Facing the provocation of the secondary siege lion, a group of demons became angry.

"Who rubbish? You dirty slime!"

"Say don't rubbish, you are the one with the most rubbish!"

"This is the arena, there is a kind of direct heads-up."

A smile appeared on the corners of the mouth of the subordinate siege lion when he heard the voice of going one-on-one.

You are waiting.

Facing that direction, he shouted to the other person: "You, that's you, come here!"

The four-meter-tall Cyclops lined up the surrounding demons and jumped down from the auditorium. The ground was trembling at the moment of landing.

The Cyclops holding a huge wood as a weapon looked at the secondary siege lion, and then involuntarily rushed towards the secondary engineer.

Facing the galloping Cyclops, the sub-engineer unhurriedly activated the rune of Xianglong One.

In an instant, all the demons saw the sun.

Although they had never been to the human world for most of their lives and didn't know what the sun looked like, they all believed in the first place that this thing was the sun.

The dazzling light bloomed in the arena, and the huge roar seemed to tear each demon's eardrums apart.

When the impact was over, the ground that had just recovered not long was annihilated again. This was still the result of Lu Fan's advance to prop up the magic defense.

And the one-eyed giant has disappeared like dust.

Let the maidservant cat shake off the dust from her body, and the sub-siege lion once again said with disdain: "Trash. Who else, I'll ask, who else!"

Facing the silent arena, the sub-siege lion launched the ghost TV and began to introduce his special weapon.

After learning that this thing can be automatically locked as long as it has an image, and that it is set concealed, the trigger distance is almost unlimited, and the cost is only 20,000 magic stones, the demon lords in the audience are moved.

After inquiring about the requirements of various indicators in detail, the demon lords put forward the need to verify the effect.

"No problem, within one hundred and fifty kilometers, where to hit where."

With the blessing of the European Emperor, the secondary siege lion is now confident.

A 30% success rate is a hammer, and a 1% success rate can be integrated by Ou Huang.

A demon stepped forward, expected to follow the instructions of the secondary siege lion, and fired another missile.

In the eyes of the demons, the missile quickly lifted off and flew into the distance.

In the world waiting for the result, the secondary siege lion continued to ask for the effect of the program: "Excuse me, who do you want to bomb?"

"My wife."

"This answer is a bit crazy! Why? Fighting for power, for inheritance or what is the reason?"

"She wants to divorce me."

"Uncle, listen to my persuasion, marriage and love are free, and it's okay for people to divorce."

"Then marry my daughter."

"This answer is even better! Can you explain in detail why?"

Therefore, in the next half an hour, a group of demons listened to each other's love, hatred and hatred within the four-sex demon race, and each demon said that this product should be the first.

An hour later, a midnight snack flew in and brought him good news and bad news.

The good news is: his wife was bombed.

The bad news: his wife was not killed.

After learning the bad news, the demon let out a long sigh, then opened the window from the big arena, jumped down from the height of a hundred stories, and turned into a blue bird in the air, disappearing without a trace.

When the episode ended, most demons expressed interest in the display of the secondary siege lion, but they would not vote for him.

Because I can't afford it.

But the players' goals have been achieved.

The deliberate **** lord has realized the great use of this gadget and has begun to spend a lot of money to buy it.

The peace built on Xianglong No. 1 is coming soon.

After determining the future development goals, the players all withdrew from the celebration, not even the seats of judges.

They must vigorously develop Xianglong-1, increase its hit rate, increase production, and prepare themselves for the future peace.

Almost all the NPCs in the Demon King City have been confiscated, and a large number of special talents are quickly hired, allowing players to go one step further on the road to the biggest arms dealer in hell.

Although the players have begun to engage in the arms business, the celebration is still going on.

Thanks to the new voting mechanism, even without players, demons can still participate in the biggest event in the history of this hell.

Neal also participated in the celebration, but was eliminated shortly after he first played.

"Strange, is it so nauseous when the tentacles are eaten raw?" Sitting in the cafeteria, she reluctantly rolled up a dish of pasta with a fork, and then swallowed it in one bite.

Mi Ruo, who was sitting opposite her, said helplessly: "They were very excited when they saw you summoned their tentacles, but after seeing you ate them, they were greatly diminished. I think it's either them or you. Anyway, there is always a misunderstanding about the use of tentacles."

"What else can the tentacles do besides eating?"

"Yeah, what else can I do?" Vivian asked curiously with her curious eyes.

Mi Ruo's face reddened slightly: "That, although I haven't used it, but I heard it works well."

Neil thought for a while, then shook his head: "I don't understand, but have you been promoted?"

"Yeah." Mi Ruo said quietly.

"You are the bishop of the Roland Church, so you can also be promoted. Have you concealed your identity?"


"That is how the matter?"

"His Holiness gave me a special program. He...he..."

"Needless to say, I know, I will chop him when I go back."

"No, he just asked me to stand in the middle of the big arena, and then frankly admitted that I was the bishop of Roland Church, and then shouted that I love **** and I love demons. Then the whole audience boiled, and then passed."

"That's okay? Wealth code. UU reading www.uukanshu.com knew that I did the same."

Just when Neil was regretting, someone found the three people dining in the cafeteria and walked over in surprise.

"Miss Neil, Miss Mireau, Miss Vivienne, it's you, it's a coincidence."

"Leanna? You are here too."

After Lianna sat down, Neil soon found that the other party was wearing a ring on the ring finger, and smiled and said, "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Lianna smiled slightly, "The testimony that the patron saint of the Fallen gave us, and I am now his believer. Unfortunately, Andy is still in charge of things in the North Wind City, so I can only come. "

"Have you participated in the show?"

"I have participated, but they were slapped in the first round. They don't seem to be very interested in demon anatomy. By the way, I came this time as a prophecy that brought the patron saint of the fallen, and the mysterious lady seems Came here too. She seems to be looking for a way to repair her arm."

Neil and Miró's eyes gradually became more solemn.

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