This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 6 Chapter 2: Brother Jie don't want it

"This group of players are all slimes (!

Since the system he developed was still a preliminary version, and the broadcasting function had not yet been integrated, Lu Fan began to think about how to tell the players about sixty years ago.

But before he could speak, the players had already started to move on their own.

The little master took a bite of the soil, and after tasting it for a while, he said, "Weird, the nutritious taste in the soil doesn't feel right. It seems that the enrichment is missing for 60 years."

The weak chicken man also closed his eyes and meditated for a while, and then said: "The magic element in the air is very violent, and it feels similar to the situation that Alice said sixty years ago."

The disappearing hairline pulled out the ghost system to check the surrounding environment, and then said: "The content of ghost spores in the air is very low, but there are some, but the energy level of ghost spores is probably at the level of 60 years ago."

"In preliminary judgment, we should have come sixty years ago."

"Dog planning, never say a word about the updated version! I hire a deaf and dumb person as a customer service is better than them!"

Lu Fan was speechless for the players who guessed the current environment after just a few glances.

Well, you can always surprise me.

However, looking at the indifferent faces of the players, Lu Fan knew that he was worried a little bit earlier.

As long as this group of players can be cool, it doesn't matter whether you have come sixty years ago or a prehistoric era.

After confirming that they had arrived sixty years ago, the players gathered together, compared the current information, and then came to a conclusion that shocked them.

Their equipment is gone!

Extraordinary 4+1 lay directly on the ground.

Cleared again.

However, some players touched themselves in public and shouted, "I still have equipment."


The editor holds his own artifact, [Infinite Box].

Ou Huang held up his own artifact, [Doom Matchlock].

Seeing the artifact held by the Emperor Ou, Extraordinary 4+1 curiously leaned over: "You haven't returned this thing to Captain Duran?"

"Pay it back, but he gave it to me again."

The Emperor Ou subconsciously replied, but looked at Extraordinary 4+1 again, and then jumped to the other side.

"Brother Pure Love, I will show you my baby."

"I prefer to show you my baby." Brother Chunai gave a wicked smile, and she made a very wretched expression on her round and cute face.

"What baby can you have?" Qingmei said helplessly.

Seeing the frustration of FanFan 4+1, he took off his clothes and leaned forward and said: "The revolution has not yet succeeded. Comrades need to work hard."

"Where are there comrades!" another slime shouted excitedly.

Seeing the players who were in a mess in a short while, Lu Fan felt that it was necessary to unify the players.

But before he could speak, the professor stood up.

After confirming that this place was sixty years later, he dangled a branch on the ground and began to calculate, and by the way, he violently beat a slime that had destroyed his draft, fully demonstrating the philosopher's martial virtues.

At this moment, he had already finished the calculations, and before Lu Fan could speak, he shouted: "Balds, listen to me."

"Who are you scolding!" roared the disappearing hairline.

"You get out of here! Is there a place for you to speak now! And shouldn't you scold me!"

"Your computer is so broken, blame me!"

The players looked at the irritable professor curiously, and then asked suspiciously: "There is a contradiction between the professor and the disappearing hairline?"

"Well, the professor commissioned the disappearing hairline to write a program, but that program was too CPU-intensive, and the result was that the professor's computer crashed and the hard disk burned. The data recovery alone cost tens of thousands of dollars. Other losses are estimated. Millions."

"That really deserves to be scolded. Wait a minute, what computer costs millions?"

"I don't know, but the professor said it was an experimental computer configured by the school. I guess it's almost the same."

"So what does the professor do?"

The professor and the disappearing hairline stared at each other fiercely, then snorted coldly after a while and ignored each other.

He cleared his throat habitually, and the professor continued: "I have inferred the current situation. Based on the information currently available, we came to sixty years ago."

"Can you say something that you don't know?"

The professor looked at each other coldly, and then continued: "Time essentially represents a state of material progress. So strictly speaking, we can't be regarded as going back to the past, but we are fed back here through a feedback system. Through my calculations, I can probably draw a conclusion that we cannot change the future we have already observed."

"Meow?" A group of players began to trap.

"For example, sixty years later, we encountered the shame of a succubus named Ai Li, then no matter what we do now, we cannot change this future. This future is doomed, and we cannot change it. Even if we go to kill everyone in the Alsace family now, it will not change the appearance of Ari and know this future with us."

"Meow meow meow?"

"But the interesting thing is that the future that has not been observed by us can be changed. However, if the world is regarded as a system, the system will automatically digest our actions, causing unobserved things in the future to be in a kind of probability cloud. State. We can only increase the probability of a certain kind of future appearance, but we cannot completely determine this. In other words, anything can happen when the wave function is converged, and we can only increase the occurrence of a certain situation Probability."

"Professor, we were wrong. Let's take in magical powers. Let's say something we can understand."

Looking at the players who don't know anything, the professor called for a gold medal plan.

"Planning, you translate for me."

The ability of gold medal planning allows everyone to understand what he means.

After being taught by the professor for several hours, the gold medal planner finally understood a general idea.

Jumping onto a raised stone brick, he shouted loudly: "Undecided, quantum mechanics! Unexplainable, travel through time and space! I don't understand anything, I don't know anything! If you don't understand, go to the street light! "

The players suddenly burst into tears.

"Succinct and concise, I get it!"

"Master, I understand!"

"What a word of wisdom, I feel as if there is a clear spring flowing through my heart, giving me a new understanding of this world."

Seeing a group of players who understood, Lu Fan felt that he should go fishing.

However, some players are still a bit confused.

He took off his clothes and found the professor in private, and then asked, "It's a bit strange, why are we here sixty years ago, but our memory is still the memory of reality?"

The professor looked at taking off his clothes, and then smiled meaningfully: "You know it well."

"Professor, do you guys who engage in philosophy like to play philosophical stems?"

"Call me Brother Jie."

"Brother Jie, don't do it. Okay, it's over, let's explain."

The professor drew two lines on the ground.

"One of these two lines is ours, and the other is in the game. Do you understand?"

"Well, that's the case. As you said, time doesn't exist, we just jumped from one step to another. Here we have jumped from the past to the present, but in reality we are still walking on the original trajectory, so There is no problem with our memory."

"I admire you more and more. Be my graduate student."

"Sorry, I also have the title of PhD."

"You can take another test!"

"...Jie brother, don't do it."

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