This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 4 Chapter 55: Divine origin

"This group of players are all slime novels ( Find the latest chapter!

Gaia returned the next day.

She stared blankly at hundreds of slimes piled up and down, surrounded by scattered sulphur wine bottles.

On the flagpoles of the ships on the shore, many banners hung: "Gaia, you are back!"

"I brush up on you every day! I can have a head-touching ceremony after all!"

"The **** plan, you are not a human! You return our big sister!"

"My heart has been taken away by Gaia, and there may be no more sorrows and joys in this life."

There were also some sober slimes gathered together angrily, seeming to be discussing something.

"What is Miss Gaia?" a slime with "Miss Gaia" wrapped around her head shouted loudly.

"My Goddess!"

"What do we want?"

"Head-touching ceremony!"

"When do we want it?"

"Every day!"


Although Gaia is not conscious, she is actually very popular among players.

In other words, beautiful NPCs are very popular.

After all, the art of this game is well-known for its underworld aesthetics. It was finally born with a super-looking and super-good character, and its popularity will naturally soar.

The leading player waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Based on the information we gave by Miss Eri last night and the current inferences, we can probably speculate why Miss Gaia disappeared, and that is the resurrection of Zelatan."

"Zelatan is the first generation demon king, and he controls a large number of ancient secrets. Its strength is even comparable to that of the gods. No, it should be said that it exceeds. Now that he is still a quasi god, he can fight against Master Lu. Will be stronger."

"The God of the Earth recalled his priest at this point and made it clear that he wanted to bet on both ends."

A player jumped up: "Then should we go and cut down Zelatan?"

"Don't be jokes, that guy is clearly one of the ultimate bosses. Now I just show you a cutscene. I guess it will take another seven or eight years before I have a chance to cut him."

"Then who should we cut?" the player asked again.

"Cut the **** of the earth first, you can't clean up a Zelatan, and you can't clean up a **** of the earth? Professor, it's up to you."

The professor who also pestered Gaia jumped to the front of the stage and said loudly: "Gods exist because of human beings. Although they are high above, they also need faith to provide them with a source of divine power. Therefore, my plan is to find all the earth. The temple of God, and then cut it over one by one."

"Believers who meet the God of the Earth will grab them and do coolies, and the books about the God of the Earth will be burned. Even if we go through the **** and the human world, we will find the Lord Goddess."

Another player jumped out: "Professor, I have a question?"

"But it doesn't matter."

"You are in your thirties, how does it feel to be around a big girl at this age? Are you still single?"

"...Your uncle's!"

The professor jumped directly off the podium and bite with the slime.

Instead of trying to persuade them to fight, the slimes next to them put on the ring and started placing bets, betting on who would win this time.

Gaia watched this scene, hesitantly stepped forward and said: "It's not good to fight."

The professor spoke loosely and said without turning his head: "Miss, you stand aside first, I'll beat a **** first. After a while, our fights will fluctuate greatly, and it won't be good if we hit the flowers."

"But fighting is really bad."

"You talk a lot."

He turned his head in dissatisfaction, and then found Gaia standing behind anxiously, looking at the dying slime on the ground.

The professor was caught in a long exam.

The professor continues the long exam.

The professor threw himself into the sea.

After finally getting rid of the entanglement of the players, Gaia finally walked into the City of Sin and saw Eri, who had been crying all night, and Martin with a smile on his face.

Sitting down in the conference room, Ai Li still looked sulky, but she was relieved immediately after feeding a candy.

"Don't disappear like this next time, or I won't be as good as this time!" said Ai Li with sugar dissatisfied.

"Okay, there won't be another time." Gaia responded with a smile.

Unlike Alice, who can dissipate a candy, Martin thought about the reason for Gaia's silent disappearance, and the reason for his return this time, and finally came to a conclusion.

"Is this the will of the **** of the earth?" Martin asked.

Gaia pushed away the tea in front of him and put his hands on his lap: "No, it's my own will. I convinced the God of the Earth."

Martin's brows jumped.

For believers, the will of God is supreme, and even if it is to let them die, they should not hesitate at all, otherwise they will be disrespectful to the gods.

Moreover, even believers favored by the gods have only the duty to obey the gods, not the power to suggest.

Faced with Martin’s doubts, Gaia explained with a smile: “Master Lu is a subordinate of the current demon king. His battle with Zelatan is regarded as a war between the current demon king and the first demon king, so almost all the gods and demon gods are They are paying attention to this battle. They have paid a great price to ask Ferdinand III, the **** of prophecy, to prophesy."

"what's the result?"

"Master Lu will surely win, but the margin of victory is not very large. There are still many variables in the future. In this case, the nerves of the earth have thought about it and decided to invest in Zelatan. Therefore, my previous mission was cancelled, so I was The headquarters was urgently recalled."

"After that, you convinced the God of the Earth?"

"Yes." Gaia smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid he didn't even think that I would have this courage. But I still convinced him that he believed that the modern devil faction represented by Master Lu was the better choice, and I fully supported him. Now Demon Sect."

"What's the price?" Ai Li asked quickly.

Gaia's face flushed immediately.

She tremblingly raised a finger: "One, a child."



"Are you the mother of a child? You maintain a good body shape." Ai Li cried out in surprise.

"Yes, not yet. It's a child who is about to be born in the future. His father needs to be strong enough, and he has to be a demon. It's better to be handsome. It's better to have more than one, and it must be something I like."

"You can just say it's Master Lu."

"I am not, I don't... well, yes."

Seeing Gaia who finally admitted that her feelings had not gone violently, Eri was silent for a while, and then asked, "He has changed his creed?"

"Well, he said that we misunderstood the creed, so we revised it a bit. Well, please don't tell Master Lu about this matter."

"Don't worry, I don't have the habit of sending water to the enemy."

"Say what?"

Lu Fan who appeared out of thin air asked curiously.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, Lu Fan sat on the chair tiredly, and barely squeezed a smile: "Everyone is back. It's good. I have played with Zelatan for three years. You know how I have been in these three years. Have you ever?"

"Three years?" Martin asked suspiciously. "Isn't it only three days?"

"That was outside Most of our battles took place in independent time, where the time flow was faster, so after three full years of fighting, my swordsmanship was level seven, and other skills were also It has improved a lot, and the salted fish is seriously deficient in energy."

"Where is Zelatan?"

"Escaped, but in the end I got this thing."

Raising his hand, Lu Fan showed everyone his trophies.

It was a mass of red light emitting material. The whole mass of material looked vague, but the strong sense of presence released from it made the scalp numb.

Seeing this thing, Ellie couldn't help but shouted: "What is this?"

"The origin of the god, part of the origin of the blood sea demon **** dug out from Zelatan."

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