This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 6 Chapter 5: The world 15 years later

"This group of players are all slimes (!

"So, why do you have to line up for the resurrection now? Has the game's server finally rotted?"

The players who finally ranked in the game said to the players next to them dissatisfied.

"It seems that this major version of the update has produced many bugs, and in order to solve this bug, the programmers have created more bugs. Due to the impact of the bugs, the resurrection will slow down, and some players' special abilities cannot be used, etc. ."

"Does this game really want to make money?"

"Ask the game planner."

"If they dare to disclose the address, I'm afraid they can make a fortune just by receiving the blade."

"I don't need anyone else, I'll be enough."

Since the player is now resurrected, Lu Fan's magic support is needed to regenerate the slime body.

It takes a lot of magic power to make matter come from nothing. Although the energy required under the magical world view is not as terrifying as the mass-energy equation, it is also a huge amount.

In order to prevent his magic power from consuming too quickly, Lu Fan had to add a queuing mechanism. After resurrection, he needed to queue up. After Lu Fan's reserve magic power reached 50% of the upper limit, he would use his excess magic power to resurrect.

Although judging from the player's current strength, it is no longer a role that a few imps can bring down when they first came here.

However, not being able to die, it still reduced their interest and the urge to take risks.

The most direct result is that they are huddled in the ruins of the dungeon. Every day they move bricks, and they don't want to do anything.

Finally, after being tired from moving bricks, a player jumped up decisively and shouted angrily: "I can't stand it anymore, I'm going to die!"

"Me too, I can't die freely even if I play a game. What's the use of this freedom?"

"Master Lu, please, fulfill us! We, we just want to die as much as we want!"

Lu Fan, who was co-programming with the disappearing hairline, stopped.

He snapped his fingers, took off his clothes and jumped out immediately: "I'm here."

"Education, don't kill it."


Seeing that they took off their clothes, the players immediately fled in all directions, but there were still a lot of them hiding behind the ruins of rocks, sticking out their heads like mushrooms after the rain, and whispered: "We are going to die~ we are going to die~ "

"These players are really sick." Lu Fan sat down helplessly and continued to program in the interface opened on the coordinates.

"Don't let them be too idle, or problems will occur." Take off their clothes and jump back to Lu Fan's side, "like that guy."

Looking at the position where he took off his clothes, Lu Fan found that the little policewoman was lying on the ground, and no one responded.

"what happened?"

"She has a brain syndrome, and everyone wants to chop it now."

"Then why is it so quiet now?"

"I told her that as long as she calms down, I will take her to the movies this weekend."

Lu Fan glanced and took off his clothes: "Thanks for your hard work."

"For the sake of territoriality, I can only feel wronged. But the current situation is indeed a bit unfavorable. We don't have a nearby map for the time being, there are no monsters around, the distribution of resources is unknown, and even cards cannot be played, so everyone is now very decadent. "

"It's a problem, this group of slimes is not good if they have problems. Well, just so, let them study this."

The black box of unknown future was handed off to take off his clothes. The other party jumped around the black box a few times in doubt, and then asked, "What is this?"

"I don't know, it should be the last thing Golding gave me. The things that can jump here together should also be artifact-level things. But I don't have time to study for the time being, so I leave it to you."

"Well, at least let them do something."

After learning that there was a new toy in their hands after taking off their clothes, all the players gathered, stood on top of each other, and watched this thing curiously.

"What is this?" a player asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, how to play ashamed?"

"I suspect that you are ashamed of seeing everything."

"There seems to be a scale on it, it looks like the scale is full. Does this mean it can be activated?"

"It looks like you can let in at most three slimes, otherwise, let's let three players in first?"

"Will it be dangerous? For example, it looks like a black box, but it's actually a hair dryer. It's trisomy after entering it."

A group of players looked at each other, no one wanted to go in.

Just kidding, now you have to line up to return to the game when you die. Who likes to line up?

In the end, three players were forced into it.

"I said, why are the three of us? If you don't persecute us one day, you are uncomfortable, right?" the angry bird roared angrily.

"Brother Bird, it's not that we are not righteous, but the special skills of many players are currently not available. The three of you are one of the few that can still be used. You can try it."

The Angry Birds, African Chieftain and Extraordinary 4+1 were stuffed into the black box, and other players quickly covered the box.

In order to prevent them from running out, more than a dozen players stacked blocks on top of the black box and pressed their coffin board firmly.

After a few minutes, the box trembled.

Before the player above escaped, the entire box disappeared quickly, causing the player above to instantly fall to the ground, like a mochi rolling all over the floor.

"Pain, what's the matter, the box disappeared?"

"It seems yes, go to QQ and contact them. Bird brother, where are you?"

"I still want to ask where you are! Why are you all gone as soon as we come out?"

"you sure?"

"OK. It's cold here, there is snow and ice all around, there is nothing but us three. Where have you been?"

In order to prove his words, Angry Birds opened the live broadcast, so that all players can see the current situation.

Seeing the live video broadcast by the Angry Birds, the players found that the place where the opponent was was covered with white snow, and indeed they did not see the shadows of other players.

They seemed to have crossed into another world, completely isolated from here.

After hearing the sound, the missing hairline also logged in to QQ, and while programming, he said: "Angry Birds, you turn on the ghost system, turn on the controller mode, there is a connection to the ghost cloud in UU Reading www.uukā Yes, that’s it. Press F5 on the virtual keyboard. Don’t press F and then 5 at the same time! God gave you your brain to **** me off!"

After finally waiting for Angry Birds to turn on the controller mode, the disappearing hairline looked at the current time, and then nodded and said, "The ghost cloud has the function of recording time, so you can see the time on your side. Well, You are now fifteen years later. Not fifteen years now, but fifteen years after sixty years. Can you come back?"

"Um... bad news, and no good news."

"What is it?"

"out of battery."

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