This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 5 Chapter 32: The arrival of the players

"Douglas is destroyed."


   In a conference room with thirteen tables, twelve jailers are sitting here, listening to the statement of the jailer headed by them.


   His voice is very steady, but also very magnetic.


   He was wearing a dark black evening dress, and the edges of his sleeves were stitched with gold threads, adding some novel elements to his solemnity.


   Looking around, he looked at the only empty chair, frowned and asked, "Is the mysterious lady absent again?"


   "She recently walked very close to a guy named Zelatan." A half-dog said with his tongue out, "I don't know what they are plotting, but it doesn't feel like a good thing."


"Zelatan? Oh, I remember, the first generation demon king, a quasi-god, but it has nothing to do with us, we only need to obey the will of the blood demon god. Even the demon **** will be strongly suppressed here, only Those of us who have been selected can move freely."


   "But I still think I should be more cautious." Another jailer covered in black robes said, "The **** devil's sleep cannot be disturbed. I suggest launching an investigation on the mysterious lady."


   "Yes, this matter is left to you. Then we continue to discuss Douglas's matter. It is said that the demon who destroyed him is a guy who is very popular in the outside world, called Lord Lu, who has the impression of you?"


"Me!" A petite half-cat stood up angrily. "He came to the **** area under my jurisdiction and created order here without authorization. I thought I had given him enough warning, but he didn't expect him to be. Entered the sacred blood domain, and even destroyed a city lord. I suggest that he be broken into pieces, and then his brain is preserved, so that he can enjoy endless torture."


   "That's right, then discuss how to defeat this demon who doesn't understand the rules of the blood domain."


"Why is it so troublesome!" A tall and mighty tauren smashed the table fiercely, clenched the giant axe in his hand, and sprayed a jet of air from his nose. "It's just a little demon, I will go now. Smash him into meat sauce! Alani, don't worry, I'll be back later, please wash it up and wait for me on the bed!"


   Half-cat Alani looked at the tauren blankly: "Is there any relationship between these two things? I don't think our relationship allows us to have a relationship outside of work."


   "Then it will be fine at work, I don't mind!"


   "I mind! Don't decide without authorization, hey, did you hear that!"


   The tauren could not wait to smash the window, jumped down from a ten-story place, and then rushed towards Douglas' castle.


   A few minutes later, a secret agent came here and gave a secret letter to the first seat.


   After reading this secret letter, the first seat sighed helplessly, and then said to Alani: "You don't have to worry about tonight's affairs, and we are going to add a new topic. We have to choose a new jailer."


   The demons present shuddered.


   Although the tauren has no brain, the area of ​​the cavernous body underneath is larger than the brain, but the strength of the jailer is also one of the best.


   Such a strong man was actually destroyed within a few minutes, and the opponent's strength may be more terrifying than they thought.


   This incident will have a vital impact on the authority of the jailers, and a little carelessness may cause the previous order to collapse.


   "Otherwise, shall we awaken the Blood Demon God?" a jailer whispered.


   "No, the Blood Demon God is our last hole card, and it cannot be used when it is not a last resort." The first seat thought for a moment, and finally shook his head.


When all the jailers were at a loss, another jailer suggested in a low voice: "I know a group of guys. They have average strength, but their special abilities are very interesting, and there is a lot of bad water in their minds. Maybe they can be used to deal with that Lu. grown ups."


   "Who?" Alani asked suspiciously.


"The devil who just came here through the Void Wind not long ago. I declare in advance that you must be careful when you come into contact with them. They are very weird. Also, don't say that you are a jailer, do you understand? One thing, Alani, I want to say sorry to you first."


   "Hmm, why?"


   "You know when you see them."


   In the jailers' doubtful eyes, the jailer invited foreign aid in.

   Seeing a few chubby things jumping in, a jailer laughed directly.


   "Hahahaha, don't tell me, your so-called foreign aid is this group of slimes. This is the funniest joke I have heard in thousands of years."


   A slime looked at the jailer who was leaning forward with a smile, and said blankly, "Meng Da Da."




   "Give a brand."


   "Wood problem!"


   After the brand was blessed, this slime's psionic weapon was activated.


   In an instant, everything in the room turned into sharp sword aura. Before the laughing jailer could react, he was swept by the boundless sword aura, and only one head fell on the chair.


   "Bah, scum."


  The slime next to him jumped onto the table, looked around all the demons, and finally locked the target on the first seat.


"Introduce myself. I'm taking off my clothes. I am the captain of this team. Our goal is to find Lord Lu who may be living here and find all the jailer hanging beacons. The man said before that you are the anti-jailer revolutionary army. ,Is it real?"


   A group of jailers looked at their colleagues with only one head left, and then began to nod frantically.


   "That's good, please help us clean up a house, we are about to start planning. Altoria, Altoria, what are you doing?"


   I saw Altoria lying on Aranie’s body, sucking on each other’s hair drunkly, looking no different from a drug addict.


   The sucked Alani trembled all over, the tail and the hair on the back stood up involuntarily, but due to the other's lust, she didn't dare to move.


   "I just took a mouthful. It's been a long time since I took a cat." Altoria said intoxicated.


   "Don't you like half-cat people?"


   "You can feel refreshed just by living together."


   "Okay, let you cool down in the evening. Let's go to the meeting now. First seat, what's your answer?"


   The first seater stared blankly and took off his clothes.


   He felt that his authority had encountered a serious challenge.


   But recalling the infinite sword aura before, he determined that the opponent was a seventh-level sword master, and he might even have reached the edge of a breakthrough.


   Coupled with the fact that the opponent still has psionic weapons, then this kind of slime is enough to end up with itself in a frontal battle.


   Therefore, he can only lower his head and whisper: "Just do as you tell me."


   "Very good, thanks a lot."


After the group of slimes left, a jailer whispered: "What to do! Why are you here looking for Master Lu! What to do after they know we are jailers, UU reading they found our enemy What about Master Lu!"


   The first seat pondered for a long time, and finally said helplessly: "There is no way, I can only ask the blood demon god, and his power will bless us through this crisis."


   "Then can he save me!" Alani cried and said, "That slime will definitely come to me tonight!"


   The jailers looked at the tearful Alani, and silently turned their faces away.


   Ask for your blessings.


   and the slimes jumped into their room and began to discuss through the q group.


   "Take off your clothes, what's the analysis? Is Lord Lu here?"


   "Yes, I can see that they should have already contacted Master Lu. And they are lying, they are the jailers."


   "Then kill them quickly and tie Master Lu back."


"I also think, but before I came, I asked the Xiandao prophet to give a prophecy. Through this prophecy, we successfully came here. However, the second half of the prophecy is a bit mysterious. It tells us to give Lu from the enemy's standpoint. The adults help, but at the same time they can't be noticed by the other person."


   "This prophetic poem is so weird. Then what should we do?"


   "Well... Observe first and see what Master Lu needs."


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