

Lowering his head, he saw that 3l's body had been riddled with holes at some point, a large amount of body fluids gushing out of his body, and his vitality had been reduced to its limit.

Lifting his head again, he saw that the blood-colored figure in front of him was completely formed, a pure white and flawless, like a moonlight hand pierced from the abdomen of the King of Slime.

When I saw this hand, I took off my clothes and opened my mouth involuntarily, making an uncontrollable sound.

"Praise the former demon!"

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