This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 4 Chapter 60: Why are we here

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"So, what do you think of the recent slime sect?"

In the Pantheon, a group of demons gathered together in the form of dark shadows to discuss the recent Slime Sect.

The demons are different from the gods. They are more chaotic, more free, and more solipsistic.

They don't have a unified leader. The contracts they haven't signed are scraps of paper, and betrayals and conspiracies happen almost every day.

"Although it is a sect presided over by Master Lu, I have to say that it is too much." A demon said dissatisfied.

"Yes, it turns out that he is no longer the Master Lu I love. He is floating."

"I admit that he is a demon, but he has the strength comparable to the demon god, but that doesn't mean he can do whatever he wants."

"Have you encountered the same problem?"

"Yes." A demon said sadly, "He blocked my show. Didn't it mean that the priest took off two clothes when he was preaching? Didn't he still wear a pair of socks in the end!"

"Me too! I also deliberately conveyed the oracle and asked my priests to make a sophisticated series, which fully conveyed what a wonderful behavior laziness is. In this series, I let a priest waste five minutes of sleep time, but Actually blocked me on the grounds of spam."

Almost all the demon gods are condemning Lu Fan's monopolistic behavior and uncontested title behavior, and threatened to teach Lu Fan a lesson.

After all, the missionary behavior of Ghost TV is very novel and very efficient.

The previous missionary behavior required the priests to go to various regions in person and risk their lives to convey the doctrines of the demon gods, so that only a few believers could be exchanged.

Especially in hell, this place where most demons have low IQ and can't even learn to eat, it is really too difficult to get a good believer.

The Ghost TV provides a good platform.

When they realized that there were a lot of opportunities here, they all obtained the right to operate a channel through their believers and began to use their own forms to preach.

In the beginning, when Lu Fan didn't intervene, this platform was full of flowers, and all kinds of wonderful contents could be seen.

But after Lu Fan intervened, their good days ended.

Don’t over-simplify pornographic content, and don’t use nutritious content. Violators are banned or blocked.

Faced with such extremely unfree regulations, the demon gods said that they could not bear it!

After discussing this matter for a long time, they decided to write a stern letter to Lu Fan first.

"Dear Master Lu: Our love for you is obvious to all, but why do you respond to us in this way. Although you didn't say it clearly, we know that you love us..."

This 30,000-character letter was passed to Lu Fan under the brand of the demon gods, and he got a reply after a minute.

"It's too long to watch."

The demons are completely angry??!

Don't think we like you, you can do whatever you want!

"It seems that he has to teach him a lesson!"

"Agree, but how should I give it? Take back his brand?"

"I think he might be eager for us to do this."

"Then lift his restraint?"

Hearing these words, the Demon God of Destiny shook his head with a wry smile: "Impossible. The karma caused by his previous destiny cut can not even be for me. If the restriction is lifted, this part of the karma will be borne by me, so I am very May fall on the spot."

"Understood, then the Demon God of Destiny, you are the only Demon God who has signed a restriction with him, and he should be under your control. Please let the priest communicate with him. Our request is simple, let us preach freely."

Think about fate.

Then, he slowly said: "What will I get?"

"You won't get anything, but you will lose a lot by rejecting it."

The Demon God of Destiny gave a wry smile: "Well, I agree."

Destiny is not a powerful god.

Although he is in charge of a mysterious and unpredictable destiny, every time he changes his destiny, it will cause a lot of karma, which will reduce his divine power.

The same is true for his priests. Although they have the power to see fate, any arbitrary change will cause karma to appear, and instead will make their priests die in vain.

In this extremely contradictory situation, his priests are surprisingly few, and there are only a few hundreds of believers, which can be called one of the most miserable demon gods.

With a long sigh, the Demon God of Destiny issued an oracle to his only priest: "Go to Master Lu and let him accept the opinions of the Demon Gods."

The little boy who was drinking tree root soup in a corner of the sea of ​​blood heard this oracle, and then stood up.

He is fourteen years old this year, but because of chronic malnutrition, he looks only twelve years old.

Because he has been digging in the barren land all the year round, his body is full of mud, it is hard to imagine that he is actually the only priest of the **** of fate.

After listening to the oracle, he slowly drank the soup, slowly chewing and swallowing the last bit of the root of the soup.

Although this was the first oracle he received, he was not surprised at all.

Because he has seen the fate of his life.

As a priest of the **** of fate, he can see the fate of everything around him as long as he closes his eyes.

Some of them belong to their own and others.

He can see their birth, and he can see their death.

No matter how kind human beings, he can see the day when the other party becomes black.

No matter how attractive the beauty is, he will see the end of the other person's age and decline.

Although he could see it, he would not interfere with his fate a little bit. After all, interfering with his fate would cause extremely strong karma, and he would die directly at the moment of changing his fate.

He is a lone observer, silently hiding in the dark, observing the fate of everyone without making any sound.

Even if it was the day when fate was chaotic some time ago, he had already seen it in fate, and now that fate is gradually returning to its place, it is also in his expectation.

He complied with the arrangement of fate, and dared not make the slightest mistake every day, so that he could get today smoothly.

Standing up, he put the bowl in his hand aside, then got up and walked to his temple.

There, the only remaining hundreds of believers of the God of Destiny gathered there, silently watching the little boy who walked in.

"Go," he said simply.

The believers flocked to the little boy, walked towards the sea of ​​blood, and embarked on a pirate ship that happened to come here, and all the pirates on this ship happened to have died of a disease.

They don't know how to sail, but this ship happens to travel by itself along the ocean currents, and it happens to have a certain amount of food, enough for them to drift on the sea and come to Sin City.

This is the only thing the God of Destiny can do, planning a miraculous path to destiny for his followers.

After arriving on the pier in Sin City, the little boy waited silently.

Half an hour later, a slime jumped onto the boat.

"Are you pirates? Could the captain come over and register."

The little boy stepped forward, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com wrote his name on the registration form: Fett.

Handing the pen to the slime, he saw the chaos of the opponent's fate and couldn't see the future direction at all.

The other party is like a huge vortex, completely changing the fate of the surroundings.

Fett is no exception.

For the first time in his life, he couldn't see his destiny anymore.

Everything in front of him plunged him into the unknown, making him unable to predict what would happen in the next second.

"What is your purpose here?" the slime asked.

"We are here for you." A sincere smile appeared on Fett's face.

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