This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 5 Chapter 30: Please accept my loyalty

"This group of players are all slimes (!

After returning to life, Raphael hurried home immediately, ready to take care of his wife.

The castle is one of the few places in the blood domain that is considered popular. Compared with other deadly areas, the demons here are still partly angry, and they can occasionally communicate with each other.

Walking on the dilapidated streets, dim lanterns hung in front of the simple shops on both sides, indicating that they were still open.

Although he wanted to go home immediately, Raphael stopped when passing by a small stall.

There was a pile of odds and ends, which appeared to have just been pulled from the corpse of a hapless demon.

Ordinary objects did not attract Raphael's attention. What really caught his attention was a small flower kept in a glass test tube.

Although it is small and looks very immature, this flower has the unique color of life, and it looks so abrupt and so beautiful in this coffin-like world.

Raphael likes flowers very much, because her wife likes them, but unfortunately never had the chance to buy one.

"How much?" he said to the shopkeeper who was wearing the cloak.

"Three thousand magic points."

The price equivalent to his three-month income gave Raphael a pain, and in the end he could only turn around and leave.

He bought some daily necessities for his wife, and he returned home holding these things.

Pushing the door open, he put the things he bought to the door, originally wanting to discuss the future plan with his wife immediately.

For example, they need to pack up a house and use it as a baby room in the future.

They also need to save money and prepare for the children's daily necessities.

There is no special school in the castle, so they may have to hire private teachers and so on.

He walked into the room full of hope, ready to tell his wife all his imagination about the future, but what he saw was Douglas standing in his bedroom.

The pale-faced city lord stood there, admiring his own work.

In front of him, Raphael's wife sat there blankly, with a dozen silver needles inserted in her long golden hair, each of which went deep into the brain.

"You are back, my dear subordinate." Douglas said calmly, "Your wife's hair color is great. This is the most moving work I have ever done. Do you like it?"


"Sorry, I know she is your wife, but I just can't control myself. The desire for blond hair broke my sanity. I apologize to you, but you know, I can't control myself."


"What are you thinking, my dear subordinate. By the way, what's the situation in District 13, have you passed my orders?"

"...Let her go!"

Raphael pulled out the saber around his waist and rushed towards the lord in front of him.

The anger broke through his reason and made him rush towards the city lord in front of him like a moth to a fire.

But when he was about to meet the city lord, he felt a cold in his arm, and the arm holding the sword flew out neatly and fell to the ground.

"I think you need to be calm." Douglas said with a frown. "A female devil is nothing more than our relationship. So let me give you a vacation and give you something to add. Loss, so you can ask the priest to repair your arm, and buy another female demon back by the way. What else do you want?"

"Your death!"

"Unfortunately, this world can't do it."

The angry Raphael continued to rush towards Douglas, but he couldn't see the opponent's movements at all, so he fell heavily to the ground.

Turning his head, he found that his two legs had been cut off, like two broken wooden sticks scattered on the ground.

"You really need to calm down. I took your wife away. She will become one of my collections. Next time you will see her at the prom. I will give you a seven-day holiday. Remember to come back in seven days. I have other jobs."

Douglas's tone was very calm from beginning to end.

Although he turned the other's beloved into a puppet in front of his subordinates, he really felt that this was not a big deal.

After closing the door, he glanced at the puppet next to him, finally showing a smile on his face.

And in the room behind him, there was a man's extremely suppressed cry.

A day later, in Lu Fan's new stronghold.

Looking at the house that was barely built, Lu Fan always felt that nothing was right.

"Strange, shouldn't the house be easy to build? Let one slime do this, let another slime do that, wouldn't it be fine?"

"My lord, with all due respect, you can't build a house this way and that way," the old demon Arthas said respectfully.

"Then what do you think should be?"

"You should ask the slime. By the way, the people below are starting to ask for wages. How do you think we should kill them? Poisoning, asking for foreign aid, or just stealing a knife and attacking at night?"

"Wait a minute! Just because those workers are asking for wages, are you ready to kill them? Please, I don't ask you to build socialism, but at least you can't be worse than capitalism!"

Arthas pondered: "But isn't this common sense? It doesn't matter where you are."

Lu Fan looked at each other and finally understood.

The managers of this horrible place are not as good as the capitalists.

With a long sigh, Lu Fan began to miss the old days.

"Tell them that I will give them money. The currency here is magic, right, I have a lot of this stuff."

After coming here, Lu Fan can also feel the suppression here, making him almost one-tenth of the outside world.

But even if he was suppressed, he was still at the monarch level, and thousands of magic points could still be paid.

Seeing Lu Fan generously paid his wages, Arthas was stunned.

"Are you a priest of the God of the Earth outside?" he couldn't help asking.

"Who are you scolding!"

"Well, I admit that this sentence is a bit awkward, so I'll change my question in a more euphemistic way. How did you live until now without your mind?"

"You are not too euphemistic!"

Just as Lu Fan commanded the former team members and the current workers hoisted Alsace to fight, a horse appeared in this camp.

Raphael, half of his body completely rotten, jumped off the horse and limped to Lu Fan's face.

Looking at Lu Fan in front of him, he calmly asked, "Are you still short of a housekeeper?"

"It's still missing."

"Then do you have any special hobbies?"

"Magic Stone, Yellow Storm Reader, the rest is basically nothing."

"Then, UU reading, compared with Douglas, who is better?"

"Although I haven't met him, I know it's me."

Raphael looked at Lu Fan for a long time, as if looking at some kind of hope.

His eyes were calm, but in the calm, there was fire-like anger.

In the end, he took off his hat and knelt in front of Lu Fan.

Holding the small flower in the bottle tightly on his chest, he respectfully said: "Please accept my loyalty, great Master Lu."

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