This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 6 Chapter 19: Really amazing

"This group of players are all slimes (!

The young man was tasting the wine in silence.

At this moment, his body was entangled in the blood-red mist, and he looked more like a demon king than Lu Fan.

Walking to Arthur who was hung up, he pinched a wound and squeezed the blood out of the wound and dripped it into his glass.

Intoxicated tasting the wine mixed with blood, he said intoxicated: "What a wonderful taste."

"What are you doing!" Captain Cavaliers roared angrily, "Do you know what you are doing?"

"Of course I know, punishing my fiancée who made a mistake."

"It's obviously you who made the mistake!"

"I don't think so, Arthur, what do you think?"

The hung Arthur raised his head and looked at the youth coldly.

Although she was hung up, her gaze was still firm, and the strong will contained in it was still the young man shaking involuntarily.

Shaking his head, he said the fear was thrown out, and then hooked.

Afterwards, a knight who was held down was thrust into the back by his companion with a sword, and then stirred, directly destroying the heart.

A mist flew out from the pocket watch on the youth's chest, sank into the other's chest, and turned into a squirming black heart, replacing the original heart.

The great knight whose heart was replaced began to tremble.

His spiritual energy was quickly contaminated, and two tears of blood rolled from his eye sockets.

"What's wrong with me? I feel... something is wrong."

"Your heart has been sacrificed, and you are now my most loyal subordinate. Come here, kneel down, and thrust a sword at this humble woman to show your loyalty."

"I can't, I shouldn't. Why, why don't my hands obey my orders, why!"

The great knight stood up like a puppet, swayed towards the hanging Arthur, and then stabbed in forcefully.

Blood emerged instantly.

The young man looked at the knight who was struggling in pain, but under the control of the gods who stabbed Arthur, then smiled and looked at Arthur and asked, "Excuse me, whose fault is it?"


"Who is violating his fiancé?"

"it's me."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The youth laughed happily.

While smiling, he personally picked up Arthur's saber and chopped the hearts of the knights on the ground one by one.

Replaced their hearts, he commanded the group of soldiers to stand up, and then said to the hanging wide-eyed Arthur: "Look, they are my most faithful subordinates. Their strength has been sacrificed. It will grow exponentially, and will only obey my orders. With the blessing of my warrior skills, the military god, the hero who slays the dragon is me, and it can only be me!"

"Appreciate all this, my lovely fiancée. Ah, yes, let me tell you one more thing. You should have been on the list. My uncle replaced you with my name. Also. , Your father knew about it, and he acquiesced, because he felt that you don’t need so much honor. It’s so pitiful, it seems that your family doesn’t like you like this."

"Understand your positioning, you are just a plaything. When I return from slaying the dragon, I don't mind sharing my glory with you. Hahahaha!"

Arthur watched his fiancé go away blankly.

She felt that she should cry, but she felt a blank in her heart.

She has always been proud of her family, but her family doesn't seem to think so.

Looking at the distance blankly, she felt that she should die.

Existence without meaning can only die.

The collapse of faith caused her psychic energy to disappear, losing the support of psychic energy, and her body began to bleed a lot, slowly walking towards death.

The scene of her life emerged in front of her, it seemed that life was making the final struggle, telling her the beauty of life, so that she could rekindle the will of life.

However, the support in her heart has been broken, and the pillar of her heart has disappeared.

With a wry smile, remembering the past, the light in her eyes gradually dimmed until she saw the last sight.

That is a Kate.

The wonderful thing is that this Kate can move, jump, act like a baby in front of her, and meow while rubbing her legs.

Looking at the fantasy Kate, she slowly smiled.

Psionic energy began to recover.

She has found a new pillar.

after an hour.

The Moon Shadow Dragon who rearranged itself came to the cave of the red young dragon and knocked gently on the door: "Can I come in, dear red young dragon."

"I said it can't be useful!"

"That's okay, the red young dragon, I'm coming in."

Stepping into the other party's cave, she found that the other party was still cowering in the corner.

"Don't be so nervous. Although the slime outside is terrible, I will protect you!"

"I am not afraid of them, I am afraid of you!"

"You duplicity, so cute."

"Can you understand the dragon language!"

"It doesn't matter, I will be very gentle. I didn't live for three thousand years in vain, let you **** three thousand years of savings."

"But I'm a male!" the red young dragon couldn't help but shouted.

"It's okay, I knew it a long time ago."


"Because I am a mother."

"Eh eh? Then why do you always say that I am your fiancee? I thought you didn't know!"

"Life always needs a little bit of fun, doesn't it."

Before the red young dragon could react, the Moon Shadow Dragon had already pushed the red young dragon into a pile of jewels.

Pounced gently, the Moon Shadow Dragon was about to do something inappropriate, and several kobolds rushed in and shouted anxiously: "My lord, it's not good, run away!"

The Moon Shadow Dragon stood up dissatisfied: "It's the group of slimes again? Forget it, let my rebels go."

"Your subordinates are all dead, only us kobolds! Your lord, hoo!"

These kobolds flew into the distance as if hit by some behemoth.

More than a dozen knights appeared at the door, blood-red psychic energy wrapped around them, exuding the peak power of the great knight.

"These knights have a problem, they actually have the power of a **** in them. Is it a divine tool?"

Gently sweeping the head of the young red dragon, she said to the young red dragon: "Wait a minute, I will come back after killing all these humans. Do you like steamed or braised?"

"I like you to come back safely."

The Moon Shadow Dragon looked at the red young dragon with interest, his tail dexterously swept across the opponent's chin: "Tempted?"

The young red dragon immediately lowered his head stiffly explained: "No, but we are all dragons, so..."

"No need to explain, I will return safely."

A few seconds later, the slimes below who were preparing for the official Dragon Raiders battle saw a wonderful scene.

The dragon is flying in the sky, and sixty knights are flying in the air. The blood-colored psychic energy is intertwined with the flames ejected by the dragon, as if the sky is burning.

"This cg is really amazing." Amidst the fierce roar, a slime gnawed the soil and exclaimed sincerely.

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