This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 5 Chapter 23: New demon

"This group of players are all slimes (!

The silent discussion lasted a long time.

Although they have been communicating through sign language, the players just waved their hands out of the shadows with extremely fast hand speed, allowing Lu Fan, who was on the sidelines, to see the feeling of gongs, drums, drums, firecrackers and red flags fluttering.

In the end, they reached an agreement.

Seeing the slimes who were nodding their heads, Lu Fan asked curiously: "The meeting is over?"


"in conclusion?"

"We are going to hang the puzzle demon."

"Why?" Lu Fan asked suspiciously.

"Yes, why?" the puzzle demon on the side also asked in surprise.

However, the player did not explain in detail, but skillfully hung the puzzle demon in the center of the platform, and arranged all the 18 torture instruments.

Looking at the grinning slimes around, the puzzle demon felt that his status was getting lower and lower.

Since when did it start, the ancient demon = the scum that even slimes can't beat?

The puzzle demon who had accepted his fate gave up resistance, and said helplessly: "It's okay to hang me, but can you tell me why?"

"I just think it's more efficient. Electrician, equipment arrangements. Resident doctor, ready to check the equipment. Master painter, stand by."

The electrician skillfully attached the suction cups to the puzzle devil's heart, neck, wrists and ankles.

After the suction cups were set up, the electrician changed a previous machine and connected them with the suction cups, and the physical characteristics of the puzzle demon immediately reflected on this machine.

A few minutes later, after recording the physical signs of the puzzle demon, the electrician made an OK gesture.

As the action began, the light on the platform dimmed.

A curtain unfolded in front of the puzzle demon, and the **** painter was painting on the curtain at a very fast speed, and soon there was a scene of a beautiful girl with blonde hair and a ponytail entangled with a beautiful girl with silver hair.

"Stop, God Painter, let's do the task here, can we not expose our XP system so thoroughly?"

"Cut~" The **** painter spit out dissatisfiedly, and then changed a picture of a half-orc.

A purebred green-skinned half-orc, muscular, burly physique, one punch can beat ten monsters into the kind of sauce.

When the master painter finished the painting, the resident checked the feedback above, and then shook his head: "The signs have not changed."

"So what are you doing?" the puzzle demon asked suspiciously.

"You shut up, our actions have nothing to do with you."

"Looking at me, looking at me being hung, do you think this is still a devil?"

The players ignored the protest of the puzzle demon, but continued to experiment.

The **** painter constantly changed his style, adjusted the image on the screen, and tried hundreds of times. Finally, after drawing a picture, the machine in front of him screamed loudly.

Looking at the signs on the machine, the resident nodded in satisfaction: "This is the adjustment. So you like this bite."

"…I do not know what you're talking about."

The puzzle demon wanted to look away, but the two slimes forcibly held his head, opened his eyelids, and forced him to look at the things on the screen.

The resident went on to say: "Master painter, draw the tentacles a little more hideously, with more teeth and a little bit more mucus, yes, that's it. Get up, all the data is up! The tentacle control is right, hidden. pretty good."

The mystery demon who was publicly executed could no longer bear it, and shouted: "Kill me, kill me now! So what are you guys doing? Is it fun to expose my hobby?"

"It's really fun, but we have an important purpose. We want to attract more ancient demons, then we need to find what the ancient demons like. But the ancient demons around us are just you, so use your characteristics first. Derivation, find out what you like, then it will be much more convenient to derive the commonality. Everyone, start to work, and publish the XP system of the puzzle demon as soon as possible."

"Kill me! Please, kill me! I have lived for tens of thousands of years. This is the day I most want to die."

The bloodless and tearless slimes completely ignored the wailing of the puzzle demon.

They assembled a piece of the platform, installed light **** of different colors, and arranged a huge tentacles in this dark hell.

The tentacles are created in 3D, up to a kilometer high, each position strives to be realistic, and a gap is left in the middle, so as not to trigger the wind of nothingness.

After finishing the tentacles in three days, the tears of the puzzle demon were almost dry.

"Do you know what you did? You have erected a huge wretched statue in this world! You are simply scum among demons, scum among slimes, and rascals who should be sent to the crematorium."

"Don't praise us so much, we will be shy? (????ω????)?."

"I'm not complimenting you! And, do you think it will be useful to do this! The ancient demons will not be attracted by this!"

As soon as his voice fell, a cloud of black mist appeared on the platform.

Wearing a dog head mask and wrapped in animal skins, as if a druid demon appeared here, he shouted excitedly: "I see a moving statue here. Are you here for a tentacle party? Can you add it? Am I one? I am skilled and skilled, and I promise to satisfy you. What do you think I do?"

A slime patted the puzzle demon on the shoulder: "Look, isn't this here? Congratulations, your XP is not unique, you are not alone."

"I'd rather be alone to death, bastard! I don't want to know anything like this!"

A few minutes later, the new demon who learned that there was no tentacle party here bowed his head regretfully.

"It's a pity, I thought this time I could make up for the emptiness in my body for thousands of years."

"You emptiness, is it serious?" a player asked curiously.

"Absolutely not serious." The new demon said solemnly.

"It's great, we like to be serious. Tell me about your name and abilities. If you perform well, we don't mind giving you some new tricks."

The players pointed to the creeping plants in the farmland in the distance, and the strong roots churned in the soil, making the new demon's mouth dry immediately.

Licking the corner of his mouth, he said seriously: "I am a demon of life. I can give life to some dead objects for a short time and give them simple wisdom. If I want, I can create a huge Army. Come on, I can do it right away who you want to kill."

Hearing the power of the demon of life, the players' eyes lit up.

Jumping on the shoulders of the demon of life, a player said happily: "It's so boring to fight, I will give you better health, have you heard of fighting workers?"

The puzzle demon suddenly broke free and shouted: "Newcomer, listen to my advice, run! This group of slimes is too dangerous, UU reading, don't let them approach you. They Will unearth the deepest XP you hide, they are the demons among the demons!"

The demon of life glanced at the puzzle demon, then looked at the players: "Is what he said is true?"

"We don't deny, but you listen to our sophistry."

"What's the sophistry, that's good, I'll join you. I can't wait, when will you help me dig it? By the way, can I change positions with that buddy now? How many things did that buddy do to get this? Kind of treatment?"

Looking at the life devil who was getting excited, the players exchanged opinions, and then said: "Let’s work in the factory for three days."

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