This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 6 Chapter 26: good night

"This group of players are all slimes (!

"Ghs? Lord Devil, do you have any misunderstandings about my way of education? I'm teaching the most basic part of dragon language magic, the dragon-changing technique."

After knowing that Lu Fan was the Demon King, the Moon Shadow Dragon quickly chose to submit.

The demon king is the biggest thigh in hell, and he has seven demigods in his hands, and he is attached to the opponent's command without losing.

Especially after seeing the part-time job contract provided by Lu Fan, she further strengthened her idea of ​​following the other party.

Finding that Lu Fan is still a little at a loss, the plump legs of the Moon Shadow Dragon changed their posture, and then explained in detail: "The magic of the dragon is different from the magic of the human world and hell. All our magic must be performed in the form of the dragon. If you don’t learn how to become a dragon, then all magic will be impossible to release."

"So that's it." Lu Fan nodded, "In other words, you don't have ghs."

"Of course not. Chasing the dragon requires a sufficient understanding of all the characteristics of the dragon. Learners need to know the psychology of the dragon, simulate the behavior of the dragon, and master the function of every structure of the dragon's body, so as to fully perform this spell. Because of the chasing dragon Spell is the basis of all dragon language magic, so your subordinates' behavior may be a little strange in the future."

"For example?"

"I like flying very much, have a high desire for treasure, and may have estrus with different races, etc. In short, it will be very strange."

As the Moon Shadow Dragon explained, a group of players riding hoverboards passed by the window and shouted to Lu Fan, "Master Lu, this thing is so cool to fly. Flying is so fun."

"We are going to looting the kid's lair nearby. I can't wait to vacate their house. By the way, grab a handsome kid to be the wife of the village."

"Walk on, let'sgo!"

Watching these players leave, Lu Fan glanced at the dumbfounded Moon Shadow Dragon.

"It doesn't seem to make a difference either."

"It's fine for them to be happy."

Saying goodbye to the Moon Shadow Dragon who was going to continue the next lesson, Lu Fan continued to review his stronghold.

Because it is known from the future that there is no Devil City here, the boss should not change the experience of the players in the dark **** and come up with a brand new construction method.

That is the modular construction method.

Each room is a separate room, and anti-gravity runes are engraved on the bottom of the room to ensure that these rooms can float freely.

The six faces of each room are inscribed with gravity runes, which allows these rooms to be flexibly spliced ​​together, and can also be automatically switched as needed.

In addition to not changing the boss, players such as electricians and steel torrents also participated in this construction.

They were full of praise for the boss's idea not to change, and then put forward their own ideas.

"Why don't we put each room into a formation? Arrange a variety of magic circles in a separate room, and at the same time, when combined together, there are more functions that can be expanded."

"Interesting idea, but in this case, we need to develop all the unit modules of a room first, and set aside the expansion interface afterwards."

"It's okay. The single module is built first, then the construction speed will be very fast. Then, let's experiment with Master Lu's bedroom. I will plant a bomb below. No, it is the battery." Steel Torrent was excited. Said.

"No." Lu Fan, who was in the audience, said coldly.

"Don't worry, Master Lu, I will control the weight, and I won't blow you up."

Lu Fan looked at the steel torrent.

The iron torrent also looked at Lu Fan.

After reading the clear refusal in Lu Fan's eyes, Iron Torrent thought for a while, and then came over: "Master Lu, just pretend to be one? Wang~"

A new street light was erected.

After being hung until now, he took off his clothes and looked at the steel torrent of the new neighbor next to him, and felt that more and more players would be hung up in the future.

Using the iron torrent to give this group of players a warning, Lu Fan continued to inspect.

He felt that this inspection was really necessary, and at least one safety hazard was eliminated by himself.

In the temporarily built coolie camp, he saw the huskies working here and the red young dragons who were in charge of commanding them.

The red young dragon still maintains its human form.

At this time, he was wearing a skirt with pink as the base and white as embellishment, his hair was tied into double ponytails, and the stick used for command was replaced with a colorful magic wand.

Seeing Lu Fan walking by, the young red dragon immediately brandished his magic wand and exclaimed excitedly, "Master Devil, are you here to inspect?"

"Well, you seem to be used to this outfit."

Only then did the young red dragon react, and his appearance seemed a bit shameful.

Embarrassingly covering his skirt, he said straightforwardly: "The Moon Shadow Dragon strongly asked me to do this. Forget it, let's not talk about it, do you have any new instructions?"

"What are you doing now?"

"Transportation. The hands of kobolds are not suitable for heavy work, but their strength is not bad, so they are responsible for transporting materials such as trees and rough stones here."

"Will there be too much work?"

"No! Lord Devil is our savior, and for providing us with such a generous agreement, we are already very grateful to you. I am honored to be able to contribute to your hegemony."

Looking at the red young dragon with admiration on his face, Lu Fan felt very relieved.

But when I think about it carefully, I don't feel so pleased again.

After all, the most normal of his subordinates is actually a lady's wife, no matter how you think about it, it is not a thing to be thankful for.

After saying goodbye to Zhengtai, Lu Fan continued to inspect.

He saw stars Mengxin training the captured imps, magician players collecting the dragon body of the moon shadow dragon, and farmer players carefully collecting seeds in the woods.

Blocks of magic stones are excited, and the energy contained in them turns into the driving force for the operation of various magic circles, allowing the rapid development of this place.

Everything in the past was not in vain. They integrated their previous experience, eliminated previous mistakes, and combined the magic of this world with the technology of the original world to produce a new theory.

Lu Fan felt that it should be called the Magic Industry Theory.

Back in his bedroom, Lu Fan wanted to read the books sent by the God of Yellow Storm Books, but he felt a familiar feeling again.

Putting down the book, he looked into the distance, his eyes seemed to penetrate the boundary between the human world and hell, and he came to the distant human world.

"Is that you?"

Afterwards, Lu Fan saw the figure of King Roland appearing next to him and shouted: "Go and see her, go and see her!"

"You are really annoying! I will beat you until no one recognizes you next time I meet!"

At the same time, at the headquarters of Roland Church, a young girl woke up from her sleep.

Covering her severely painful head, she crawled out of the bed in the dark, did not disturb her roommate, but took out her diary from under the pillow.

With the help of the moonlight falling from the window, she unfolded the diary, unscrewed the ink bottle, and moistened some ink with a quill, and then wrote on the diary.

"Dreaming again, I dreamed of the demon again. He has extremely powerful power, but the amazing thing is that I didn't feel the evil aura in him."

"Mima always tells me that this is an illusion, but I don't think it is like it. Recently, dreams have become clearer and more frequent. The things I dream about will inevitably happen, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t avoid it. ."

"If something I dreamed of must happen, then my previous dream would be a bit scary. I used to dream that I inserted my saber into his chest, and what did he say to me, does it mean , He is my old enemy, and we are bound to fight? What is a joke, how can such a terrible existence be defeated by me."

At this time, the girl heard a moan.

Putting down the pen, she hurriedly came to her roommate, dipped some water in the basin next to the bed with a towel, and then carefully wiped the hot forehead for the other party.

The cold feeling made her room friendly.

Holding the opponent's hand, the girl invoked her own psychic energy and began to relieve the pain of the opponent.

The roommate with fever barely raised his head and looked at the girl in gratitude, but still said in a hoarse voice: "Don't come close to me, and don't treat me. You will participate in the appraisal of the apprentice paladin knight tomorrow, there is no need to waste my energy can."

"If I can't even protect the people around me, then what's the point of becoming a knight of the sacred order. Rest assured, I have no problem."

"Thank you, you are really the kindest person I have ever met, An Jie'er."

"You're welcome." The girl gave a refreshing smile.

After her roommate was asleep, Anjieer yawned and felt her headache eased a lot.

Tucked the diary into the cabinet and locked it, she climbed onto the bed and whispered to her roommate, "Good night."

Then she glanced at the simple iron sword beside the bed: "Good night to you, Golding."

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