This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 4 Chapter 62: Biggest celebration

Since Lu Fan decided to start the "Idol Contest", Sin City has become more and more lively.

Every day, a large number of demon gods send their priests over, and even some of the gods have smelled the tempting and sweet breath and sent their priests secretly.

They have already figured out how to use these benefits after winning, and secretly brought ghost mushrooms to the human world, and began to grow ghost mushrooms in the human world.

As Lu Fan said, this is definitely a win-win situation, and it is them who wins the most.

No need to do it yourself, the whole world is helping Lu Fan and his slimes grow ghost mushrooms, increase the concentration of ghost spores, and expand their paths.

The rise of a new thing is bound to be accompanied by a challenge to the old thing.

In the Roland sect, a group of newly promoted bishops watched the movements of the gods worriedly and prepared to find King Roland to give their opinions.

But in the big conference room, they only saw Neil and Mi Ruo dealing with the most recent things. Vivienne, whose IQ had degraded to five years old, was sitting on a chair with her legs shaking and yelling from time to time: "Sister Neil, I I want to eat sweets. Mi Ruo, I want to kiss."

"Well, I'll give you the sugar first, kiss me later."

Witnessing this scene, the new bishops dared not speak, and could only restrain their anger in their hearts.

They all know Neil’s identity. After all, Neil made a frank announcement when he introduced himself on the first day: "I am the next leader of the Demon Kings sect. If one day we all face each other, I will try my best to let you Suffer less."

This radical speech naturally caused strong protests from the new bishops.

There were also people who had reacted to this incident to King Roland, and the other party made the decision very simply.

"You fight, whoever wins depends on whom."

It is conceivable that each of these new bishops was hung outside the church and enjoyed seven days of wall hanging services.

After not finding the presence of King Roland, they could only bite the bullet and find Neil.

"Bishop Neil, the gods have changed recently. They..."

"I knew it a long time ago, and I think it is indeed a threat. In the presence of ghost TV, the gods can bypass the supervision of the Roland Church and directly contact their believers. This has a great influence on the Roland Church. Hit. I will respond to King Roland."

Neil's response surprised these bishops.

Seeing the bishops’ surprised application, Neil played with the dagger in his hand: "What, do you think I will stop you? I am now the bishop of the Roland Church, so I will consider the power of the church. Okay, let’s step back. , I will deal with it impartially."

After all the bishops left, Neil said to the air: "His Royal Highness, you can come out."

Only then did the French King Roland reveal his figure in the air: "Strange, has my concealment technique regressed?"

"Don't play concealment in front of the assassin. Your skills don't seem to be much better than a monkey."

"That's how you talk to the old man?"

"I'm an old man, I'm only twenty years younger than you."

"Abominable longevity."

"Don't want to change the subject, how do you feel about this? Ghost TV is only in hell. It's okay. After all, there is outside the jurisdiction of Roland Church. But if it extends to the human world, then the role of the flower of the world will be affected. Instead, Roland Church’s information control power will also weaken a lot."

French King Roland smiled: "It seems that your understanding of power is not very deep."

Neil was sitting up, facing Lord Roland, and said seriously: "Please guide me."

Although Neil thinks that the other party is an old and disrespectful old fellow, but I have to say that the other party sometimes sees power thoroughly.

"To be honest, Roland Church's control over the gods does not rely on the power of interpretation of information. The power of interpretation is only an appearance. The real essence is power. If I don't have the power to kill the gods, then no amount of power to interpret is useless. ."

Neil thought for a while, then nodded: "It makes sense."

"But..." Roland French turned his words and continued, "Don't you think that if this channel is controlled by us, then we can charge a lot of money?"

"...Return to me the respect I had for you just now."

"That kind of thing doesn't matter. So, Neil, can I get rid of you and go to **** once, participate in idol events, and gain the power of the channel?"

"I refuse." Neal said immediately.

"Yes, it's kind of disgusting to make the sixty-year-old aunt an idol."

A flying knife flew towards King Roland's forehead, but was stopped by King Roland's sword at the very moment.

"You just wanted to kill me, right?"


"You deny it anyway, I am your boss anyway."

"It won't be right away. My mother gave me news and asked me to participate in this event on behalf of the Demon Kings sect. Therefore, I temporarily resigned."

"That's no way. Mi Ruo, it's up to you."


Mi Ruo, who was playing soy sauce on the side, suddenly received the news and was at a loss for a while.

But King Roland did not give her the opportunity to refuse, and he disappeared without a trace.

In this way, they embarked on a journey to hell, preparing to participate in this activity before the end of the activity.

Grand Duke Camilla also got the news.

After receiving the oracle of the False Demon God, she also began to prepare.

Since coming out of the shadow of her brother, she relied on her personal relationship with Lu Fan and magic stone tactics to import a large number of war machines from Lu Fan, and essentially unified the Grolin collar.

Under the influence of money, a large number of handsome and beautiful vampires were sent to Sin to participate in this idol activity.

The new god, Ferdinand III is no exception.

His faithful believer, Leanna and her husband, surrounded by a group of fallen men, began to go to hell.

The **** of the earth also directly descended the oracle, and Gaia, who was in hell, was directly pushed to the position of idol, and represented the **** of the earth to participate in this event.

Suddenly, the route to the Sin City was completely opened, and the pirates who had been on the sea suddenly discovered that the wealth gained from daily robbery seemed to be less than the solicitation earned.

Under such circumstances, these pirates began to upgrade their industries, and the old iron cannons were dismantled and replaced with exquisite posters.

The fierce pirates put on white sailor suits, with smiles on their scarred faces, to welcome contestants who came here from all over the world.

In addition to the contestants, a large number of believers also came here, hoping to receive missionary activities at close range, so that the daily passenger flow here will continue to rise.

The biggest celebration in the history of this **** is about to be held.

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