This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 5 Chapter 16: parchment

"This group of players are all slimes (!

Although most players don't understand how to use this thing, it does not prevent those who know how to understand and start to build new areas.

Ten days later.

The puzzle demon, who had been bombarded by a dozen slimes in turn, ended this round of make-up lessons. When he was about to come out to relax, he looked at the area in front of him, dumbfounded.

"Turtle, what is the origin of this group of slimes!"

In front of him, there was a scene he had never imagined.

Hundreds of 100X100 platforms are suspended in the air, and each platform uses gravity runes to ensure proper gravity.

A simple concrete tower stands in the middle of the platform. The top of the tower is equipped with the light technique set by the magician player. Hundreds of layers of light **** are gathered together, so that each platform has sufficient light.

Between the platforms, elevators composed of green creepers are moving quickly, transporting materials produced on different platforms to another platform for processing, and then sending semi-finished products to another platform for rough processing.

Curiously flying to one of the platforms, the puzzle demon heard a huge roar and saw a large processing factory.

The wood transported from another elevator will be automatically stored on the conveyor belt and transported to the other side through the conveyor belt in front for processing, and then processed into different plates according to different needs.

And these plates will go into different conveyor belts according to their sizes, then fall directly into the elevator, and fly to the next platform.

When he wanted to ask what these slimes were doing, he found a question that surprised him.

There is no slime here!

After leaping several platforms in a row, he finally saw the slime that was building a machine on one platform.

"What did you do!" He asked in surprise, "What did you make of this thing, why can it be processed automatically, why can magic be used in this way, what is in your little head? No, do you have it? Brain."

"I can understand that you are discriminating against our slimes, Mr. Spare Grain?"

"When did I become a spare grain? You seem to be amazing when you use an ancient demon as a spare grain!"

"thank you."

"I didn't praise you! So what are these?"


While speaking, this slime stared at the machine in front of him, without looking away for a moment.

Because it is still a semi-finished product, all the wires inside the machine are exposed to the outside, allowing the puzzle demon to easily see the structure inside.

Seeing the very subtle things that were split inside, he hesitated for a while, and then asked: "I took a look, this seems to be the energy block that came out of my head?"

"What are you doing?" The player looked at the puzzle demon vigilantly, "I warn you, we made this stuff, and we will charge you at most."

"Money matters are different, I just want to know, what exactly is this stuff?"

"Integrated circuit, currently only achieves eight divisions of your energy block, and in the end can only make a small energy block of one-256th. Controlled by rune circuits, the basic NAND gate structure can be realized. And XOR gate structure, and integrate a simple control system."

Jumped up and patted a puzzle demon who could understand every word but didn't understand what it meant. The slime smiled and said, "Thank you for your contribution. We are now entering the age of the magic industry. Wait. We return to the ninth level of hell, and you will be taken back as a trophy by us and will further enhance our productivity."

The puzzle demon hesitated for a long time before he asked: "You take me as a trophy for another thing, what can you do with this thing now?"

"Good question! Wait a minute, I'll call someone else over to check it."

Within a few minutes, more than a dozen slimes who specialize in telecommunications gathered here, looking at this player expectantly.

"Electrician, are you done with your new stuff?"

"It's done, I took it the first time."

In full view, this slime skillfully connected the rune circuit to the machine and controlled it.

Under his control, a dozen small platforms in the distance moved.

The runes of Illuminati are stored on all sides of these platforms, so they are very conspicuous in the dark hell.

Among them, every four platforms will be automatically combined into a shape, respectively, there are several types of long, normal Z, reverse Z, mouth, normal J and reverse J.

After the automatic combination is completed, these squares will automatically fall from the top, and then slowly fall to the bottom layer, and the shape can be changed in the middle.

Each time a floor is paved, these platforms will automatically spread out and return to the waiting area, where they will automatically be combined into a new shape, waiting for the landing.

After watching for a long time, the puzzle demon still didn't understand what this thing was doing.

But the other slimes looked extremely excited, and the electricians who were clustered around to control the machines kept shouting: "Change me to play, change me to play!"

"Hell Tetris, thinking about it makes me feel."

"There is no scoring system bad review, no ranking bad review, but it doesn't matter, I will play it instead!"

The puzzle demon looked at these slimes dumbfounded.

If he heard it right, these slimes have had a lot of trouble, and they have played a game for a long time!

"I think you have a problem with your brain? What are you doing with this?"

"Tetris, don't you understand?"

"I don't understand! Why are you doing this?"

The electrician thought for a while, and then said: "To put it simply, we discussed it a few days ago and found that the ancient demons, that is, you still have a lot of potential to tap, but you are really wasting your abilities. Therefore, Master Lu gave me a hidden mission to attract the ancient demons as much as possible."

"In the beginning, I wanted to get a platform and light up some lights, but I unknowingly brought in engineering thinking. The result was that integrated circuits were made and used by the steel torrent to make processing plants."

"After that, I will continue my hidden task, and then discuss and modify it. I don't know when there is a deviation, and finally it is this thing. With so many words, why don't you try?"

"Try it, what's so fun about this thing. Don't pull me, okay, I'll try it."

After half an hour.

The electrician frowned and looked at the players who had heard the news.

They severely beat up the puzzle demon who was addicted to the game, because the puzzle demon who didn't think about the puzzle was a waste and couldn't create the materials they wanted.

The puzzle demon who was dragged away desperately wanted to return to the machine, and at the same time shouted: "One game, let me play another game!"

"You haven't finished learning three years and five years, you still want to play games. Go home and do the questions!"

"Why can they play, I have to do the questions!"

"People are people, and you are you! Going back to and seeing this scene, the electrician has no reason to think of the horror of being dominated by the computer when he was a child.

"Forget it, continue to improve, the difficulty system should be added."

The puzzle demon spent three full days on the puzzle and stored a new batch of supplies before he had a chance to escape.

After playing the brand new version of Tetris for a while and successfully reaching a score above 1,000, he suddenly heard a player chanting: "What is that stuff!"

Lifting his head, the puzzle demon found a hole in the dark hell, and a piece of shining parchment floated in from the hole.

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