This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 5 Chapter 46: The accusation of the gods

"My mother has only one."


   "That is your physical mother, but she is also great. Your soul comes from me. Don't worry, I have no malice, can I sit closer?"


   Eva silently weighed the current situation.


   She quickly judged that there was a huge gap in each other's power. If the other party was really malicious, she wouldn't be able to live long.


   Of course, it may also be that the other party has other purposes, such as a certain conspiracy against Lord Lu.


   When Eva's mind was rapidly flowing, the **** demon **** on the opposite side laughed.


   "You are smart and cautious. But you don't need to be so wary of your mother."


   "Can you see through my thoughts?"


"The gods are almost omnipotent. As long as I want to, then I can see through all ideas. Mortal schemes are completely useless in front of the gods, because their ideas are almost transparent in front of the gods. Except for some special people, all humans and demons Ideas, we can all see through."


   "That's it..."


   Eva quickly conceived a plot in her mind, and directly caused the blood demon **** on the opposite side to scream.


   "What are you thinking? How can you do that kind of thing! I don't think this is something a child who is just one month old should think about."


   Eva ignored the screams of the **** demon, and quickly conceived another story that was even more violent.


"No! The devil can't, at least it shouldn't do this kind of thing! Okay, I apologize, I apologize for spying on your thoughts without authorization, can you stop thinking about these things? Seeing my cute child's mind is full This kind of thing, I think it's very wrong."


   Eva nodded in satisfaction.


   She found an effective way to restrain the gods from reading their minds.


   As long as one mind and two purposes, while thinking about the current situation, while conceiving a plot of the yellow storm, then they can retreat.


   However, it is difficult to say whether this method is universal or not. After all, Lu Fan said that some demon gods have a very low lower limit, which may make them more excited.


   After making sure that the Blood Demon God no longer peeped at her thoughts, Eva looked at the Blood Demon God and asked, "Excuse me, what are you doing here?"


   "I think you lack respect for the gods, don't you add my honorific title?"


   "I don't think there is any need to respect the guys who break into houses without sleeping at night."


   "You are the trespasser. This is my temple, my room."


   "This is still Master Lu's study, I think he is more convincing about who belongs here."


"Master Lu counts... well, he is really a person. Just seeing him can make me feel the power of heart palpitations. If there really is a conflict, I am not sure that I will win. Well, probably 30% sure. Right."


   "Do you really think of yourself, do you think it's an absolute point system?"


   After the initial verbal confrontation, Eva was sure that this **** was definitely very jealous of Lu Fan.


   relaxed a little temporarily, she walked to the side of the bookshelf and carefully remembered every detail of the bookshelf, so that she could restore it later.


After that, she took out a pair of gloves from the pocket of the cloak, carefully removed a book she was fancying, and set aside a piece of hair in the book to make sure that there were no other hidden little organs. Walked to a hidden corner and looked at it.


   The Blood Demon God walked behind her curiously, looked through Eva's slender shoulder for a while, and then said dissatisfiedly: "I don't think you should read this kind of book, it's too violent."


"I like."


   "I suggest you read the children's books next to you, which are more suitable for you. Do you like this torture encyclopedia? I think some of the games above are quite fun. Shall we be an iron maiden together?"


   "I prefer real."


   "It's too early for you, then..."


   "Shut up, if you don't want me to call Master Lu."


   The Demon God of the Blood Territory gave Eva a dissatisfied look, but he could only calm down and sit on the table.


   The light of the magic lamp leaked in from the window. The light was not very bright, but it was enough for Eva to read the text in the book clearly.


   She read the book eagerly, completely forgetting that there is a **** in the room.


  The Demon God of the Blood Domain looked at Eva intently, watching the child born from his soul.


   The light shrouded her, the hazy light was between bright and dim, and the blurry colors gave her some divinity.

   She is reading the book intently, her beautiful profile face is even colder and more moving because of her concentration.


   She must be like me in the future.


   While Eva was concentrating on reading, the Demon God of Blood also felt something.


   Letting go of her thinking, she saw the vitality contained in this stronghold, where the power of order was germinating and growing stronger.


   She wants to absorb this power and complete her task, but she can't do it.


   In the eyes of the world, **** means omnipotence.


   But only they themselves know how many layers of shackles they carry.


   He can only draw the power within the range of the jailer's strength, and this area does not belong to the jailer, so even if this power is close at hand, she cannot obtain it.


   But through Eva, He might be able to do it.


   Therefore, He looked at Eva and said softly, "Can you do me a favor, my child."


   "Who are you?" Eva turned a page and asked casually.


"your mother."


   "I don't admit it."


   "Blood Demon God."


   "It doesn't work."


   "Don't you believe that I am the Blood Demon God?"


   Eva closed the book and began to face the blood demon.


   "I believe that you are the **** demon god, and I may also be born from you, but this does not mean that I need to dedicate everything for you."


"Life is equal, and this equality refers to personal independence. I have the right to choose what I want to choose, and I have the right to reject what I want to reject. You can't ask me because my soul or body comes from a certain place. Unconditionally obey the other's orders, this is disrespect for me."


   "And as a god, I don't think you can do it well."


"I know the history of the blood realm, so I know what a selfish **** you are. You have never cared about the survival of the demons below, nor have you sent any oracles. You have no positive effect on the development here. You Only shouting the slogan of order, but never did anything about this slogan, and even let the blood domain become what it is now."


   Facing Eva's accusation, the blood demon **** was silent for a while, and then said with difficulty: "I have a more important task."


"Then change your name, how about calling it the Quest Demon God? Anyway, you just need here to provide you with power, so it doesn't matter what you call it, right? Essentially, you are just a parasite in the blood domain, even if you are A demon lying flat is more dignified than you, at least he didn't squeeze anything from others. Okay, I'm done with what I want to say, what are you going to do next? Do you just kill me because of offense?"


   "I wouldn't do that, I... I just don't know, you would look at me like this."


   "It's just the truth, I always speak like this. Okay, is there anything else?"


   "No more."


   "Then you can go, UU reading doesn't matter if you don't go, just don't disturb me reading."




   Before leaving, the Blood Demon God looked at Eva and asked hesitantly: "Can I come again?"


   "You are free, it depends on you."


   "Thank you."


   sent away the blood demon god, Eva stretched her waist, always feeling a bit wrong.


   Did I say something terrible to a **** just now?


   Accusing a **** face to face seems to be retribution. If you are not sure to kill the other person, it is better to keep a low profile.


   shrugged, and Eva was about to continue reading.


   But this time, the light is on.


   Lu Fan stood at the door blankly, holding three sets of books he bought at the signing ceremony.


   A set of reading, a collection, and a set of exhibits on the shelf.


   Looking at Lu Fan, who was expressionless, Eva thought for a moment, and then asked, "Can I make my dad spank a little lighter?"


   "I will let him be based on his inability to die."


   accused a **** of real retribution.


   This is the conclusion that Eva, whose **** was opened, came to the conclusion after lying on the bed for three days.


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